Showing posts with label narayana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label narayana. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Veda Apaurasheyatva

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/16

Vyam Vedvyasaya Namaha
Sri Gurubhyo namaha
Sadagamaikvignyeyam samateetksharaksharam
Narayanam sada vande nirdoshasheshasadgunam

When Mercury is in deep exaltation in second house, Shani in paravatamasa, Jupiter in gopuramsa, the person becomes veda pandit. 

Why only Vedas should be considered supreme authority?

Bramha can only be known through Vedas. The word sadagama refers to Vedas, Pancharatra, Moolramayana, Mahabharata, and Purana, and other treatises which are in sync with the above.

For every work the anubandachatushtaya must exist. What are they:

1. Vishaya (subject of enquiry) 

2. Prayojana (goal) 

3. Sambandha (relationship between previous two) 

4. Adhikarin (follower)

  • 1. Narayan is the vishaya.
  • 2. Knowledge of Narayana and attaining liberation (Moksha) through this knowledge is the proyojana.
  • 3. Sajjana - all good souls are the adhikarin and
  • 4. Relationship among these is sambandha.
Vedas declare themselves as supreme authority in conveying Narayana. 
Some statements are: 
“He who does not know Veda etc sacred scriptures will not be able to comprehend the Supreme who possesses infinite auspicious qualities and is all pervading. Veda teaches on to attain Moksha” ——– Taittiriya Shruti 
“The Knowledge of the Supreme cannot be obtained by logic, nor can it be removed by logic if already obtained. This knowledge when imparted by competent teacher leads to Vision of the Supreme” ——————–Kathak Sruti

 “Nor the senses, nor the inference can help comprehend Bramha, Vedas can alone enable one to comprehend HIM”—————-Pippalada Sruti 

Vedas are not compositions of any individual. i.e.. They do not have an author.

Let us examine this statement.

Vedas as recited by learned in Kashmir, and the one in Kanyakumari, or somewhere in Assam / Bengal, or far west in Gujarat will be same. There will not be any disagreement with the Vedic passages among these scholars, though these scholars might never have met each other.
And all these scholars unanimously accept that there never was an author to these passages, and they have been handed down revealed from time immemorial from father to son / guru to shishya etc.
In this world of copyright every single piece of useful info is patented and meticulously assigned ownership to author. And least to say how many cases are being fought in the name of royalties to known algorithms. Sometimes stolen or copied from others.

In such a practical scenario a content with enormous value to human being has not been claimed authorship, definitely augments the case of non composition by the Humans.
But some people argue there cannot be single statement which is not composed by a Human.

Let us explore a bit more:

The society needs moral laws. There has to be code for Dharma Adharma etc. These laws are beyond sense perception, and are accepted by all religious philosophers and thinkers.
If anyone says my philosophy has nothing to do with Dharma Adharma, then this teacher is without any subject and a purpose. Because if people believe there is no Dharma Adharma, then they will become aggressive and calamity will befall society. In such situation any harm done to very teacher himself will not be considered wrong. What's’ the use of such teaching which brings no good to teacher himself.

But at the same time a person cannot claim complete knowledge of Dharma Adharma all by himself without drawing authority from some source. Else he will have to postulate many attributes like non ignorance and non deception etc unto himself. Ignorance and defects of death and birth, and diseases are seen everywhere. So such a postulation is not observed in the real world. Hence concepts of Dharma Adhrama etc should come from a source that is not composition of individual or humans.

On the other hand if this is accepted nothing has to be postulated to accept Vedas as source.

Vedas are self evident (svatah pramana)
Knowledge is registered in our system, this is cognition.
what is validity of cognition?
A true knowledge / right knowledge is self evident!
I take a hot water bath, I feel ‘hot’, do I need anything else to validate this feeling of HOT!
It is self evident.
On the contrary a faulty cognition requires another agency to validate it being faulty. Sometimes through inspection. Hence scrutiny is required only for invalid cognition. Valid cognition does not require validation.
Vedas are self evident its only the mind / due to faulty thinking finds fault in it. Scrutiny is required to remove certain faults of thinking (i.e. invalid cognition).

Vedas are eternal
Finally in Sanskrit akshara (a aa e ee u uu etc) are eternal. They are neither created, nor destroyed. Sequence of these aksharas are also fixed, they are not formed as a probability.
These sequences are sentences which are of fixed nature. They exist in the mind of GOD. These fixed sequences are what known as Vedas. They are revealed to the seers sages in their penance.
Sound (shabda) syllable (akshara) is the manifested in space (Akasa) - is well known. Hence it can be seen. Thus this revealed knowledge is self evident because they are imperishable, and covey only truth because of their impersonal nature due to lack of authorship.
Narayana is the chief purport of Vedas he is above living (jeeva) and non living (jada) being and conveyed only through Vedas – Sadagamaikvignyeyam.


Friday, 15 April 2022

Venus - The Bhargava Manmath Mohini

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/12

  • Shukra is a planet that encompasses all the emotions of a man on the earth.
  • The Shukracharya [presiding deity for the planet] is a great rishi and exhibits all kinds of knowledge.
  • He is daitya guru. But Param vaishnava. He is first to invent Mrut sanjeevani Vidya [giving life to dead].
  • Venus is the planet that imparts beauty with lustrous hair. [Rukmini devi had a beautiful curly hair].
  • Venus also gives warrior like nature.
  • Parashurama is the Vishnu rupa that arises out of Venus.
  • Parashurama killed all the kshatriyas on the earth not once but 21 times. 
  • So Venus is also a violent planet.
  • Venus gives great urge for knowledge because its father is sage Brighu, the ultimate in knowledge.
  • Without the blessings of Bhrigu no knowledge can be mastered in this world.
  • Venus is known as Bhargav.
  • Venus is the most sensuous planet.
  • Kaamdev is the manifestation in Venus. One who stirs the heart of the people is known as Manmath.
    • People can stay calm and unnerved and controlled when their Mann [mind] is still.
    • When this mind whirls due to churning [mathan], one loses self control and is infatuated and yearns for a mate. The very presence of Manmath, churns ones heart, where come then the senses listen. Manmath is specially present in darkness of night, on the bosom of a woman, in the vicinity of jasmine, mango leaves, full moon night and picturesque view of mountains, forests, lakes and gardens. Thus these arouse passion in the man. But even this Manmath looses his senses before Rati, who is responsible for this [of course Lord Narayana who is sakshat Manmath Manmath. one who churns the heart of Manmath].
    • But the same Manmath can also become ferocious like Skanda [avatar of Manmath, the great commander of Devatas].
    • Shiva under the influence of Venus mated with Parvati for a 1 lakh year. The retas became so hot and energetic due to prolonged mating that it became golden in colour and Parvati unable to bear it gave it to krittikas, thus ferocious Kartikeya was born. Venus gives rise to martial nature.
  • Same venus [Manmatha] can be very obedient Bharath.
  • Venus also gives rise to innocence and vairagya seen in Bharath, Sanat kumar, Samba [all avataras of Manmath].
    • Venus is a poet [Kalidasa].
    • Venus is also an Astrologer [Sahadev].
    • Venus strongly placed in horoscope automatically makes one a good daivagnya [Jyotishi].
    • Kalidasa  in uttarakalamrita says Venus in Saturn antardasa exhibits its virakta swabhava [withdrawal tendencies].
    • Narada was a great poet but also a virakta.
  • Venus in kendra exalted gives Mahapurush yoga.
    • Kings born in this yoga are handsome, great warriors, excellent administrators, knowledged and excellent singers [King Vikram of Ujjain appeases Shani with rare exposition of Deepak Raga].
  • So Venusians exhibits all the qualities that are there in this world.
  • And no planets gives enjoyments akin to Venus.
  • It gives the great intoxication of the self Ahankara to the Souls due to abundance of joys.
  • Shiva is the adhipati for Ahankara.
  • Shiva is Ashvaththama as Ahankara.
  • Venus as learned and angry in Shiva gives Durvasa.
  • But same Shiva can be most calm and serene and Viraktha as Shuka muni.
  • Lagnadhipati if weak and aspected by Venus and Moon attains sanyasa in the later years of the life.

During samudra manthan when Amruta came up, Devatas and Rakshasas started fighting for it. But Amrut was meant only for Devatas as per the wishes of Narayana. One who partook Amrut he became immortal, and rakshas if immortal would create havoc in the universe. So to delude Rakshasa from Amru t[nectar], Narayana took the form of Mohini, one of the most beautiful female forms of Narayana, a 16 years damsel who could get everyone yearning for her beauty.

Rakshasa as they were lechers by nature lost their senses and asked Mohini to distribute nectar for them. Mohini in all her beautiful and youthful peak, suggested that she would feel shy at the piercing glances of rakshas [who could just not take their eyes off her beauty even for blinking], thus everyone must close their eyes, and she would pour the nectar in each one’s palm . Demons agreed and Devatas also agreed.

So Devatas and Demons formed a row and Mohini out of her maya created two pitchers, one with original Amrit and other with sweet water. Amrit she gave it to Devatas, and just water to Demons, who drank it out of their ill senses.

Shiva was lying unconscious due to consuming of Poison [halahal] that had just emanated  before Amrit, his neck had become deep blue and thus he came to be known as NEELKANTHA.

He could not witness the Mohini rupa of Narayan. Having heard the beauty of the Mohini, he pleaded Narayana to show him his beautiful rupa once again. Narayana asked him to come next morning along with his wife Parvati.

When Shiva came to Vishnus abode, having a look at the Mohini he lost all his control he just embraced her in passion, even when Parvathi was present. Narayana smilingly brings back Shiva into his senses.

This is the same Shiva who had burnt Manmath to ashes when he tried to disturb the tapasya . But such a controlled Shiva who had won Manmath, lost to the MANMATH MANMATH Shriman Narayana.

Sri Krishnarpanamastu