Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Bhojan Patra Vichara – Dining Plates and Astrology

 By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/05

  • Second lord in trines or angle, in vaisheshikamsa or second lord in deep exaltation in Mriduamsa ,one eats only in golden plates all through the life.
  • Second lord in kendra or trikona with moon and Venus ,one eats in silver vessels. If joined by Jupiter along with Moon and Venus, one eats in golden plates and cups.
  • If these Moon, Venus , Jupiter and Mercury are in own navamsas, if second lord is also exalted in navamsa then the golden plates will be heavy and thick in its shape .
  • If second lord in kendra, trikona in mriduamsa, is aspected by a friendly planet, then one eats in a bronze plates.
  • If second lord is strong in kendra, Moon and Venus not associated but in vaisheshikamsa, then one eats in a strange and attractive (vichitra) type of plates.
  • If second lord’s dispositor is aspected by a malefic, weak and karaka is also weak then one will eat in a plate made of two metals.
  • If second lord is in eighth with Saturn then one will eat in iron plates.
  • If the lord of the rasi in which navamsa lord of second lord is disposed is associated with benefics, one will eat in bronze plates.
  • If second lord is with malefics in davagni, dandayudha and kala amsas or neech navamsa one will have uncontrolled hunger.
  • If second lord is debilitated in navamsa one will always eat others food.
  • if aspected by debilitated planet in navamsa one will speak ill of food given.
  • If second as saturn, or saturn aspecting second lord itself being in debilitation, one will live by eating  in shraddha ceremonies.
  • If second lord is with gulika, saturn and mars in neecha navamsa, one will eat burnt, belated food.
  • One will eat fast and happily if the second lord is exalted in benefic shashtiamsa.
  • If second lord and lagna lord are associated one will have food from time to time without any difficulty.
  • If second lord is in vishesha amsas, aspected by Jupiter or Venus, one will eat with full satisfaction very tasty foods.