Showing posts with label festivals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label festivals. Show all posts

Monday, 11 April 2022

Panchavidha Samvatsara

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/08

There are five types of years in astrology. year(saura mana 365.266 days), 2.lunar year (chandramana 354days), 3.nakshatra mana (324 days), 4.brahaspatya (Jupiterian year 395 days), 5. Savanamana (360 days year). 

Each has its own significance in astrology. For mass regulation solar year is best suited. For day today affairs lunar year should be adopted. For shanti  nakshatra year is adopted . For political forecast brahaspatya is used, for birthdays, longevity, dasas vrata, niyama, yagna, Savana year is used.

Indian panchanga is soli-lunar calendar. It takes into account 360 tithis rather than days. it is unique and very apt for dharma shastras. This takes into account the tithi at sunrise, and this remains for entire day for the celebration of certain festivals. For example, if at sunrise, it is Navami, then whole day that day will be considered as RAMNAVAMI, though in actual practise dashami might have come by noon.

For shradhha, whatever tithi is at noon is considered as shrahdhha tithi. So even if you have dwitiya in the morning, but  tritiya at noon then tritiya shradhha can be performed. For vratas, tithi mixed with previous tithi is prohibited, tithi mixed with forward tithi is auspicious. But for sankashta chaturthi, tithi at evening chandrodaya is only apt. Krishnaashtami is celebrated on a day when both rohini or ashtami is bound on midnight, it is more auspicious if it is Wednesday on that day. Fasting is done till both ashtami and Rohini are exhausted.

Thus panchanga enables us to perform our daily karmas (Nitya karmas and Naimittika karmas, and kamya karmas) at a proper time to avail destined results. Nitya karmas are those that are must, like bathing everyday, sandhyavandane, ekadashi etc. These if not done attracts sins. Naimittika are those which are done on special occasions like Magha snana, Kumbha snana etc. These if done gives merit, but does not culminate into sin not done. Kamya karma are those which are done to achieve certain goals. All these should be done at right time to get results. Astrology helps to time these with the help of five types of calculation Panchavidha samvatsara.


Astrology and Festivals

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/30

Why do we celebrate festivals. What is the importance of these? Is there any benefit in celebrating the festivals ,or is it just wastage of money and time.? 

Man lives for a moment of happiness. Pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain is the goal of every man. So it is not surprising that people celebrate every occasion to derive pleasure from them. But in Indian tradition people act only if there is both eha and para sukha. Eha sukha is worldly pleasure of wealth, relations, health, prosperity. Para Sukha is one that will be enjoyed in heavens after death. A Karma should fetch us both eha as well as para sukha. A karma that gives eha sukha and hell in para , is rejected . But sometimes great people embrace eha dukha to attain parama sukha.

Festivals are what in astrology we call as Parva kala. It is in Parva kala that planets do not show any malefic effect. A karma done in this period has multiplying effect. It ensures a lengthy para sukha. Swarga is assured for those who celebrate festival. Festivals are celebrated with pooja to ista devata, followed by gifts to the members of family, Brahmins giving sumptuous meals to the relatives and friends invited. Performing homa, feeding Brahmins, giving alms to the needy. All this are done to please Hari in all the people we invite and offer. Giving happiness to others ensures swarga more than any karma. Our karma are rewarded 10000 times on a parva dina than if it is performed on an ordinary day. 

Celebrate and be Happy

Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu
