Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Rajodarshan - First menses [Story of Sharmistha]

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/28

When mars aspects the moon [lagna] in a unupachaya place, a girl attains her first menses. If the first menses [rutu] falls on: 

  1. Padyami - issueless
  2. Dwitiya - happy
  3. tritiya - wealthy
  4. chaturthi - wicked
  5. Panchami - progeny
  6. Shashti - cruel mind
  7. Saptami - riches and ornaments
  8. Ashtami - bold
  9. Navami - sorrows
  10. Dashami - leader
  11. Ekadashi - pure [shuchi]
  12. Dwadashi - scandal monger
  13. Trayodashi - joyous
  14. chaturdashi - sinful
  15. Poornima - strong body
  16. Amavasya - poor
  • Sunday - diseased
  • Monday - virtuous
  • Tuesday - sorrow
  • Wednesday - good married life
  • Thursday - polite
  • Friday - obedient
  • Saturday - vicious

Result of cloth on the first menses

  1. White cloth - happy
  2. Silk /fibre - queen or fortunate
  3. New cloth - happy
  4. Torn cloth - poverty
  5. Red cloth - diseased
  6. Black cloth - widowhood
  7. Dirty cloth - poverty

Results of number of drops on first menses

  1. Drop gives wealth
  2. Drops gives good enjoyments
  3. Drops diseases
  4. Many drops poverty
  • If mars joins the star in which the first menses occurs, the girl will have dead children
  • Guru makes her pious
  • Ravi will give loss of husband
  • Rahu will make her adulterous
  • Sani will make her a maid servant 
  • No planets will make her a happy and long lived
  • Moon in eighth will bring dangers
  • Venus in seventh will give marriage in foreign lands
  • Saturn will give enslavement 

Sharmistha was the daughter of asura King Vrishaparva. Shukracharya was the daitya guru to the King. One day Sharmishtha and Devayani, daughter of Shukracharya were playing in the garden. Playfully Sharmistha pushed Devayani into well owing to an argument as to who was more powerful, as daughter of king Sharmistha or Devayani as the daughter of Bramhin.

Yayati a powerful King passed by pulled Devayani out helping her through his right hand. As Yayati had held the hand of Devayani, Devayani insisted he marry her owing to have taken her hand [ Panigrahan].

Yayati with the blessings of Shukracharya married Devayani. And As a punishment Vrshaparva king [to pacify his guru] made Sharmishtha the maiden of Devayani.

Sharmishtha accompanied Devayani to the land of Yayati. In course of time Sharmistha attained puberty. Yayati was around at the same time.

Sharmistha asked Yayati to marry her. Yayati refused. Sharmistha explained shastra words to Yayati saying:

"Oh king, those who refuse to marry the girl having attained her first rutu during rutu kala [out of her own will if wishes to have progeny from a man] will get sin equal to bhrun hatya".

King says "marriages are to be performed by the wishes of parents of Kanya, and without the wish of the Vrishaparva or Shukracharya it is not possible".

Sharmishtha says "oh King smriti says, parents have right onto the girl only till she attains puberty, after the rutu kala has passed even when a parent is unable to find a suitable groom for the girl, then girl has an independence to choose the man for herself. Therefore being the daughter of a king though living like a slave in your house, I choose you to be my husband, kindly accept me. Else you will have to embrace the sin of stree hatya and bhrun hatya as if you will not marry then I am surely not going to be alive".

Hearing this King Yayati secretly married Sharmistha and bore her three sons. Devayani after seeing three healthy babies in her courtyard asked her about their father. When the kids pointed to the King, she felt deceived and Shukracharya instantly cursed YAYATI to become old aged. When Yayati narrated the circumstances in which he had to marry Sharmistha, Shukracharya said his curse cannot be reversed but he can exchange his old age with any young man.

Yayati called all his sons to accept his old age,  none accepted except PURU. Thus Puru gave up his enjoyments in young age and embraced the old age of his father, after lakhs of years too Yayati found that his thirst for sexual pleasure did not weaken or die. Thus concluding this thirst cannot be quenched unless renounced. He renounced the world and gave back his youth to Puru and also the kingdom .


Saturday, 16 April 2022

5th House - Putrika Putra Dattaputra Yoga

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/15 

If 5th house be owned by Saturn or Mercury and be occupied or aspected by Saturn and mandi, one will have adopted issues. 

Once there was a king named Pratip in the lineage of Kuru. He had three sons, Devapi, Balheek and Shantanu. Devapi the eldest was disinterested in the worldly affairs, and hence seeking the permission from father went away to other lands for tapasya. He will be under penance till the end of this Kaliyuga and come back for the procreation of subjects in the new mahayuga.

Balheek was a very auspicious birth, as he took birth there was a loud roar in the heavens, and this roar created a fear among the rakshasas at the time, and they fled away to caves and forests, and many horses and animals vomited blood, as the earth shook with tremors. Thus Balheek was the most powerful of his time, very strong by the grace of Vayu and terror for evil during his times. Balheek was the reincarnation of Prahlad. Balheek was given as dattak putra to the in-laws of King Pratip, and thus became king of Balhik country beyond Gandhar [modern Afganistan]. Balheek had son by name Somadatta who had three sons Bhuri ,Bhurishravas and Shalya.

As Balhik was given away in adoption, Shantanu became king of Hastinapur even though he was the youngest. Balhik was elder to Bheeshma, as he is his uncle and the oldest warrior in the Mahabharath. He was the only Vishnu Bhakta whom Bheemsena killed. Balheek had the capacity to die at will, he was more aged than Bheeshma. Balheek requested Bheemasena to kill him. Balheek had a wonderful chariot which could fly into heavens. He donated this chariot to Bheemasena when struck with mortal blow as mark of respect and obsolvence of sins to have fought against Krishna and his devotees. He happily accepted death at the hands of Bheemasena.

Similarly Babruvahan was also adopted by Chitrangada’s father, ruler of Tripura and Kaamrupa desha. Babruvahan, though son of Arjun and was alive after Mahabharath war, did not ascend the throne of Hastinapur. Because when Arjuna was being married to Chitrangada, her father took a promise from Arjun, that if a son would be born to his daughter, he be known as his son, as he is without a son. This is known as Putrika Putra vidhana. { One can accept the son of the daughter as adopted son, but this has to be done before marriage of daughter}. In such cases, daughter never goes away to the land of husband, but remains with her father, and her lineage is continued as father’s. Thus Babruvahan was not made heir to the throne of Hastinapur.

After the battle of Mahabharat was over, Pandavas decided to perform Ashvamedha yagnya. Thus Arjun took up the mantle of winning the world again. Winning across the world, he came to the land of Babruvahan. Babruvahan came with kamandalu and sandal paste flowers to welcome Arjun his father. Arjun felt unhappy that a lad being kshatriya is devising ways to avoid war. He challenged the boy to fight then resort to worship. Babruvahan enraged fought bravely. But unable to contend Arjun by mere arrows decided to use astra's. [He was also anxious whether his astra's that he had learnt were really potent]. Thus remembering a astra taught by Uluchi, he used it on Arjun. Arjun died on the spot. Babruvahan bereaved at father's death and his own folly prepared to kill himself, just when Uluchi appeared and with her mantra shakti brought Arjun back to life. [She was a nag kanya and was aware of mrutsanjeevani vidya].

Arjun happy at the prowess of his son and was immensely delighted seeing his son cross over the valour of father. Blessing his son to be worthy and accepting supremacy of Hastinapur [Victory of son is Victory of Father] Babruvahan prayed his Father. Apsara and Gandharvas showered flowers on him.

Worthy son of a Worthy Father


DwiPitru Yoga - The story of Mitra and Varun

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/01

When  Sun and Moon are in the same rasi and navamsa, then the child so born will be raised by two fathers. 

This story when read with devotion gives children very soon to those who have not conceived , without doubt. Those who read this everyday will live happily by the grace of devatas and their  forefathers. The following story relieves one of all sins when read early in the morning.

Once there lived a very learned Daksha a prajapati. He had thirteen daughters by name Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kalamuhurta, Simhika, Muni, Ira, Krodha, Surabhi, Vinata, Surasasvasa, Kadru, Devashuni. He married all of them to Kashyap. The eldest Aditi gave birth to 12 adityas akin to Agni in lustre. They were Bharga, Amsha, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Savita, Dhatru, Vivasvan, Tvashtru, Pusha, Indra, Vishnu .

The world is illuminated by these twelve suns [Adityas] and thus there is day and night. The heat and rains are due to these Adityas. Varun is the middle among the twelve and attained fame as Lokpalak and obtained the ownership of western direction. He shines over the western ocean [pashchim samudra]. There is a golden mountain by name Shilochchaya, it is very beautiful mountain with many mines of precious stones, beautiful ponds, rivers and many a fauna and flora. Many parts of this mountain range were inhabitated by siddas, gandharvas. When Sun goes beyond these ranges the inhabitants of the region near this part of the world experience the night. Vishvakarma the devashilpi has constructed a beautiful golden city by name Vishvavati for Varun. Varun himself gives sunlight to this western part of Meru. He is served by gandharvas and apsaras by the grace of Bramha.

Once Varun along with his brother Mitra went to the Kurukshetra,where bramharishis were always engaged in penance, which is full of vanamool kanda [edible roots] and flowers. There both the brothers decided to wear deerskin and engage in tapasya. Nearby a beautiful pond named “Paundarik” was full of lotuses, creepers, birds and colourful fishes and tortoises. Suddenly “URVASI” along with her maids, descended in the pond and singing beautifully, started taking the bath playfully. Her beauty was bewitching, fair skinned, with lustre of newly sprung lotus flower illuminated by morning sun, she was carelessly venturing in the pond with exuberance. Her lustrous wavy hair locks wet with water, face like that of moon in full bloom, lips like a buds. Her every part of the body was oozing with beauty reflecting her equally beautiful mind, with a bewitching smile, and gait of intoxicated elephant that symbol youth Urvasi, attracted both Mitra and Varun engaged in tapasya .

Both of them suffered retahskhalan [ejaculation] at the sight of Urvashi, by the wish of Lord Narayana. The retas fell at three places equally from both Mitra and Varuna [mixed]. One on a lotus flower, one on the pitcher on the ground, and other in the water in the pond. As both were engaged in long penance, their semen was very potent. The one that fell on lotus gave rise to VASHISHTHA rishi, one in the pitcher gave birth to AGASTHYA rishi, and one in the pond developed into a a big fish. As this was happening, Urvashi left for swarga unaware of all the incidents.

Thus Vashishtha and Agasthya came to be known as sons of both Mitra and Varuna. And Mitra and Varun continued their tapasya, and then Virinchi appeared and assured them that Vishnuloka will be given to them, but for now let the two remain as Loksakshi the observers of world [karma of people]. For having begotten such illustrious sons their lives were as well very auspicious.

Any one who desires a child, when he listens to this [papanashak] story with purity of mind and body begets a illustrious child.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

5th House - Children

By Shri Chiraan 2009/01/01

Children are indicated by the 5th bhava in the horoscope. A son is called as putra in Sanskrit. Those who die without bearing a son are destined to go to PUTA namak Hell. All the ancestors of that tree fall in the hell named Puta. Since a son protects [rakshati] his ancestors from the Puta hell, that means he does [“ra”ksha ] from [“put”a] hence he is known as  “putra”

Woman become pregnant to conceive a child. For this their rutukala plays an important role. Moon and Mars are important in determining rutukala that may lead to pregnancy. When Moon is anupachaya places from a janma rashi of the woman, if being at any of these places, if it is being aspected by Mars, that period/month will be capable in  bringing about the conception [garbhgrahartav] to those who wish to have a child.

That means if a woman becomes rutumati in an upachaya rashi from her janma rashi, she will not conceive in that cycle. If in such a combination the moon is aspected by Jupiter, the couple will try for a baby.

If on the fourth day at the time of rutuvirama if aspected by Venus woman will have extreme passion towards her husband. The seventh from lagna at the time samyoga, if it is Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagitarius then they will engage in the sexual act akin to animals. If it is gemini Virgo or Aquarius, then it will be like humans. If there are malefics aspecting, then union will spring out of anger and difference of opinion. If aspected by the benefics they will have affectionate union. If not aspected by any planet it will be a quiet union. If both benefics and malefics aspect, then union will start with affection and end up in discord or vice versa.

All these will have bearing on the birth and life of the child. Venus, Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, lagnadhipati[garbhadaan], Moon and Sun are sequentially guardians of the child in the womb for 10 months till birth of the child.

  1. Rahu with benefics in fifth and jupiter also with benefics give many sons
  2. A benefic fifth lord with benefics and Jupiter in kendra gives many sons
  3. Jupiter in kendra, exchange of first and fifth lord gives many sons
  4. Jupiter being strong [full], first lord in fifth and fifth lord very strong gives many sons
  5. Fifth lord in own house aspeted by benefics gives many sons

Sri Krishna had 10 sons and a daughter each from all of his 16108 wive . Yet he prayed Shiva to give him a son in Himalayas and Pradyumna was born. At the time of war he had in all 1000000 [ten lakhs] sons and grandsons.

  1. Pandavas had From Draupadi Prativindya [son of Yudhisthira]
  2. Shrutasoma [son of Bhima]
  3. Shrutakirti [son of Arjuna]
  4. Shatanik [son of nakul]
  5. Shrutakriya [son of sahadev]

They were all incarnation of vishvedevas and gandharva named 1.Chitrarath, 2.Abhitamra, 3.Kishore, 4.Gopal, 5.Bala 

Abhimanyu was born to Subhadra was incarnation of mercury [Budha]

Ghatotkacha was son of Bheema from Hidimbi. He was incarnation of Nirutya [lord of south western direction]

Babruvahana was born to chitrangada - Arjun, he was incarnation of manmath.

Iravant was born to Ulupi - Arjun was the incarnation of Mars [mangal]

All these died in the war of Mahabharath except Babruvahan who did not participate.

Parikshit was son of Abhimanyu Uttara and thus was the only heir left after the war and hence was throned onto hastinapur. Since Krishna was protecting him through sudarshan, while in the womb he was inspecting the presence of Lord, He is known as Parikshit.


Effect of retrograde planet in Gochara

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/21

Once there lived a rich man. He had no children. Even after many years of marriage, his wife was unable to conceive. Once  he went to a saint who was able to talk to God everyday in the night. He asked kindly see whether I have a yoga of the child in my destiny. Saint said I would ask God tonight and let you know. In the night as usual the saint asked God whether this rich man has a yoga of child, God replied “No”. Next day saint said, I am sorry you do not have a child in this birth.

Dejected, rich man spent next years in bewilderment. Once Sri Vadiraaj Swamy of Sondhe came to that city, rich man went to pay his respect to the swamiji. Swamiji blessed him that he would soon father a child. And by the grace of God in a year the rich man got a son. Swamiji came by next year, and the rich man and saint came to Swamiji and narrated how he had personally asked God and got the reply that he has no yoga for child. Then how come God has blessed him with a child. Swamiji said the saint had merely enquired to God and God had replied the fact. But he had requested God to grant him a child. So God obliged.

But how come it is possible to have a child in the absence of destiny. The learned swamiji said it is always possible to borrow our destiny from our sanchita karma, we can prepone what we are about to get in future lives in this birth by the grace of the God. This is called as “Praachinachirna Punya”. Fifth house in astrology denotes this.

In a dasha of a planet, if the planet is associated with 9th lord or Jupiter in a yoga, such fortunes can be expected. Fructification of such results happen when Jupiter or yogakaraka planet has just resumed the direct motion after freeing from retrogression.
