Showing posts with label planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planet. Show all posts

Monday, 11 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/06

As the predictions are given from the rising sign in the east , similarly predictions should be given from each planet also. This form of predictive technique is known as Ashtakvarga. When all the benefic aspects of eight planets on a sign in a horoscope are aggregated , we get samudaya ashtakavarga on that sign. Sun during its motion when traverses that sign ,that month will give good or bad effects on the horoscope. 

Sometimes we see that we are suffering on a particular month in a year and every year that month gets tough for certain aspects like, finance, family, or profession etc. If somebody observes this phenomena he should immediately undertake remedy  for that samudaya ashtakvarga sign for relief in the coming years.

Similarly certain times we appear to get downfalls at a particular cycles in our life, say, three year cycle, or twelve years or thirty years etc. If one identifies such problems, [if you feel you are facing same kind of problems that you were facing twelve years ago, or few years back] then consult your astrologer for samudaya ashtakavarga and suitable remedy as prescribed in shastras will get rid of such recurrences.

Also such phenomena can be observed with our family members, here too traversal of certain planets through certain asterisms always troubles our relatives, here proper remedial measures removes such evils. Most of the life threatening events (these are avoidable) can be foreseen and avoided.

Interestingly the number of benefic score that a planet gains indicate the level of success in a horoscope. In a matter of comparison between two successful people, who scores better is determined by the ashtakvarga. Its ashtakvarga that determines whether you are a numero-uno or an also ran in your field whether it be profession, films, cricket or politics.
