Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 June 2022

Maranam - Elimination through incantation!

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/29

What a Kshatriya achieves through the power of his arms and weapons, a Bramhin should achieve through the power of his learning and mantrashakti. 

When enemy physically tries to attack, and when there is no other option to save the self, then unwittingly Bramhin resorts to maran.

Saturn in house of mars [weak] aspected by mars and gulika [mars being in the navamsa of cancer or jupiter ] the person is killed by abhichara.

Bring the deepagni or dhoopagni of the enemy and begin the Abhichara. Maran karma should not usually accompany the sacrifice of kravya. With the neem oil dipped feather of crow or owl, homa should be performed by chanting continuously "enam daray, enam shoshay, enam maray", then going to the rear of the kunda, invoke a kritya and chant "yo me ch kantakam duraadduram va chantikeapi ch pibataddyamsruk", within 9 days enemy dies a miserable death.

A yantra with "swaha maray hum amuk hrim phat", if worn in neck on Tuesday kills enemies, if the following mantras "chandalini kamakhya vasini vandurge klim klim thah swaha" has been made siddhi.

If not used on appropriate enemies it kills the one who invokes.

Vishvamitra created a Rakshas [kritya] with his mantra shakti, and sent it to kill only surviving Son of Vashishtha Shaakti Rishi [father of Parashar muni]. Rakshas killed Shakti muni in absence of Vashishtha, when Shakti was in meditation.

When Parashar knew about this through his friends, he started a Vedic homa to remove entire Rakshas clan in the universe. Slowly all the rakshasas fell in the homa kunda one by one and the Homa went on for a year long. When all the Rakshasas were slowly getting extinguished, Rishi Pulastya and pulaha were deeply disturbed by the genocide of their clan. Pulastya went to rishi vashishtha to pacify his grandson.

Sage Vashishtha appeared before Parashar and addressed him thus "Oh grandson, regain your calm and put aside the hatred and anger in you. Hatred and anger does not suit a Bramhin. All the human beings on this earth reap their fruits by the virtue of their previous karma. No one kills the other by his own self will, its the purvajanma karma that kills the person. My son Shakti also died because of his purvajanma karma and not by the Rakshas. Rakshas was just an instrument. So set aside your anger on Rakshas jati and stop this yagnya. May good senses prevail on you and let Shanti [peace be set in into your heart]".

Taking the words of the Grandfather as an order, Parashar stops this yagnya giving relief to the Rishi Pulastya , Pulastya then says "Oh Paraashar, having stopped this yagnya at out behest and through the words of Vashishtha, we are all relieved and we give you a boon that may all the shastras be realized by you easily and may you be the Puran pravakta for the ages to come. Let every purana be your lore, let there be a siddhi to you for all the words of Vedas and Vedanmga, and let Lord be born to you as your Son, and be the light for the world through his wisdom. Let this all be known as the words of Parashar, as a result of which let the shastras be always alight in your heart as Lord dwell in heart as Gnyana, May he be visible to you in your heart".

Happy with the boons, Parashar stopped the yagnya leaving the remaining Rakshas to save their lineage. All these were recollected by Parashar when Maitreya put the question to Parashar about the beginning of Universe.


Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Roga Shamanam - Diseases and Astrology

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/04

A careful diagnosis of nature of disease, its causes is essential to determine the nature of  treatment and course of medicine. Ishta Anishta sthanas [bhavas] determine health. Good health is indicated when:

  • Malefics in 3 and 11
  • Benefics in other than 3,6,8,12
  • Gulika in bhavas 3,6,11,2
  • Other than these placements indicate ill health and disease 

Planets in favourable position are known as susthas. Otherwise they are known as dusthas. Weak malefics in kendra kona, 8, 12 or benefics in 6 ,8 , 12 are known as dusthas. Planets govern:

  • Sun - stomach
  • Moon - heart
  • Mars - head
  • Mercury - chest
  • Jupiter - thighs
  • Venus - face
  • Saturn - knees
  • Rahu - feet
  • Ketu - left foot

Twelve houses signify parts from head to feet:

  • Sun -pitta + vata
  • Moon -vata +kapha
  • Mars -pitta
  • Budha - vata+ pitta +kapha
  • Jupiter - kapha+vata
  • Venus - vata+kapha
  • Saturn - vata

Diseases are:

  • Nija
  • Sarirotha
  • Chittoth
  • Drishta
  • Adrishta


  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha
  • Sannipata

Sarirotha is determined by 8th house, lord and planets aspecting and occupying it.

Chittotha is determined by anger fear, sorrow, desires etc by 5th and 8th lord.

Drishtanimmitaja are curses, abhichara etc are determined by 6th, lord and planet aspecting and occupying it.

Adrishtanimmitaja are know by badhaka grahas.

Combination of eighth and sixth lord indicates curses.

Lunacy – Unmada:

  1. Jupiter in lagna, Saturn in seventh causes unmada
  2. Saturn in 1st and mars in 7th, 5th, 9th
  3. Moon and Mercury combust in 1st
  4. Afflicted Mercury  in 3, 6, 12, 8
The causes for lunacy are excessive delight, desire, fear, sorrow, inappropriate eating and wrath of deities and preceptors.

Five types are caused by:

  • Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sannipata and Agantav
  1. Vata causes laughing, clapping, loud speaking, singing, dancing, crying, moving, shaking, these are manifested more after meals. [Vatonmada].
  2. Seeking pleasure of women and solitude, sleeping too much, showing aversion for everything, speaking less, drops of saliva trickling. [Kaphonnmada].
  3. Showering abuses, ever angry, longing to drink water and food, impatience, and hating all. [Pittonmada].
  4. All above characteristics are mixed in [Sannipata].
  5. Sometimes unmada is caused by Dev and Asura grahas when one is possesed.
  6. Devgraha he will talk like learned and be strong.
  7. Asura grahas will make person abusive and uneasy in disposition with cannibalistic attitude.
  8. Medicated oils can cure vatonmada.
  9. Strong purgatives can cure pittonmada.
  10. kaphonmada is cured by inhalations and vomiting.
  11. There is no treatment for sannipata
  12. All types of madness can be cured by japa homa etc.

Epilepsy – Apsmara:

  • Saturn in eighth
  • Powerful malefics in trikona
  • Sun and Mars in 12th
  • These are causes of epilepsy

Symptoms of epilepsy are:

  1. Man faints all of a sudden
  2. Dirty sphutum flows out of his mouth
  3. One makes strange sounds
  4. Eyes roll
  5. Bites ones teeth
  6. Becomes pale, thirsty and excited

Types of apsmara

  1. Svasini
  2. Malina
  3. Nidra
  4. Jrimbhika
  5. Anashana
  6. Trasini
  7. Mohini
  8. Rodani
  9. Krodhini
  10. Tapani
  11. Soshani
  12. Dhwamsini
  • Kushmanda bali and tila homa with krodhagni mantra cures epilepsy.
  • Herbs {sindhuth, vrischikali, kushta, vanga and bhangee} powdered and inserted in nose pacifies apsmara.
  • Herbs {bramhi, vacha, amaya, shankhapushpi, dhatri} all these juices + honey + siddharta, hingu, + urine of cow inhaled, or taken in can pacify apsmara.
  • A lay man should not administer these herbs.


Monday, 18 April 2022

Shubh Ashubh Karma

By Sri Chiraan 2009/04/04

Good karma gives 

  1. Good health
  2. Favours from rulers
  3. Gain of money / vehicles / houses / clothes / ornaments
  4. Gain of friendships
  5. Success in enterprises or work undertaken
  6. Ever at peace mentally
  7. Gaining promotions / positions of prominence
  8. Affection of people society [popularity]
  9. Fame
  10. Birth of children

Bad karma gives

  1. Death
  2. Serious diseases
  3. Danger to near and dear
  4. Destruction of dwelling
  5. Fall from position [ exile]
  6. Wrath of rulers
  7. Loss of reputation
  8. Loss of wealth
  9. Theft
  10. Ill fame [ insults]

Karma are

  • Shubh
  • Ashubh
  • Dridha
  • Adhridha
  • Manasa
  • Vacha
  • Kaya
  • Benefics in 6, 8 and 12th or malefics in 1 , 4, 7, 10, 5, 9 cause the bad karma [Ashubh karma].
  • The malefics or benefics if in chandra hora indicate Dridha karma [karma done intentionally and deliberately].
  • If in Sun's hora it is adhridha karma.
  • From chatra rasi it indicates wrath of divine beings as the cause of misery of humans.
  • From Arudha Rasi these indicate the misery as result of Brahmins’ curse.
  • From Moon they indicate the misery on account of enemies.
  • From Lagna they indicate the miseries as a result of general hatred of people.[unhappiness caused to normal people].
  • When malefics are in 2nd house, evils are due to speech, they result in loss of money.
  • When they are in 5th house, the evils are due to mental hurt, careless attitude, results in loss of children.
  • When they are in 10th house the evils are due to evil acts and results loss of honour, position and job.
  • The debilitation brings about severe results and exaltation reduces the malefic effects.
  • When benefics occupy kendra or kona and exalted the nature enjoys good fruits of the karma. [Shubh karma].


Sunday, 17 April 2022

What is Karma?

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/27

It is often most used term KARMA! But exactly what is Karma? 

Karma is the actions left behind by the soul. Actions from manasa vacha kaya!!!

All these karma are interaction of 24 tattvas in the universe. Our bodies are made of 24 tatvas.

  1. Avyakta
  2. sookshma prakriti [satva rajas tamas]
  3. Mahat
  4. Ahankar
  5. 5 panch gyanendriya [chakshus, shrotra, ghran, tvak, jivha]
  6. 5 panch karmendriya [hasta, pada, payu upastha, vaak]
  7. 5 panch tanmatra [roopa, shabda, gandha, sparsha, rasa]
  8. 5 panch bhoota [tejas, akash, prithvi, vayu, jal]

Gayatri [24 syllables] represents these 24 tatvas, its japa energises these tatavas. Human body [infact entire creation] is made of these jada tatvas. When the world interacts, there is exchange of these tatvas from one body to other, and one element to the other. Thus there arises a need for equilibrium of this tatvas both in micro and macro levels of creations [pindanda and bramhanda]. This exchange of sookshma tatvas, and its debt and credit are termed as Karma. Creation and its sustenance, and destruction is process of bringing the cosmic balance of this tatvas.

Thus we are born in the same city where we would have performed in our previous lives; we use the same utensils that have been recycled from previously used materials. etc etc.

As we think, act, and speak a huge amount of tatvas are used and expended forming a anubandha. This are deposited as karma [sanchita, agami, prarabdha] as huge as mountains beyond Lokalok parvat. As the bramhanda is covered with 24 layers of Tatva [kharpar] like a coconut shell. The bookkeeping of these karmas are in the very nature and also inside our bodies in the form 72000 nadis. A look at a person’s astral bodies gives a picture perfect view of his karma. Astrology only reconfirms this Karma through mathematical calculations and planetary motion. So Planets are only indicative phenomena, real karma is our deeds, and is present in our own bodies.

When we have excess of Papa karma, our antah karana is heavy and sagged due to presence of excess tamo guna and we are unhappy. Tamo guna is slow in movement and hence our thoughts move slowly and man is brooding. A visit to a temple removes this tamo pradhan akaash from the mind and replaces with the satva pradaan antahkarna, we feel a sense of calmness and relief and our burdens are lightened. So we say we are at peace after visiting the temple.

Such is the greatness of Lord Vishnu that even if one bows to him in arrogance or ignorance or through haughtiness or jokingly or with cunning attitude, Papa[sins] accrued in 100 births vanish.

Shattyenapi yatkrutam namaskaram shata janma papam vinashyati.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Curse - An Astrological Perspective

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/16

Many a times we get such horoscopes where everything is fine, excellent positioning of planets, a good dasha, a good gochara, yet the person will be lamenting with problems. The source of problems unknown. All sorts of remedy towards the planet yield no results.

Such people usually  [if] know a few combinations of astrology, do point out, sir I have such and such yoga, but I have not yet got any such results. What is the reason for these sufferings?

Curse is the only answer for such cases. Careful observation leads to presence of curses in the horoscope, which does not allow the subject to enjoy any pleasures in the life. Old timers in astrology with experience proclaim that curse if present in a horoscope does not give fruits of normal yoga unless it is alleviated .

Curses are combination of planets irrespective of lagna sometimes operative on a horoscope. in fact every horoscopic combination indicates somke ind of  latent curse. Some take off early, some late in life, or few births away.

Till these curses are obsolved the subject does not gain fruits of his good karma. Just as if yogakaraka graha operates its dasha only after longevity is exhausted, no effect of raj yoga etc. can be seen [i.e. if raj yoga is present, but dasha giving this yoga is operation in 70’s, but the person dies before 60, then such yoga is fruitless.] similarly a curse ridden horoscope is useless in terms of giving the good results.

Curses are found in the horoscope by the placement of badhaka graha and its relation with sixth eighth and twelfth. The placement of badhaka in a inimical condition usually indicates curses.

What are curses?

A curse is a inimical thought of a helpless man/woman in condition of torment or annoyance. A curse can also be a order for fall from a powerful. A curse is a punishment from the heavens to the guilty when done with complete consciousness. A curse is a mitigation of excess favours one has to receive By GOD. [Like Gautam case]

In all curse has to be identified and then several remedies must be taken to mitigate them and receive the proper yogas fruits. Curse can only be mitigated by sincere apologies and prayaschita.

Sometimes curse conjoin a dynasty, especially ruling class when they falter they undergo curses from masses, and this can be seen in the way, coming generation suffer.

Such curses can only be removed by expert and empowered Yogis.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

5th House - Poorvapunya

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/24

What is Poorva Punya?

A man when attains a age of 14 years, everyday [each day] he performs karma, which can be exhausted by enjoying or suffering in next 10 births. That means it takes 10 births to exhaust a days karma performed after the age of 14. Thus in a life time a man performs karma that would make him take 2 lakhs of of births if he lives for 65 years. Then in every next birth he would again amass these karma, thus backlog of karma to be exhausted piles up, in few initial births itself, it assumes a form of mountain. This is sanchita karma. Of these sanchita karma some are punya and some papa and some mishra.

This Punya is known as Poorva Janma punya. This is denoted by 5th house in astrology. Whenever fifth house lord operates, this punya assumes role and gives happiness to the native. Thus 5th house is very auspicious and any association with 5th house lord or bhava, gives immense happiness due to that factor.

When malefics or debilitated planet aspect fifth house or lord, it is said there is loss of poorva punya. What is meant by loss of poorva punya?

On a plain terms loss of punya means loss of a chance to enjoyment that was destined to come. This missing of a chance to enjoy benefits can be as a loss to win over a maid, win a competition or lottery or a election. When such loses occur on account of forced mistakes, it can be understood that there has been a loss of poorva punya.

When suddenly a bad incident occurs amidst good days, cutting short a good run of successful stint, it can be recorded as loss of poorva punya.

Poorva punya is lost by vrata bhanga, hurting elders, abusing elderly, ill treating parents, bringing frown in parents minds, guru’s mind, bramhins, teachers, and vaishnavas. Cursing the one who is unblemished also destroys poorvapunya.

Curse in general reduces poorva punya. Quality of poorva punya determines efficacy of a curse given by an individual. If a poorvapunya is not operating, then one’s curse will not take effect. Similarly a good wishes also reduces poorva punya, they take effects immediately if there is poorvapunya operating, else they will take off in another realm of time.

Sometimes poorvapunya becomes unwanted to Jeevanmuktas, thus they would like it to be destroyed [as they do not want it to become a reason for a birth again on the earth].

Dyut Krida was not played on account of misfortune of Yudhisthira [it was not the result of sins of previous birth of Yudhisthira], it was played to reduce the poorva punya of Yudhisthira [on his own will], thus causing distress to his brothers and wife, which reduced his Punya .


Karma Vipaka - Discourse of Yama

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/04

A rich man invites entire city to his function ,where a grand pooja is held, rich man performs pooja with much grandeur and display of wealth. He offers gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, fruits, incense with loud chanting of mantras. Aarti is performed with bells resounding the air and frenzy atmosphere is created, but alas, the entire show was only to impress the gathering, with a pride that everybody is watching and probably to create an impression how devotional one is. There is no devotion towards the Lord. Its all “adambar pooja” .

But nonetheless that was a Karma!

A child was born in a rich family, birthday was planned, child was completely dressed with ornaments, gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, silk robes, golden cradle. House was decorated with flowers, perfumes, lights etc. There was a huge gathering, everyone was praising the child, singing songs ,wishing him long life. Everyone around him was happy, but child alas was unaware of what was going on.

The correlation of the two stories is the child was none but rich man reborn and the effect was the result of his karma “adambar pooja”. He did a splendid job without sincerity of mind, he  reaped a splendid result sans consciousness.

  • Karmas are of three types
    • Satvik
    • Rajasik
    • Tamasic
  • They are further divided as
      • Papa
      • Punya
  • Thus we have
      • Satvik punya
      • Rajasik punya 
      • Tamasic punya
  • Similarly
      • Satvik papa 
      • Rajasik papa
      • Tamasik papa
    • Further these are divided into
      • Papa beeja
      • Punya beeja 
    • Thus we have
      • Papa beeja punya 
      • Papa beeja papa 
      • And punya beeja papa
      • Punya beeja punya
  • Beeja itself is again
      • Satvik 
      • Rajasik
      • Tamasik
  • These can be further divided as manasa vacha and karmana.
      • That which is done by
        • Mind
        • Speech 
        • Body
    • They are further classified as
        • Dhrud
        • Adhrud
        • prakat
        • Gupt
        • Sahaj
        • Utprerita
        • Avishta
    • They are further classified as
        • Prarabdha
        • Sanchita
        • Agami
    • These are Further classified as
        • Ishta
        • Anishta
    • And many more subtle differentiations beyond the scope of general readers.
    • The effects of each are also known as the secret science of Danda neeti .

    • Thus karmas unfold life after life in an inexhaustible manner throwing the soul into cycle of births and deaths.


      Karma Vipaka - The story of Nachiketa

      By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/03

      Nachiketa was a great scholar. His father wanted to donate everything to everybody and start a fresh life. (sarvasva dana-this is form of vrata which in  olden days every able persons confident of their abilities and to reiterate their dependence on notion that everything is given by God and taken away by him at his will). But while donating one must donate only those which we would like to use ourselves and not those that would be useless to us.

      Nachiketa’s father was about to donate two old sick cows, when Nachiketa objected and advised his father,"oh my father giving such dana would get you a place in santanik loka which does not have peace". Father furious at son’s disobedience says "even you are useless to me and I have donated you to Yama".

      Adhering to Father’s words Nachiketa sets his journey for Yama Loka. Father after having his anger settled, repents but words are words. Nachiketa after long journey to the land of dead (alive), with his tapobala reaches Yamapuri to the south of Meru. But Yama was not at his residence, his wife Shyamala devi having a Bramhin at the doorstep, rushes to invite him with respect. But Nachiketa refuses to step inside as shastras prohibit entering of a house when the owner is not present. Hence Nachiketa spends next three days fasting, at the doorsteps of Yama.

      Yama arrives and having seen a Bramhin lad fully engrossed at his doorstep is immensely pleased, after feeding him,  agrees to grant three boons. Nachiketa asks for Bramha vidya, Yama offers wealth of a golden city, kingship of a ethereal world and 1000 apsaras to a young boy, he rejects and sticks to  learning Bramha vidya. Finally convinced of his capacity, Yama gives discourse to Nachiketa on Bramha vidya, what is known as popularly Kathopanishad.

      As a second boon Nachiketa preferred to know the different kinds of Karma a man does and their subsequent fruits/effects he experiences in the subsequent births. Yama explains to him the theory of karma in what is known as Karma Vipaka. This is a discourse on:

      1. What are the different kinds of actions a man undertakes.
      2. How these actions can be classified.
      3. What are the ramifications of this action.
      4. How are planets responsible in bringing out this ramifications.
      5. What are different experiences of soul in different worlds.
      6. Why does one take birth in one particular combination of planets.
      7. What are importance of birth in a particular nakshatra as per karma.
      8. Who determines the karma and who keeps record of it.
      9. What is the process of Vipaka.
      10. How can one come out of this cycle of birth and death after knowing ones Karma and its Vipaka.

      Nachiketa as a third boon asks for forgivance to his father’s folly, to which Yama says, blessed are the 21 generations of forefathers in which a son like NACHIKETA is born. Nachiketa was an extraordinary lad who had the capacity to face the lord of Death in his own city alive.


      Effect of retrograde planet in Gochara

      By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/21

      Once there lived a rich man. He had no children. Even after many years of marriage, his wife was unable to conceive. Once  he went to a saint who was able to talk to God everyday in the night. He asked kindly see whether I have a yoga of the child in my destiny. Saint said I would ask God tonight and let you know. In the night as usual the saint asked God whether this rich man has a yoga of child, God replied “No”. Next day saint said, I am sorry you do not have a child in this birth.

      Dejected, rich man spent next years in bewilderment. Once Sri Vadiraaj Swamy of Sondhe came to that city, rich man went to pay his respect to the swamiji. Swamiji blessed him that he would soon father a child. And by the grace of God in a year the rich man got a son. Swamiji came by next year, and the rich man and saint came to Swamiji and narrated how he had personally asked God and got the reply that he has no yoga for child. Then how come God has blessed him with a child. Swamiji said the saint had merely enquired to God and God had replied the fact. But he had requested God to grant him a child. So God obliged.

      But how come it is possible to have a child in the absence of destiny. The learned swamiji said it is always possible to borrow our destiny from our sanchita karma, we can prepone what we are about to get in future lives in this birth by the grace of the God. This is called as “Praachinachirna Punya”. Fifth house in astrology denotes this.

      In a dasha of a planet, if the planet is associated with 9th lord or Jupiter in a yoga, such fortunes can be expected. Fructification of such results happen when Jupiter or yogakaraka planet has just resumed the direct motion after freeing from retrogression.


      Monday, 11 April 2022

      Panchavidha Samvatsara

      By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/08

      There are five types of years in astrology. year(saura mana 365.266 days), 2.lunar year (chandramana 354days), 3.nakshatra mana (324 days), 4.brahaspatya (Jupiterian year 395 days), 5. Savanamana (360 days year). 

      Each has its own significance in astrology. For mass regulation solar year is best suited. For day today affairs lunar year should be adopted. For shanti  nakshatra year is adopted . For political forecast brahaspatya is used, for birthdays, longevity, dasas vrata, niyama, yagna, Savana year is used.

      Indian panchanga is soli-lunar calendar. It takes into account 360 tithis rather than days. it is unique and very apt for dharma shastras. This takes into account the tithi at sunrise, and this remains for entire day for the celebration of certain festivals. For example, if at sunrise, it is Navami, then whole day that day will be considered as RAMNAVAMI, though in actual practise dashami might have come by noon.

      For shradhha, whatever tithi is at noon is considered as shrahdhha tithi. So even if you have dwitiya in the morning, but  tritiya at noon then tritiya shradhha can be performed. For vratas, tithi mixed with previous tithi is prohibited, tithi mixed with forward tithi is auspicious. But for sankashta chaturthi, tithi at evening chandrodaya is only apt. Krishnaashtami is celebrated on a day when both rohini or ashtami is bound on midnight, it is more auspicious if it is Wednesday on that day. Fasting is done till both ashtami and Rohini are exhausted.

      Thus panchanga enables us to perform our daily karmas (Nitya karmas and Naimittika karmas, and kamya karmas) at a proper time to avail destined results. Nitya karmas are those that are must, like bathing everyday, sandhyavandane, ekadashi etc. These if not done attracts sins. Naimittika are those which are done on special occasions like Magha snana, Kumbha snana etc. These if done gives merit, but does not culminate into sin not done. Kamya karma are those which are done to achieve certain goals. All these should be done at right time to get results. Astrology helps to time these with the help of five types of calculation Panchavidha samvatsara.


      Sunday, 10 April 2022

      Astrology and importance of efforts

      By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/21 

      Astrological charts shows the effects of past karma. What is past karma, the deeds we have done through mind, speech and actions in the past lives. Are we not doing anything in this life as karma? Does this mean whatever Pooja, prayers ,good deeds I am doing now are only for next life? why then astrologers suggest remedy ? remedy that we do now are they not karma,do they give effect in this life or next life?

      Most of these questions we have answered in this article that karmas done in this life also contribute to the present and alters effects we reap now, but when things go wrong even after extreme efforts, we leave it to fate and become passive. Does shastras permit such kind of behaviour. is there any incident highlighting this conclusion.

      We shall examine few incidence :

      1. Dharmashastra says whatever lost in the gamble or whatever given to a wife can be taken back ,and should not be considered as commitment. Hence when Yudhisthira lost his Kingdom in a gamble to kauravas. He could have claimed it back. Even Vidur suggests Dhritarashtra to return Kingdom on account of above shastra. Bheemasena asks his brother Yudhistira to attack Hastinapur after 12 months of vanvasa, here for the purpose of keeping dharma 12 months of vanvasa was enough to have undergone 12 years (there are many types of years in astrology, chandra, saura, btahaspatya, nakshatri, savanmana, pitrumana, devmana, bramhamana, varying in number of days in a year, for various occasions various years need to be considered). This is dharma [right conduct]. But Yudhistira refuses (a tendency for lack of efforts). Finally when vanvasa is over Duryodhana refuses to accept chandraman, because he follows saura mana solar year of 365days, and according to him 12+1 years was not yet over still few months left, thus war breaks out due to dispute.
      2. Hanuman was a great astrologer too. He knew Ravana was to be killed by Rama, so even if he was capable of killing Ravana, he spared him many times. Yet when Ravan was taking away Seeta Devi, both Hanuman and Sugreeva watch him take away, since Rama had not yet approached Sugreeva, he preferred inaction, But Hanuman flew immediately (here Ramayana would have been over even before Rama meets Sugreeva), so Sugreeva stops him as an order from the king, Hanuman was minister. 
      3. Bheemasena and Duryodhana both were special beings as they did not require formal education to get their respective knowledge. Hence both from the day 1 of the birth knew that they were rivals and wanted to kill each other. Bheemasena had he been eldest among Pandavas, would have killed Duryodhana the day he was born, such is his zeal to perform duty towards the Lord Krishna. Yudhistira being eldest stops time and again to stretch Mahabharath to point where it is fought when Arjuna was 68 years old. Duryodhan was 70 years of age at the time of war.
      4. Lord Krishna makes an effort for peace between Kauravas and Pandavas, (though HE knew there would be a war eventually according to the great prediction of VedVyasa, who had written Mahabharath even before Bheeshma was born). He made an effort by selecting a suitable muhurtha named “maitra” on a Dwadashi  day. He went to Hastinapur proposed peace but was rejected and insulted by Shakuni.

       (Can we imagine God himself making a vain effort!)

      1. When vastraharan of Draupadi Devi was taking place, Draupadi devi had her fists completely clenching her sari (a sign of doubt on God and extreme confidence on one’s own strength, so that if god does not come to help at least I can still hold on to the saree and avoid being stripped) as Dushyasana was pulling it. Draupadi Devi was praying for help to Krishna, who had not yet come. Slowly Draupadi Devi realised she would not be able to hold on to the clasp of saree for long and hence she leaves the clasp and raises both hands to completely depend on God for help. Here Krishna appears losing no time and supplies reams of saree such that her honour is saved and Dushyasan faints.

      From above incidents we can conclude that, though astrology says (according to our past karma) we do not have luck to succeed immediately, we should not remain passive like Yudhistira and Sugreeva, but when it comes to duty we must immediately rush for it, irrespective of good days and bad days, irrespective of chances of success or failure according to Astrology (if there is no chance of success, we need not avoid a duty [avashya karma]) like Hanuman and Bheemasena. If there is really a destiny to negate our efforts then it would come in a Godly inspiration as in forms of Yudhistira as elder brother, or Sugreeva as a superior authority, and we are spared from the clutches of karma. If destiny is favourable we shall succeed.

      Effort is an Effort, it should be made sincerely with all the might and force. Situation like good time and bad time should not downsize our efforts especially those which are our prime duty. Success and failures are subject to God’s will. What counts for a soul is only efforts. In Bhagavadgeeta Arjuna asks "Hey Krishna what use is killing all my brethren and preceptors and relatives and friends, all I would get is only a kingdom that would end with my death as well is this war really worth it", Krishna says to Arjuna, "hey Arjun even if you don’t fight, I would still get all these people killed and that too by your own hands, but you shall go to hell for not obeying me. And you shall face disgrace in history for your cowardice too. But if willingly you fight you would attain my grace."

      A soul’s Karma is judged more on the basis of his efforts rather than outcome of his karma

      Sri krishnarpana 

      Saturday, 9 April 2022

      Poornayush, Poornasampathi – Fluctuating fortunes

      By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/11

      We are all born with fixed longevity and fixed prosperity . With every success of accurate predictions by Astrologer , the Pruchchaka (client) wonders whether there is any scope for improvement in life , there seems to be definiteness in everything that this astrologer predicts. what am I doing. 

      a student thinks well I have good time i am going to get the grades , what use is extra study. what use is extra efforts?

      shastra clearly reject such thinking.  a new born baby ‘s life is not predictable for at least 24  years. because death may come to the child due to its own past sins within first four years, next  16 years child may die due to sins of mother and or father. hence child should be taken care of through medication , pious living, and homa and other austerities.

      secondly longevity and wealth of the humans are fluctuating day by day with their deeds. a bad deed brings down life and wealth. a good deed increases. for eg. eating in a iron plate decreases life, cutting one’s hair on Saturday decreases life span. irregular sexual habits decreases span of life. etc.

      daily poojas , devotion to elders and deities bring about good fortune and increase in wealth and longevity. Assume a man leads a 100 years life.

      360 days for a year (savana year  not solar) makes up 36000 days and 36000 nights. Human body has 72000 nadis. As everyday/night  passes each nadi is switched off .a mere look at man can tell about his age and fortunes by the study of his state of nadi , a knowledge held secret . With an evil karma , many nadis forcibly gets deactivated (devoid prana)as a result of divine will. and men loses his lustre. At the time of death soul resists yama pasa by hiding in each and available nadi. but finds no recluse. Finally when prana is empty it has to leave along with yamaduta.

      Men has to perform good deeds when there is strength and age on his side. increase his longevity. God brings humans into this world to understand HIM, eyes to look at his image, ears to listen about his Glory, mouth to eat his prasad, speak about his Glorious  qualities feet to visit his temple. hand to do his archana. Astrologers can only predict they are not the masters of destiny, they are only for guidance , believe in purushartha.

      so make hay when sun shines. Appease lord and get his blessings for Poorna ayus and poorna sampathi .

      srikrishnarpana mastu