Showing posts with label venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venus. Show all posts

Friday, 15 April 2022

4th House - Sukha Dukha Asha

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/17

  • The fourth, tenth and seventh bhava are sukha sthanas for a person in a horoscope.
  • These denote special happiness that strike humans. 
  • These places if placed well man will be happy.
  • Venus in fourth will give all kinds of wealth and enjoyments all through the life.
  • People with Venus in the 10th house are rarely found to be hard working, but surprisingly the whole world works for them, there is something special about a bhog graha in a karma sthana, that even he enjoys during work hours too. He exerts very little and yet achieves a lot. People are mad about these personalities and form a subject matter of gossip due to envy.
  • 4th house especially points to general happiness, Venus well placed in this house makes one a happy go lucky. He will be a ashavaadi. ["boss Umeed pe duniya kayam hai", this will be his mantra].
  • But Venus in the seventh house is not preferable, as this will not give conjugal bliss due to excessive demands of the person. He will have multiple partners and always unhappy about his marital status.
  • However Venus in 4th house gives abundant joys, friendships and a place of admire among relatives.
  • Moon in fourth house gives enjoyments with a woman in a unfinished house.
  • Mars in such position gives enjoyments in a stable of horse.
  • Venus and Mars makes one enjoy in a cow shed or buffalo shed.
  • Ketu will give a broken house.
  • Saturn will give a house made of iron.
  • Sun that of wood.
  • Mercury will give modern house.
  • Moon with Rahu makes one adjust to pleasures in a water pump room.
  • Affliction to fourth house will make one weep in his lifetime.
  • If fourth house is polluted then the person will fall prey to schemes by others.
  • If fourth lord is with malefics one will leave hopes and become pessimistic.
  • Fourth gives what is known as quality of life, standard of living.
  • Fourth in the rasi indicates external signs of happiness.
  • Forth in kalamsa gives internal happiness.
  • If fourth lord is badly placed in kalamsa then however happy his position would reflect, he will be straining his mind in terms of anger, jealousy, inner fear and sense of loss.
  • On the contrary when fourth lord is ill placed in rasi yet well placed in kalamsa, however unhappy a man seems to be, however unfortunate his position may seem to be, he would be in fact making merry all the time in solitude.

Pandavas lost father at a young age:

  • Their births were questioned
  • They grew in jungle
  • They suffered murder attempts every now and then all through youth
  • They were denied a place to live
  • They were insulted
  • They were exiled
  • They wandered from place to place
  • They had to marry in disguise
  • They had to live in a broken house
  • They had to live separately from wives time and again
  • They bore children in anonymity
  • Their children grew without their presence
  • They were always war stricken
  • They faced poverty
  • They faced tough enemies
  • They had to serve others as unknowns [identity]
  • Lost manliness
  • They were repeatedly spied, chased and troubled
  • They lost all the children before them
  • They had to kill their own relatives
  • When they got kingdom they had none to share it with, only one grandson of Arjun survived.
  • They reached swarga by walking entire Himalayas and shedding their bodies [death] during cumbersome journey.
  • All this when himself Lord was with them by their side.

Can all this be called misfortunes? Yet they never complained . Infact Kunti [Pandavas mother] goes onto say "Oh Krishna give us only miseries every now and then, for it will make us remember you all the time, and our miseries will definitely be destroyed by YOU".

Kauravas had everything in this world that a soul could wish for

  • Parents fully supportive
  • Royal birth
  • Royal upbringing
  • Royal Guards [Bheeshma Drona etc]
  • Royal friends [Karna shishupala etc]
  • Obedient advisor [Shakuni]
  • Kingdom at young age
  • Riches of others easily got
  • Mild and patient opponents
  • Many wives and no separations
  • All relatives supported them [everyone wanted to marry their daughters to these and not Pandavas or their sons]
  • Whole world leadership
  • All the world admired and obliged
  • Got everything he wished for [material wishes]
  • When in peak he shared his riches fame and wealth among kith and kin [100s in number]
  • Body immortal except thighs
  • Died in battlefield and went to swarga while gandharvas showered flowers on him and a special aircraft [viman] arrived to take him
  • He never acknowledged Krishna as Lord 

Can this be called fortunes? Yet he always complained, he was dissatisfied, he grew jealous day by day. He could never sleep. He spent most of time hitting the statue of Bheema as practice. He was preoccupied by schemes to trouble Pandavas and they always failed. He was extremely unhappy all through his life. Gandhari [mother of kauravas] cursed Krishna that his clan be wiped just as her sons had been wiped out .

On the contrary Pandavas were as happy as in Moksha and lead a contented life as they never had any desires and were only preoccupied with service to Lord Sri krishna.


Venus - The Bhargava Manmath Mohini

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/12

  • Shukra is a planet that encompasses all the emotions of a man on the earth.
  • The Shukracharya [presiding deity for the planet] is a great rishi and exhibits all kinds of knowledge.
  • He is daitya guru. But Param vaishnava. He is first to invent Mrut sanjeevani Vidya [giving life to dead].
  • Venus is the planet that imparts beauty with lustrous hair. [Rukmini devi had a beautiful curly hair].
  • Venus also gives warrior like nature.
  • Parashurama is the Vishnu rupa that arises out of Venus.
  • Parashurama killed all the kshatriyas on the earth not once but 21 times. 
  • So Venus is also a violent planet.
  • Venus gives great urge for knowledge because its father is sage Brighu, the ultimate in knowledge.
  • Without the blessings of Bhrigu no knowledge can be mastered in this world.
  • Venus is known as Bhargav.
  • Venus is the most sensuous planet.
  • Kaamdev is the manifestation in Venus. One who stirs the heart of the people is known as Manmath.
    • People can stay calm and unnerved and controlled when their Mann [mind] is still.
    • When this mind whirls due to churning [mathan], one loses self control and is infatuated and yearns for a mate. The very presence of Manmath, churns ones heart, where come then the senses listen. Manmath is specially present in darkness of night, on the bosom of a woman, in the vicinity of jasmine, mango leaves, full moon night and picturesque view of mountains, forests, lakes and gardens. Thus these arouse passion in the man. But even this Manmath looses his senses before Rati, who is responsible for this [of course Lord Narayana who is sakshat Manmath Manmath. one who churns the heart of Manmath].
    • But the same Manmath can also become ferocious like Skanda [avatar of Manmath, the great commander of Devatas].
    • Shiva under the influence of Venus mated with Parvati for a 1 lakh year. The retas became so hot and energetic due to prolonged mating that it became golden in colour and Parvati unable to bear it gave it to krittikas, thus ferocious Kartikeya was born. Venus gives rise to martial nature.
  • Same venus [Manmatha] can be very obedient Bharath.
  • Venus also gives rise to innocence and vairagya seen in Bharath, Sanat kumar, Samba [all avataras of Manmath].
    • Venus is a poet [Kalidasa].
    • Venus is also an Astrologer [Sahadev].
    • Venus strongly placed in horoscope automatically makes one a good daivagnya [Jyotishi].
    • Kalidasa  in uttarakalamrita says Venus in Saturn antardasa exhibits its virakta swabhava [withdrawal tendencies].
    • Narada was a great poet but also a virakta.
  • Venus in kendra exalted gives Mahapurush yoga.
    • Kings born in this yoga are handsome, great warriors, excellent administrators, knowledged and excellent singers [King Vikram of Ujjain appeases Shani with rare exposition of Deepak Raga].
  • So Venusians exhibits all the qualities that are there in this world.
  • And no planets gives enjoyments akin to Venus.
  • It gives the great intoxication of the self Ahankara to the Souls due to abundance of joys.
  • Shiva is the adhipati for Ahankara.
  • Shiva is Ashvaththama as Ahankara.
  • Venus as learned and angry in Shiva gives Durvasa.
  • But same Shiva can be most calm and serene and Viraktha as Shuka muni.
  • Lagnadhipati if weak and aspected by Venus and Moon attains sanyasa in the later years of the life.

During samudra manthan when Amruta came up, Devatas and Rakshasas started fighting for it. But Amrut was meant only for Devatas as per the wishes of Narayana. One who partook Amrut he became immortal, and rakshas if immortal would create havoc in the universe. So to delude Rakshasa from Amru t[nectar], Narayana took the form of Mohini, one of the most beautiful female forms of Narayana, a 16 years damsel who could get everyone yearning for her beauty.

Rakshasa as they were lechers by nature lost their senses and asked Mohini to distribute nectar for them. Mohini in all her beautiful and youthful peak, suggested that she would feel shy at the piercing glances of rakshas [who could just not take their eyes off her beauty even for blinking], thus everyone must close their eyes, and she would pour the nectar in each one’s palm . Demons agreed and Devatas also agreed.

So Devatas and Demons formed a row and Mohini out of her maya created two pitchers, one with original Amrit and other with sweet water. Amrit she gave it to Devatas, and just water to Demons, who drank it out of their ill senses.

Shiva was lying unconscious due to consuming of Poison [halahal] that had just emanated  before Amrit, his neck had become deep blue and thus he came to be known as NEELKANTHA.

He could not witness the Mohini rupa of Narayan. Having heard the beauty of the Mohini, he pleaded Narayana to show him his beautiful rupa once again. Narayana asked him to come next morning along with his wife Parvati.

When Shiva came to Vishnus abode, having a look at the Mohini he lost all his control he just embraced her in passion, even when Parvathi was present. Narayana smilingly brings back Shiva into his senses.

This is the same Shiva who had burnt Manmath to ashes when he tried to disturb the tapasya . But such a controlled Shiva who had won Manmath, lost to the MANMATH MANMATH Shriman Narayana.

Sri Krishnarpanamastu