Showing posts with label araniprapti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label araniprapti. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

AraniPrapti - Recovery of Lost Article

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/17

When there are benefics in the 2 ,3 4 or 11, then lost articles are recovered.

As Pandavs were living peacefully in the forest after Karna and Duryodhan were rescued by Arjun from gandharva Chitrasen. A Bramhin one day came by to the place where pandavs were dwelling.

Bramhin had his arani carried away by a deer. What is arani? 

In olden days Bramhins resorted to Agnihotra everyday. Agnihotra required the fire to be lit in the Homa Kunda. This fire was lit with the help of sticks known as Arani. Two Arani sticks when rubbed caused fire to be lit through kusha and samit.

As Arani was carried away by the deer stuck in its horns. Bramhin came to Pandavs to get back the Arani from the deer which might be wandering in the forest.

All the five brothers set out into the forest. They looked into the direction where deer hoofs were found. They chased the deer deep into the forest, and deer suddenly vanished.

All the five brothers were tired and thirsty due to prolonged chase.

Nakul sad at the events and failure thus spoke to Yudhisthir, "Oh elder one, as far as I know our ancestors have never turned down the request of the subjects. Neither did we ever fail in our daily oblations and prayer towards the Lord. Nor do I remember a day when we have sinned or missed a vow. Then what caused our failure to catch this deer".

Sahadev said "I did not make any mistakes in my life except when Shakuni deceived in the dice, I should have killed him then and there, but I failed to do so, thus today because of that karma seeing this day of exhaustion and failure".

Arjun too claimed "he should have slit the throat of Karna as he uttered those words to Draupadi".

Bheema agreed with them, but Yudhisthir said, which karma we are reaping now is in the hands of Yama [dharma], so we cannot exactly be reaping instantaneous karma. Strange are the ways of destiny known only to Dharma.

Yudhisthir then ordered Nakul to look for water nearby. Nakul climbed the tree and saw a watery bushes and cranes flying. Thus He told nearby a pond must be there. Yudhisthir ordered to bring water to quench the thirst.

Nakul went to the Pond. Dharma disguised as baka bird warned "oh son answer my question and then drink, else you shall die".

Nakul without paying heed drank the water and lay still.

Sahadev went and similarly laid still.

Arjun went and listening to the voice looked in all directions, took a arrow and hit the shabdavedhi arrow to cover entire pond with arrows.

Yama said "why this much of effort just answer few questions and drink".

Arjun did not pay heed.

Bheema to did not pay heed and laid still.

To answer the questions and take water would be akin to using Vidya for self-sustenance. This is not allowed for kshatriyas. Thus even if these knew the answers. They preferred death than foregoing Dharma.

Yudhisthir, however in order to revive his brothers thought to answer the Yaksha.

Yaksha asked many questions. Yudhisthir answered them successfully.

Happy with dharma’s son answers, Yama said he would revive only one of the brothers.

Yudhisthir asked Nakul to be revived.

Yama said, "Yudhisthir, everyone knows Bheema is quiet dear to you, he is the one who has brought kingdom to you, and he is the one you are relying to gain back Kingdom from Duryodhan. Why did you then choose Nakul to be revived".

Yudhisthir said, "oh noble one, you seem not to be ordinary yaksha for none in this entire universe except celestials can put these to slumber. Neither these brothers of mine have turned pale due to poison of pond.

It seems your maya has made them so, but I chose Nakul because I am the surviving son of Kunti. My father’s other wife Madri, is also equally a mother to me. It is for that her son should also be alive I asked Nakul".

Yaksha happy with Yudhisthir revived all the brothers. Revealing himself as Yama, as father of Yudhisthir. Yama said it was to test him, he disguised as deer took the Arani of the Bramhin. Pleased he asked Yudhisthir to seek a boon.

Yudhisthir asked "let this Bramhin never fail in his agnihotra".

Yama happy asked Yudhisthir to seek another boon. Yudhisthir said "12 years have completed in forest, 13th year is to commence, they have to live incognito [in disguise]. Let no one recognise them in this year".

Yama replied "I give you all a boon to assume any form of your choice, as long as you wish and resume at your will. No one will be able to recognise you all by my boon, even if you all are in original forms".

Yudhisthir said "as they are all born to devatas, they have naturally very high radiance, far superior to ordinary men and kings. This would definitely raise a suspicion in the minds of people and Duryodhans’ spies may easily target them".

Yama by his maya reduced their lustre. Assured them they would never be recognised.

Pleased with Yudhisthir, Yama asked to seek another boon, Yudhisthir asked to ever remain in Dharma. Yama blessed it to be so, as to become very nature of Yudhisthir.

Happily Pandavs returned the Arani to Bramhin. Went to Virat for Agnyat Vasa.
