Showing posts with label panchsiddhanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panchsiddhanta. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Panchsiddhanta: 5 Principles for Analysis of Horoscope

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/15 

The five basic principles in study of horoscope are:

  1. Graha sheela [nature of planets] siddhanta
  2. Karakatva [significators] siddhanta
  3. Nakshatra siddhanta
  4. Vargottama siddhanata
  5. Adhipatya siddhanta

Graha nature is described by

  • Form
  • Temperament
  • Satva rajas tamas guna
  • Direction
  • Age
  • Rays
  • Indications
  • Strength
  • Grains for dana
  • Stones


  • Chara karakatvam [atma ,amatya etc]
  • Sthira karakatvam

Nakshatra siddhanta

  • Janma ,sampat etc
  • 3,5,7 are malefics from janmatara
  • Planet in 8 th will give good only if strong
  • Planet in 9th will give only good

Vargottama siddhanta

  • Shadvarga strength be determined from rasi, hora, drekkana, navamsa dwadasamsa and trimsamsa
  • 60,45,30,15,8,4,2,1,0 are the strengths for ucchadi till neecha planets
  • Planets also give results as per deepta ,swastha, khala, neecha, kopa avasthas

Adhipatya siddhanta

Planets owning different bhavas give different results in the bhavas they are placed, as per the ownership. Planets also take the role of bhavakarakas such as Jupiter is karaka for ninth house, second house etc. Planets give results as per upachaya and apachaya placements. Aspects or association with trika gives annihilation. Kendra kona placements give strength. Malefics in chaturasra destroy, the karakatva, two benefics in kona removes all the blemish.
