Showing posts with label mahabharata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mahabharata. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 September 2022

18th Day - Lord Krishna resents Yudhishthir

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/08

A malefic in the third and kendras makes one put heavy efforts to accomplish the task

Similarly many malefic in tenth shows one has to make Mahaprayatna 

After the death of Karna, Shalya, and Shakuni, Duryodhan was very unhappy. Kritavarma, Ashvaththama and Kripacharya were repeatedly troubled by Bheem and Arjun finally they fled to nearby Forests .

Dhritarashtra sent Sanjay to know the welfare of Duryodhan, Satyaki captures Sanjay. Vedvyasa urges to set free Sanjay. Duryodhan angered runs towards the battlefield all alone. He defeats Sahadev and Nakul. With his arrows he hits Arjun hard and Arjun falls unconscious. Then Bheemsen runs after him and destroys his chariot.

Duryodhan mounts a elephant and attacks Satyaki  Satyaki fall unconscious. Duryodhan taking a pras weapon attacks Yudisthir. Nakul and sahadev, all hit sit on the chariot motionless. Bheemsen kills the elephant and cuts out Pras. Then Duryodhan mounts a horse as the horse is killed by BHEEMSEN. Duryodhan flees the battlefield and enters Dwaipayan sarovar with his gada.

There in the Dwaipayan pond, he undertakes jalsthambhan. Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni. This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield.

Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun, whatever was left was killed  by Dhristadhyumna, Gatotkach and Abhimany  Satyaki. Other pandavas.  Seven akshouhini of Pandavas, three was killed by Ashwaththama, rest by Bheeshma Drona Karna kritavarma each less than the former.

Pandavas happy about victory went to Dwaipayan sarovar, there Ashwaththama seeing them along with Krishna ran away.

Krishna ordered Yudhisthir to use harsh language against Duryodhan.

Yudhisthir said come out for a fight, Duryodhan replied, "You enjoy the Kingdom", Yudhisthir said "Duryodhan you had said not even a size of needle head would be given to Pandavas, now after taking bali of Bheeshma Drona, talking this does not make sense, we cannot enjoy the kingdom without killing you, I don't think so you are a Kuru born for you are denying war".

Aggravated Duryodhan rose from the water and came to the shore. He said "Yudhisthir, you all are with kavach and armoury and weapons, I have none. Still I will fight with you all single handedly”

Yudhisthir said "you  will be provided weapons and kavach, and you can choose anyone of us to fight and if you kill anyone of us, rest of us will go to the forest and if you die we will all together rule".

Duryodhan "Arjun and Sahadev and Nakul and yourself are all too meek to fight with me, only Bheem is fit for me. I choose the gada".

Bheemsen takes a gada 1 and half times more heavier than Duryodhan’s gada and fight begins.

Krishna resents Yudhisthir, says your giving choice to Duryodhan to fight was wrong. If Duryodhan had chosen Arjun, or any other four other than Bheem all these efforts up till now would have gone waste.

Because the other four are no match for him. Bheem would kill him 'somehow'.

Duryodhan  if he holds mace [gada] none in the three worlds not even Indra and all deities put together can defeat him . This is because he is very 'nipuna'.

Krishna shows utter displeasure towards Yudhisthir.

Many doubts arise with these words of Krishna towards Duryodhan. Also to be noted is Duryodhan praises Bheema before fight begins as someone worth fighting. Better than Arjun.

This incident also Shows Krishna rating Bheema higher than Arjun .

Now the doubts ?

Duryodhan is nipun , does that mean Bheem is not nipun or not as nipun as Duryodhan ?

Secondly Krishna says Bheem would kill Duryodhan ‘somehow’? Somehow means , does Bheem have to struggle to kill him. Or is Bheem not as strong as Duryodhan etc etc.

The answer to this should be contemplated against the background that, Bheem is the strongest has been declared by Krishna and Duryodhan himself in virat prasang also. Krishna while Jarasandha episode declares him to be strongest. Also Krishna says Bheem you have many times  more qualities than what you actually think you have.

Vedayasa says there is none equal to Bheemsen in both the armies in terms of strength and knowledge as well.

So it cannot be dismissed that these words of Krishna meant anything less wrtr BHEEM.

The word 'nipuna' in terms of Duryodhan is to indicate that, Duryodhan was mahaprayatna shali. Both Duryodhan and Bheem had learnt from Balaram. So only Duryodhan could have been 'nipun' owing to this training  from Balaram.

'Nipuna' was due to extreme efforts he was putting in practising gada yudha to kill Bheemsen. This mahaprayatna was a plus factor in his favour [excessive efforts and practise cannot be discounted it is a potent factor].

Also Duryodhan had a mantrashakti. These factors weighed heavily against Arjun and other four to counter Duryodhan.

Bheemsen was he not mahaprayatnashali. Was Bheem not putting maximum efforts in his endeavour. No because killing Duryodhan was not a very difficult task for Bheemsen. Putting extra extreme efforts on fairly simple tasks is not the quality of Uttam Purush, great personalities.

Bheemsen would kill somehow does not mean with little possibility.

What is meant by it, Bheem had vowed to break the thighs of Duryodhan. Hitting below the navel is adharm in gadyudh.

Now carrying out the Pratignya is more important dharma failure of which will give more adharma vartan [failure to stick to dharma] if Duryodhan is killed by hitting above the waist, then pratignya will be broken. If he kills by hitting the thigh, then pratignya is upheld but gadayudh niyam will be broken. So without getting into situation of breaking some rule, Duryodhan cannot be killed, so the word somehow is used by the Lord Krishna.


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Jananat Purvam Pitru maran yoga: The story of Parikshit

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/04

Sun in eighth twelfth or sixth, eighth lord with ninth, twelfth lord in lagna and sixth lord in fifth, such a person ‘s father will have died before his birth. 

Duryodhan fell on the ground, he was troubled by dogs and wolves, which were preying on his wounded body. Just then Ashwaththama along with Kritavarma and Kripacharya came near him, looking the plight of Duryodhan Ashwaththama was deeply moved and asked Duryodhan if he can do anything for him. Duryodhan asked Ashwaththama to produce a child through his wife and install him on the throne after killing all the sons of Pandavas. To bind Ashwaththama to is words, he took the dust on the ground on poured it onto Ashwaththama to give him Deeksha to his actions, Ashwaththama accepted.

Just then Ashwaththama saw an owl killing many crows, inspired by this, he decided he can kill single handedly all the remaining people and Pandavas. He went towards the Pandavas camp, there He saw Rudra himself guarding the camp, he fought with Rudra. [Ashwaththama is Rudravatara, how could he fight himself, for this Acharya says this is akin to suicide where a person tries to kill himself].

All the weapons fired by Ashwaththama, Rudra promptly swallowed it. Vexed Ashwaththama performed Manas Yagnya and offered himself in the Yagnya, pleased Rudra let him through the camp and took away Bheemsena’s son from Kalidevi by name Sharvatrat with him to Rudraloka [because Kalidevi’s father Kashi Raja had prayed Rudra that his grandson should be one without death, as Ashwaththama would kill all the Pandava sons, and Krishna wanted Parikshit to assume throne. Rudra took him to heavens with him, Sharvatrat is still surviving son of Bheemasen].

Aswaththama went into camp and Dhrishtadhyumna was sleeping, he kicked him, Dhrishtadhyumna seeing his death near pleaded Ashwaththama to give him time to get hold of his sword so that he can have veermaran, but Ashwaththama said good death is for good people and not for Guruhatya or Brahmaghati, he deserves death like animal. Ashwaththama dragged Dhrishtadhyumna and slit his throat. But before his head could fall off, Dhristadhyumna left the body through Yoga and reached Agni Loka [he was incarnation of Agni].

Ashwaththama then killed his brothers Shikhandi, Yudhamanyu, Uttamataijas, and Janmayjay. Then he killed all the sons of Pandavas. To kill all the remaining people in the camp he torched the camp with fire. All those who came out of the camp in panic were killed by Kripacharya and Kritavarma at the entrance.

Dhristadhyumna’s Sarathi escaped in the night and told Bheemasen. Bheemasen went after Ashwaththama. Ashwaththama ran towards the forest but after he felt running would be of no use, he stooped and used Bramhastra .

Krishna the Lord has already set the order that Bramhastra would never go waste, and at the same time Krishna also never lets Bheemasen to be ever lose battle. So in this situation both could not be possible, so he asked Arjun to counter Bramhastra with another Bramhastra with a sankalpa that let this pacify astra, safeguard guruputra ashwaththama, all the Pandavas and the world in general.

Ashwaththama had sankalpa of Bramhastra that I kill the Pandavas. Nakul and Sahadev had no knowledge of this Astra, leaving Astra on those who are not aware would also harm the one who uses it i.e. Ashwaththama. Thus Arjun made sankalpa that it safeguard Guruputra Ashwaththama also [so kind of Arjun], he safe guareded self brothers, when two Astras collide it brings harm to world also, thus he also made sankalpa to safeguard world.

Yet even after all this care the Astras would have caused more harm to the surrounding, thus Shri Vedvyasa appeared in between the two Astras. Temporarily holding it, Vedavyasa said earlier also there were people who were knowers of Astra, but they never used such irresponsibly, Arjun said I have used in distress, Ashwaththama also said the same. Then Vedvyasa asked to withdraw the Astras. Arjun took back the Astra, but Ashwaththama could not take it back.

Krishna said even being Kshatriya Arjun had conserved Bramhacharya, but Ashwathama though being Bramhachari had lost his Bramhacharya [by giving word of raising son in Duryodhan’s wife]. Thus he failed to take back astra.

Arjun though married was Bramhachari How? [After marriage if one copulates with wife leaving ashtami tithi chatushtaya parvakala remains a Bramhachari].

Vedvyasa asked Ashwaththama to at least change his Sankalpa to safeguard Uttara’s womb. Ashwaththama refused out of anger. Sri Krishna then said I have already made up my mind to get the Pandavas [their sons] rule the earth for 1000 years, so even if your Astra is used I shall get the son in Uttara [Abhimanyu’s wife] womb to survive. Thus Lord cast a protective spell around the womb, this spell was Lord himself protecting the child in the womb. Inside the womb child used to always inspect with curiosity as to who this strange person is who is protecting me. This curious inspection of his led him to be called "PARIKSHIT", one who has been inspected [tried tested] thoroughly. Parikshit was born after the death of his father Abhimanyu, and was installed on the throne of Hastinapur as successor to Yudhisthir after 36 years of Rule By BHEEMASEN [as guided by Krishna] which was akin to RamRajya.

Vedvyasa cursed Ashwatththama to suffer from bad odour of wounds till one thousand years and then return to NARAYANASHRAM resuming the shishyatve of Vedavyasa, and then in the next cycle be born as VYASA to bifurcate VEDAS.


Thursday, 9 June 2022

Syamantakopakhyaan - A story about Krishna Ganapaty and False Allegation

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/24

When Saturn is in the fourth house in any of the divisional charts one faces allegation in his life. 

Krishna in order to save Yadavs from Jarasandha’s repeated attacks, called Vishwakarma and created a beautiful city of DWARAKA. This city was fully golden with gates doors of each house made of gold. It had 16000 palaces for gopika stree of Lord Krishna. Also it had 11000 crores houses for all Yadavs. The vastu of the city was such that none would ever fall sick or die prematurely.

Note: today world population is itself 6 billion whereas in Dwapara each city itself had the population of 110 billion. This proves the purana statement that distances, men height and living places all change as the yuga changes. In nutshell world shrinks with age. People fight for land food and living. Cultivation has reduced to twice a year, in Dwapar it was 6 times, in Treta it was 9 times and in Krutyuga cultivation was year long. In kruta yuga the mode of exchange was precious stones. In Treta it was Gold and in Dwapara it was silver, in todays era  the bill of exchange are of plastic, paper or coins are copper and iron.

In such Dwaraka lived one by name UGRASEN, he had two sons Satrajit and Prasen. Satrajit undertook ‘ANSHAN VRAT' [fasting unto death] to please Surya [Sun deity] devata. Surya devata, with his bright Gayatri swaroop appeared before him, Deity asked him to seek a boon. Satrajit asked for the dangling Ruby in the deity’s neck and sought as boon. This ruby [Syamantak MANI ] was very lustrous, it had to be worn only by the pious and clean [shuchi] person. It would end the life of the person who is unclean by mind and body. At the same time this Mani would give every day a 8000 kgs of gold .

Wearing the precious stone in his neck, Satrajit came back to the city, as he entered the city everyone thought Sun himself has come to meet KRISHNA. Such was the radiance of Satrajit. Satrajit fearing that Krishna would ask his MANI for himself, he gave it to his brother Prasen. Prasen once wearing the stone went for hunting. On the same day from a different direction even Krishna went for the Hunt.

Prasen was killed by a lion and lion took the Syamnatak mani from him. After a few strolls Lion was killed by a bear [Jambavanta] and he carried the Mani to his cave and tied it to the cradle of the baby.

Seeing Krishna return and no trace of Prasen, Satrajit alleged that Krishna has killed his brother for the want of Syamantak mani. Krishna to get rid of allegation, went into the forest along with all his relatives. They saw the remains of [leftover by lion] Prasen and followed the footmarks of Lion, there they found the footmarks of a bear and killed lion. They followed the footmarks of the bear into a cave, cave was dark and deep. Thus Krishna ordered all his relatives to stay at the entrance and as he was self illuminating personality, he entered the cave all by himself. There after the dark patch, he suddenly saw a bight palace with many dazzling lights. Onto cradle was dangling the Syamantak mani. The lady of the house advised Krishna to take away the mani and go away before jammbavan wakes up. Krishna smiled and blew his conch thus waking up Jambavan. Jambvaan and Krishna had a terrible fight which went onto many days. After seven days when Krishna did not return, relatives at the entrance of the cave assumed Krishna as dead and went back to Dwaraka. There they also performed the last rites.

Here after 21 days of Fight Jambavaan was defeated and fell on the ground exhausted. Jambavaan exclaimed, I belong to the time of Lord SriRAM, no one can defeat me in a straight combat, but since you have defeated me, you must be Sriman Narayana himself. Krishna showed his RaM roopa to Jambavaan, Jambavaan fell on the feet of the Lord, gave Syamantak Mani and also Kaustubha mani along with his daughter Jambavati in marriage to SriKrishna.

SriKrishna came back to Dwaraka and called a huge gathering to clear the allegation that was put unto him and handed back the Syamantak Mani to Satrajit. Satrajit afraid of the backlash of Yadavas and also out of Fear of Srikrishna gave the mani and his Daughter SATYABHAMA to Lord Krishna in marriage.

Shatdhanva and Akrur were not happy with this marriage and in the absence of Krishna [Krishna when he had gone to see the Pandavas] attacked Satrajit and killed him and took away the Syamantak mani fron Satyabhama.

Fearing that Krishna would wage a war, Shatdhanva gave the mani to Akrur and Akrur fled to Kashi along with the Mani and started living a pious life there. He built many temples with the gold available through Syamantak mani.

Knowing all these, yet Krishna pretending as if he knows nothing about Akrur, inspired Balaraam to go together and bring back Syamantak mani from Shatdhanva. Both the brothers chased Shatadhanva, Shatadhanva fearing for his life climbed a mare and rode away, Krishna and Balarama chased him, in a day Shatadhanva crossed over 800 miles. Lastly the mare died of thirst, leaving it to its fate, Shatadhanva fled on foot. Krishna followed him and finally cut his throat through Sudarshan. Then as a normal human he searched for the MAni in his dress . Balraam arrived a bit late, as Krishna declared there is no Mani. 

Balaraam grew angry:

1. For unnecessarily making a false pretext to kill relative Shatadhanva. 

2. Balaraam suspected, Krishna had no intention to give Syamantak Mani to Him [though elder brother], as Balraam was alcoholic.

Balaraam developed anger and frustration on Krishna and left him, and settled in a new town of MITHILA, for next five years brothers did not interact with each other.

Seeing this opportunity Duryodhan went to Balaraam under the pretext of learning Gadayudha from him [art of fighting with Mace]. In these five years Duryodhan expected to gain over Balaraam and ask for the hand of Subhadra. If Balaraam promises, Krishna would not object and once he marries Subhadra, both the brothers would be under his sway for the sake of sister. [Such was the Plan of Duryodhan]. However he managed to get the promise from Balaraam .

Here Akrur became pious day by day. Narad muni asked Srikrishna to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat to get rid of all the allegation onto him. Narad said, as Krishna had seen the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day [Bhadrapad shukla chaturthi] [Ganapaty had cursed moon that whoever sees the moon on the Bhadrapad shukla charturthi day, he would face false allegation].

As KRISHNA performed the vrat, Akrur completely guilty ridden went back to Dwaraka and handed over the Syamantak mani to Krishna. All the allegations were cleared.

Seeing Ugrasen, Balraam and Satyabhama all wanting to keep the Mani with them Krishna felt giving it any would annoy the other and hence asked Akrur to keep it for himself as he was pious and always engaged in Yagnya.

Thus one who does Ganesh Vrat gets rid of all allegations and all his works undertaken will be successful and without obstacles.


Friday, 3 June 2022

Drishti - The Possession - 1

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/20

When there is an association / aspect between bhadak adhipati /sthana with lagna lord / seventh lord there is Drishti badha. The person is possessed. If the sign is movable then the person is possessed by Devatas. 

The sun governs Rudraganas ugradec and naga graha [saiva bhuta]

Moon - kinnara yaksha, pisacha [dharma]

Mars - rakshas bhuta bhairav [subramanhya, bhairava]

Mercury - attalas, devata [gandharva, siddha chanur]

Jupiter deva grahas naga [bramhan varga, deva, trimurti]

Venus - yakshee matruka, naga [bramha rakshas, deva, Indra]

Sani - nisteja, bhasmak, kshudra vidya, kashmala, sasta kirata [pancha bhuta]

Rahu - pisacha, naga, sarpa, pannaga [sesha]

Ketu - preta, pitru [ganesha, garuda, marut]

Gulika - abhichara preta 

If bhadaka is aspected by benefics the devatas will do good and increase happiness, fame and victory.

If aspected by 6 , 8th, there will be harm.

These grahas usually attack people at mines, tombs, parks, temples [crowded], water tracts, tanks which are not known, pleasure places, ,wild animals habitat, multi-storeyed elevations, cowsheds, stables, bazaars, anthills, deep forests, military barracks, war zones, high walls, malls, deep caves.

When Deva grahas possess one’s strength increases, his eyes becomes numb and watery with radiance coming out of it. He frequently takes bath, performs poojas, wears garland and is fond of milk and sweet preparations. He is unusually strong and speaks extra ordinarily. His presence oozes charm and luck to the surroundings. Such people when they enter someone's house, there suddenly comes a good news to the house owner, or they get windfall gains. When they enter a shop suddenly empty shops get full customers, a quarrel is resolved and is people in general get their problems solved when they come into contact of such person.

Such people have very fast moving eyes, subtle expressions and extremely radiant and strong. well dressed and completely attractive with clear and loud voices, such people always win over others and perform extraordinary deeds. Sometimes these deeds defy their natural abilities.

When Satyaki faced Karna in the battle of Mahabharta, he suddenly grew stronger and larger and his attack was so ferocious that Karna had to flee the battle, this was due to the possession of Garuda in Satyaki as Satyaki himself could not vanquish Karna. The momentary Presence of Garuda made him most powerful warrior for that moment.

Ghatotkach troubled Duryodhan and Karna relentlessly to the point both were exhausted and ran for cover because of presence of Rudra and Nirutti.

Abhimanyu defied all logic in facing all the Kauravas put together on a single day due to presence of Indra, kama, moon, and Vayu all together.

Arjuna by himself could never face Ashwaththama, the latter being superior in warfare. But in Mahabharta Arjun whenever faced Ashwaththama, Arjun was possessed by Sesha which enabled him to better Ashwaththama.

Dhritarashtra was incarnation of Hu Hu gandhrava and Pandu ha ha gandharva. But both had special possession by maruts to conquer entire world. Dhritrashtra could have divine vision whenever Maruts possessed him .

Dronacharyaa was incarnation of Brahaspati but could teach [Indra-Arjun, Bheema -vayu] because of Possession of Bramha in him]. This entitled him to be respected by Bheemasen.

Though Balarama is incarnation of Sesha he could teach Bheemasen gadayudha because of presence of Swetakeshi Narayana. Because of this presence Balaram was also considered as Avatara.

Pancha Pandavas had the possession of Pran apan vyan udana Vayu along with Vasudev, Sankarshana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna. Since NAKULA and SAHADEVA were single soul with two bodies they had similar possession.

This possession kept them together and bonded.

Strange are the ways of Lord that can never be deciphered by ordinary human beings.



By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/02

Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by Mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha.

Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes. Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga. When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.

It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90% of the people in the world are affected by abhichara.

Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities. Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other. Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time.

Though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later.

All these times all these people keep sighing If only …….

These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies. Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war. Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved. This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger.

Vidweshan can be cast, when teeth of elephant and lion powdered and mixed with butter if applied onto two people they will become enemies forever.

Homa between two houses with malati flowers can cause vidweshan. However vidweshan mantra should be made sidhdha with two falcons in each hand.

Enemies are constantly in effort to separate good friends, brothers and lovers. etc. To avoid these one must always protect self from sudarshan mantra and Hanuman kavach .

When Yudhisthir put on gamble bait his brothers, Duryodhan exclaimed to Bheema, "hey Bheem and Arjun, deplore your elder brother, who has treated you like objects and I shall grant you the freedom"

Bheem says, even now Yudhisthir is very dear and respectable to us. He has every right onto all of us and whole of Indraprastha. Nothing wrong in putting us on bait as son is the property of the father, elder brother is akin to father, to obey is our duty. We do not seek freedom you, as an order from Yudhisthir will be enough to release him from your clutches as I send you to the clutches of Yama".

The attempt by Duryodhan to create Vidweshan through mantras given by Durvasa and Shukracharya did not have any effect on Bheemsen. As Bheemsen was reciting Manyusukta. Even while killing Duryodhan Bheemsen recited Vrushabh sukta as Duryodhan was chanting 3 crores of mantras all at once onto Bheemsena. This goes on to show that one must always protect oneself from enemies.

In Ramayana Agastya muni asks Lord Shri Rama as to how he manages to keep his siblings so dear to him, how come there never has been a squabble between them and why when enemies in this world are always attempting to dismantle a family harmony, what is a secret to his happy family. Shri Rama says Kshama is the only mantra for keeping the family intact, one must always forgive severest of severest mistakes of brother and he will ever remain loving to them all. Else a small angry rift will make enemies take advantage and sow seeds of enmity among brothers. That is the reason why Rama did not kill Vali at the first instance giving a chance to the siblings to come to terms as brothers are naturally born of same blood and hence sibling fraternity can arouse any moment. One must never fight with younger brothers and treat them like one’s own son.


Wednesday, 27 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/02

Utpat are of three types: 

  • Divya
  • Antariksha
  • Bhauma

Differences in the discs of Sun, Planets or Stars are known as Divya.

Ulka [comets], nirghat [meteors], Vayu vikar [windstorms], Parivesha [solar /lunar dispersion], Gandharva nagar [UFO], Indradhanush [rainbow], are all Antariksha utpat

Movable things if they become immovable or immovable things become movable on earth then it is Bhauma Utpat .

Shanti will alleviate Bhauma utpat. Antariksha utpat reduces its effect when shanti is performed. Divya Utpat does not calm down even after Shanti. Gold, food and cow and Prithvi [land] when donated reduces some UTPAT ill effects .

Divya Utpat can also be pacified by 1 Crore homa. [Koti homa].

King finds results of Divya Utpat in his body, son, treasury, vehicles, city, queen, chief, priest and subjects .

Shivaling, Devata statue and temples or places of worship when they dislocate, cry, sweat, or fall, or make some strange noises then it foretells death or danger to the King and his Kingdom.

When during festival in temples, if the grand vehicles [yatra ratha] breakdown, wheel gets stuck or over-turns, then it foretells bad future for the inhabitants and King.

When Draupadi Vasraharan was attempted by Dushyashan, temporarily all the greats in the Kuru family were mentally stuck by inertia [they were all stabdha] by the evil force of Kali, and Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, Drona and Kripa except Vidur none opposed the act.

Vikarna [brother of Duryodhan opposed the act saying this is adharma. But this was not out of any devotion to Krishna, or attachment to Pandavas, or extreme faith in Dharma. Vikarna wanted to show that he knows some dharma well, and wanted to exhibit it without any conviction.

Thus even after he opposed, Bheemasen vowed to kill all the 100 brother s of Kauravas. Bheema is apostle of Dharma, he cannot err. Yet If Vikarna was right then Bheemsen should have vowed for 99 people, but he vowed to eliminate all the 100. Gandhari did ask this question to Bheemsen in the end. Bheem explains, Vikarna had only shown intent on his knowledge exhibition and no conviction. Yet he also was party to imprisoning scheme of Krishna and rendered him a Vishnu Drohi, and hence was entitled to be killed by Bheemsen.

After the Bheemsen vow, there were UTPAT everywhere visible in the skies and earth trembled, there were heavy cries from owls, yagnyashala of Kauravas moved to a distance, there as a vile storm and heavy rains. Dhrtarashtra's throne trembled, his crown fell down and horses vomited blood. Owls and vultures cried loudly. All the AYga mantap lit automatically by fire. the statue of Kuru greats wept profusely.

Dhritarashtra called for Vidura and asked him the results of this Utpat. Vidura said "if you don't act oh great king you will be destroyed along with your sons and children. Bheemsen is very angry, and Draupadi can any moment curse you, this will close gates of heaven to you. and imminent downfall awaits your family".

Dhritarashtra afraid of curse of Draupadi asks Vidura a way out to escape calamity.

He says "return the Kingdom and husbands freedom for Draupadi". Dhritarastra asked "what's wrong in gaining a kingdom by his son in gambling, how does that entitle Bheemsen to wage war ?".

Vidura says "oh King, listen to the Dharma carefully, that which is given to a woman by her husband, that which is taken away from a pious Bramhin, or widowed woman, or a crippled soldier, or that which is lost in a gamble, all this can be taken back by force and there is no loss of dharma in it".

Dhritarashtra then pacifies Draupadi and asks her to seek a boon. Kshtriya woman does not seek any boons from other than husband. Vidura says three can be taken from the husbands father. Since Pandu is not alive Dhhrtarashtra is akin to father, and her father in-law so she can ask three boons from him. Vidura urges Dhritarashtra to bestow freedom to Draupadi, her husbands and third return of Kingdom lost in gamble.

Dhritarashtra obliges and returns all that is lost in the gamble along with freedom from slavery to Pandavs. Bheemsen says what has been given in fear is not a dana or boon but a an extract by themselves. Thus they as kshatriys cannot be said to have gained freedom in bhiksha. As Dhritarashtra gave these out of fear.

But great is the Satvik nature of Draupadi, that even in extreme trouble she did not curse Kauravas, but relied on Krishna to safeguard her honour . This is true Bhagavat dharma.


Rajvrittant - List of kings after Mahabharata war

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/26

Bhagavat purana lists all the kings that would come to rule the land of bharat [entire jambudweepa] after King Parikshit. This is an interesting tale of kings yet to come a prediction by Vedavyasa. The names of the kings and their prospective rule, along with the number of years they ruled is amazingly accurate when compared to the actual history. However William Jones and others distorted Indian history and jumbled up the names of many kings to match with the Sumerian record. 

Most of the history we read is highly biased and interpolated to suit the erstwhile British empire designs to show the land of Bharat as land of snake charmers and naked babas.

Th actual list is:

  • 3139 The Mahabharat War
  • Start of Brihadrath dynasty of Magadh
  • Start of Yudhisthir dynasty of Hastinapur
  • 3102 Ascension of Bhagwan Krishn 

Start of kaliyug
  • 2139 End of Brihadrath dynasty
  • 2139-2001 Pradyot dynasty
  • 2001-1641 Shishunag dynasty
  • 1894-1814 Gautam Buddh
  • 1641-1541 Nandas
  • 1541-1241 Maurya dynasty
  • *1541-1507 Chandragupt Maurya
  • 1507-1479 Bindusar
  • 1479-1443 Ashokvardhan
  • 1241-784 Shung and Kanau dynasty
  • 784-328 Andhra dynasty 
  • 328-83 Gupt dynasty 
  •  328-321 Chandragupt Vijayaditya
  • *326 Alexander’s invasion
  • 321-270 Samudragupt Ashokaditya Priyadarshin, or
  • Ashok the Great
  • 102BC-15AD Vikramaditya, established Vikram era in 57 BC


  • 25-85 Shalivahan, established Shalivahan Shak era in 78 AD
  • 85-1192 There were several kingdoms of Rajpoot kings all over India. They ruled for 1,107 years.
  • 1192-1757 In 1192, Mohammad Gori invaded Delhi (Hastinapur) the second time, defeated and killed Prithviraj Chauhan, and became the king. Since then several dynasties of Muslims ruled India for 565 years.
  • 1757-1947 In 1757 English regime was established in Bengal.
  • British ruled India for 190 years.
  • 1947 India got Independence

It can be seen that there is full 1200 years of difference between the Chanakya Maurya and Alexander .

The myth of Alexander and his Selukus having fought Maurya is evident. This is the greatest hoax of this century. A grand goof up.

To prove the same let us provide some evidence.

The famous Aihole inscription of glorious Chalukya King Pulkeshi II of the 7th century says:

It means, “3,735 (30 + 3,000 + 700 + 5) years have already elapsed in Kaliyug
after the Mahabharat war, and 556 (50 + 6 + 500) years of Shalivahan era is running (on this date of engraving this inscription)”. The inscription says that 3,735 years of Kaliyug had already elapsed. It means the 3,736th year of Kali era was running in the Shak era 556 AD which was 556 + 78 = 634 AD. Thus, deducting 634 from 3,736 comes to 3102 BC.

Thus date of both Mahabharata war and Shalivahan shaka has been established through this inscription.

Now Bhagavat clearly deleanates the list and is also supported by Vishnu purana and Bhavishya Purana.

Bhavishya Puran itself there are descriptions of Vikramaditya in more than 40 chapters between Pratisarg Parv I and IV. Pratisarg Parv IV, chapter 1 of Bhavishya Puran says that after the elapse of a full 3,000 years in kaliyug (3102 – 3000 = 102 BC), a dynamic Divine personality was born who was named Vikramaditya. Bhavishya Puran further says that the great King Vikramaditya ruled for one hundred years.

Kalidas, the greatest poet, writer and the literary figure of his time, living a pious life and sincerely devoted to his scholarly work, was one of the nine gems of King Vikram’s court. The Jyotirvidabharnam by Kalidas tells in its first chapter [astrological treatise by Kalidas]

That Vikram era started at the elapse of (agni 3, ambar 0, yug 4 and ved 4 = 3,0,4,4) 3,044 years of Kaliyug. Thus, the 3,045th year of Kaliyug was the beginning of Vikram era which is 57 BC. At the end of Jyotirvidabharnam, Mahakavi Kalidas mentions the exact date of his writing and says that

In the Kali era 3067 he had started to write this book. It means, he wrote that book when 3,067 years of Kaliyug had passed. That comes to 35 BC (3102 – 3067 = 35), which is after the beginning of Vikram era.
Thus, Vikramaditya was born in 102 BC (3102-3000), established his ‘era’ in 57 BC and left this earth planet in 15 AD.

There were nine dynasties that ruled Magadh after the Mahabharat war (3139 BC). They were: 

  • 21 kings in Brihadrath dynasty (1,000 years)
  • 5 in Pradyot (138 years)
  • 10 in Shishunag (360 years)
  • One King Mahapadm Nand along with his 8 sons (100 years)
  • 10 Maurya (137 years)
  • 10 Shung and 4 Kanva (457 years)
  • 30 kings of Andhra dynasty for 456 years (Bhagwatam 9/22/46-49, 12/1/1-28 )

Thus Alexander’s era of 320 BC does not coincide with Chanakya and Maurya.

Morover Megasthenes never mentions about any minister of Sandrokottus by name Chanakya. The most prolific and authentic historian, it is unlikely that when he has not missed to capture the essence of Magadh empire with details of gardens, and footpath, and roads, and administration has failed to mention the most revered and admired minister of Empire. It is in fact the empire of Ashoka priyadarshin[samudragupta] that megasthenes was describing and not Candragupta Maurya. As 320 Bc was Gupta period and not Maurya period.

Some names are confusing .

  • The Gupt dynasty was the ninth Magadh dynasty. There were seven kings in the Gupt dynasty:
  • (1) Chandragupt Vijayaditya (ruling period 7 years)
  • (2) Samudragupt Ashokaditya Priyadarshin or Ashok the Great (51 years)
  • (3) Chandragupt II Vikramaditya (36 years)
  • (4) Kumargupt Mahendraditya (42 years)
  • (5) Skandgupt Parakramaditya (25 years)
  • (6) Nrasinghgupt Baladitya (40 years) 
  • (7) Kumargupt II Vikramaditya (44 years) 
The total reigning period was 245 years. After the downfall of Gupt dynasty the kingship of Magadh ended, and it went under the subordination of Vikramaditya of Ujjain (Malva).

And Mauryan dynasty:

  • Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, who didn’t have a pleasant appearance but had an intelligent brain, managed to terminate the existing King Mahapadm Nand and his eight sons, and made Chandragupt the King of Magadh who was also the legitimate heir of the throne. The total period of the four dynasties including the Nand dynasty after the Mahabharat war is 1,598 years (1,000 + 138 + 360 + 100). Thus, the coronation date of Chandragupt Maurya comes to 3139 – 1598 = 1541 BC. Chandragupt Maurya ruled for 34 years (1541-1507 BC), his son Bindusar ruled 28 years (1507-1479 BC) and his grandson Ashokvardhan ruled for 36 years (1479-1443 BC).

Megasthenes mentions King of India had usurped kingdom from his master.

Chandragupta of Gupta dynasty was a general in the court of Andhra king when the king died, his son Pauloma was a infant, so Chadraguta assumed throne later killed Pauloma to become emperor.

Whereas Maurya was installed by Chanakya and was legal heir to the throne.

Megasthenes was considered as gossiper by Greeks themselves. Strabo says Megasthenes account cannot be believed as it says some Indians had feet backwards with eight toes. Sugarcane was a honey coated reed which gave honey without bees. Indians lived only for 40 years, and women gave birth to child at seven. The snakes were flying and scorpions threw venom from skies and ants were as big as camel.

All these show he was cooking up stories.

And Jones took advantage of these writings to establish Sandrokottus was Chandragupta Maurya. And Hindus were Aryans from foreign Land, and so Muslims and Christians were equally acceptable as Hindus in this land as invaders. But megasthenes never mentions Maurya or Chanakya.

Thus this history is distorted. And true history is what is given in Bhagavatam and Bhavishya Purana.

Kings of Pramar dynasty up to King Bhojraj as given in the Bhavishya Puran (Pratisarg Parv IV chapter one) states Vikramaditya, son of Gandharv Sen, reigned up to 15 AD. Vikramaditya’s son Deobhakt ruled from 15-25 AD and his grandson, Shalivahan, ruled from 25-85 AD. Shalivahan established his era in 78 AD. It is called the Shalivahan Shakera.


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Moon Mind & Abhimanyu

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/20

Moon indicates mind in astrology. Moon also indicates ability to attract near and dears. Moon indicates royal favours and cheers from subjects. Moon also indicates hasty decisions. Moon indicates able ruler and his heirs. Moon is the dynasty. Moon also indicates manes.

Abhimanyu was the incarnation of moon. Abhimanyu was Angad in his previous life in Ramayana. Arjun was Vali. He carried forward his runanubandha even in this life. 

Due to extreme devotion Angad had in Rama, Abhimanyu became very dear to Krishna.

When mind is firmly fixed in the Lord Ram, then no evil can even enter your mind, or disturb your gait / goal and resolution. Although every type of evil is ever engaged in disturbing / moving the tranquil of the brain and mind. Such a mind when fixed in Rama becomes firm just like Angad put his step firmly on the ground taking the name of Lord Ram. None in the court of Ravan could even move it leave aside uproot it. All the demons [various sins, evil thoughts] tried their best to move Angad’s feet but without success.

A firm resolute mind is only possible when it is fixed unconditionally towards Ram. Your mind automatically purifies, and achieves the great feat. Even under hostile circumstances it fears not to convey the message of RAM.

Abhimanyu learnt great Vidya by Lord Krishna in the womb. Lord impregnates mind with multitudes of capacity. Abhimanyu was dear to all the Pandavas. Abhimanyu represents half knowledge .

With half knowledge one can never come out of delusion [padmavyuha] called life. Logic cannot help in gain victory over senses. Neither it helps solve mystery of life. When mind is not fully equipped it keeps revolving in padmavyuha.

When such a mind is not accompanied by [Bheema, Yudhisthir, Nakul, Sahadev], i.e.. perfect knowledge & devotion towards divine, Dharma [do’s and don’ts], good neeti and conduct.

Though it can successfully tackle problems of life but cannot overcome it. When such accompaniment fails due to interference owing to lust [Jayadrath], it is severally attacked by jealousy [Karna], ego [Ashvaththama], sense of dejection [Kripa], greed [Duryodhan], perverted knowledge [Dushyashan], and confusion [Shakuni] all aided by atheism [Drona].

Such an unprepared mind is afflicted severally by these, and there is no hope whatsoever about escape from such a situation. One gets lost into such delusion named chakravyuha. One ends up with his head hit by the mace of [Kushashtra], son of Dushyashan [perverted knowledge gives birth to delusive scriptures and beliefs].

Such Chakravyuha can only be successfully tackled by Arjun [shravan, manan, dhyana] directed by Lord Krishna in body, which is purified by the presence of Hanuman .

Always engage the mind in the practice of meditation of Lord, else one will get stuck in the chakravyuha of life, never to come out of it afflicted by shadvairy [six enemies of kama, krodha, lobh, mada, moha, matsarya]. Never leave the company of dharma, gyana, neeti and suvartan.


AraniPrapti - Recovery of Lost Article

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/17

When there are benefics in the 2 ,3 4 or 11, then lost articles are recovered.

As Pandavs were living peacefully in the forest after Karna and Duryodhan were rescued by Arjun from gandharva Chitrasen. A Bramhin one day came by to the place where pandavs were dwelling.

Bramhin had his arani carried away by a deer. What is arani? 

In olden days Bramhins resorted to Agnihotra everyday. Agnihotra required the fire to be lit in the Homa Kunda. This fire was lit with the help of sticks known as Arani. Two Arani sticks when rubbed caused fire to be lit through kusha and samit.

As Arani was carried away by the deer stuck in its horns. Bramhin came to Pandavs to get back the Arani from the deer which might be wandering in the forest.

All the five brothers set out into the forest. They looked into the direction where deer hoofs were found. They chased the deer deep into the forest, and deer suddenly vanished.

All the five brothers were tired and thirsty due to prolonged chase.

Nakul sad at the events and failure thus spoke to Yudhisthir, "Oh elder one, as far as I know our ancestors have never turned down the request of the subjects. Neither did we ever fail in our daily oblations and prayer towards the Lord. Nor do I remember a day when we have sinned or missed a vow. Then what caused our failure to catch this deer".

Sahadev said "I did not make any mistakes in my life except when Shakuni deceived in the dice, I should have killed him then and there, but I failed to do so, thus today because of that karma seeing this day of exhaustion and failure".

Arjun too claimed "he should have slit the throat of Karna as he uttered those words to Draupadi".

Bheema agreed with them, but Yudhisthir said, which karma we are reaping now is in the hands of Yama [dharma], so we cannot exactly be reaping instantaneous karma. Strange are the ways of destiny known only to Dharma.

Yudhisthir then ordered Nakul to look for water nearby. Nakul climbed the tree and saw a watery bushes and cranes flying. Thus He told nearby a pond must be there. Yudhisthir ordered to bring water to quench the thirst.

Nakul went to the Pond. Dharma disguised as baka bird warned "oh son answer my question and then drink, else you shall die".

Nakul without paying heed drank the water and lay still.

Sahadev went and similarly laid still.

Arjun went and listening to the voice looked in all directions, took a arrow and hit the shabdavedhi arrow to cover entire pond with arrows.

Yama said "why this much of effort just answer few questions and drink".

Arjun did not pay heed.

Bheema to did not pay heed and laid still.

To answer the questions and take water would be akin to using Vidya for self-sustenance. This is not allowed for kshatriyas. Thus even if these knew the answers. They preferred death than foregoing Dharma.

Yudhisthir, however in order to revive his brothers thought to answer the Yaksha.

Yaksha asked many questions. Yudhisthir answered them successfully.

Happy with dharma’s son answers, Yama said he would revive only one of the brothers.

Yudhisthir asked Nakul to be revived.

Yama said, "Yudhisthir, everyone knows Bheema is quiet dear to you, he is the one who has brought kingdom to you, and he is the one you are relying to gain back Kingdom from Duryodhan. Why did you then choose Nakul to be revived".

Yudhisthir said, "oh noble one, you seem not to be ordinary yaksha for none in this entire universe except celestials can put these to slumber. Neither these brothers of mine have turned pale due to poison of pond.

It seems your maya has made them so, but I chose Nakul because I am the surviving son of Kunti. My father’s other wife Madri, is also equally a mother to me. It is for that her son should also be alive I asked Nakul".

Yaksha happy with Yudhisthir revived all the brothers. Revealing himself as Yama, as father of Yudhisthir. Yama said it was to test him, he disguised as deer took the Arani of the Bramhin. Pleased he asked Yudhisthir to seek a boon.

Yudhisthir asked "let this Bramhin never fail in his agnihotra".

Yama happy asked Yudhisthir to seek another boon. Yudhisthir said "12 years have completed in forest, 13th year is to commence, they have to live incognito [in disguise]. Let no one recognise them in this year".

Yama replied "I give you all a boon to assume any form of your choice, as long as you wish and resume at your will. No one will be able to recognise you all by my boon, even if you all are in original forms".

Yudhisthir said "as they are all born to devatas, they have naturally very high radiance, far superior to ordinary men and kings. This would definitely raise a suspicion in the minds of people and Duryodhans’ spies may easily target them".

Yama by his maya reduced their lustre. Assured them they would never be recognised.

Pleased with Yudhisthir, Yama asked to seek another boon, Yudhisthir asked to ever remain in Dharma. Yama blessed it to be so, as to become very nature of Yudhisthir.

Happily Pandavs returned the Arani to Bramhin. Went to Virat for Agnyat Vasa.


Monday, 25 April 2022

Summary of Debate Arjun vis a vis Karna - 2

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/13

Surya | Chiraan

Sonu | Renu | Nilesh | Sundara | Neeraj 

Jury Hariprasad

Surya wants to settle the issue of Translation and original Sanskrit before going to new points.

He cites! 1. Ganguly, 2. M N Dutt, 3. R C Dutt, 4. Lal, to say Karna stringed the Bow.

Chiraan says all these authors have different versions, and they do not match with Sanskrit.

Hariprasad shows where Ganguly mentions Radha's son as failed for a shloka, R C Dutt shows it Shishupala failed, and MN Dutt shows it as Jarasandha Failed.
If Surya says they are all authentic, how these are different translation for same shloka.

Surya says: Although he does not know Sanskrit, they are all correct translations, and jury Hariprasad has no ability to read. There is no difference at all. He challenges to show the verses in Sanskrit by Chiraan where Karna failed or made an attempt.

Chiraan shows the verse, Surya says it is fabricated.

Chiraan says it is same Shloka which is mentioned in his site where Ganguly translation resides.

Surya says: The Sanskrit version at site is not acceptable, but Ganguly is acceptable.
If Chiraan can show same Sanskrit for MN Dutt [or if he proves M N Dutt translated from so and so Sanskrit] he would accept.

Hariprasad jury shows, In Sanskrit name Karna failed, and M N Dutt by the side of English he skips the name Karna. This is dubious.

Surya claims its the publishers mistake, he has pulled one Sanskrit version and printed against Dutt translation.

Chiraan says, Dutt mentions that it is Kolkata edition Sanskrit from where he has derived,
Ganguly says he has derived from Neelkantha and resorted to Bengali rendition.

LAL also confirms this in his book. P N Mullick also criticizes the interpolation and incidentally this book is co authored by MN Dutt .
So Ganguly shows error in writing Radha's son. LAl and Dutt agree Ganguly has interpolated. All these have derived from Bhasa. Who has written two plays [not translation] making a hero out of Duryodhan and Karna.

Such plays and its views cannot be accepted as authentic translation.

Surya feigns, he cannot see any such proof provided by the links. Whereas all the observers find them a learning experiences.

Surya says he accepts Vyasa Sanskrit, but is not ready to accept the shloka given by Chiraan, as there is scope for misinterpretation.

Chiraan says same shlokas are available in all sites on the internet, and no other version is available. And hence they have to be Vyasa Sanskrit shlokas, and the word "Karna" is clearly visible, and hence there is no scope for misinterpretation for word "Karna".

Surya says, all the sites showing that shloka are corrupt versions of Sanskrit including his own sacred-texts site [self contradictory].

Sundara exclaims Surya is wrong in his logic.

Renu feels Surya has clearly failed.

Neelesh finds Surya's logic utter nonsense. He admits he was fan of Karna after watching BRC tele-serial, but now after learning Karna debacles he has a change of mind.
He concludes Arjun is the best among the warriors and Karna is least evil among evils.

Neeraj finds it difficult to understand as why Chiraan is quoting Vivekananda, when he is not accepting his views .
Hariprasad unanimously says the logic of Surya is untenable.

Sonu puts forward following questions:

1. After Draupadi swayamvar Karna is defeated by Arjun.

2. Karna was defeated in Gandharva episode. He was captivated [fled by some] abandoning Duryodhan and army. He was rescued by ARJUN.

3. In Viraat episode Arjun single handedly defeats Drona, Bheeshma, and Karna all put together, and Karna flees from the battlefield.

4. When Drona demands gurudakshina to capture Drupada. Duryodhan along with Karna attack Drupad, but is defeated and rooted, and driven away. Arjun wins Drupad.

Why did Karna lose here [he had kavach kundal and boons everything]? Doesn't these loses prove him to inferior.

Surya defends: 

1. Karna was unprepared, he did not expect Bramhin to be serious adversary and hence lost.

2. In Gandharva episode, Karna was surprised [if you are expecting Veerappan and suddenly if you find Israelis what can you do], so because of element of surprise [gandharva was superior] was there he lost. Show similar incident for Arjun and I shall accept.

3. In Viraat parva too he was not aware Arjun was before him, hence he was unprepared.
Unpreparedness makes a warrior vulnerable. It is common and need not hamper Karna's greatness .

Chiraan shows: Arjun similarly fought chitrarathj gandharva when he did not even have a bow and arrow, and surprising attack in night, he hurled torch as astra and defeated gandharva.

Surya how can a gandharva be thought of formidable opponent. You must show some serious incident [Karna lost to Gandharva because gandharva was superior, yet when Arjun wins without weapons, it is just gandharva] [self contradictory].

Hariprasad jury points out,
How come Bramhin [Arjun in disguise] was not taken seriously by Karna, he had just demonstrated a superior skill, which all kshatriyas and Karna himself could not achieve [stringing of bow and hitting of fish]. Having witnessed superior skill Karna should have been more prepared, and Karna led the attack. So did he lead without preparation.

Surya says Karna thought it was roadside Bramhin who could have got a boon to win swayamvar, but will perform miserable in duel. [self contradictory].

Chiraan says if that was true why did all kshatriyas together fought one single Bramhin. Jarasandha was most feared demon in those days, when he failed and Bramhin succeeded that means he was superior to Jarasandha. At least Karna should have estimated that and he was prepared and defeated.

Hariprasad, shows in Viraat, Drona declares its Arjun coming to fight, and then Karna says even if it is Arjun he can vanquish, these words show he was well prepared, and he did see Arjun before him and knew it was Arjun. And he lost pathetically and fled the battlefield.

Surya, says karna was expecting Viraats, but he saw Arjun at the last moment, and there was no time for preparation, hence Karna was unprepared, and hence lost, but that does not show him to be less than Arjun.
Otherwise Why Yudhisthir will say he lost sleep for 13 years thinking about Karna despite these setbacks.
Chiraan Yudhisthir has said same thing about Krishna too, he said how can we vanquish Jarasandha, as Krishna himself could not vanquish him.
Yudhisthir is known to worry unnecessarily, his worry does not make Karna a great. By his worry even Krishna is susceptible to Jarasandha [which is clearly unacceptable].

Hariprasad, jury asks In Drupad war, it is clearly mentioned that Duryodhan and Karna, and all brothers get into competition as to who will first get to Drupad. Here Karna is well prepared. Karna knows the opponents as Drupad and Panchalas. He knows their strength, and he was fully equipped with kavach kundal, and bow VIJAY everything.
Then why did he lose ?

Surya says this was Drona's war, and Karna was not interested in winning it. He was less enthusiastic so he lost. We cannot consider this loss as mark of inferiority. [Self contradictory]. Karna lost even when prepared. And opponent Surya accepts it.

Haripasad, Jury says Surya's remarks defies elementary logic. 
Karna lost to Drupad, Arjun thrice, Gandharva, Bheemasen, Ghatotkach, Satyaki, Abhimanyu. He also failed to string the bow in Draupadi Swayamvar. So with so many failures Karna cannot be declared as supreme warrior.
Arjun is undoubtedly a superior warrior than Karna, as he never lost a battle until Krishna was there on the earth.


Friday, 22 April 2022

Why was Mahabharta tampered?

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/09

  • When mercury is afflicted by malefic in earthy signs, a discussion on pollution of literary works definitely occur.
  • When such a combination is in Kendra, falsifying great works and tenets and illusive arguments take place.
  • When such combinations occur in second house, invariably persons lie.
  • When Jupiter is in Kendra to such combination, such allegations are usually cooked up.
  • The extent of pollution depends upon the number of shad Vargas in which Mercury is aspected/associated by malefic. 

MAHABHARATHA has been tampered thoroughly. WHY?

After 1000 years of PANDAV rule dharma started eroding on the earth. I.e. that was 4000 years ago .i.e. Yudhishthir ruled 5100 years ago, and his dynasty ruled for 1000 years. With Kshemak as the last king.
Duryodhan had done only one good deed in his lifetime that is washing the feet of DURVASA muni. [This also he did to ask a boon to trouble Pandavs]. For this he achieved swarga for 4300 years.
This was the period i.e. 13th century when KALI expanded full throttle.

1. In previous eras there ensued direct fight between Rakshasa and Devatas. Rakshasa headed by Kali were always vanquished by Devatas, with the help of Vishnu.

2. In Dwapar, Kali decided that If Vishnu does not interfere, if we take birth in the same family as that of Devatas then these Devatas will out of affection will not kill us.{This explains why Duryodhan did not come out of womb for two years till Yudhisthir took birth}.

a. Krishna gives Geetopadesha to remove the illusion of relationship wrt Rakshasas and go for WAR. Krishna always vanquishes Kali with VAYU as chief instrument.

b. In Ramayana RAM [Vishnu] vanquished Kali [in RAVAN] with chief instrument Hanuman [Vayu].

c. In Mahabharata, Krishna [Vishnu] vanquished Kali [Duryodhan] with chief Bheema [Vayu].

3. When beaten severely, all the Rakshasas were afraid to incarnate due to the fear of Bheema.

4. Kali assured them as it is Kaliyuga, it is his Yuga and Lord has given him boon to freely rein in this era.

5. But other demons were not convinced and showed fear of Bheema reincarnating.

6. Then Kali suggested they should all take birth as Brahmins, so that they will not be killed.

7. But how will they be able to spread violence and unhappiness.

8. Kali, said people follow what Brahmins say, Brahmins have extreme faith in Vedas and Itihas Puranas. These lead to pleasing of Vishnu.

9. If these are distorted then automatically people will get into delusion. This will prevent them from getting Grace of Vishnu, and fallen as they will be, we shall enter them, and these will resort to violence, greed and sins.

10. As this can be achieved by preaching wrong notions, we shall all take birth as Bramhins and sanyasis, masses will follow us. Born as Brahmins we are, Bheema cannot kill us as it is taboo.

11. Just as 1000 years were completed, Lord enacted Baudhdha avatar to preach Non Vedic religion, taking a cue, Kali took the birth of Shakya muni and several others took births as Mishra, Kumar Bhat, Bhasas, Arya, Harsha, Govind, Charvak, Bhaskar, Prabhakar, Kapali, Ghoramitra, Vachaspati, Satyasimha, Vidyaranya, Vetal, Vatsyayan, Jeevpada etc.

12. All the above mentioned Bramhins have especially distorted a branch of learning, giving rise to new philosophy.

13. All resorted to Bhairav sidhhi to enchant the rulers and killed many Vedic pandits by deceit and demonic spells. Illusion prevailed all over as Non Vedic religions started spreading everywhere and grocery shops, and Kingly courts became favourite preaching premises of Non Vedic culture.

14. Next few centuries saw onslaught of such culture with non kshatriya Kings easily succumbing to indrajala of shakyas and pashand mata, as this gave them a freedom from Bramhin stronghold in the administration.

15. As 8th century dawned, Budhism was everywhere as it was Non Vedic culture, Most Bramhins did not take to it, Itihas and Puranas as misinterpreted by these did not appeal to the masses.

16. So Kali sent demon Manimanta [Ekalavya], who was reluctant. All the demons from patala encouraged him, and announced support by entering his opponents to get disillusioned.

17. Manimantha prayed Lord Shiva to assist him in knowing Vedas. Shiva gave a boon to utter Vedic verses, and Ekalavya was born as Bramhin.

18. Manimantha spread the new concept of illusion of world and absence of soul.

19. This however technically was not at all different from Buddhism as Buddhism too dealt with Shunya [whether you call world unreal or shunya does that make any difference] but now this new concept had the backing of Vedas.

20. This misrepresentation was acceptable to Bramhins and demonic spell ensured they all succumbed to this logic. [Gautam rishi’s curse was also responsible for this illusion].

21. But most of the Puranas and Itihas [MAHABHARATA] was still theistic in nature, and it contradicted with monotheism of the post 8th century scholarly compositions.

22. To make these texts [Mahabharata and Puranas] look like upholding monotheism and qualified monotheism, the verse where explicit dualism was present was altered. Agni Purana was fully tampered, and slowly all puranas succumbed at the hands of rulers.

23. Most ardent Vedic Scholars flew beyond mountains not bearing the torture of the lands. And thus three centuries of confusion and malpractices ensued.

24. Vedic rites were not performed as it was meant to be illusionary, no yagnyas were performed as it involved bali, sacrifice of animals and Jain rulers were against it.

25. Vedvyasa prayed by Bramha and other deities at the failing situation of dharma in Land of Gods, ordered Bheema to incarnate and spread the right knowledge.

26. A part of Bheemasen [amsha] incarnated in UDUPI [PAJAK] in the house of Madhygeha Bhat [tulu speaking Bramhin] as Vasudev.

27. Vasudev at the age of 10 renounced the world and became ordained as Anandteertha.

28. As his teacher Achyutpreksha readied him to teach first lesson in monotheistic book, Acharya Anandateertha explained a 100 mistakes in the very first verses of the book Istasidhdhi.

29. amazed at the ability of student Achyutpreksha asked Him as to what is right knowledge.

30. Acharya then propounded MADHVA philosophy.

a. That Vishnu is Supreme deity { GOD}.

b. None is either equal to him or greater than him.

c. Neither in the past or nor in future.

d. This world is real.

e. Moksha is unmixed happiness.

f. It is obtained by perfect bhakti [amlabhakti].

g. Study of shastras is what ensures such bhakti.

h. The world consists of five fold differences.

i. Lord is essentially different from Soul.

j. Acharya wrote 37 grantha to prove and propound his philosophy.

k. Nowhere Acharya said that this his philosophy.

l. He said he is merely resurrecting what had be practiced in Vedas in accordance with Vedvyasa rendering.

m. He gave only Vedic and Puranic verses as statements backing his claims.

n. He wrote Mahabharta Tatparya Nirnay to dispel the myths surrounding the epic. He collected many manuscripts, and weeded out discrepancies and anomalies to give exact verses and meaning of the Mahabharat.

o. According to Acharya, Mahabharata has 10 meanings, and it is impossible even for Indra to understand all the 10 meanings.

p. Acharya has demonstrated each word [name] in VISHNUSAHASRANAM has 100 meanings each.

q. Acharya Madhva's works are too intense for a smaller brains like mine to grasp. In order to grasp the concepts, saint Raghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam has written more than 100 works simplifying the Anadateertha philosophy for common man with notes and commentary.

r. What has been presented here all along is in accordance with these
