Showing posts with label avasthas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label avasthas. Show all posts

Monday 11 April 2022

Planets, its state and effects

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/02

A planet has strength and placement by which its effects can be known. 

  1. If a planet is strong and placed well in exaltation, own house, it is in a state of  awakening, people realize their fruits of success practically and enjoy fame.
  2. If such a planet is ordinarily placed, one will get good effects only in the state of dream. He will not enjoy fame in an awakening state.
  3. If such a planet is debilitated or in enemy house then, when good factors are revolving a man would be sleeping to take advantage of them, success passes by without having enjoyed.
  4. When a planet is exalted in 6, 8, 12 then even if effect exists, the person will not be able to enjoy it. Like full wealth but completely diseased body to enjoy. A prosperous and famous son, who does not visit the parents house, or a beautiful wife not on speaking terms.
  5. However a  weak a planet be, if placed well, gives complete satisfaction of enjoyments (however little or short lived that may be) An ordinary but obedient son, a minister of a small prosperous state. a clerk having sole charge of entire office, etc.

Even for a very successful person, everyday will not be an eventful one, this is because of rotation of planets through various states causing happiness and miseries to the people on the earth.
