Thursday, 8 September 2022

18th Day - Lord Krishna resents Yudhishthir

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/08

A malefic in the third and kendras makes one put heavy efforts to accomplish the task

Similarly many malefic in tenth shows one has to make Mahaprayatna 

After the death of Karna, Shalya, and Shakuni, Duryodhan was very unhappy. Kritavarma, Ashvaththama and Kripacharya were repeatedly troubled by Bheem and Arjun finally they fled to nearby Forests .

Dhritarashtra sent Sanjay to know the welfare of Duryodhan, Satyaki captures Sanjay. Vedvyasa urges to set free Sanjay. Duryodhan angered runs towards the battlefield all alone. He defeats Sahadev and Nakul. With his arrows he hits Arjun hard and Arjun falls unconscious. Then Bheemsen runs after him and destroys his chariot.

Duryodhan mounts a elephant and attacks Satyaki  Satyaki fall unconscious. Duryodhan taking a pras weapon attacks Yudisthir. Nakul and sahadev, all hit sit on the chariot motionless. Bheemsen kills the elephant and cuts out Pras. Then Duryodhan mounts a horse as the horse is killed by BHEEMSEN. Duryodhan flees the battlefield and enters Dwaipayan sarovar with his gada.

There in the Dwaipayan pond, he undertakes jalsthambhan. Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni. This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield.

Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun, whatever was left was killed  by Dhristadhyumna, Gatotkach and Abhimany  Satyaki. Other pandavas.  Seven akshouhini of Pandavas, three was killed by Ashwaththama, rest by Bheeshma Drona Karna kritavarma each less than the former.

Pandavas happy about victory went to Dwaipayan sarovar, there Ashwaththama seeing them along with Krishna ran away.

Krishna ordered Yudhisthir to use harsh language against Duryodhan.

Yudhisthir said come out for a fight, Duryodhan replied, "You enjoy the Kingdom", Yudhisthir said "Duryodhan you had said not even a size of needle head would be given to Pandavas, now after taking bali of Bheeshma Drona, talking this does not make sense, we cannot enjoy the kingdom without killing you, I don't think so you are a Kuru born for you are denying war".

Aggravated Duryodhan rose from the water and came to the shore. He said "Yudhisthir, you all are with kavach and armoury and weapons, I have none. Still I will fight with you all single handedly”

Yudhisthir said "you  will be provided weapons and kavach, and you can choose anyone of us to fight and if you kill anyone of us, rest of us will go to the forest and if you die we will all together rule".

Duryodhan "Arjun and Sahadev and Nakul and yourself are all too meek to fight with me, only Bheem is fit for me. I choose the gada".

Bheemsen takes a gada 1 and half times more heavier than Duryodhan’s gada and fight begins.

Krishna resents Yudhisthir, says your giving choice to Duryodhan to fight was wrong. If Duryodhan had chosen Arjun, or any other four other than Bheem all these efforts up till now would have gone waste.

Because the other four are no match for him. Bheem would kill him 'somehow'.

Duryodhan  if he holds mace [gada] none in the three worlds not even Indra and all deities put together can defeat him . This is because he is very 'nipuna'.

Krishna shows utter displeasure towards Yudhisthir.

Many doubts arise with these words of Krishna towards Duryodhan. Also to be noted is Duryodhan praises Bheema before fight begins as someone worth fighting. Better than Arjun.

This incident also Shows Krishna rating Bheema higher than Arjun .

Now the doubts ?

Duryodhan is nipun , does that mean Bheem is not nipun or not as nipun as Duryodhan ?

Secondly Krishna says Bheem would kill Duryodhan ‘somehow’? Somehow means , does Bheem have to struggle to kill him. Or is Bheem not as strong as Duryodhan etc etc.

The answer to this should be contemplated against the background that, Bheem is the strongest has been declared by Krishna and Duryodhan himself in virat prasang also. Krishna while Jarasandha episode declares him to be strongest. Also Krishna says Bheem you have many times  more qualities than what you actually think you have.

Vedayasa says there is none equal to Bheemsen in both the armies in terms of strength and knowledge as well.

So it cannot be dismissed that these words of Krishna meant anything less wrtr BHEEM.

The word 'nipuna' in terms of Duryodhan is to indicate that, Duryodhan was mahaprayatna shali. Both Duryodhan and Bheem had learnt from Balaram. So only Duryodhan could have been 'nipun' owing to this training  from Balaram.

'Nipuna' was due to extreme efforts he was putting in practising gada yudha to kill Bheemsen. This mahaprayatna was a plus factor in his favour [excessive efforts and practise cannot be discounted it is a potent factor].

Also Duryodhan had a mantrashakti. These factors weighed heavily against Arjun and other four to counter Duryodhan.

Bheemsen was he not mahaprayatnashali. Was Bheem not putting maximum efforts in his endeavour. No because killing Duryodhan was not a very difficult task for Bheemsen. Putting extra extreme efforts on fairly simple tasks is not the quality of Uttam Purush, great personalities.

Bheemsen would kill somehow does not mean with little possibility.

What is meant by it, Bheem had vowed to break the thighs of Duryodhan. Hitting below the navel is adharm in gadyudh.

Now carrying out the Pratignya is more important dharma failure of which will give more adharma vartan [failure to stick to dharma] if Duryodhan is killed by hitting above the waist, then pratignya will be broken. If he kills by hitting the thigh, then pratignya is upheld but gadayudh niyam will be broken. So without getting into situation of breaking some rule, Duryodhan cannot be killed, so the word somehow is used by the Lord Krishna.



  1. Karthik said: July 26, 2010 at 19:17

    respected chiraanji,
    you have mentioned that in the great mahabharata war

    “Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun , whatever was left was killed by Dhristadhyumna , Gatotkach and Abhimany Satyaki .other pandavas ”

    if 6 akshouhini sena was killed by BHEEMJI remaining 5 by Arjunji then 6+5 = 11 akshouhini was completely destroyed by both of them alone . in that case how many people were sent to the abode of yama by others on the pandava side ?

    1. Chiraan said: July 26, 2010 at 22:51

      That means others killed less than 1 akshouhini sena all put together .

  2. Hrishikesh said: October 9, 2009 at 00:44


    Please post articles on all aspects, I have a doubt here.

    “There in the Dwaipayan pond , he undertakes jalsthambhan . Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni , This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield .”

    a) If Mukhyaprana, Bheemsena devaru has killed them, how can they come back to life ?
    b) Their bodies were burnt, what does it mean coming back to life ?

    Similarly during Jarasandha vada, when Bheemsena devaru splits Jarasandha does he join back as shown in the tv series. I doubt it because, Jarasandha was joined by Rakshasa magic ( black magic ) and Bheemsena devaru dismanteled him ( Vishnu bhakti ) so there is no chance of him joining back again.

    1. Chiraan said: October 9, 2009 at 02:43

      Sharira is panchabhutamaya , which is under control of Rudra [ Durvasa] , so such a mantra exists which can give back panchabhutamaya sharira even if it is burnt .[ But the dead bodies in the warfield were not burnt yet . They were burnt only after duryodhan’s death . Infact vultures were praying at the bodies even while war was on , the river of blood was flowing through Kurukshetra and carnivorous animals were having a feast . even Duryodha as he was still alive vultures were feeding on him and there was none to take care of him .

      Jarasandha body was joined by Jara not through rakshamaya but by Bramha vara . that is why it joins even if torn apart . There is no logic in saying that it could not join because it was laid on opposite side . As per bramha vara it should still join . But as Krishna makes a sankalp that jarasandha should die and the two should not join , Then it signals and end to the Jarasandha . 15 days fight does not hamper Bheems ability but jarasandha had a boon from Shiva of avadhyatva . To honour this 15 days were taken for fight .

      Thirdly 100 kings sacrifice was to achieve Bramha padvi . which is hampered by Lord Krishna .

  3. Vinoth said: October 8, 2009 at 21:05
    Dear guruji

    Of late i see a lot of discussion are going on mahabharatha than astrology in different sections of this astrolgoy blog.

    Though the stories,principle behind these are very informative and useful ,i would appreciate if you can tilt the balance in favour of astrology more than the epic mahabharatha.

    we expect more of pure astrology from you in the coming days

    1. Chiraan said:October 9, 2009 at 02:54

      There is a saying in the Purana that "what is there as well not there elsewhere is also there in Mahabharata and what is not there in Mahabharata is not there anywhere"

      Mahabharat is pancham Veda and Lord has written to be studied by all irrespective of their status as woman men low high etc . Jyotish is Vedanga . Vedanga is chiefly used to decipher what is written in Vedas . Vedas cannot be known without the help of vedangas . So primary aim of Jyotish is unlock Vedic lore . As the motto is to include common man , instead of Vedas Mahabharta is being used .

      In varaha Purana it is said . Vedas have to be read . Gayatri japa in the morning gives sampoorna Veda parayan phala .

      Jyotish and Vedanga abhyasa gives phala as follows , Ganita samhita bhaga adhyayana gives half the veda parayan phala and phalit bhaga adhyayan gives shunya phala .

      The discussion should actually go thus why does Karna [or certain character] behaved so what planet caused it, why it could have not been otherwise, how planetary effects resulted in such an act . But unfortunately no astrologers are here to rake up issues to that level, thus our discussions are limited to characters only.

      Only astrology without Vedic reference would be a meaningless exercise .

      I hope I have answered your query . But as I see you are a serious Jyotishi I shall write more about astrology in Lessons In astrology Section . Hope people will also raise pure astrology questions there .
