Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Kojagir Purnima

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/04

People born on Purnima are learned, handsome, agreeable personalities, and usually a leader among their kinsmen. But as moon happens to be in kendra for the Poornima birth, the wealth and prosperity and intelligence of the individual will not come out to full potential. Only when Moon is in apoklima to sun the individual reaps his destiny to the full is the dictum of classics. 

The same Moon [full moon] if it is vargottama gives rise to a man who is prominent in his profession. If such a full moon vargottama has an aspect of four or more planets gives rise to a unique Rajyoga. The subject rules a vast land with four types of army under his rule.
C RAJAGOPALACHARI had this combination, and even during British rule he was chef minister [akin to] Madras presidency, and then became first GOVERNOR GENERAL of INDIA after the British left, and Dr Rajendra Prasad took over as President of INDIA. The Rajyoga operates irrespective of world scenario.

Ashvayuja Purnima is also known as KOJAGIR Purnima, KUMAR Purnima or Sharad Poornima. Goddess Laxmi manifested on this day. People facing financial problems can be assured of relief from poverty and excessive expenses by praying Goddess Laxmi on this night just by staying awake.

Unmarried girls can get handsome mates on this day praying Kumar Kartikeya. This day the moon is brightest and such a full moon has inspired many a poets in comparing the characters with richness of moon light.

Madhvacharya, Vyasa teertha and Raghavendra Swamy all of them have been  compared with Sharad indu in bestowing beacon light to those who were strayed in darkness of ignorance. Just as the Sharad Purnima moon these great teachers have shown the path to the people on the earth to regain their self and direct their sadhana towards the Moksha.


Note :Chiraan also came into this world on Ashvayuja Purnima!

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Syamantakopakhyaan - A story about Krishna Ganapaty and False Allegation

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/24

When Saturn is in the fourth house in any of the divisional charts one faces allegation in his life. 

Krishna in order to save Yadavs from Jarasandha’s repeated attacks, called Vishwakarma and created a beautiful city of DWARAKA. This city was fully golden with gates doors of each house made of gold. It had 16000 palaces for gopika stree of Lord Krishna. Also it had 11000 crores houses for all Yadavs. The vastu of the city was such that none would ever fall sick or die prematurely.

Note: today world population is itself 6 billion whereas in Dwapara each city itself had the population of 110 billion. This proves the purana statement that distances, men height and living places all change as the yuga changes. In nutshell world shrinks with age. People fight for land food and living. Cultivation has reduced to twice a year, in Dwapar it was 6 times, in Treta it was 9 times and in Krutyuga cultivation was year long. In kruta yuga the mode of exchange was precious stones. In Treta it was Gold and in Dwapara it was silver, in todays era  the bill of exchange are of plastic, paper or coins are copper and iron.

In such Dwaraka lived one by name UGRASEN, he had two sons Satrajit and Prasen. Satrajit undertook ‘ANSHAN VRAT' [fasting unto death] to please Surya [Sun deity] devata. Surya devata, with his bright Gayatri swaroop appeared before him, Deity asked him to seek a boon. Satrajit asked for the dangling Ruby in the deity’s neck and sought as boon. This ruby [Syamantak MANI ] was very lustrous, it had to be worn only by the pious and clean [shuchi] person. It would end the life of the person who is unclean by mind and body. At the same time this Mani would give every day a 8000 kgs of gold .

Wearing the precious stone in his neck, Satrajit came back to the city, as he entered the city everyone thought Sun himself has come to meet KRISHNA. Such was the radiance of Satrajit. Satrajit fearing that Krishna would ask his MANI for himself, he gave it to his brother Prasen. Prasen once wearing the stone went for hunting. On the same day from a different direction even Krishna went for the Hunt.

Prasen was killed by a lion and lion took the Syamnatak mani from him. After a few strolls Lion was killed by a bear [Jambavanta] and he carried the Mani to his cave and tied it to the cradle of the baby.

Seeing Krishna return and no trace of Prasen, Satrajit alleged that Krishna has killed his brother for the want of Syamantak mani. Krishna to get rid of allegation, went into the forest along with all his relatives. They saw the remains of [leftover by lion] Prasen and followed the footmarks of Lion, there they found the footmarks of a bear and killed lion. They followed the footmarks of the bear into a cave, cave was dark and deep. Thus Krishna ordered all his relatives to stay at the entrance and as he was self illuminating personality, he entered the cave all by himself. There after the dark patch, he suddenly saw a bight palace with many dazzling lights. Onto cradle was dangling the Syamantak mani. The lady of the house advised Krishna to take away the mani and go away before jammbavan wakes up. Krishna smiled and blew his conch thus waking up Jambavan. Jambvaan and Krishna had a terrible fight which went onto many days. After seven days when Krishna did not return, relatives at the entrance of the cave assumed Krishna as dead and went back to Dwaraka. There they also performed the last rites.

Here after 21 days of Fight Jambavaan was defeated and fell on the ground exhausted. Jambavaan exclaimed, I belong to the time of Lord SriRAM, no one can defeat me in a straight combat, but since you have defeated me, you must be Sriman Narayana himself. Krishna showed his RaM roopa to Jambavaan, Jambavaan fell on the feet of the Lord, gave Syamantak Mani and also Kaustubha mani along with his daughter Jambavati in marriage to SriKrishna.

SriKrishna came back to Dwaraka and called a huge gathering to clear the allegation that was put unto him and handed back the Syamantak Mani to Satrajit. Satrajit afraid of the backlash of Yadavas and also out of Fear of Srikrishna gave the mani and his Daughter SATYABHAMA to Lord Krishna in marriage.

Shatdhanva and Akrur were not happy with this marriage and in the absence of Krishna [Krishna when he had gone to see the Pandavas] attacked Satrajit and killed him and took away the Syamantak mani fron Satyabhama.

Fearing that Krishna would wage a war, Shatdhanva gave the mani to Akrur and Akrur fled to Kashi along with the Mani and started living a pious life there. He built many temples with the gold available through Syamantak mani.

Knowing all these, yet Krishna pretending as if he knows nothing about Akrur, inspired Balaraam to go together and bring back Syamantak mani from Shatdhanva. Both the brothers chased Shatadhanva, Shatadhanva fearing for his life climbed a mare and rode away, Krishna and Balarama chased him, in a day Shatadhanva crossed over 800 miles. Lastly the mare died of thirst, leaving it to its fate, Shatadhanva fled on foot. Krishna followed him and finally cut his throat through Sudarshan. Then as a normal human he searched for the MAni in his dress . Balraam arrived a bit late, as Krishna declared there is no Mani. 

Balaraam grew angry:

1. For unnecessarily making a false pretext to kill relative Shatadhanva. 

2. Balaraam suspected, Krishna had no intention to give Syamantak Mani to Him [though elder brother], as Balraam was alcoholic.

Balaraam developed anger and frustration on Krishna and left him, and settled in a new town of MITHILA, for next five years brothers did not interact with each other.

Seeing this opportunity Duryodhan went to Balaraam under the pretext of learning Gadayudha from him [art of fighting with Mace]. In these five years Duryodhan expected to gain over Balaraam and ask for the hand of Subhadra. If Balaraam promises, Krishna would not object and once he marries Subhadra, both the brothers would be under his sway for the sake of sister. [Such was the Plan of Duryodhan]. However he managed to get the promise from Balaraam .

Here Akrur became pious day by day. Narad muni asked Srikrishna to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat to get rid of all the allegation onto him. Narad said, as Krishna had seen the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day [Bhadrapad shukla chaturthi] [Ganapaty had cursed moon that whoever sees the moon on the Bhadrapad shukla charturthi day, he would face false allegation].

As KRISHNA performed the vrat, Akrur completely guilty ridden went back to Dwaraka and handed over the Syamantak mani to Krishna. All the allegations were cleared.

Seeing Ugrasen, Balraam and Satyabhama all wanting to keep the Mani with them Krishna felt giving it any would annoy the other and hence asked Akrur to keep it for himself as he was pious and always engaged in Yagnya.

Thus one who does Ganesh Vrat gets rid of all allegations and all his works undertaken will be successful and without obstacles.


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Moon Mind & Abhimanyu

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/20

Moon indicates mind in astrology. Moon also indicates ability to attract near and dears. Moon indicates royal favours and cheers from subjects. Moon also indicates hasty decisions. Moon indicates able ruler and his heirs. Moon is the dynasty. Moon also indicates manes.

Abhimanyu was the incarnation of moon. Abhimanyu was Angad in his previous life in Ramayana. Arjun was Vali. He carried forward his runanubandha even in this life. 

Due to extreme devotion Angad had in Rama, Abhimanyu became very dear to Krishna.

When mind is firmly fixed in the Lord Ram, then no evil can even enter your mind, or disturb your gait / goal and resolution. Although every type of evil is ever engaged in disturbing / moving the tranquil of the brain and mind. Such a mind when fixed in Rama becomes firm just like Angad put his step firmly on the ground taking the name of Lord Ram. None in the court of Ravan could even move it leave aside uproot it. All the demons [various sins, evil thoughts] tried their best to move Angad’s feet but without success.

A firm resolute mind is only possible when it is fixed unconditionally towards Ram. Your mind automatically purifies, and achieves the great feat. Even under hostile circumstances it fears not to convey the message of RAM.

Abhimanyu learnt great Vidya by Lord Krishna in the womb. Lord impregnates mind with multitudes of capacity. Abhimanyu was dear to all the Pandavas. Abhimanyu represents half knowledge .

With half knowledge one can never come out of delusion [padmavyuha] called life. Logic cannot help in gain victory over senses. Neither it helps solve mystery of life. When mind is not fully equipped it keeps revolving in padmavyuha.

When such a mind is not accompanied by [Bheema, Yudhisthir, Nakul, Sahadev], i.e.. perfect knowledge & devotion towards divine, Dharma [do’s and don’ts], good neeti and conduct.

Though it can successfully tackle problems of life but cannot overcome it. When such accompaniment fails due to interference owing to lust [Jayadrath], it is severally attacked by jealousy [Karna], ego [Ashvaththama], sense of dejection [Kripa], greed [Duryodhan], perverted knowledge [Dushyashan], and confusion [Shakuni] all aided by atheism [Drona].

Such an unprepared mind is afflicted severally by these, and there is no hope whatsoever about escape from such a situation. One gets lost into such delusion named chakravyuha. One ends up with his head hit by the mace of [Kushashtra], son of Dushyashan [perverted knowledge gives birth to delusive scriptures and beliefs].

Such Chakravyuha can only be successfully tackled by Arjun [shravan, manan, dhyana] directed by Lord Krishna in body, which is purified by the presence of Hanuman .

Always engage the mind in the practice of meditation of Lord, else one will get stuck in the chakravyuha of life, never to come out of it afflicted by shadvairy [six enemies of kama, krodha, lobh, mada, moha, matsarya]. Never leave the company of dharma, gyana, neeti and suvartan.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

DwiPitru Yoga - The story of Mitra and Varun

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/01

When  Sun and Moon are in the same rasi and navamsa, then the child so born will be raised by two fathers. 

This story when read with devotion gives children very soon to those who have not conceived , without doubt. Those who read this everyday will live happily by the grace of devatas and their  forefathers. The following story relieves one of all sins when read early in the morning.

Once there lived a very learned Daksha a prajapati. He had thirteen daughters by name Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kalamuhurta, Simhika, Muni, Ira, Krodha, Surabhi, Vinata, Surasasvasa, Kadru, Devashuni. He married all of them to Kashyap. The eldest Aditi gave birth to 12 adityas akin to Agni in lustre. They were Bharga, Amsha, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Savita, Dhatru, Vivasvan, Tvashtru, Pusha, Indra, Vishnu .

The world is illuminated by these twelve suns [Adityas] and thus there is day and night. The heat and rains are due to these Adityas. Varun is the middle among the twelve and attained fame as Lokpalak and obtained the ownership of western direction. He shines over the western ocean [pashchim samudra]. There is a golden mountain by name Shilochchaya, it is very beautiful mountain with many mines of precious stones, beautiful ponds, rivers and many a fauna and flora. Many parts of this mountain range were inhabitated by siddas, gandharvas. When Sun goes beyond these ranges the inhabitants of the region near this part of the world experience the night. Vishvakarma the devashilpi has constructed a beautiful golden city by name Vishvavati for Varun. Varun himself gives sunlight to this western part of Meru. He is served by gandharvas and apsaras by the grace of Bramha.

Once Varun along with his brother Mitra went to the Kurukshetra,where bramharishis were always engaged in penance, which is full of vanamool kanda [edible roots] and flowers. There both the brothers decided to wear deerskin and engage in tapasya. Nearby a beautiful pond named “Paundarik” was full of lotuses, creepers, birds and colourful fishes and tortoises. Suddenly “URVASI” along with her maids, descended in the pond and singing beautifully, started taking the bath playfully. Her beauty was bewitching, fair skinned, with lustre of newly sprung lotus flower illuminated by morning sun, she was carelessly venturing in the pond with exuberance. Her lustrous wavy hair locks wet with water, face like that of moon in full bloom, lips like a buds. Her every part of the body was oozing with beauty reflecting her equally beautiful mind, with a bewitching smile, and gait of intoxicated elephant that symbol youth Urvasi, attracted both Mitra and Varun engaged in tapasya .

Both of them suffered retahskhalan [ejaculation] at the sight of Urvashi, by the wish of Lord Narayana. The retas fell at three places equally from both Mitra and Varuna [mixed]. One on a lotus flower, one on the pitcher on the ground, and other in the water in the pond. As both were engaged in long penance, their semen was very potent. The one that fell on lotus gave rise to VASHISHTHA rishi, one in the pitcher gave birth to AGASTHYA rishi, and one in the pond developed into a a big fish. As this was happening, Urvashi left for swarga unaware of all the incidents.

Thus Vashishtha and Agasthya came to be known as sons of both Mitra and Varuna. And Mitra and Varun continued their tapasya, and then Virinchi appeared and assured them that Vishnuloka will be given to them, but for now let the two remain as Loksakshi the observers of world [karma of people]. For having begotten such illustrious sons their lives were as well very auspicious.

Any one who desires a child, when he listens to this [papanashak] story with purity of mind and body begets a illustrious child.


Thursday, 14 April 2022

7th House - Polygamy

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/07

  • If there are malefics in second house, seventh house and if seventh lord is debilitated or combust ,one will have three marriages. 
  • If seventh lord is exalted in kendra aspected or associated by 10 lord will give many wives.
  • 12 and 2 lord in third aspected by Jupiter will give many wives.
  • Navamsha lord of the planet, who is navamsha lord of the seventh lord in navamsha if exalted and associated with benefics in Rashi chakra will give 100 wives.
  • Lord of the rashi tenanted by second lord in rashi, if its lord in shastiamsha is exalted and itself in gopuramsa then one will marry 200 wives.
  • If a strong exchange of seventh and tenth lord and associated with strong second lord will give unlimited wives.

Moon was married to 27 daughters of Daksha Prajapati, Dharma married another 10 of his daughters, Kashyap married 13 daughters of the Prajapati. Kashyap spread the population all over the earth in a diversified forms and species.

Dashrath [Illustrious father of Shri Ram] had three wives. Vasudev [father of Sri Krishna] had 24 wives. Pandu [father of Panadavas had two wives]. Bheemsena had 28 wives. Arjun had 16 wives.

  • Sri Krishna had 16108 wives, he remained on the earth for 105 years.
  • Sri Krishna had 10 sons and 1 daughter from each of his wives.
  • This means he had 1 lakh 77 thousand one hundred and 88 children.
  • By logic [if he has spent one day each with one wife to impregnate them] he should spend at least 177188 days/nights just consummating his marriage.
  • He married 16100 wives when he was 23 years old. That means till he left earth, he had lived only 365*82=29930 days.
  • How can one beget 177188 children in 29930 days from 16108 unless one spends his day and night with 6 of his wives, this way his whole day and night would be spent only among his wives all the 100 years with an average of four hours to each.
  • But even this would give him a child of about 1 month old at the age of 105, but contrarily Sri Krishna had all the 177188 children quiet grown up by the time he was 60 years, this makes this feat even impossible.
  • Also Sri Krishna was known to have been very close to Pandavas, helping them across many places quiet far away from the Dwaraka, also HE did many other leelas in different parts and finally he is known to have spent full 18 days in Mahabharath war, that makes the count even less. [So the whole feat is humanly impossible]
  • So how was that possible.
  • Narada rishi had a similar doubt, so he decided to inspect the love life. He went to each of the palace where his each wife was staying, and there he found Krishna living happily merrily in the company of his wife. This surprisingly was same at every of the 16108 palaces, at the same time HE was also found with the Pandavas, exclusively he granted time for his friends and other yadavas. Wherever Narada went he saw Krishna.
  • Lord Krishna [Paramatma] is present in everyone’s heart and governs our action.
  • He is inside and outside this world [Vaasudev] supporting this universe/creation.
  • He is the one who has shown entire bramhanda in his mouth to Yashoda.
  • He is omnipotent all pervasive.
  • He is infinite with infinite roopas.
  • So this feat of having 10 lakh progeny [sons and grandsons] is just infinitesimal compared to what he does in controlling entire Universe. [Jagadoddhara]


177188, 31025