Showing posts with label palabha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palabha. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Palabha Prashna Phalaprapti Kaal

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/03

  • A 12 angul Shanku when erected on a plain ground gives a shadow on to the ground due to Sun at various times at a given place. This shadow is known as Shankuchaya
  • The prashna Ascendant [rashi kala vikala] when converted to vikalas gives kalapinda
  • Each planet has a gunaka [multiplier], Sun=5, Moon=21, Mars=14, Mercury=9 Jupiter=8, Venus=3, Saturn=11.
  • Kalapinda when multiplied with chaya be divided by 7 whatever remainder R is obtained. [1 -7 sun -sat] that planets gunak be multiplied by kalapinda and chaya.
  • Kalapinda X chaya / 7 = remainder R
  • = kalapinda X Chaya X [R corresponding gunaka]
  • Z / 7 = remainder if Sun, Mars or Shani then the prashna will have negative result else positive result is obtained.
  • Kalapinda X chaya /71 = remainder K
  • Keep deducting sun 5 moon 21 from this K where deduction is not possible that planets and remains will the number of days months or years time taken to attain the result.

Here chaya is important in knowing both prashna lagna and timings. What is chaya. In olden days Astrologers used to have a stick 12 angul erected in the house, and year long shadow markings for various hours at various months were marked. This is impractical in todays times.

So without erecting shanku [stick ] can we find the chaya. Lets use some mathematics.

Chayakarna² = chaya ² + Shanku ²

This principle can be found in grahalaghav, sarvanandkaran, makarand etc treatises of Astrology.

Vishuvat is sayan mesha sankranti and Sayan tula sankranti normally falls on 21 march and 23 september. On these days at NOON, 12 angul shanku at whatever place gives the shadow, that shadow is known as PALABHA.

At Vishuvat rekha ie akshansha 0° deg at equator shadow will be zero.

As we go northwards or southwards the shadow increases so does Palabha proportional to latitudes. That means if akshansha is known [longitude / latitudes] then palabha can be known. and vice versa.

i.e. If shadow is accurately cast then latitudes and longitudes of the place can be found out.

Palabha ²= {625 -(Akshansha X 10 )} ²

If Palabha is known then chaya can be found out as follows

Y= [charapala / {palabha X 10 }]² X 2 ;

Bhajya= Y+ Y/5 +114 ;

Bhajak = charapala /5 ± 114 ;

Sama= {Natkal +0.30 }² / 2 ;

Palakarna = [Palabha ² /25] + 12 ;

Abhista har ={Bhajak- sama } / Palakarna ;

Chayakarna = Bhaja / Ishta har ;

Chaya ² = chayakarna ² – Shanku ²

This is shadow at the time of prashna


Let there be a question at 10 am Delhi when ascendant was 4. 22° .46′.

kalatmakpinda = 4X 30 =120 +22 =144° X 60 =8640 +46 = 8686 

Let chaya be 9.13

kalapinda X chaya = 8686 X 9.13 = 80055.58

80056/7 = remainder 4 [ Mercury ] gunak =9

8686X 9 = 720504

720504/7 remainder =1 [ Sun] thus the result will not be favourable

80056/71 = remainder 36 

36- Surya 5 = 34

34- Moon 21 = 13

13- Mars 14 [ deduction not possible ] thus thus 13 days trouble are indicated as Sun is not favourable.

If remainder is Sun Mars = days, Venus Moon = fortnight, Jupiter = months, Mercury = 2 months, Saturn = years; as many days months years etc. should be predicted for timing of the event such as travel, return from foreign trip, loss, gain, destruction of enemies, advent of finance etc.

For details one can refer Surysidhdhanta triprashnadhikar.
