Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Kojagir Purnima

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/04

People born on Purnima are learned, handsome, agreeable personalities, and usually a leader among their kinsmen. But as moon happens to be in kendra for the Poornima birth, the wealth and prosperity and intelligence of the individual will not come out to full potential. Only when Moon is in apoklima to sun the individual reaps his destiny to the full is the dictum of classics. 

The same Moon [full moon] if it is vargottama gives rise to a man who is prominent in his profession. If such a full moon vargottama has an aspect of four or more planets gives rise to a unique Rajyoga. The subject rules a vast land with four types of army under his rule.
C RAJAGOPALACHARI had this combination, and even during British rule he was chef minister [akin to] Madras presidency, and then became first GOVERNOR GENERAL of INDIA after the British left, and Dr Rajendra Prasad took over as President of INDIA. The Rajyoga operates irrespective of world scenario.

Ashvayuja Purnima is also known as KOJAGIR Purnima, KUMAR Purnima or Sharad Poornima. Goddess Laxmi manifested on this day. People facing financial problems can be assured of relief from poverty and excessive expenses by praying Goddess Laxmi on this night just by staying awake.

Unmarried girls can get handsome mates on this day praying Kumar Kartikeya. This day the moon is brightest and such a full moon has inspired many a poets in comparing the characters with richness of moon light.

Madhvacharya, Vyasa teertha and Raghavendra Swamy all of them have been  compared with Sharad indu in bestowing beacon light to those who were strayed in darkness of ignorance. Just as the Sharad Purnima moon these great teachers have shown the path to the people on the earth to regain their self and direct their sadhana towards the Moksha.


Note :Chiraan also came into this world on Ashvayuja Purnima!

Pitru Vatsalya - The story of Bhagirath

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/30

If the lagna of father is 10th to that of son, son will have extreme devotion towards his father and ancestors. Similarly, pitru pada and lagna pada are in mutual kendras there will be extreme affection between the son and the father. 

Sanatan dharma [Vedic way of life] stresses extreme importance of the kartavya [duties] towards our Pitru [father and ancestors]. Pitru tarpan and solace to ancestors departed is very essential to the happiness and general well being of the family. However it is quality of followers of dharma that they perform duty out of consciousness of Dharma coupled with love towards Pitrus rather than greed of well being. This is known as Pitru vatsalya.

The story of Sagar putra is good example of this vatsalya as how generations together a dynasty struggled to free its ancestors from sin and curse. This is a great lesson to us that we our actions affect our Pitrus and vice versa. So one must be careful with one’s karma as it affects 7 generations prior to us and seven generation following us. A man can suffer himself but cannot bear to see his children and manes suffering owing to him.

Once there lived a very pious King named SAGAR. He had two wives, one son named ASAMANJAS from one wife and 60000 from other. Asmanjas grew to be very cruel, he threw the children of the city into Sarayu river. The subjects complained to the King and King abandoned Asamanjas. Asamanjas had developed 'vairagya' and wanted to take sanyas and leave the world. But as Sagar was intent on making him King, He acted like cruel, once abandoned he made his real intention clear and brought back all the children from Sarayu river.

Many years later Sagar decided to perform Ashwamedha yagnya. The horse of Aswamedhayagnya was stolen by Indra and tied it near Kapila Muni in patala loka. 60000 sons of Sagar went to search the horse. In their attempt to reach Patal they dug the entire earth. This resulted in lowering of the land and samudra [ocean] surrounding jambu dweep entered the earth and thus we could see formation of SAAGAR [sea]. As samudra gave way to smaller sea [this was due to Sagar sons’] and thus named SAAGAR.

Now as they reached Patala loka, they thought Kapila muni himself has stolen the horse, in ignorance like patanga insects attacking fire flame  attacked Kapila. [Kapila is form of VISHNU] Lord Kapila opened his eyes and all the 60000 were reduced to ashes. [Lord who is capable of bringing pralaya and reducing entire creation to ashes, this act is no surprising].

Asamanjas ‘s son Anshuman went looking for the horse, As he came to Patala, he prayed Lord Kapila and asked his forgivance towards his uncles. Lord blessed Anshuman and gave him the horse, also told him that only Ganga if brought down on earth to Patala, when flows over the ashes of the Sagar sons will ensure them a place in swarga.

Anshuman took the horse and Sagar completed the yagnya. To give solace to his pitrus, Anshuman started a penance to bring the Ganga to the earth. Even before achieving the task, he left the world. His son Dileep also went into forest to bring the Ganga, but died before achieving the task in his life time. [Imagine spending a lifetime in penance and giving life in the pursuit to bring solace to Pitrus].

Dileeps son Bhagirath  too went into forest and after a penance of 1000 years to Bramha asked the Ganga to be brought down to the earth. Ganga expressed her force was too heavy and would split the earth if she falls unchecked and hence would require someone to control and check her flow. Bhagirath went into penance for another 1000 years to Lord Shiva and requested him to take it into his jata. But AS GANGA FELL INTO THE JATA , to teach ganga a lesson and relieve her from ego, Shiva tightened his jata that not a single drop flew out of it. Bhagirath again prayed for many years to request Rudra to release ganga. 

Shiva released a strand and with great flow Ganga fell on Himalayas. Bhagirath the noble minded in order to make many places pure and blessed, took Ganga to trace a long track around earth to Patala. On the way, Ganga's flow disturbed Agastya muni and Sage drank entire ganga. Bhagirath again prayed to the sage and sage brought out the River through his ears. [Thus all Bramhins are said to have sannidhi of ganga in the ear].

Bhagirath brought the Jhanhvi [being daughter of King Jahnu, Ganga is also known as Jahnvi] to Patala to flow over his mane’s ashes, Sagar sons went to swarga.

Ganga had come into existence by the touch of foot of Lord Trivikrama [haripada]. So Ganga is HaripadaUdaka, and thus by the touch of sacred pada of the Lord, it can destroy many sins and purify Sagar’s sons and absolve them of the sins. Here there should not be any doubt then that Pada of Hari himself when resorted to can destroy many a sins and purify us.  Thus shravan manan and kirtan [listening to, meditating on lords’ feet] will definitely give Moksha.


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Jananat Purvam Pitru maran yoga: The story of Parikshit

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/04

Sun in eighth twelfth or sixth, eighth lord with ninth, twelfth lord in lagna and sixth lord in fifth, such a person ‘s father will have died before his birth. 

Duryodhan fell on the ground, he was troubled by dogs and wolves, which were preying on his wounded body. Just then Ashwaththama along with Kritavarma and Kripacharya came near him, looking the plight of Duryodhan Ashwaththama was deeply moved and asked Duryodhan if he can do anything for him. Duryodhan asked Ashwaththama to produce a child through his wife and install him on the throne after killing all the sons of Pandavas. To bind Ashwaththama to is words, he took the dust on the ground on poured it onto Ashwaththama to give him Deeksha to his actions, Ashwaththama accepted.

Just then Ashwaththama saw an owl killing many crows, inspired by this, he decided he can kill single handedly all the remaining people and Pandavas. He went towards the Pandavas camp, there He saw Rudra himself guarding the camp, he fought with Rudra. [Ashwaththama is Rudravatara, how could he fight himself, for this Acharya says this is akin to suicide where a person tries to kill himself].

All the weapons fired by Ashwaththama, Rudra promptly swallowed it. Vexed Ashwaththama performed Manas Yagnya and offered himself in the Yagnya, pleased Rudra let him through the camp and took away Bheemsena’s son from Kalidevi by name Sharvatrat with him to Rudraloka [because Kalidevi’s father Kashi Raja had prayed Rudra that his grandson should be one without death, as Ashwaththama would kill all the Pandava sons, and Krishna wanted Parikshit to assume throne. Rudra took him to heavens with him, Sharvatrat is still surviving son of Bheemasen].

Aswaththama went into camp and Dhrishtadhyumna was sleeping, he kicked him, Dhrishtadhyumna seeing his death near pleaded Ashwaththama to give him time to get hold of his sword so that he can have veermaran, but Ashwaththama said good death is for good people and not for Guruhatya or Brahmaghati, he deserves death like animal. Ashwaththama dragged Dhrishtadhyumna and slit his throat. But before his head could fall off, Dhristadhyumna left the body through Yoga and reached Agni Loka [he was incarnation of Agni].

Ashwaththama then killed his brothers Shikhandi, Yudhamanyu, Uttamataijas, and Janmayjay. Then he killed all the sons of Pandavas. To kill all the remaining people in the camp he torched the camp with fire. All those who came out of the camp in panic were killed by Kripacharya and Kritavarma at the entrance.

Dhristadhyumna’s Sarathi escaped in the night and told Bheemasen. Bheemasen went after Ashwaththama. Ashwaththama ran towards the forest but after he felt running would be of no use, he stooped and used Bramhastra .

Krishna the Lord has already set the order that Bramhastra would never go waste, and at the same time Krishna also never lets Bheemasen to be ever lose battle. So in this situation both could not be possible, so he asked Arjun to counter Bramhastra with another Bramhastra with a sankalpa that let this pacify astra, safeguard guruputra ashwaththama, all the Pandavas and the world in general.

Ashwaththama had sankalpa of Bramhastra that I kill the Pandavas. Nakul and Sahadev had no knowledge of this Astra, leaving Astra on those who are not aware would also harm the one who uses it i.e. Ashwaththama. Thus Arjun made sankalpa that it safeguard Guruputra Ashwaththama also [so kind of Arjun], he safe guareded self brothers, when two Astras collide it brings harm to world also, thus he also made sankalpa to safeguard world.

Yet even after all this care the Astras would have caused more harm to the surrounding, thus Shri Vedvyasa appeared in between the two Astras. Temporarily holding it, Vedavyasa said earlier also there were people who were knowers of Astra, but they never used such irresponsibly, Arjun said I have used in distress, Ashwaththama also said the same. Then Vedvyasa asked to withdraw the Astras. Arjun took back the Astra, but Ashwaththama could not take it back.

Krishna said even being Kshatriya Arjun had conserved Bramhacharya, but Ashwathama though being Bramhachari had lost his Bramhacharya [by giving word of raising son in Duryodhan’s wife]. Thus he failed to take back astra.

Arjun though married was Bramhachari How? [After marriage if one copulates with wife leaving ashtami tithi chatushtaya parvakala remains a Bramhachari].

Vedvyasa asked Ashwaththama to at least change his Sankalpa to safeguard Uttara’s womb. Ashwaththama refused out of anger. Sri Krishna then said I have already made up my mind to get the Pandavas [their sons] rule the earth for 1000 years, so even if your Astra is used I shall get the son in Uttara [Abhimanyu’s wife] womb to survive. Thus Lord cast a protective spell around the womb, this spell was Lord himself protecting the child in the womb. Inside the womb child used to always inspect with curiosity as to who this strange person is who is protecting me. This curious inspection of his led him to be called "PARIKSHIT", one who has been inspected [tried tested] thoroughly. Parikshit was born after the death of his father Abhimanyu, and was installed on the throne of Hastinapur as successor to Yudhisthir after 36 years of Rule By BHEEMASEN [as guided by Krishna] which was akin to RamRajya.

Vedvyasa cursed Ashwatththama to suffer from bad odour of wounds till one thousand years and then return to NARAYANASHRAM resuming the shishyatve of Vedavyasa, and then in the next cycle be born as VYASA to bifurcate VEDAS.


Maranam - Elimination through incantation!

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/29

What a Kshatriya achieves through the power of his arms and weapons, a Bramhin should achieve through the power of his learning and mantrashakti. 

When enemy physically tries to attack, and when there is no other option to save the self, then unwittingly Bramhin resorts to maran.

Saturn in house of mars [weak] aspected by mars and gulika [mars being in the navamsa of cancer or jupiter ] the person is killed by abhichara.

Bring the deepagni or dhoopagni of the enemy and begin the Abhichara. Maran karma should not usually accompany the sacrifice of kravya. With the neem oil dipped feather of crow or owl, homa should be performed by chanting continuously "enam daray, enam shoshay, enam maray", then going to the rear of the kunda, invoke a kritya and chant "yo me ch kantakam duraadduram va chantikeapi ch pibataddyamsruk", within 9 days enemy dies a miserable death.

A yantra with "swaha maray hum amuk hrim phat", if worn in neck on Tuesday kills enemies, if the following mantras "chandalini kamakhya vasini vandurge klim klim thah swaha" has been made siddhi.

If not used on appropriate enemies it kills the one who invokes.

Vishvamitra created a Rakshas [kritya] with his mantra shakti, and sent it to kill only surviving Son of Vashishtha Shaakti Rishi [father of Parashar muni]. Rakshas killed Shakti muni in absence of Vashishtha, when Shakti was in meditation.

When Parashar knew about this through his friends, he started a Vedic homa to remove entire Rakshas clan in the universe. Slowly all the rakshasas fell in the homa kunda one by one and the Homa went on for a year long. When all the Rakshasas were slowly getting extinguished, Rishi Pulastya and pulaha were deeply disturbed by the genocide of their clan. Pulastya went to rishi vashishtha to pacify his grandson.

Sage Vashishtha appeared before Parashar and addressed him thus "Oh grandson, regain your calm and put aside the hatred and anger in you. Hatred and anger does not suit a Bramhin. All the human beings on this earth reap their fruits by the virtue of their previous karma. No one kills the other by his own self will, its the purvajanma karma that kills the person. My son Shakti also died because of his purvajanma karma and not by the Rakshas. Rakshas was just an instrument. So set aside your anger on Rakshas jati and stop this yagnya. May good senses prevail on you and let Shanti [peace be set in into your heart]".

Taking the words of the Grandfather as an order, Parashar stops this yagnya giving relief to the Rishi Pulastya , Pulastya then says "Oh Paraashar, having stopped this yagnya at out behest and through the words of Vashishtha, we are all relieved and we give you a boon that may all the shastras be realized by you easily and may you be the Puran pravakta for the ages to come. Let every purana be your lore, let there be a siddhi to you for all the words of Vedas and Vedanmga, and let Lord be born to you as your Son, and be the light for the world through his wisdom. Let this all be known as the words of Parashar, as a result of which let the shastras be always alight in your heart as Lord dwell in heart as Gnyana, May he be visible to you in your heart".

Happy with the boons, Parashar stopped the yagnya leaving the remaining Rakshas to save their lineage. All these were recollected by Parashar when Maitreya put the question to Parashar about the beginning of Universe.


Thursday, 9 June 2022

Syamantakopakhyaan - A story about Krishna Ganapaty and False Allegation

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/24

When Saturn is in the fourth house in any of the divisional charts one faces allegation in his life. 

Krishna in order to save Yadavs from Jarasandha’s repeated attacks, called Vishwakarma and created a beautiful city of DWARAKA. This city was fully golden with gates doors of each house made of gold. It had 16000 palaces for gopika stree of Lord Krishna. Also it had 11000 crores houses for all Yadavs. The vastu of the city was such that none would ever fall sick or die prematurely.

Note: today world population is itself 6 billion whereas in Dwapara each city itself had the population of 110 billion. This proves the purana statement that distances, men height and living places all change as the yuga changes. In nutshell world shrinks with age. People fight for land food and living. Cultivation has reduced to twice a year, in Dwapar it was 6 times, in Treta it was 9 times and in Krutyuga cultivation was year long. In kruta yuga the mode of exchange was precious stones. In Treta it was Gold and in Dwapara it was silver, in todays era  the bill of exchange are of plastic, paper or coins are copper and iron.

In such Dwaraka lived one by name UGRASEN, he had two sons Satrajit and Prasen. Satrajit undertook ‘ANSHAN VRAT' [fasting unto death] to please Surya [Sun deity] devata. Surya devata, with his bright Gayatri swaroop appeared before him, Deity asked him to seek a boon. Satrajit asked for the dangling Ruby in the deity’s neck and sought as boon. This ruby [Syamantak MANI ] was very lustrous, it had to be worn only by the pious and clean [shuchi] person. It would end the life of the person who is unclean by mind and body. At the same time this Mani would give every day a 8000 kgs of gold .

Wearing the precious stone in his neck, Satrajit came back to the city, as he entered the city everyone thought Sun himself has come to meet KRISHNA. Such was the radiance of Satrajit. Satrajit fearing that Krishna would ask his MANI for himself, he gave it to his brother Prasen. Prasen once wearing the stone went for hunting. On the same day from a different direction even Krishna went for the Hunt.

Prasen was killed by a lion and lion took the Syamnatak mani from him. After a few strolls Lion was killed by a bear [Jambavanta] and he carried the Mani to his cave and tied it to the cradle of the baby.

Seeing Krishna return and no trace of Prasen, Satrajit alleged that Krishna has killed his brother for the want of Syamantak mani. Krishna to get rid of allegation, went into the forest along with all his relatives. They saw the remains of [leftover by lion] Prasen and followed the footmarks of Lion, there they found the footmarks of a bear and killed lion. They followed the footmarks of the bear into a cave, cave was dark and deep. Thus Krishna ordered all his relatives to stay at the entrance and as he was self illuminating personality, he entered the cave all by himself. There after the dark patch, he suddenly saw a bight palace with many dazzling lights. Onto cradle was dangling the Syamantak mani. The lady of the house advised Krishna to take away the mani and go away before jammbavan wakes up. Krishna smiled and blew his conch thus waking up Jambavan. Jambvaan and Krishna had a terrible fight which went onto many days. After seven days when Krishna did not return, relatives at the entrance of the cave assumed Krishna as dead and went back to Dwaraka. There they also performed the last rites.

Here after 21 days of Fight Jambavaan was defeated and fell on the ground exhausted. Jambavaan exclaimed, I belong to the time of Lord SriRAM, no one can defeat me in a straight combat, but since you have defeated me, you must be Sriman Narayana himself. Krishna showed his RaM roopa to Jambavaan, Jambavaan fell on the feet of the Lord, gave Syamantak Mani and also Kaustubha mani along with his daughter Jambavati in marriage to SriKrishna.

SriKrishna came back to Dwaraka and called a huge gathering to clear the allegation that was put unto him and handed back the Syamantak Mani to Satrajit. Satrajit afraid of the backlash of Yadavas and also out of Fear of Srikrishna gave the mani and his Daughter SATYABHAMA to Lord Krishna in marriage.

Shatdhanva and Akrur were not happy with this marriage and in the absence of Krishna [Krishna when he had gone to see the Pandavas] attacked Satrajit and killed him and took away the Syamantak mani fron Satyabhama.

Fearing that Krishna would wage a war, Shatdhanva gave the mani to Akrur and Akrur fled to Kashi along with the Mani and started living a pious life there. He built many temples with the gold available through Syamantak mani.

Knowing all these, yet Krishna pretending as if he knows nothing about Akrur, inspired Balaraam to go together and bring back Syamantak mani from Shatdhanva. Both the brothers chased Shatadhanva, Shatadhanva fearing for his life climbed a mare and rode away, Krishna and Balarama chased him, in a day Shatadhanva crossed over 800 miles. Lastly the mare died of thirst, leaving it to its fate, Shatadhanva fled on foot. Krishna followed him and finally cut his throat through Sudarshan. Then as a normal human he searched for the MAni in his dress . Balraam arrived a bit late, as Krishna declared there is no Mani. 

Balaraam grew angry:

1. For unnecessarily making a false pretext to kill relative Shatadhanva. 

2. Balaraam suspected, Krishna had no intention to give Syamantak Mani to Him [though elder brother], as Balraam was alcoholic.

Balaraam developed anger and frustration on Krishna and left him, and settled in a new town of MITHILA, for next five years brothers did not interact with each other.

Seeing this opportunity Duryodhan went to Balaraam under the pretext of learning Gadayudha from him [art of fighting with Mace]. In these five years Duryodhan expected to gain over Balaraam and ask for the hand of Subhadra. If Balaraam promises, Krishna would not object and once he marries Subhadra, both the brothers would be under his sway for the sake of sister. [Such was the Plan of Duryodhan]. However he managed to get the promise from Balaraam .

Here Akrur became pious day by day. Narad muni asked Srikrishna to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat to get rid of all the allegation onto him. Narad said, as Krishna had seen the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day [Bhadrapad shukla chaturthi] [Ganapaty had cursed moon that whoever sees the moon on the Bhadrapad shukla charturthi day, he would face false allegation].

As KRISHNA performed the vrat, Akrur completely guilty ridden went back to Dwaraka and handed over the Syamantak mani to Krishna. All the allegations were cleared.

Seeing Ugrasen, Balraam and Satyabhama all wanting to keep the Mani with them Krishna felt giving it any would annoy the other and hence asked Akrur to keep it for himself as he was pious and always engaged in Yagnya.

Thus one who does Ganesh Vrat gets rid of all allegations and all his works undertaken will be successful and without obstacles.


Friday, 3 June 2022

Drishti - The Possession - 1

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/20

When there is an association / aspect between bhadak adhipati /sthana with lagna lord / seventh lord there is Drishti badha. The person is possessed. If the sign is movable then the person is possessed by Devatas. 

The sun governs Rudraganas ugradec and naga graha [saiva bhuta]

Moon - kinnara yaksha, pisacha [dharma]

Mars - rakshas bhuta bhairav [subramanhya, bhairava]

Mercury - attalas, devata [gandharva, siddha chanur]

Jupiter deva grahas naga [bramhan varga, deva, trimurti]

Venus - yakshee matruka, naga [bramha rakshas, deva, Indra]

Sani - nisteja, bhasmak, kshudra vidya, kashmala, sasta kirata [pancha bhuta]

Rahu - pisacha, naga, sarpa, pannaga [sesha]

Ketu - preta, pitru [ganesha, garuda, marut]

Gulika - abhichara preta 

If bhadaka is aspected by benefics the devatas will do good and increase happiness, fame and victory.

If aspected by 6 , 8th, there will be harm.

These grahas usually attack people at mines, tombs, parks, temples [crowded], water tracts, tanks which are not known, pleasure places, ,wild animals habitat, multi-storeyed elevations, cowsheds, stables, bazaars, anthills, deep forests, military barracks, war zones, high walls, malls, deep caves.

When Deva grahas possess one’s strength increases, his eyes becomes numb and watery with radiance coming out of it. He frequently takes bath, performs poojas, wears garland and is fond of milk and sweet preparations. He is unusually strong and speaks extra ordinarily. His presence oozes charm and luck to the surroundings. Such people when they enter someone's house, there suddenly comes a good news to the house owner, or they get windfall gains. When they enter a shop suddenly empty shops get full customers, a quarrel is resolved and is people in general get their problems solved when they come into contact of such person.

Such people have very fast moving eyes, subtle expressions and extremely radiant and strong. well dressed and completely attractive with clear and loud voices, such people always win over others and perform extraordinary deeds. Sometimes these deeds defy their natural abilities.

When Satyaki faced Karna in the battle of Mahabharta, he suddenly grew stronger and larger and his attack was so ferocious that Karna had to flee the battle, this was due to the possession of Garuda in Satyaki as Satyaki himself could not vanquish Karna. The momentary Presence of Garuda made him most powerful warrior for that moment.

Ghatotkach troubled Duryodhan and Karna relentlessly to the point both were exhausted and ran for cover because of presence of Rudra and Nirutti.

Abhimanyu defied all logic in facing all the Kauravas put together on a single day due to presence of Indra, kama, moon, and Vayu all together.

Arjuna by himself could never face Ashwaththama, the latter being superior in warfare. But in Mahabharta Arjun whenever faced Ashwaththama, Arjun was possessed by Sesha which enabled him to better Ashwaththama.

Dhritarashtra was incarnation of Hu Hu gandhrava and Pandu ha ha gandharva. But both had special possession by maruts to conquer entire world. Dhritrashtra could have divine vision whenever Maruts possessed him .

Dronacharyaa was incarnation of Brahaspati but could teach [Indra-Arjun, Bheema -vayu] because of Possession of Bramha in him]. This entitled him to be respected by Bheemasen.

Though Balarama is incarnation of Sesha he could teach Bheemasen gadayudha because of presence of Swetakeshi Narayana. Because of this presence Balaram was also considered as Avatara.

Pancha Pandavas had the possession of Pran apan vyan udana Vayu along with Vasudev, Sankarshana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna. Since NAKULA and SAHADEVA were single soul with two bodies they had similar possession.

This possession kept them together and bonded.

Strange are the ways of Lord that can never be deciphered by ordinary human beings.



By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/02

Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by Mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha.

Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes. Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga. When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.

It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90% of the people in the world are affected by abhichara.

Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities. Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other. Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time.

Though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later.

All these times all these people keep sighing If only …….

These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies. Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war. Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved. This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger.

Vidweshan can be cast, when teeth of elephant and lion powdered and mixed with butter if applied onto two people they will become enemies forever.

Homa between two houses with malati flowers can cause vidweshan. However vidweshan mantra should be made sidhdha with two falcons in each hand.

Enemies are constantly in effort to separate good friends, brothers and lovers. etc. To avoid these one must always protect self from sudarshan mantra and Hanuman kavach .

When Yudhisthir put on gamble bait his brothers, Duryodhan exclaimed to Bheema, "hey Bheem and Arjun, deplore your elder brother, who has treated you like objects and I shall grant you the freedom"

Bheem says, even now Yudhisthir is very dear and respectable to us. He has every right onto all of us and whole of Indraprastha. Nothing wrong in putting us on bait as son is the property of the father, elder brother is akin to father, to obey is our duty. We do not seek freedom you, as an order from Yudhisthir will be enough to release him from your clutches as I send you to the clutches of Yama".

The attempt by Duryodhan to create Vidweshan through mantras given by Durvasa and Shukracharya did not have any effect on Bheemsen. As Bheemsen was reciting Manyusukta. Even while killing Duryodhan Bheemsen recited Vrushabh sukta as Duryodhan was chanting 3 crores of mantras all at once onto Bheemsena. This goes on to show that one must always protect oneself from enemies.

In Ramayana Agastya muni asks Lord Shri Rama as to how he manages to keep his siblings so dear to him, how come there never has been a squabble between them and why when enemies in this world are always attempting to dismantle a family harmony, what is a secret to his happy family. Shri Rama says Kshama is the only mantra for keeping the family intact, one must always forgive severest of severest mistakes of brother and he will ever remain loving to them all. Else a small angry rift will make enemies take advantage and sow seeds of enmity among brothers. That is the reason why Rama did not kill Vali at the first instance giving a chance to the siblings to come to terms as brothers are naturally born of same blood and hence sibling fraternity can arouse any moment. One must never fight with younger brothers and treat them like one’s own son.


Thursday, 2 June 2022

Vashikaran - The story of Chitrasena

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/01 

When Venus and Moon are in Libra one indulges in vashikarana to attract other women. 

  • Punarnava root brought in pushyami nakshatra, if enchanted with sarvalokvashankar mantra seven times and tied on the arm will make one easily attract others. [the mantra should have been made siddha up to lakh times]
  • Fruit, flower, bark, leaves, twig, brought on a Sunday, powdered and mixed with karpoor kumkum and gorochan, applied on forehead will attract others.
  • First kamakhya mantra should be practised, then bramhadandi powder mixed with corpse ashes when applied on any person he becomes subservient.
  • Teeth of neelgay and human when powdered with oil and applied on forehead will bring to toes most difficult of spouse.
  • Bhaskar mantra chanting on kumkum chandan and karpoor with tulasidal in cows milk, applied on forehead will make a king obey to your words.
  • Chirchira seeds on pushyami nakshatra if given to king in his ood will make him grant all wishes.
  • Yakshini mantras practised well with japa and homa, chanted on a banana juice mixed with sweat and gorochan will make ones husband always be enchanted.
  • Kalika mantra chanted on crossroads for 1 lakh times makes all and sundry enchanted.

Once Indra was tired of all his wealth and power, he decided to renounce the world and decided to strive for moksha. He went to Kailash parvat and started serving Parvati and Rudra there. One day while serving them he saw a beautiful woman. She was Chitrasena, wife of Kubera. Indra lost his senses to her beauty.

Indra called Manmath and ordered him to get Chitrasena to swoon over him. Manmath with his bow of Sugarcane and arrow of flowers caused intense passion in Chitrasena to be attracted to Indra. Indra pulled her into his arms and took her into his plane to a place never known to Devatas and asuras inside the kandara of Mandar parvat.

There he personally looked after the beautiful Chitrasena enchanting her with every happiness of the swarga.

Here Kubera became totally devastated at the news of his missing wife from mansarovar. He decided to commit suicide. His minister Kantha Kubja advised him not to loose heart and look for his wife and seek her release from the unknown thief. He advised him to take the help of Vibheeshan his brother.

Kubera went to Vibheeshan and in loneliness told him of his plight, Vibheeshan called his most able Rakshashi Nadijangha, who was expert in maya to look for the wife of Kubera, Chitrasena among all the devatas and asuras in the world.

Nadijangha took a beautiful form, such a form that no one could keep his eyes off her and swooned to possess her.

Soon she reached Amaravati. Indra saw her and desired to possess her. He sent Ashvini devatas to get her to his chamber. Ashwini devatas pleaded her to be with their king Indra. She asked them to bring Indra himself to her to please her and she would not go to him.

Indra came to the beautiful women. She said she would like Indra to fulfil her wish and only then take her to his palace. Indra gave her a word. Nadijangha asked, she would like Indra to introduce her to all the women he has enjoyed till date, to see if any of them is as beautiful as she is? only then she would oblige Him. Indra agreed.

He showed her entire Amravati and all his palaces. And then said I have one more in madar parvat, I shall show you but you must not tell anyone about it. So both set out towards Mandar in a plane. While flying, Indra [possessed by Kali] happened to befront Narad muni, he became shy in the presence of muni, but Narad playfully asked, "Indra is everything Okay in Amravati, and how about you Nadijangha, is Vibheeshana doing fine?".

Indra immediately understanding the deceit of NADIJANGHA, TOOK HER DOWN INTO THE FOREST, and was about to kill her. The forest belonged to the muni Trinabindu, Muni objected to killing of woman in his ashram. But Indra disregarding Muni killed her. Trinabindu cursed Indra to become a woman. Indra became a woman instantly .

All the devatas worried about their king in a woman's body, went to Bramha to seek his release. Bramha told except Vishnu none will be capable of relieving Indra for his misdeeds. All the devatas, went to Mandar and sent back Chiterasena to Kubera and asked Bramha to give some mantra to relieve Indra from the body of woman. Bramha advised two lakhs japa of Astakshara mantra. Indra practised ashtakshara and was relieved from muni shapa and became male again to Rule over Swarga.


Rajodarshan - First menses [Story of Sharmistha]

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/28

When mars aspects the moon [lagna] in a unupachaya place, a girl attains her first menses. If the first menses [rutu] falls on: 

  1. Padyami - issueless
  2. Dwitiya - happy
  3. tritiya - wealthy
  4. chaturthi - wicked
  5. Panchami - progeny
  6. Shashti - cruel mind
  7. Saptami - riches and ornaments
  8. Ashtami - bold
  9. Navami - sorrows
  10. Dashami - leader
  11. Ekadashi - pure [shuchi]
  12. Dwadashi - scandal monger
  13. Trayodashi - joyous
  14. chaturdashi - sinful
  15. Poornima - strong body
  16. Amavasya - poor
  • Sunday - diseased
  • Monday - virtuous
  • Tuesday - sorrow
  • Wednesday - good married life
  • Thursday - polite
  • Friday - obedient
  • Saturday - vicious

Result of cloth on the first menses

  1. White cloth - happy
  2. Silk /fibre - queen or fortunate
  3. New cloth - happy
  4. Torn cloth - poverty
  5. Red cloth - diseased
  6. Black cloth - widowhood
  7. Dirty cloth - poverty

Results of number of drops on first menses

  1. Drop gives wealth
  2. Drops gives good enjoyments
  3. Drops diseases
  4. Many drops poverty
  • If mars joins the star in which the first menses occurs, the girl will have dead children
  • Guru makes her pious
  • Ravi will give loss of husband
  • Rahu will make her adulterous
  • Sani will make her a maid servant 
  • No planets will make her a happy and long lived
  • Moon in eighth will bring dangers
  • Venus in seventh will give marriage in foreign lands
  • Saturn will give enslavement 

Sharmistha was the daughter of asura King Vrishaparva. Shukracharya was the daitya guru to the King. One day Sharmishtha and Devayani, daughter of Shukracharya were playing in the garden. Playfully Sharmistha pushed Devayani into well owing to an argument as to who was more powerful, as daughter of king Sharmistha or Devayani as the daughter of Bramhin.

Yayati a powerful King passed by pulled Devayani out helping her through his right hand. As Yayati had held the hand of Devayani, Devayani insisted he marry her owing to have taken her hand [ Panigrahan].

Yayati with the blessings of Shukracharya married Devayani. And As a punishment Vrshaparva king [to pacify his guru] made Sharmishtha the maiden of Devayani.

Sharmishtha accompanied Devayani to the land of Yayati. In course of time Sharmistha attained puberty. Yayati was around at the same time.

Sharmistha asked Yayati to marry her. Yayati refused. Sharmistha explained shastra words to Yayati saying:

"Oh king, those who refuse to marry the girl having attained her first rutu during rutu kala [out of her own will if wishes to have progeny from a man] will get sin equal to bhrun hatya".

King says "marriages are to be performed by the wishes of parents of Kanya, and without the wish of the Vrishaparva or Shukracharya it is not possible".

Sharmishtha says "oh King smriti says, parents have right onto the girl only till she attains puberty, after the rutu kala has passed even when a parent is unable to find a suitable groom for the girl, then girl has an independence to choose the man for herself. Therefore being the daughter of a king though living like a slave in your house, I choose you to be my husband, kindly accept me. Else you will have to embrace the sin of stree hatya and bhrun hatya as if you will not marry then I am surely not going to be alive".

Hearing this King Yayati secretly married Sharmistha and bore her three sons. Devayani after seeing three healthy babies in her courtyard asked her about their father. When the kids pointed to the King, she felt deceived and Shukracharya instantly cursed YAYATI to become old aged. When Yayati narrated the circumstances in which he had to marry Sharmistha, Shukracharya said his curse cannot be reversed but he can exchange his old age with any young man.

Yayati called all his sons to accept his old age,  none accepted except PURU. Thus Puru gave up his enjoyments in young age and embraced the old age of his father, after lakhs of years too Yayati found that his thirst for sexual pleasure did not weaken or die. Thus concluding this thirst cannot be quenched unless renounced. He renounced the world and gave back his youth to Puru and also the kingdom .


The fate of astrologer post prediction

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/16

Once a Yavan King tried to test an astrologer. He asked astrologer to predict from which of the four doors he would leave that day. He asked astrologer to write it in a paper. Astrologer wrote in a piece of paper and it was sealed in an envelop. Yavan King drilled a hole in the eastern wall and went out that day. 

Next day the durbar was called. The envelope was opened, it was written king will leave by a hole in the eastern wall and not by the doors. King was very upset because he wanted to have a last laugh and a dig at astrology, but failed and himself became a laughing object.

He ordered astrologer to be thrown away from the top of the terrace of fort. The soldiers threw him down, but Astrologer survived by falling on a heap of gunny bags below. He was brought back alive to the court, King asked whether he had foreseen this event. Astrologer took a pocket diary out and showed a scribbling today I will be thrown from the height, but would survive by the grace of GOD.

How can one predict the future of self while giving predictions ? Incidentally one must never predict if the questionnaire wants to test.

Addition of lagna chandra and gulika sphuta gives Trisphuta. Similarly one can find Pranasphuta, Dehasphuta, and Mrityusphuta.

Adding these three will give Sukshma Trisphuta. If gulika occupies this Longitude then Astrologer will be in trouble. 


Friday, 6 May 2022

Success in Prediction - Significance of Aarudh

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/09

Most of the clocks are inaccurate, not tuned to the IST [or local mean time]. Perhaps people are not so serious about the accuracy. Or shall we say we do not have yet smart clocks who auto update themselves with IST [GMT or LMT]. 

This being the case, when the time is 10:45:46, most hospital may be showing, 10:40 :21 or 10:48:52 or may be 11:00:04 also.

Yet all of them think they are right [fuzziness of the time sense]. When a child birth occurs seldom do doctors or parents give a serious thought about tuning their watches. When tuned they will certainly have to adjust their clocks by pretty 4-5 minutes.

There are 12 rashis. Each rashi is 30 deg. Each deg has 60 secs. 

Thus total gunanphal K = 12 X 30 X 60 =21600.

Incidentally a man in his entire day takes only 21600 breathes. [Shwas]

In hamsa mantra Japopasamhara it is written thus: 

"purvedyu: pratah suryodayadarabhya aadya pratah suryodyaparyantam madhridistithena mukhyapran kruten shatshathadhikyaekvimshatsahasrasankhyak [21600] shwasroop hamsa mahamantra japen tatha mukhyapranpreriten mayakruten dash hamsa mahamantra japen bhagvan mukhyapran pati: hamsarupi lakshminarayan : priyataam"

In a rashi shashtyamasa is also 60th part of the rashi. The time taken to change one rashi in shashtiamsha is 2 minutes. So a horoscope changes every two minutes.

Thus when the time is off track by 4-5 minutes then the predictions change drastically. [shashtiamsa chart is totally unreliable in this case] rest of the chart may differ accordingly.

The moment of the person at any given crucial time is governed by Shashtiamsha and according to vimsopaka this divison enjoys more strength and importance than Rashi. [vimsopak of 5 i.e. a strength contribution of 5 out of total twenty 20]. That means a planet ill placed in shashtiamsha never gives good results.

As there 21600 shastiamshsa operating in a day in a human life. Every moment he faces is his private moment and completely influences his existence for that moment.

i.e. A moment of danger, that moment is very crucial for a life irrespective of whether the person is KING or a beggar that moment both are equally vulnerable. This inner moment of vulnerability is governed by Shashtiamsha.

When a person temporarily loses his cool [his actual characteristic vanishes and he may become inhuman for a minute. Perhaps may regain his cool and become normal. Such behaviours may be unexplained when a very good man suddenly behaves in a sinful manner for a short moment of time.

How does this happen. The shashtiamsha are elaborated as 1 rakshas amsha, kubera amsha, yaksha amsha, gandharva, heramba etc; when these are operative man is possessed by such deities /demons to carry out such activity. Woman on silver screen dazzle and look heavenly due to presence of gandharva amsha, when met at other times may look normal and disappointing. When in yaksha amsha some people may give extraordinary performances on stage, and yet in interviews they may seem to squeak with their voice when told to sing without microphone and accompanying orchestra.

However this shasti amsha changes when there is defect of 2 minutes in birth chart, which usually every hospital may carry as a result of approximate clocks.

Next let us assume moon’s degree at 3 18′ in cancer

Moon travels 200 ‘ in 360 min. So when there is difference of 4 minutes in clock then 200/90 = 2 ‘ 02′; then moons degrees will have a difference of 2’; Then the number of days for which the prediction goes off track is 5 X 360/100 = 18 days. Approx. So a dasha system of 18 days difference is carried out by the calculation of astrologer. Thus astrologer will never be able to identify the events of importance like marriage or loss of job etc.

If someone has just lost the job after a beautiful stint astrologer would still be giving better results to the native.

Thus in absence of accurate time, predictions will never be successful. In such situations AARUDHA is the best tool to decipher the events. Aarudh is the piece of gold laid out by non astrologers over a rashi chakra or the direction in which querist is sitting, this determines the exact nature of the query and its result. Aarudh gives the result accurately .


Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Pravarshan - Rainfall

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/01

Pravashan is known by omens present at the rainfall on the following stars Purvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad, Uttarashada, Purvashadha, Rohini. In these five stars when there is rainfall, then it is known as garbha. 

After 195 days it is known as prasava, where there will be massive rains or poor rains as per the omens on the day of Garbha.

If there is rainfall on these stars with more than required quantity in every season then there will be enough rains .

But if there are rains on Shatbhishaga, Ashlesha, Ardra ,Swati or Magha, as garbha then if these are lit with omens like utpat [divya antariksha or bhaum] there will not be rains for as many days in the rainy season for as many days the omens exist during garbha.

Five factors to be observed for a rain are Vayu, Jal, Vidyut, Megh, Shabda. If garbha contains all the five factors, then there will be ample rains in the season.

When all the five are present then there will be rains for 100 yojans, if only four omens at garbha then rains will be for 50 yojan, three omens will give 25 yojan, two will give 12.5 yojan only one omen will give 5 yojan distributed rains.

If garbh is in margashirsh then there will be less rains.

Jyeshta shukla ashtami to four days are normally suitable for garbha, if it rains on swati star then there will no rains in shravan amasa.

If it rains on vishakha then there will be no rains in bhadrapada, anuradha will not give rains in ashvayuj and jyeshta rain will make it rainless in kartik.

Where there is good law and order and where Bramhins are always engaged in homa havan and yagnyas, and are agnihotris there will always be plenty of rains.

Today most parts of India are facing extreme power shortage. Here are unscheduled power cuts even in cities like Bangalore, Delhi etc. This seems to be caused by shortage in water level in reservoirs in dams.

Electricity department has openly made an appeal to the people to understand that this is due to shortage of rainfall. If it does not rain in coming weeks, the unscheduled cuts will be normalised, and additional cuts will be imposed apart from regular 5 hour cuts in city like Bangalore. Tariff may increase by Rs 3.

And it is all due to no Rains. Strange how the rationalists have suddenly started believing in the rain Gods. In the era when it was fashionable to build dams, depending on rains was superstition. Every river had dams obstructing its flow thinking that will give electricity forever. Wise cried, the river is not just a water flowing it is ecosystem. If ecosystem is disturbed then environment is affected. People laughed, they thought it is old fashioned to oppose dams.

There were films in those days where waiting for rains for agriculture was shown as sign of backwardness and unscientific. The arrogance of science was on the basis of its discovery of electricity. This arrogance led to abuse of rivers, rivers dried everywhere in every part of India.

Today same custodians of electricity are looking skywards [like poor farmer of parallel cinema art film] for rains.


Vaksiddhi - Birth of Vyasateertha

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/26

  • Mercury in kendra, Venus in second house and any other benefic in the third house gives Vaksiddhi.
  • Jupiter with any other benefic in vargottam will give vaksiddhi. 

Many times Astrologers reap fame due to vaksiddhi. Even austere saints exhibit Vaksiddhi. Vaksiddhi gives rise to a concept that Lord sometimes overrides the destiny of people for the sake of words of certain chosen few.

One must not pester Astrologers to answer any queries when he is not in a mood, his words sometimes spoils a good fortunes, and a delighted Bramhin astrologer can spin wonders for a dejected man, or one beaten down by the hit of destiny. Astrologers should hence use restraint in giving negative predictions.

Vedvyasa resides in the speech of Bramhins. Perhaps this may be the reason why in Yaksha prashna Yudhisthir answers "the power of Bramhin is in his speech". This is also the reason why Prahlad asks the only boon in his life to Lord Narsimha to always give his lineage and descendants the mind to oblige Bramhins. For this Lord Narayana says "Bramhano sakshat mama devata".

Once there lived a woman in her late fifties by name Kaveri. She hurriedly went to the Mutt where Shri Bramhanyateertha was engrossed in the study of shastras. Kaveri had just lost her husband Ramchandraachar and his corpse was being taken to the funeral.

Unable to bear the agony she decided to alight the pyre [sati] and wanted to take permission from the saint.

Saint without even taking a look at her, engrossed in his book, and without even listening to her exclaimed "deergha sumangali bhava ,suputrapraptirastu".

Kaveri amma became very puzzled. She said Swamiji my husband is being taken for funeral [he is already dead] and what is this you have said. Swamiji said his words would not go waste.

Bramhanya teerth went to the corpse and sprinkled the holy water [teertha] of Sriman MOOLARAM and Ramchandraachar got up to the delight of all the gathering.

Even as a aged woman she conceived and gave birth to a great scholar. This child studied in Kanchi and became famous as Vagmi, and compiled entire Madhva shastra into a couplet.

Shripad Rayaru of Mulbagil was very impressed with his mastery over Shastras. Then Bramhanya teertha ordained this boy as the successor to his Mutt Peethadhipati and named him "Shri Vyasa Teertha".

Sulava Narsimha was emperor of Vijaynagar empire. He requested ShriPadraja swamiji to take over pooja of Tirumala Venkataramana. Tirupati was governed by Vijaynagar Kings. Shripadaraj swamiji recommended Vyasateertha to be appointed for praying Tirupati Balaji. [Madhvas were actually archakas during Vijayanagar Rule]. Vyasa teertha did abhisheka and pooja at Tirumala for 12 years. It was during such period Sulava raya declared Vyasateertha as his Rajguru . His successor Krishnadevaraya also accepted Vyasaraja as his Guru.

The famous historian and poet Somanath writes.Vyasa raya was respected by all the Kings even Muslims. He was revered Saint and King actively sought his political advise. The great Dasa like Purandara, kanaka etc were ordained under his tutorship. The great Saints like Vijayeendra, Vadiraaj also learnt under him. He defeated many scholars of his time to establish Madhva philosophy. He was considered as Abhinav Vyasa. Idols of Krishna danced whenever he was engaged in its pooja. People rejoiced and felt safe in his administration.

Once when a astrologer declared that great calamity will befall the Kingdom of Vijayanagar when the birth star of the King was tenanted by three malefics. The astrologer predicted, whoever sits on the throne at that inauspicious hour will meet certain death.

Krishnadevaraya, invited Vyasateertha to rule the Kingdom for twelve years on the throne [as he alone could mitigate the duryoga]. Vyasateertha threw his angavastra onto the throne and it burnt down to ashes, then he ascended the Throne of Vijaynagar Empire and ruled for twelve years to safeguard King Krishnadevaraya from ill fate. He was able administrator and statesman.

Vyasateertha established 732 Idols of Hanuman all through the Empire. Vyasateertha was Balhika in the Mahabharata war. As Balhika [elder brother of Shantanu and uncle of Bheeshma] he had raised mace on Lord Bheemasen 732 times. Finally he died in the hands of Bheemasen. having raised weapon on the Lord Vayu, he did prayashchitta by installing 732 Hanuman idols all over the empire in this birth.

Vyasa teertha was reborn as Shri Raghavendra Teertha.


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

RajYoga - The story of Narahari teertha

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/24

|| sasItAmUlarAmArchA koshe gajapateH sthitA |
||yenAnItA namastasmai shrImannR^iharibhixave||

Narahari teertha - 3rd Pontiff in the Shree Madhacharya - Raghavendra Mutt (1324-1333-Hampi-Thungabhadra).

PooRvashram name SHyam shaastri.

When Jupiter is in Lagna and Sun in the tenth house at the time of travel one will acquire a Kingdom in his travel.

Shyam Shastri was the minister of Kalinga State. His father was Narasimha Bhatta. who was also an officer in that state. They were powerful in many respects. Many temples were erected during their time. The inscriptions at Srikurmam says he had donated a village to Bramhins for the welfare of King Bhanudev II. He was expert swordsman and able statesman. He was a scholar. Lead a life like rajaRshi, working as an minister in the court of King Gajapathi of Orissa(Kalinga) State.

Sriman Madhwacharya camped at Orissa after returning from Badarikashram. A Vidwat sabha was arranged. The father and the son took part in the debate. Both father and son duo were traditionally ADVAITI Bramhins, thus they were debating against the Dvaita philosophy of Sriman Madhvacharya. They could not succeed. They accepted the defeat.

Impressed by the discourses of Sri Madhvacharya, Shyama Shastri accepted the Vaishnava-dvaitha Math and became his disciple. He was ordained the name NARHARI Teertha.

Stayed for some time with his guru. Sriman Madhwacharya asked him to go to Kalinga State and spread the Dvaitha Philosophy.

At that time the king died leaving a infant heir to the throne. A caretaker was necessary till the infant prince grew Young and capable. The subjects were in dilemma. They decided and made arrangements for the Royal elephant to go round the State with a garland at its trunk, and to put to the neck of a person to whom it chooses as the best. That person would rule the kingdom. The Royal elephant saw a Sanyasi coming out of Lord Jagannatha temple, after performing pooja. It garlanded the Sanyasi and prostrated before him. The subjects felt that Lord Jagannatha had come in the form of Swamiji, and entrusted the State to the control of the Swamiji. He was none other than Sri Narahari Theertha. The subjects were more than happy to see erstwhile minister now back to look after them.

Sri Narahari theertha also thought that it was the will of God to protect the kingdom till the prospective ruler would grow, and was able to take charge of the kingdom. Thus he looked after the Kingdom for 12 years.

The history of Orissa well records this fact in the following extract


Narasimhadeva I was successful in his campaigns against the Muslims, and humbled the pride of his enemy. Like his father he was a devotee of Lord Purushottama. He is remembered in history as the builder of the world famous temple at Konarka.

In 1264 A.D. Narasimhadeva I was succeeded by his son Bhanudeva I born of queen Sitadevi. During his time Narahari Tirtha the disciple of Ananda Tirtha (Madhvacharya) had great influence in Orissa. He was even appointed as a Governor of Kalinga. During the rule of Bhanudeva, Chandrikadevi, the daughter of Anangabhimadeva I, constructed the Ananta Basudev temple at Bhubaneswar in 1278 A.D. That year Bhanudeva died and his son Narasimhadeva II was an infant. Narahari Tirtha worked as regent for long twelve years. Narasimhadeva II is known to have fought against the Muslims of Bengal the results of which were decisive. His long reign from 1278 to 1306 was peaceful.

During his rule, he remained a sanyasi and converted many adjacent princes and kings to Vaishnav Dvaita fold and renamed them. The Matsya rulers of Oddavadi became independent of the Gangas, and were converted to Vaisnavism by Narahari Tiirtha. Arjuna became Narasimha Vardhana, Annamaraja Gopalavardhana and Munjaditya Srirangavardhana. Sri Narahari Tiirtha was also responsible for the conversion of many princely and aristocratic families of Kalinga, and Andhra regions to Madhva fold. The descendants of these families still flourish in the coastal Andhra and adjoining states.

When the successor had attained maturity to take charge of the kingdom, he handed over the State and left for the UDUPI. The Young Raja wanted to give presents to the outgoing Sanyasi. But Sri Narahari theertha did not accept anything. When the young Rajakumar persisted him to have something as a memento, he took the MoolaRama idols from the Raja Bhanadara and arrived at the Udipi Kshetra on Kartheeka shudhdha Dwadashi evening. He submitted these idols to SriMan Madhwacharya. The morning Pooja were over due to Dwadashi. Yet Sriman Madhwacharya again went to Sri Madhwa sarovara and took bath and completed the Ahneeka. Taking these Bramha KaraaRchitha [one adorned and prayed by Bramha] idols and kept by the side of Lord Kadagol Krishna and performed the Pooja.

Sri Narahari theertha was performing Sanchara in all the directions like Sri PadmanaBha theertha spreading the Dwaitha doctrine. He came to a village called GollarahaLLI. That early morning, Lord Sriman Narayana appeared in his dream informing the saint that he was in the form of an idol in the nearby tank. Accordingly, the saint with his parivara went to the spot indicated by the lord and brought a beautiful idol of Sri Lakshminarayana, and installed in a temple specially constructed for it. The Tank was improved. It started yielding good crops for the nearby fields. People called the tank as Narayana Kere. Tipu sulthan on horse back, on his way to a war, happened to see this Lakshminarayana idol and went on to conquer KoppaLa, on his return, Tippu saw the idol again. He was pleased. As a mark of his victory he made arrangements for a diamond studded crown for this idol.

The saint came to a village called Chikkera haLLi near MoLakalmanoor. The saint dreamt that Anjaneya was inside a big anthill in that village. The mud was extracted and the saint found Anjaneya Vigraha Pratishtapana was done as per the wishes of Anjaneya and people believe that it belonged to Janamejayaraya’s period. A separate temple was constructed.

Sri Narahari teertha was Acharya’s pet student. He wrote commentary for Geetha Bhashya. He also wrote commentaries for Yamaka Bharatha. Also wrote Keerthana’s in Kannada language. He lived for 80 years in Kalinga, Andhra, and Karanataka States He gave ashram to Sri Maadhawa Theertha. Behind the Vijaya vitala temple of Hampi near Chakratheertha, he entered Brindavana.


What was the necessity for Madhvacharya to send Narhari teerth to Kalinga?

The story ends with Narhari teertha bringing the MOOLRAMA vigraha. This gold idol still in Mantralayam and has interesting background which warrants a narration.

God Narayana is omnipotent. Lord has all his roopa intact and imperishable. So Lord MoolRama was / is present even before Lord Ram actually appeared as son of Dasharath.

Bramha was praying this idol Moolrama in Satyaloka. He had appointed a deity by name “ShankhaKarna” to bring everyday Tulasi and flowers without fail, and punctually at the time of pooja of Bramha .

Shankhakarna was prompt in his duty for yugas. However one day, as he gazed the idol, a desire to do the pooja himself to the idol of MoolRama and hold it in the his hands , crisscrossed the mind of the deity. Engrossed in his desires and such thoughts and dreams, he forgot to hand over the Tulasi and flowers to Bramha in time.

Bramha in anger cursed him to be born on earth as rakshas. When prayed ardently by the ShanhaKarna, Bramha smiled and said this was not a curse but a anugraha shapa [a boon in disguise]. He had grasped his desire and in his one of the births he would pray the idol with his own hands. And all his births he will be specially devoted to VISHNU.

ShankhaKarna was born as Prahlad. [Chief inspiration behind the advent of lord as NARSIMHA]. Then he was born as BALHIKA [elder brother of SHANTANU and uncle of BHEESHMA fought war and died in the hands of BHEEMA, he was the elder most [elder to Bheeshma] warriors in Mahabharata war]. Then he took birth as Shri RAGHAVENDRA Swamy.

Bramha gave the idol to Ikshvaku of Solar dynasty. From there it came to Dasharath and the Lord RAM gave it to Lakshman, subsequently to Hanuman.

Hanuman gave this to Bheemasen. Bheemasen after the war handed it over Kalinga King. In this Kalinga lineage, this remained in Orrissa, but the pooja had long ago stopped, and hence it was kept in the Royal storage.

It was through Narahari teertha it came back to Bheemsen [Madhvacharya] and in the mutt was continuously prayed daily by the Mutt POntiffs. Thus in this tradition Shri Raghavendra was appointed Pontiff by Sudhindra teerth. and Shri Raghavendra [ShankhaKarna] fulfilled his long cherished dream of praying MOOLRAMCHANDRA

||Sriman moolramo Vijayate|| ||Sri Gururajo Vijayate||


Sutra Panchakam - Diagnosis of Ailment

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/22

There are five sutras in Astrology of ailment. 

  1. Samanya Sutra
  2. Adhipati sutra
  3. Amsaka sutra
  4. Nakshatra sutra
  5. Mahasutra

Referring to earth water fire wind and ether.

These are further used to determine Jeeva Sutra, Roga Sutra and Mrutyu Sutra.

In all questions Jeeva sutra confers longevity, vitality and wealth. Roga sutra gives losses and worry and ill health. Mrutyu sutra gives increase of illness fear, and failure in undertakings.

In whichever Bhuta [earth fire etc] the sutra is seen that bhuta is afflicted by disease.

In a body flesh, bones, skin, hair are earth. Blood, urine, sweat, saliva, and semen are water. Hunger, thirst, sleep, shine of skin or dullness, radiance are all fire. Movement of limbs and shaking of the body are air. Affection, hatred, infatuation, fear, aging are all ether.

Apart from above sutras trisphuta, pranasphuta, dehasphuta chatusphuta and panchasphuta Mrutyusphuta and Sukshmasphuta indicate details of ailments. Gulika navamsa gives exact time of death.

Any relationship between pranasphuta and dehasphuta gives long life.

Normally an astrologer should abstain from describing his achievements of predictions. But following are given to establish efficacy of Astrology in determining the disease and [not to extol astrologer but astrology itself].

Once in a visit to family friend, I found a relative of my friend grieving along with his family. Their son a software engineer in an MNC was given ultimatum by doctors. The Son was 30 years old, and required immediate replacement of kidney in a two days, or definite death was what doctors had told bluntly to the father of the boy.

Boy was recently married and had a six months baby .

The case: The s/w boy had terrible pain in the thigh, he went to doctor, they advised him tests. After initial test they declared his BP was abnormal, and then a biopsy of thigh nerve and then they went neurological tests, when they found nothing, they advised angiogram, plasty et all. Finally they declared his pain was due to kidney failure. His both kidneys have failed, and one requires replacement that too within two days else it will fatal.

All these test took around six months of time, and medication costing 80000 rs, of which test were 65000 and medicines were 15000. Of course the MNC paid his all bills.

He was then voluntarily withdrawn from service. The whole family was in grief. As no Kidney was in sight [donor]. Father agreed to donate one he was 70 years old.

It was a day before these transplant that those people came across me, and I instantly told them the boy had no illness and his longevity was high. Father need not give his kidney .

The words of longevity heartened them, but no disease words did not inspire them. But they invited me to their house to have a look at the boy. Who had left all hopes of life. His wife was weeping and child was very cute. Parents were in total grief. Boy had no perspiration, he had cool of a saint. How can a person of abnormally high BP be without perspiration and super cool.

I convinced the boy of good health and inspired the entire family to go for a second opinion.

The entire family went for a second opinion in a big hospital in the same city. But the second opinion of this hospital repeated the tests and gave same opinion. The family was totally disheartened. I did not give up, I asked them to try once again in another city.

They went to another city and carried out tests !Lo! All tests were normal. The boy had a minor injury and that resulted in sever pain that could be cured by medicines after one month. However the family also undertook pranic healing to recover faster.

Case 2: I was waiting in a waiting room of a platform, a family was totally preparing for a funeral of a still alive man. Who had a cancer in the mouth. The Doctor they had met just had told within few hours the time would be come. So they mercilessly discharged the patient, who could not talk. The mobile phones of the family elder were ringing, and only thing they were discussing were how to port him to other world, and how this can be even before reaching destination.

I looked at the man in a easy chair watching helplessly, he could not talk, but his eyes were moist, he had no plan to die. He wanted desperately to live. But Doctor refused to operate him.

What was wrong with him. He had a cancer inside the cavity. He could not open the mouth . there was no way anything could be inserted through his mouth to treat the cancer [chemo therapy]. So doctor declared as chemo therapy could not be done, his cancer is in last stages and he will die any moment.

I enquired the grieving people, and then they showed me X-rays and reports. The family was very poor and one of the BPL family [below poverty line], and they had gone to the doctor who was a specialist who grants appointment only once in six months. They had got the doctor by special letter from local MLA.

Doctor obliged in seeing the patient, but refused to treat him because he assumed patient could not afford his fees and treatment. So he wrote in the report, as there is no scope for surgery [and also patients financial condition do not permit], the operation cannot be done.

I took the elder of the family aside and said, look don't believe what doctors say, person does not die just because doctors say he is going to die. This man has long life.

He did not believe me. They said how can they remove cancer, he cannot open the mouth. I told, cut the jaw, make a incision and treat the cancer and then replace the jaw. This way he will survive, you cannot make funeral preparation before a live man. This is atrocious.

Then elderly said from where are we going to bring money. I told him give me the number of his MLA, I talked to him over phone, and asked him to call up the Doctor and assure him of his treatment with his funds [MLA funds], he will be blessed and popular for saving a life. He agreed.

Next day Doctor gave a fine surgery and man lived long happily.
