Showing posts with label papa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label papa. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 April 2022

What is Karma?

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/27

It is often most used term KARMA! But exactly what is Karma? 

Karma is the actions left behind by the soul. Actions from manasa vacha kaya!!!

All these karma are interaction of 24 tattvas in the universe. Our bodies are made of 24 tatvas.

  1. Avyakta
  2. sookshma prakriti [satva rajas tamas]
  3. Mahat
  4. Ahankar
  5. 5 panch gyanendriya [chakshus, shrotra, ghran, tvak, jivha]
  6. 5 panch karmendriya [hasta, pada, payu upastha, vaak]
  7. 5 panch tanmatra [roopa, shabda, gandha, sparsha, rasa]
  8. 5 panch bhoota [tejas, akash, prithvi, vayu, jal]

Gayatri [24 syllables] represents these 24 tatvas, its japa energises these tatavas. Human body [infact entire creation] is made of these jada tatvas. When the world interacts, there is exchange of these tatvas from one body to other, and one element to the other. Thus there arises a need for equilibrium of this tatvas both in micro and macro levels of creations [pindanda and bramhanda]. This exchange of sookshma tatvas, and its debt and credit are termed as Karma. Creation and its sustenance, and destruction is process of bringing the cosmic balance of this tatvas.

Thus we are born in the same city where we would have performed in our previous lives; we use the same utensils that have been recycled from previously used materials. etc etc.

As we think, act, and speak a huge amount of tatvas are used and expended forming a anubandha. This are deposited as karma [sanchita, agami, prarabdha] as huge as mountains beyond Lokalok parvat. As the bramhanda is covered with 24 layers of Tatva [kharpar] like a coconut shell. The bookkeeping of these karmas are in the very nature and also inside our bodies in the form 72000 nadis. A look at a person’s astral bodies gives a picture perfect view of his karma. Astrology only reconfirms this Karma through mathematical calculations and planetary motion. So Planets are only indicative phenomena, real karma is our deeds, and is present in our own bodies.

When we have excess of Papa karma, our antah karana is heavy and sagged due to presence of excess tamo guna and we are unhappy. Tamo guna is slow in movement and hence our thoughts move slowly and man is brooding. A visit to a temple removes this tamo pradhan akaash from the mind and replaces with the satva pradaan antahkarna, we feel a sense of calmness and relief and our burdens are lightened. So we say we are at peace after visiting the temple.

Such is the greatness of Lord Vishnu that even if one bows to him in arrogance or ignorance or through haughtiness or jokingly or with cunning attitude, Papa[sins] accrued in 100 births vanish.

Shattyenapi yatkrutam namaskaram shata janma papam vinashyati.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Karma Vipaka - Discourse of Yama

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/04

A rich man invites entire city to his function ,where a grand pooja is held, rich man performs pooja with much grandeur and display of wealth. He offers gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, fruits, incense with loud chanting of mantras. Aarti is performed with bells resounding the air and frenzy atmosphere is created, but alas, the entire show was only to impress the gathering, with a pride that everybody is watching and probably to create an impression how devotional one is. There is no devotion towards the Lord. Its all “adambar pooja” .

But nonetheless that was a Karma!

A child was born in a rich family, birthday was planned, child was completely dressed with ornaments, gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, silk robes, golden cradle. House was decorated with flowers, perfumes, lights etc. There was a huge gathering, everyone was praising the child, singing songs ,wishing him long life. Everyone around him was happy, but child alas was unaware of what was going on.

The correlation of the two stories is the child was none but rich man reborn and the effect was the result of his karma “adambar pooja”. He did a splendid job without sincerity of mind, he  reaped a splendid result sans consciousness.

  • Karmas are of three types
    • Satvik
    • Rajasik
    • Tamasic
  • They are further divided as
      • Papa
      • Punya
  • Thus we have
      • Satvik punya
      • Rajasik punya 
      • Tamasic punya
  • Similarly
      • Satvik papa 
      • Rajasik papa
      • Tamasik papa
    • Further these are divided into
      • Papa beeja
      • Punya beeja 
    • Thus we have
      • Papa beeja punya 
      • Papa beeja papa 
      • And punya beeja papa
      • Punya beeja punya
  • Beeja itself is again
      • Satvik 
      • Rajasik
      • Tamasik
  • These can be further divided as manasa vacha and karmana.
      • That which is done by
        • Mind
        • Speech 
        • Body
    • They are further classified as
        • Dhrud
        • Adhrud
        • prakat
        • Gupt
        • Sahaj
        • Utprerita
        • Avishta
    • They are further classified as
        • Prarabdha
        • Sanchita
        • Agami
    • These are Further classified as
        • Ishta
        • Anishta
    • And many more subtle differentiations beyond the scope of general readers.
    • The effects of each are also known as the secret science of Danda neeti .

    • Thus karmas unfold life after life in an inexhaustible manner throwing the soul into cycle of births and deaths.
