By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/04
People born on Purnima are learned, handsome, agreeable
personalities, and usually a leader among their kinsmen. But as moon happens to be
in kendra for the Poornima birth, the wealth and prosperity and intelligence
of the individual will not come out to full potential. Only when Moon is in
apoklima to sun the individual reaps his destiny to the full is the dictum of
The same Moon [full moon] if it is vargottama gives rise to
a man who is prominent in his profession. If such a full moon vargottama has
an aspect of four or more planets gives rise to a unique Rajyoga. The subject
rules a vast land with four types of army under his rule.
C RAJAGOPALACHARI had this combination, and even during British rule he
was chef minister [akin to] Madras presidency, and then became first
GOVERNOR GENERAL of INDIA after the British left, and Dr Rajendra Prasad
took over as President of INDIA. The Rajyoga operates irrespective of world scenario.
Ashvayuja Purnima is also known as KOJAGIR Purnima, KUMAR
Purnima or Sharad Poornima. Goddess Laxmi manifested on this day. People
facing financial problems can be assured of relief from poverty and excessive
expenses by praying Goddess Laxmi on this night just by staying awake.
Unmarried girls can get handsome mates on this day praying
Kumar Kartikeya. This day the moon is brightest and such a full moon has
inspired many a poets in comparing the characters with richness of moon light.
Madhvacharya, Vyasa teertha and Raghavendra Swamy all of
them have been compared with Sharad indu in bestowing beacon light to
those who were strayed in darkness of ignorance. Just as the Sharad Purnima
moon these great teachers have shown the path to the people on the earth to regain their self and direct their sadhana towards the Moksha.
Note :Chiraan also came into this world on Ashvayuja Purnima!