Showing posts with label ravana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ravana. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Dara Pada - Supportive / Inimical Wife

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/07

When Lagna Pada and Dara Pada are in mutual kona or kendra, the relationship between wife and husband will be friendly and supportive, if second from the Lagna Pada contains a benefic exalted or aspected by exalted planets, one will have many beautiful and pativrata wives. 

A supportive wife is one who cares for her husband and always sides with him even if he is a debauch, evil or impotent. Such woman have been praised heavily in Puranas and are known to have stopped even Sun moon in their movements, some have reversed the cycle of time and other impossible feats have been accomplished by such women through the power of penance of Pativratya.

Mandodari the queen of Ravan was a very pious woman. She advised Ravan against all evils, yet she never deplored him for his dastardly acts. She always prayed the Lord in him, even if he went on to bring a thousands of wives in a unethical manner. Even when the whole world was against her husband for taking a stand against the Lord Narayana, she stood by her husband. God Ram praised her for her partivratya and granted her Mangalya. [ Ravana was dead, yet she remained sumangali forever. How ?].

In Vedic culture woman are considered to be sumangali as long as the pyre of husband in the cremation ground does not subside. But Lord Ram granted that the funeral pyre of Ravana be never subside and fire be always blazing from his funeral altar. This is known as Ravan kashtha which keeps blazing ever and Mandodari remains a sumangali.

Similarly when Lagnapada and Darapada are in mutual 6th 8th or 12th, there will be enmity between the wife and husband.

Prabhas the Vasu was cursed by the Rishi that he be born as human and because he had attempted to steal the cow on the insistence of his wife, there be enmity between him and his wife in the human birth.

Prabhas was born as Bheeshma and his wife was born as AMBA. Amba vowed to kill Bheesma, as his wife was not available to him in this birth owing to rishis’ curse, Bheeshma converted the curse to his advantage by taking Bheeshma vrata [ajanma bramhacharya] and advanced his spiritual journey.

For the greats and devotees of Vishnu even curse is a great source of sadhana.


Saturday, 9 April 2022

RAM, Astrology and Ravan - 2

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/15

Shri Rama was born in Punarvasu star, Lakshmana and Shatrughna were twins born in Ashlesha, Bharat was born in Pushyami. Pushyami comes before Ashlesha, hence Bharat was elder to Lakshmana by a day. Though all were born with same planetary combination as Ram, only Ram ruled. This highlights the point that mere exaltation of planets alone do not ensure the kingship. Here navamsa comes into play , even if one planet is in enemy’s house or debilitation in navamsa, man has to serve who does not have such planets in navamsa leads his life independently.

Ravana was born as his father copulated with Kaikasi in the evening. Cohabitation during prohibited hours give cruel off springs. This brings into importance nisheka lagna (the time of coitus).

So what determines the characteristics of a person. Time of coitus of parents or birth time. Birth time can be appearance of head of the child, cutting of umbilical chord, or crying of the child or placing the child down.

According to sage Parashar , mans’ character is dependent on:

  1. Genes of the father
  2. Genes of mother
  3. Time of the birth
  4. Association and upbringing

The strength of the above being in the ascending order. Man who is in good association develops good qualities irrespective of his birth. But an evil man cannot become good, like however you raise a neem tree you wont get sweet fruits on it. A snake even after drinking milk gives out poison. So avoid evil association.

Ravana was born 36000 years before Rama, at that time Parshuram was also born but he did not kill Ravana, God took another avatar of Rama to kill Ravana, even Sita was born before Rama, but Sita married Ram at the age of eight when Ram was 24 years. How is that possible?

As sita was born she was taken away to Bramha loka, when you pass a single day there here many years pass away on the earth. As ram was born and became adult Sita was discovered by Janak as a baby while ploughing hence name Sita. King janak was  99000 years old as he was a true karmayogi.


RAM, Astrology and Ravana -1

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/14

Shri Ram was born with all planets deeply exalted except mercury and moon. He appeared  in cancer ascendant with jupiter and moon placed there. Lord Ram was ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal king, ideal friend, and ideal Father. He was MARYADAPURUSHOTTAM RAM.

Combination of jupiter and moon in lagna gives rise to ideal people.seventh lord exalted and seventh house exalted aspected by exalted jupiter. indication of dutiful wife . 10th house sun exalted with 10th lord exalted gave him a powerful  Father (chakravarti), aspect of mars and saturn always cuts short the happiness. On 10 here it cut short paternal happiness.

sixth lord jupiter indicates enemy from a bramhin caste. being exalted jupiter shows the enemy as influential .So Ravana was a Bramhin . He was also born with all the planets exalted but his ascendant was libra with saturn in it. Saturn in lagna always gives rise to a bhogi . one who indulges in pleasure pursuit, even if it means doom to the self. Ravana was a great astrologer. He knew every position of astrology that would give success. As he had conquered the navagrahas. he ordered them to allign as required to attain success. He had all the planets tied to the steps of his Throne ,so that he could always step on them while ascending the throne. This  to indicate he cared less for human destiny.

Once while his wife was pregnant about to give birth to a child, he ordered all the planets to take position in 11th house , so that his son would be deathless immortal. God ordered sani to move from 11th to 12th house to ensure his son’s death Sani out of fear reluctant to move , stepped forward but Ravana sensing it flung his chandrahasa sword . This cut the Saturns’ leg which fell in the 12th. This leg was hence named MANDI . This mandi was eventually responsible for death of INDRAJIT.

When Ram was nearing Lanka , Sage Narada went to Ravana , teased navagrahas espescially Shani  as why they are unable to teach Ravana a lesson, is his destiny beyond them . Shani replied Ravana had tied them with face below(back upside) , if only they could glance him then Ravana would start facing bad days. Narada suggested Ravan , “what use is stepping on the back of a person , one should step on the chest to stample somebody’s pride.”Ravan impressed with this , ordered all the navagrahas to be turned up , and then stepped on their chests . This enabled sani to glance at Ravana . Sani’s glance started his Sade Sathi. Thus downfall  of Ravana was orchestrated.

Was Ravana not aware of this ………

Yes he was. Adhyatma Ramayana is an interpretation of Ramayana in a very philosophic way. Here Ravana knew  very much that he would be slayed by RAMA . infact everyday he would go to the Top of the tower and lament “oh Rama when are you going to come and relieve me.”

when Rama and sita were in panchvati , he could have fought with RAMA and taken away SITA . but instead he resorts to deceit , he sends marich as a golden deer. IS it not fear of RAMA that caused this act. Had he fought there RAMA would have forgiven him and not killed him. To kill ,man needs extreme provocation , what better than targeting wife of RAMA. Ravana had a curse , touching any woman against her wishes would split his head into thousand pieces, hence he never touched Sita. How did he take her away without touching,

He plucked the entire earth/ground  below Sita on to Pushpak Vimana. even in Ashoka vatika he always asked Sita to bring Rama as early as possible to facilitate his return to vaikuntha.

Sita is Lakshmi Devi , where there is Lakshmi there is always wealth , prosperity and success . But as Sita came to Lanka , it got burnt, brought destruction of Ravanas’ family . Was it really Sita in the Ravana ‘s palace? No, it was Sitaakruti, madeup by Agni and indra(with vedavati). Since it was not Sita , RAMA could not have accepted it as his wife. So agni pariksha was enacted to replace this Sitaakruti with original Sita.Rama never suspected SITA ,his wife. Agni and Indra for their service were rewarded to be born as LUV and KUSH . Shri Ram ruled for 13000 years (Ramarajya)

to be continued…………………………
