Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Effect of retrograde planet in Gochara

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/21

Once there lived a rich man. He had no children. Even after many years of marriage, his wife was unable to conceive. Once  he went to a saint who was able to talk to God everyday in the night. He asked kindly see whether I have a yoga of the child in my destiny. Saint said I would ask God tonight and let you know. In the night as usual the saint asked God whether this rich man has a yoga of child, God replied “No”. Next day saint said, I am sorry you do not have a child in this birth.

Dejected, rich man spent next years in bewilderment. Once Sri Vadiraaj Swamy of Sondhe came to that city, rich man went to pay his respect to the swamiji. Swamiji blessed him that he would soon father a child. And by the grace of God in a year the rich man got a son. Swamiji came by next year, and the rich man and saint came to Swamiji and narrated how he had personally asked God and got the reply that he has no yoga for child. Then how come God has blessed him with a child. Swamiji said the saint had merely enquired to God and God had replied the fact. But he had requested God to grant him a child. So God obliged.

But how come it is possible to have a child in the absence of destiny. The learned swamiji said it is always possible to borrow our destiny from our sanchita karma, we can prepone what we are about to get in future lives in this birth by the grace of the God. This is called as “Praachinachirna Punya”. Fifth house in astrology denotes this.

In a dasha of a planet, if the planet is associated with 9th lord or Jupiter in a yoga, such fortunes can be expected. Fructification of such results happen when Jupiter or yogakaraka planet has just resumed the direct motion after freeing from retrogression.


Sunday, 10 April 2022

Moola nakshatra -The story of chandrahasa

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/17

During Mahabharata era there lived a very just and benign ruler called Chandrahasa. He was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. Chandrahasa was born to a king in the star of MOOLA with moon sign  Sagittarius. This star is considered very inauspicious. It is said to wipe out entire clan after the birth of the child, child himself faces premature death. People of this star either live a wretched life or kingly life of high gains and successful accomplishments if successful, they later on establish a great unhindered race. (all extremes) Girls born in these star usually marry boys whose father has expired. It is inauspicious for Father in law.

These people usually have six fingers or toes.

Chandrahasa too had six toes. As he was born, the kingdom was attacked and king died in the battlefield , queen succumbed to the news. Minister took charge as the caretaker and wanted to usurp the kingdom. so he ordered henchman to kill the baby. These mercenaries took the boy to the jungle , feeling pity at the child cut off his sixth toe, smeared their swords with the blood as proof and left the boy in the jungle. Baby was crying as  villagers carried him to the village and he grew up as a village day as boy was playing with pebbles, he found a strange pebble with which he could win almost all pebbles of his fellow beings in the game. He carefully preserved this stone into his mouth day and night. This stone was Saligrama of Lord Vishnu.

With daily oblations to lord in the mouth he became purified. His body lustre grew day by day. Nearby King Vikramasena was issueless, so he asked astrologers to examine the chart of the lustrous boy, whether he is fit to be king to be adopted. Astrologers declared him to be a blessed child. King adopted Chandrahasa, Chandrahasa prayed to Saligrama with devotion every day. One day neighbouring King (earlier minister Durbuddhi) happened to visit the kingdom, stunned by the boy’s appearance and also witnessing his sixth toe(cut-off) sensed danger to his kingdom. So he hatched a plan to finish this boy. He pleaded the Vikramsena that he had forgotten an important document , would like to fetch it, if he could send his  adopted son to get it for Him. (Minister-king) Durbuddhi wrote a letter asking his son to give “Visha” (poison) to the bearer of this letter.

Chandrahasa rode a horse and went to the Durbuddhi’s Kingdom. Near the palace, he took rest in the nearby garden and fell asleep.Durbuddhi had a beautiful  daughter “Vishala” by name. She also visits  the garden, falls in love with a sleeping lustrous prince . She curiously reads the letter he held, sensing her fathers’ treachery, she adds “la” to the word “Visha” with her kajal (eye liner). now the text becomes

Give “Vishala” to the bearer of this letter.

Son happy at his Fathers’ decision, announces marriage in the state. Invitation is sent to Vikramasena as well, shocked everyone came to the capital. Durbuddhi still wanting to kill Chandrahasa, asks him to visit the family temple outside the capital as ritual. He sets up two henchmen to hack the first person who appears in the temple.

Chandrahasa gets ready towards the temple, Vishala’s brother insists that he will accompany and enters first the temple to be hacked by the henchmen. Durbuddhi becomes inconsolable and repents for the entire misdeeds, asks pardon to Chandrahasa. Chandrahasa prays goddess Durga to bring back the life of Son of Durbuddhi, since it was his misfortune that got exchanged with durbuddhi, due to his extreme devotion to Saligrama. Devi obliged, Vishala married chandrahas. He ruled for 900 years, where in his kingdom, everyone was a vaishnava and no sorrows were known.

One day Arjuna along with Krishna came to conquer Chandrahasa. Hearing about Krishna, Chandrahasa ran outskirts to pay his respects to Krishna. Arjuna angrily said “what Kshatriya are you, I have come to win your part of the world, and you are insanely crying looking at Krishna. Take your arms and Fight.”

900 year old man says to 46 year old Arjuna,"hey mighty pandav, with lord of the entire world by your side, which world are you set-about to conquer, is there any world beyond Krishna? so I pray to HIM, you may kill me if you wish. "

Krishna intervenes and blesses Chandrahasa, Arjuna is ashamed at his childishness, makes peace with Chandrahasa.

Thus Chandrahasa changed his destiny of short life and misfortune with great fortune and divine blessings by the worship of Saligrama Vishnu.


Saturday, 9 April 2022

Accuracy of predictions

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/13

Phalani grahacharena suchayanti manishinah ko vaktah taratamyasya tamekam vedhasam vina

Can astrologers claim he can give most accurate predictions?

The above shloka says Astrologers can only indicate the results of the planets , only Bramha can give exact quantum of the result.

This shows that when somebody has forecasted a good phase , it cannot turn out to be opposite. but how good? it is not the purview  of the astrologer. Only bramha can say that because he is the provider. Lets dwell more on it.

a capacity of astrologer is limited to the domain he is inspecting. what are domains, luck pours from heavens, it also pours from blessings of elders, it also is enhanced by good wishes of friends and acquaintance. now how much each influence is subject to the domain under analysis. friends good wishes can get nullified by curses of elders. heavens gift can overcome a curse.

similarly a heavens wrath can overtake a boon. if you are predicting only considering a previous gift , and overlook a present curse , predictionswould go offtrack.

example: Shiva had given boons to jarasandha kichaka, bakasura,hidimba etc boons of being never faced with death, immortality. all astrologers looking at these horoscopes say they are immortals.even Indra and others  could not match these demons because of the boons and had to flee. suggesting immortality. Bheemasena killed all these ,that means he has overtaken these boons. Bheemasena was more powerful, for these demons a  brush with more powerful nullified their boons. Bheemasena was devotee of Krishna , if Bheemasena could kill these demons mean he is superior to Shiva, because He is devotee of Krishna , Krishna is supreme than Vayu (Bheema) and Shiva.

Only to prove this Krishna avoided killing jarasandha ,to the extent he settledin Dwaraka than Mathura. he wanted to show if my devotee can nullify the boons of Shiva ,so can I. only superiors can overtake juniors’ orders.Hence when sages predict , they predicted immortality to jarasandha, because they fell short of analysis beyond Shiva. However VedVyasa predicted death to these.

Never hurt elders, superiors and Devatas, these can foretell misfortune, even death, even if you are in good phase of your life.


Qualities of an astrologer

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/12

Astrologer (daivagnya) is one who can see your destiny. As in any profession, there exists mediocre ,good and expert astrologers.

Most common anguish is roadside astrologer, and a common discussion erupts , if he can dictate our fortunes, then why is he himself sitting by the roadside?

Astrology is not soothsayers should be avoided. Yet there are some who on account of mystic experiences ,try to forecast. People start saying ,oh his intuition is perfect. whatever he says does happen. But all this is superstition. People who do not base their predictions on correct knowledge and analysis, should not be consulted.

Many astrologers vouch on their intuition, varahamihira clearly warns people to stay away from such people - why?

some fore cast with the help of mystical powers , even these people should not be resorted to. why? no use consulting these and then blaming efficacy of astrology.

Mystical powers, intuition are not static and permanent attributes . They are susceptible to circumstances. They sometimes are accurate sometimes off the track , due to astrologers’ own problems and karma. example. Balarama was a great warrior , intelligent person ,who could drag whole hastinapur single handedly. being King of mathura, was known to have extrasensory powers ,so that none could fool him(even in his inebriated condition)Lord himself was his brother. yet when Arjuna disguises himself as a sadhu, enters his city , balarama himself entrusts Subhadra as a caretaker to this \sadhu . who eventually elopes with Subhadra.

here Balarama the most powerful has faced delusion , his intuition that Sadhu was for real failed. for many days he took care of this sadhu(ARJUNA). so intuition is not a reliable factor it fails randomly and severally.

shastra is always reliable. Then whom should we consult. According to Parashara rishi :

astrologer should be a pious man with clean habits ,a good looking with well proportioned limbs, smiling and rich in appearance, pleasing manners, excellent grasp on language, never falling short of words , expert in mathematics, geology, astrophysics knowing clearly the 10 types of movements of planets ,well versed in the philosophy, mantra shastra, rituals ,puranic lore, he should have excellent grip of the existing socio-political geographical and economic conditions of the place and time he is delivering the predictions. Above all this he should be able to create the confidence in the people that ‘\yes here my problem would be solved\’ . Such a persons’ words never fail .


Daiva vs Purushartha - what is more important Luck or hard work!

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/03

Daiva (luck) or hard work? This is age old question asked time and again. When somebody succeeds people say oh he is lucky ! when someone does not make it then usual consolation is you never get anything more than destined , before destined time! This puts us into the delusion of what is our success finally due to luck or hard work? if former is responsible then why at all work.  if later is true then why despite so much efforts i am getting peanuts as rewards. worst still some complain ,

“i try to do good but end up getting hit hard . look at this man he is full of sins yet is enjoying life , what good is my spiritual efforts?” in both cases what is the use of Astrology? if there is luck ,then even if astrologer do not point it out to me i am going to reap ; if it is not there what is the use even if it is pointed to me. if it is my hard work that brings success even then Astrology is of no use to me let me put efforts instead of bemoaning with soothsayers.

So what is more important daiva or purushartha? Yudhisthira  asks thus to Bhishma in Mahabharata.

Bhishma replies. what is luck today is the merits earned in the previous life. it was prushartha of previous life. Our success, pleasures,wife,sons.diseases all are due to previous merits.however presnt actions do counteract this. Extent of our pleasures wealth longevity all undergo reduction or increase due to present action.

 In karma vipaka Yama says man reaps his fruits of action every half day , 1 1/2 days  3 days 3 weeks 3 months 3 years and 3 lifes. repeatedly till he undergoes prayaschitta or donates his good merits.

there are instances such as that of markandeya,indrasena ,chandrahasa ,savitri etc of having changed there destinies due to penace . in all goodness it is purushartha that is going to help you in this birth or other and hence always yearn for purushartha.”

these words of bheeshma are supported by a story of two wise bramhins from vishnu rahasya we shall see this in next post


Navagraha Stotram

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/02

Vyam Vedvyasaya Namaha

Shri Gurubhyo Namaha

Bhasvanme bhasyet tatvam chandrshcha ahlaadkrudbhavet|Mangalomangalam dadhyatbudhascha budhatam dishet||Gururme  gurutam dadhyatkavishcha kavitam dishet|shanishcha sham prapyatu ketuh ketum jayerpayet||rahurme rahyedrogam grahah santu kargrahah| navam navam mamaishwaryam dishantvete navagrahah||shane dinamaneh suno svanekgunsanmane|arishtam haramebhishtam kuru ma kuru sankatam|| hareranugraharthaya shatrunam nigrahaya cha vadiraj yatiproktam graha stotram sada pateth||

Let sun give us knowledge of the philosophy and moon give the solace of mind. Let mars give the auspiciousness mercury the intelligence. Jupiter confer the greatness and venus the ability to write. Let saturn help obtain the peace and ketu lead us to victory. Rahu clear all the diseases and all the planets be handy towards the comforts. Let nine planets increase the wealth nine folds and sani reveal all the many good attributes day by day. Let all the undesired vanish and desirable be obtained and let not there be any dangers. With the grace of Narayana let enemies be vanquished as this prayer by the sage vadiraja read all the time.

With this prayer i present the tenets of astrology as taught to me in accordance with the words of sages. Astrology is one of the vedanga .means a study  helpful in understanding vedas.

Astrology is the eyes of vedas hence the name Jyotish. However one learns vedas hard ,it is only with help of astrology the great mystery can be unravelled. Once unravelled  by astrology,it leads to GOD vision.

Normal eyes  can see physical obstacles of life. they can avoid mishaps while walking on the road. What about those mishaps that befall men unknowingly in form of destiny. These are unseen obstacles (adrushta). Only  astrology shows these adrushta and also dryshta as well. so this is boon to mankind given by God to tide over the ocean of birth and death namely Life.

There is a bha chakra in the world in the heavens comprising of stars and zodiac. these are comprised of 12 rasis and twenty seven stars. Also nine planets that revolve in this bha chakra Sun is the chief among these planets represents soul. Moon the mind. Mars the strength. Mercury the speech. Jupiter the knowledge. Venus the pleasures. Saturn the miseries. Rahu ignorance. Ketu liberation.

every thing in this world is governed by these planets. Praying them brings about good fortune and success.

In the next post we shall see can we change destiny?
