Showing posts with label krishna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label krishna. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 September 2022

18th Day - Lord Krishna resents Yudhishthir

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/08

A malefic in the third and kendras makes one put heavy efforts to accomplish the task

Similarly many malefic in tenth shows one has to make Mahaprayatna 

After the death of Karna, Shalya, and Shakuni, Duryodhan was very unhappy. Kritavarma, Ashvaththama and Kripacharya were repeatedly troubled by Bheem and Arjun finally they fled to nearby Forests .

Dhritarashtra sent Sanjay to know the welfare of Duryodhan, Satyaki captures Sanjay. Vedvyasa urges to set free Sanjay. Duryodhan angered runs towards the battlefield all alone. He defeats Sahadev and Nakul. With his arrows he hits Arjun hard and Arjun falls unconscious. Then Bheemsen runs after him and destroys his chariot.

Duryodhan mounts a elephant and attacks Satyaki  Satyaki fall unconscious. Duryodhan taking a pras weapon attacks Yudisthir. Nakul and sahadev, all hit sit on the chariot motionless. Bheemsen kills the elephant and cuts out Pras. Then Duryodhan mounts a horse as the horse is killed by BHEEMSEN. Duryodhan flees the battlefield and enters Dwaipayan sarovar with his gada.

There in the Dwaipayan pond, he undertakes jalsthambhan. Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni. This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield.

Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun, whatever was left was killed  by Dhristadhyumna, Gatotkach and Abhimany  Satyaki. Other pandavas.  Seven akshouhini of Pandavas, three was killed by Ashwaththama, rest by Bheeshma Drona Karna kritavarma each less than the former.

Pandavas happy about victory went to Dwaipayan sarovar, there Ashwaththama seeing them along with Krishna ran away.

Krishna ordered Yudhisthir to use harsh language against Duryodhan.

Yudhisthir said come out for a fight, Duryodhan replied, "You enjoy the Kingdom", Yudhisthir said "Duryodhan you had said not even a size of needle head would be given to Pandavas, now after taking bali of Bheeshma Drona, talking this does not make sense, we cannot enjoy the kingdom without killing you, I don't think so you are a Kuru born for you are denying war".

Aggravated Duryodhan rose from the water and came to the shore. He said "Yudhisthir, you all are with kavach and armoury and weapons, I have none. Still I will fight with you all single handedly”

Yudhisthir said "you  will be provided weapons and kavach, and you can choose anyone of us to fight and if you kill anyone of us, rest of us will go to the forest and if you die we will all together rule".

Duryodhan "Arjun and Sahadev and Nakul and yourself are all too meek to fight with me, only Bheem is fit for me. I choose the gada".

Bheemsen takes a gada 1 and half times more heavier than Duryodhan’s gada and fight begins.

Krishna resents Yudhisthir, says your giving choice to Duryodhan to fight was wrong. If Duryodhan had chosen Arjun, or any other four other than Bheem all these efforts up till now would have gone waste.

Because the other four are no match for him. Bheem would kill him 'somehow'.

Duryodhan  if he holds mace [gada] none in the three worlds not even Indra and all deities put together can defeat him . This is because he is very 'nipuna'.

Krishna shows utter displeasure towards Yudhisthir.

Many doubts arise with these words of Krishna towards Duryodhan. Also to be noted is Duryodhan praises Bheema before fight begins as someone worth fighting. Better than Arjun.

This incident also Shows Krishna rating Bheema higher than Arjun .

Now the doubts ?

Duryodhan is nipun , does that mean Bheem is not nipun or not as nipun as Duryodhan ?

Secondly Krishna says Bheem would kill Duryodhan ‘somehow’? Somehow means , does Bheem have to struggle to kill him. Or is Bheem not as strong as Duryodhan etc etc.

The answer to this should be contemplated against the background that, Bheem is the strongest has been declared by Krishna and Duryodhan himself in virat prasang also. Krishna while Jarasandha episode declares him to be strongest. Also Krishna says Bheem you have many times  more qualities than what you actually think you have.

Vedayasa says there is none equal to Bheemsen in both the armies in terms of strength and knowledge as well.

So it cannot be dismissed that these words of Krishna meant anything less wrtr BHEEM.

The word 'nipuna' in terms of Duryodhan is to indicate that, Duryodhan was mahaprayatna shali. Both Duryodhan and Bheem had learnt from Balaram. So only Duryodhan could have been 'nipun' owing to this training  from Balaram.

'Nipuna' was due to extreme efforts he was putting in practising gada yudha to kill Bheemsen. This mahaprayatna was a plus factor in his favour [excessive efforts and practise cannot be discounted it is a potent factor].

Also Duryodhan had a mantrashakti. These factors weighed heavily against Arjun and other four to counter Duryodhan.

Bheemsen was he not mahaprayatnashali. Was Bheem not putting maximum efforts in his endeavour. No because killing Duryodhan was not a very difficult task for Bheemsen. Putting extra extreme efforts on fairly simple tasks is not the quality of Uttam Purush, great personalities.

Bheemsen would kill somehow does not mean with little possibility.

What is meant by it, Bheem had vowed to break the thighs of Duryodhan. Hitting below the navel is adharm in gadyudh.

Now carrying out the Pratignya is more important dharma failure of which will give more adharma vartan [failure to stick to dharma] if Duryodhan is killed by hitting above the waist, then pratignya will be broken. If he kills by hitting the thigh, then pratignya is upheld but gadayudh niyam will be broken. So without getting into situation of breaking some rule, Duryodhan cannot be killed, so the word somehow is used by the Lord Krishna.


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Jananat Purvam Pitru maran yoga: The story of Parikshit

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/04

Sun in eighth twelfth or sixth, eighth lord with ninth, twelfth lord in lagna and sixth lord in fifth, such a person ‘s father will have died before his birth. 

Duryodhan fell on the ground, he was troubled by dogs and wolves, which were preying on his wounded body. Just then Ashwaththama along with Kritavarma and Kripacharya came near him, looking the plight of Duryodhan Ashwaththama was deeply moved and asked Duryodhan if he can do anything for him. Duryodhan asked Ashwaththama to produce a child through his wife and install him on the throne after killing all the sons of Pandavas. To bind Ashwaththama to is words, he took the dust on the ground on poured it onto Ashwaththama to give him Deeksha to his actions, Ashwaththama accepted.

Just then Ashwaththama saw an owl killing many crows, inspired by this, he decided he can kill single handedly all the remaining people and Pandavas. He went towards the Pandavas camp, there He saw Rudra himself guarding the camp, he fought with Rudra. [Ashwaththama is Rudravatara, how could he fight himself, for this Acharya says this is akin to suicide where a person tries to kill himself].

All the weapons fired by Ashwaththama, Rudra promptly swallowed it. Vexed Ashwaththama performed Manas Yagnya and offered himself in the Yagnya, pleased Rudra let him through the camp and took away Bheemsena’s son from Kalidevi by name Sharvatrat with him to Rudraloka [because Kalidevi’s father Kashi Raja had prayed Rudra that his grandson should be one without death, as Ashwaththama would kill all the Pandava sons, and Krishna wanted Parikshit to assume throne. Rudra took him to heavens with him, Sharvatrat is still surviving son of Bheemasen].

Aswaththama went into camp and Dhrishtadhyumna was sleeping, he kicked him, Dhrishtadhyumna seeing his death near pleaded Ashwaththama to give him time to get hold of his sword so that he can have veermaran, but Ashwaththama said good death is for good people and not for Guruhatya or Brahmaghati, he deserves death like animal. Ashwaththama dragged Dhrishtadhyumna and slit his throat. But before his head could fall off, Dhristadhyumna left the body through Yoga and reached Agni Loka [he was incarnation of Agni].

Ashwaththama then killed his brothers Shikhandi, Yudhamanyu, Uttamataijas, and Janmayjay. Then he killed all the sons of Pandavas. To kill all the remaining people in the camp he torched the camp with fire. All those who came out of the camp in panic were killed by Kripacharya and Kritavarma at the entrance.

Dhristadhyumna’s Sarathi escaped in the night and told Bheemasen. Bheemasen went after Ashwaththama. Ashwaththama ran towards the forest but after he felt running would be of no use, he stooped and used Bramhastra .

Krishna the Lord has already set the order that Bramhastra would never go waste, and at the same time Krishna also never lets Bheemasen to be ever lose battle. So in this situation both could not be possible, so he asked Arjun to counter Bramhastra with another Bramhastra with a sankalpa that let this pacify astra, safeguard guruputra ashwaththama, all the Pandavas and the world in general.

Ashwaththama had sankalpa of Bramhastra that I kill the Pandavas. Nakul and Sahadev had no knowledge of this Astra, leaving Astra on those who are not aware would also harm the one who uses it i.e. Ashwaththama. Thus Arjun made sankalpa that it safeguard Guruputra Ashwaththama also [so kind of Arjun], he safe guareded self brothers, when two Astras collide it brings harm to world also, thus he also made sankalpa to safeguard world.

Yet even after all this care the Astras would have caused more harm to the surrounding, thus Shri Vedvyasa appeared in between the two Astras. Temporarily holding it, Vedavyasa said earlier also there were people who were knowers of Astra, but they never used such irresponsibly, Arjun said I have used in distress, Ashwaththama also said the same. Then Vedvyasa asked to withdraw the Astras. Arjun took back the Astra, but Ashwaththama could not take it back.

Krishna said even being Kshatriya Arjun had conserved Bramhacharya, but Ashwathama though being Bramhachari had lost his Bramhacharya [by giving word of raising son in Duryodhan’s wife]. Thus he failed to take back astra.

Arjun though married was Bramhachari How? [After marriage if one copulates with wife leaving ashtami tithi chatushtaya parvakala remains a Bramhachari].

Vedvyasa asked Ashwaththama to at least change his Sankalpa to safeguard Uttara’s womb. Ashwaththama refused out of anger. Sri Krishna then said I have already made up my mind to get the Pandavas [their sons] rule the earth for 1000 years, so even if your Astra is used I shall get the son in Uttara [Abhimanyu’s wife] womb to survive. Thus Lord cast a protective spell around the womb, this spell was Lord himself protecting the child in the womb. Inside the womb child used to always inspect with curiosity as to who this strange person is who is protecting me. This curious inspection of his led him to be called "PARIKSHIT", one who has been inspected [tried tested] thoroughly. Parikshit was born after the death of his father Abhimanyu, and was installed on the throne of Hastinapur as successor to Yudhisthir after 36 years of Rule By BHEEMASEN [as guided by Krishna] which was akin to RamRajya.

Vedvyasa cursed Ashwatththama to suffer from bad odour of wounds till one thousand years and then return to NARAYANASHRAM resuming the shishyatve of Vedavyasa, and then in the next cycle be born as VYASA to bifurcate VEDAS.


Thursday, 9 June 2022

Syamantakopakhyaan - A story about Krishna Ganapaty and False Allegation

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/24

When Saturn is in the fourth house in any of the divisional charts one faces allegation in his life. 

Krishna in order to save Yadavs from Jarasandha’s repeated attacks, called Vishwakarma and created a beautiful city of DWARAKA. This city was fully golden with gates doors of each house made of gold. It had 16000 palaces for gopika stree of Lord Krishna. Also it had 11000 crores houses for all Yadavs. The vastu of the city was such that none would ever fall sick or die prematurely.

Note: today world population is itself 6 billion whereas in Dwapara each city itself had the population of 110 billion. This proves the purana statement that distances, men height and living places all change as the yuga changes. In nutshell world shrinks with age. People fight for land food and living. Cultivation has reduced to twice a year, in Dwapar it was 6 times, in Treta it was 9 times and in Krutyuga cultivation was year long. In kruta yuga the mode of exchange was precious stones. In Treta it was Gold and in Dwapara it was silver, in todays era  the bill of exchange are of plastic, paper or coins are copper and iron.

In such Dwaraka lived one by name UGRASEN, he had two sons Satrajit and Prasen. Satrajit undertook ‘ANSHAN VRAT' [fasting unto death] to please Surya [Sun deity] devata. Surya devata, with his bright Gayatri swaroop appeared before him, Deity asked him to seek a boon. Satrajit asked for the dangling Ruby in the deity’s neck and sought as boon. This ruby [Syamantak MANI ] was very lustrous, it had to be worn only by the pious and clean [shuchi] person. It would end the life of the person who is unclean by mind and body. At the same time this Mani would give every day a 8000 kgs of gold .

Wearing the precious stone in his neck, Satrajit came back to the city, as he entered the city everyone thought Sun himself has come to meet KRISHNA. Such was the radiance of Satrajit. Satrajit fearing that Krishna would ask his MANI for himself, he gave it to his brother Prasen. Prasen once wearing the stone went for hunting. On the same day from a different direction even Krishna went for the Hunt.

Prasen was killed by a lion and lion took the Syamnatak mani from him. After a few strolls Lion was killed by a bear [Jambavanta] and he carried the Mani to his cave and tied it to the cradle of the baby.

Seeing Krishna return and no trace of Prasen, Satrajit alleged that Krishna has killed his brother for the want of Syamantak mani. Krishna to get rid of allegation, went into the forest along with all his relatives. They saw the remains of [leftover by lion] Prasen and followed the footmarks of Lion, there they found the footmarks of a bear and killed lion. They followed the footmarks of the bear into a cave, cave was dark and deep. Thus Krishna ordered all his relatives to stay at the entrance and as he was self illuminating personality, he entered the cave all by himself. There after the dark patch, he suddenly saw a bight palace with many dazzling lights. Onto cradle was dangling the Syamantak mani. The lady of the house advised Krishna to take away the mani and go away before jammbavan wakes up. Krishna smiled and blew his conch thus waking up Jambavan. Jambvaan and Krishna had a terrible fight which went onto many days. After seven days when Krishna did not return, relatives at the entrance of the cave assumed Krishna as dead and went back to Dwaraka. There they also performed the last rites.

Here after 21 days of Fight Jambavaan was defeated and fell on the ground exhausted. Jambavaan exclaimed, I belong to the time of Lord SriRAM, no one can defeat me in a straight combat, but since you have defeated me, you must be Sriman Narayana himself. Krishna showed his RaM roopa to Jambavaan, Jambavaan fell on the feet of the Lord, gave Syamantak Mani and also Kaustubha mani along with his daughter Jambavati in marriage to SriKrishna.

SriKrishna came back to Dwaraka and called a huge gathering to clear the allegation that was put unto him and handed back the Syamantak Mani to Satrajit. Satrajit afraid of the backlash of Yadavas and also out of Fear of Srikrishna gave the mani and his Daughter SATYABHAMA to Lord Krishna in marriage.

Shatdhanva and Akrur were not happy with this marriage and in the absence of Krishna [Krishna when he had gone to see the Pandavas] attacked Satrajit and killed him and took away the Syamantak mani fron Satyabhama.

Fearing that Krishna would wage a war, Shatdhanva gave the mani to Akrur and Akrur fled to Kashi along with the Mani and started living a pious life there. He built many temples with the gold available through Syamantak mani.

Knowing all these, yet Krishna pretending as if he knows nothing about Akrur, inspired Balaraam to go together and bring back Syamantak mani from Shatdhanva. Both the brothers chased Shatadhanva, Shatadhanva fearing for his life climbed a mare and rode away, Krishna and Balarama chased him, in a day Shatadhanva crossed over 800 miles. Lastly the mare died of thirst, leaving it to its fate, Shatadhanva fled on foot. Krishna followed him and finally cut his throat through Sudarshan. Then as a normal human he searched for the MAni in his dress . Balraam arrived a bit late, as Krishna declared there is no Mani. 

Balaraam grew angry:

1. For unnecessarily making a false pretext to kill relative Shatadhanva. 

2. Balaraam suspected, Krishna had no intention to give Syamantak Mani to Him [though elder brother], as Balraam was alcoholic.

Balaraam developed anger and frustration on Krishna and left him, and settled in a new town of MITHILA, for next five years brothers did not interact with each other.

Seeing this opportunity Duryodhan went to Balaraam under the pretext of learning Gadayudha from him [art of fighting with Mace]. In these five years Duryodhan expected to gain over Balaraam and ask for the hand of Subhadra. If Balaraam promises, Krishna would not object and once he marries Subhadra, both the brothers would be under his sway for the sake of sister. [Such was the Plan of Duryodhan]. However he managed to get the promise from Balaraam .

Here Akrur became pious day by day. Narad muni asked Srikrishna to perform Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat to get rid of all the allegation onto him. Narad said, as Krishna had seen the moon on the Ganesh Chaturthi day [Bhadrapad shukla chaturthi] [Ganapaty had cursed moon that whoever sees the moon on the Bhadrapad shukla charturthi day, he would face false allegation].

As KRISHNA performed the vrat, Akrur completely guilty ridden went back to Dwaraka and handed over the Syamantak mani to Krishna. All the allegations were cleared.

Seeing Ugrasen, Balraam and Satyabhama all wanting to keep the Mani with them Krishna felt giving it any would annoy the other and hence asked Akrur to keep it for himself as he was pious and always engaged in Yagnya.

Thus one who does Ganesh Vrat gets rid of all allegations and all his works undertaken will be successful and without obstacles.


Thursday, 2 June 2022

Optimism - Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/21

  • One who has [shadbal poorna] Venus in the fourth house is ever optimistic and happy all through his life. 

Optimistic attitude is must in this world. One must be optimistic about one’s fate. One must be optimistic about Lord’s Grace onto us. One must be optimistic about achieving the desired through the efforts and grace of Lord and Guru even in the most challenging situation.

Taking even the most negative incident in one’s life as a an opportunity given by God to betterment is the highest form of Optimism. And yet again blessing those [who were responsible for such hardships] for having provided this opportunity, and being indebted to them is again an extreme Vairagya. [coupled with Optimism] 

Maharaja Parikshit exhibited these qualities when cursed by the Rishikumar Sringi to die within seven days. Maharaja did not go into a gloom or despondency at the fast approaching certain Death. But Instead called for a great gathering of the wise to advice him to achieve what a best can be achieved in seven days.

Shuka Muni Arrives there and King Asks Him whether is there anything that can be achieved great in Seven DAYS.. As He has a certain Death awaiting Him in seven days .

Shuka muni explains [Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda Prathamo Adhyaya Shloka 13]

khatvango nama rajarshir

jnatveyattam ihayushah

muhurtat sarvam utsrijya

gatavan abhayam harim

There is one Solution for all the problems of the world that a man may face, that is the Knowing the Glories of Lord Srikrishna the Supreme .

[Note: When someone suggest say Chant These names, listen to Bhagavat etc, an immediate question arises of what use will it be? Then it has to be explained look such and such person had done so and he achieved this result. Immediately second question arises, will I reap similar results? Yes be optimistic and give it a try! This is what, a background, Shuka muni is creating for the Phalashruti of Bhagavat from above verses]

Bhagavat is the Full of Glories of Lord Krishna. But Parikshit wants to Know whether seven days are enough ?

Shuka says there was once a King called Khatvanga, when this rajarishi enquired devatas as to how much longevity was leftover, Devatas said only a muhurtha .

[Note: one muhurtha is two ghati. One ghati is 24 minutes and hence Muhurtha is 48 minutes.]

Khatvanga raja after ascertaining his life would end after 48 minutes, immediately withdrew his senses from all the material enjoyments of life. And attaining unattached mental state to all his belongings and being completely engrossed in the Glories of Lord achieved Moksha.

Shukamuni says ‘Oh King Parikshit if Moksha has been achieved in one muhurtha 48minutes by king Khatvanga, then by that measure you have complete seven days. Each day has 30 muhurtha and you have 210 muhurthas at your disposal.

In this world no one can guarantee whether he will get up alive next day morning to see the rising SUN and his family. [that means death can strike any moment, it is always uncertain] But Fortunate are You ‘Oh Parikshit that RISHI Sringi has cursed you to DIE after seven days. He has ensured that you would LIVE Definitely for next seven days. King Parikshit is indebted to RISHI kumar for having cursed him and the recourse [optimistic] that King took over next seven days of Listening to SRIMADBHAGAVATA MAHAPURANA, definitely gave him Moksha .


Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Lord Krishna Praises Karna

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/18

One of the strongest points that followers of Karna [as invincible] have is the words of Krishna praising Karna, on the eve of death of Ghatotkach. Krishna say’s:

  • Karna is given to austerities
  • Karna is one abiding by Bramhins and Devatas
  • Karna is not given to falsehood
  • [He says to Parshuram, I am anatha, all orphans and other creatures as well are children of GOD, you are GOD and YOU are Bramhin, thus I said I am Bramhin]

Karna cannot be slayed by INDRA, YAMA, VARUNA

Karna, cannot be vanquished with even Sudarshan Chakra 

All this because He has Kavach Kundal.

What was so great about Kavach Kundal. It was an armour given as boon to KARNA by SURYA.

Can a boon by Surya make Karna invincible even to Devatas and Narayana? let us analyse:

  • Nivat kavach rakshas too had boon of kavach, nothing could pierce the kavach. Kavach could not be cut or destroyed by Devatas. This was the boon given to nivat kavach by BRAMHA.
  • Indra gives his vajrayudh and Kirit [hence ARJUN is called KIRITI] to ARJUN and sends him to fight with nivat kavach. Arjun destroys the Kavach of nivath kavach and makes Indra happy. [Boon is overtaken].
  • Jarasandha had boon of Shiva, never to die and be immortal, but Bheema kills him [boon is surpassed].
  • Jayadrath had boon that he would be invincible to all Pandavs, but as Pashupat astra was given to Arjun, Shiva made it clear that except Arjun he would be invincible over Pandavs but only for a day. Bheema earlier had overtaken Shiva boon, but here HE let the boon happen, for Abhimanyu had to die. [Boon honoured].
  • Kaalyavan had a boon by Shiva that He would kill Krishna, but contrarily he died at the sight of MUCHIKUNDA. [Boon overtaken][Boon to Muchikunda honoured].
  • Samshaptakas had boon from Shiva [not to lose in a battle] but lose terribly to Arjun.      [Boon overtaken].
  • Kritavarma had a boon from Krishna, that he would be Invincible on a chosen day. [Boon honoured ].
  • Satyaki had a boon from Krishna, that he would be invincible for a day. [Boon honoured when he defeats all the kauravas].
  • Bhagadatta had a vaishnav astra from VARAHA Vishnu. [Boon honoured, as no Pandav ventured as long as he had the astra, when Krishna took on himself, he was killed by PAndav]. [Boon nullified].
  • Shrutdhanva had a mace which would make him invincible but would hit him back if he used it on unarmed, it fell on Krishna and his head blew up . [ boon nullified ]

So at times boons were honoured and at times boons were dishonoured to show that KRISHNA is the master of the UNIVERSE, and not the bestower of these boons. Thus he indiscriminately, randomly, honoured or dishonoured at his will. The fact that boons were dishonoured shows mere boons does not make one INVINCIBLE.

Krishna’s Sudarshan has never come back without destroying the enemy when used. So karna cannot be immune to it, as even greater Rakshasas having boons of invincibility are known to have succumbed to SUDARSHAN CHAKRA. Bhagavat is testimony to it. Entire puranas sing glory of VISHNU with CHAKRA having never failed.  Krishna has shrouded SUN himself with the Chakra [Jayadrath killing], when SUN himself was overpowered, where his boons stand.

KARNA is mere a mortal and pitiable mortal at that.

With KAVACH Kundal on he was vanquished by many. There is a incident in the Mahabharata where, Bheema hits the Kavach during RAJASUYA digvijay, it hurts Karna to the point of death, just to honour Parshuram’s words and Surya’s boon, he does not break it.

Karna accepts the sovereignty of YUDHISTHIR and pays taxes. Rajsuya yagya is completed .[without Karna accepting defeat, this Yagnya would not have deemed complete as Raajsuya is meant for rulership of all the world, Karna was part of world.

No great warrior gives /accepts superiority till his life / death, only when HE has love of LIFE, he accepts defeat. Karna feared losing LIFE despite KAVACH KUNDAL. This is also reflected in GANDHARVA episode, KARNA was captivated, a warrior will give life rather than get captivated. One gets captivated when he is helpless and fears life. Otherwise war takes place unto death.

So kavach and Kundal were not something that could save Karna’s LIFE. Sudarshan is a highest weapon, its use would definitely KILL KARNA, but as Lord VOWED not to use weapons, using SUDARSHAN was unwarranted. ALSO as PArshuram Lord has promised protection to KARNA as long as he is without jealousy. BUT KARNA could never get rid of JEALOUSY towards ARJUN to the point he could not abide by LORD KRISHNA and KUNTI and SURYA [the giver of KAVACH].

It was Karna’s inability to overcome SHADVAIRI [ KAAM KRODHA LOBHA MADA MOHA MATSARYA] that made him lose despite all the boons. All the good fortunes became useless:

  • His repentance of not having Drona’s tutorship was well compensated by PARSHURAM [Drona ‘s guru] that made him equal to Drona himself [is it not good fortune].
  • He was made KING of ANGA even before YUDHISTHIRA could acquire a KINGDOM [is it not good fortune].
  • His skills were acknowledged and was praised everywhere [is it not good fortune].
  • He acquired Another half of ANGA rajya from JARASANDHA [is it not good fortune].
  • EVEN when Pandavs were languishing in forests, HE always had a Kingdom of his own and an emperor as a friend [is it not good fortune].
  • He had the protection of highest Kind [ KAVACH and KUNDAL] [is it not good fortune].
  • His father SURYA always spoke to him in the times of distress [is it not good fortune].
  • He was recognised by the whole world as a potential rival to ARJUN by whole world [ Takshak’s son chose him to take revenge] [is it not good fortune]. [Getting support of enemies enemy].
  • He was even offered a chance to Rule over his Rival ARJUN by KRISHNA [is it not a good fortune].
  • Except for the sanskara of SUTA, all his life he led a life akin to a glorified  KSHATRIYA.[is it not a good fortune].

He turned a blind eye to all these fortunes and out of ego, pride and jealousy, sided with the evil and lost all the fortune and perished. KAvach KUndal were for his safety till he grew into an adult, boons are meant for doing good in this world, when one misuses them they are taken back. INDRA took back the KAVACH because Karna had to be killed for his misdeeds. Boon of SURYA would be falsified. GOD CHOSE TO HONOUR SUN . [ALSO IT SAVED KARNA FROM UTTER DISGRACE again good fortune].

MORAL : Never succumb to shadvairi [KAAM KRODHA LOBHA MADA MOHA MATSARYA], all your good fortunes notwithstanding you shall perish unaided by LORD KRISHNA .


Karna - The Astrologer

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/18

When Krishna the lord of Universe offers Karna the lordship of the World to leave Duryodhan and side with Pandavas .

Karn said – “You are right, Krishn, I now know that whatever you have said to me that  Kuntee bore me when she was a maiden through her connection with Soorya. At the command of Soorya she abandoned me as soon as I was born without thinking of my welfare. Soot Adhirath found me and took me home. There his wife Raadhaa brought me up with all her affection. Adhirath gave me the name Vasusen. When I grew up, I married the wives according to his selections. I have now sons grandsons through them. My all rites and religious duties are performed with Soot. With Duryodhan I have enjoyed sovereignty for over 13 years. Now when Duryodhan has decided to fight with Paandav considering me as against Arjun, I cannot go back because of fear, death or bloodshed. If I do not indulge with Arjun in single combat, it will be an insult to both of us. 

I am sure that Paandav will do whatever you have said but for now, you must hide this for the benefit of both of us. Let Yudhishthir be king for ever. He has collected a great crowd of warriors. I am repenting for what I said to Paandav. Duryodhan is going to do a Yagya. When you will see me slain by Arjun then Punachiti of this Yagya will begin, when you will see Bheem drinking the blood of Dushaasan’s chest then the Som drinking of this Yagya will take place, and when the two sons of Drupad – Shikhandee and Drishtdyumn will overthrow Bheeshm and Drone, then this Yagya will be suspended for interval. When Bheem will kill Duryodhan then the Yagya of Duryodhan will be concluded. When all Kuru women will lament for their husbands and sons in the battlefield without their protector, it will be the last bath of this Yagya. [ Karna predicts the future ]

I just pray you that don’t let these Kshatriya be perished miserably for thy sake. Let them die by weapons in the most sacred place among the three worlds. Whatever you have in mind, accomplish it on this spot only. Till I face Arjun in the field, keep our talks secret.”

Krishn said – “O Karn, Don’t you wish to rule over the whole world? You know that Paandav’s victory is certain. Divine Bhaum has set up Hanumaan banner like Indra’s banner. Extended for one Yojan it will never be obstructed by any thing. When Arjun will twang his bow then that signs off all Yug (Sat, Tretaa and Dwapar). All kings will get excellent state after dying for Duryodhan in the battlefield.” Karn worshipped Krishn and said – “Knowing everything why do you want to baffle me? This war is going to happen. The great fierce planet Shani (Saturn) is afflicting the Nakshatra Rohinee which indicates the destruction on Prithvi. Mars is coming to Nakshatra  Anuraadhaa through Jyeshthaa indicating a great a slaughter of friends. Certainly a great calamity will come over Kuru family when the planet Mahaapat will afflicts the Nakshatra Chitraa. Moon’s position has changed and Raahu is also proceeding towards Soorya. A black circle surrounding the solar disc appears to view.” [ Karna’s command on astrology can be seen here ]

Krishn said – “Yes, The destruction of the world is at hand but you are not agreeing for it.” Karn said – “If we have come out of the war then we will meet here again, otherwise we shall surely meet in Heaven.” and embraced Krishn very hard. Keshav dismissed him and he came back with us.”

Kunti went to Gangaa River where she heard Vedic mantra chanting by her son. Karn was standing facing east, so Kuntee stood waiting behind him burning in hot Sun. Then she shifted under the shade of upper cloth of Karn. And Karn continued his prayers until his back was very hot with Sun. Then he turned back and was surprised to see Kuntee standing there. He saluted her properly and bowing his head Vrish (Karn), the son of Vikartan (Adhirath), said to her – “I am Karn, Raadhaa and Adhirath’s sson. Why have you come here and what can I do for you?”

Kuntee said – “You are Kuntee’s son, not Raadhaa’s, nor your father is Adhirath, nor you are born in a Soot family. I bore you when I was a maiden. You were born in the palace of Kuntibhoj. I gave you birth in my father’s house along with Kavach and Kundal on your body. You stand in Duryodhan’s camp not knowing your brothers, is not proper. Duryodhan has wickedly snatched Yudhishthir’s wealth. You take that wealth back from them and enjoy it. Let people call you like Raam Balraam. If you both are united what is in this world which cannot be accomplished?”

As Kuntee finished, Karn heard a soft loving voice coming from Soorya – “What Prithaa is saying is true. Follow her words, it is for your good.” Karn could not answer immediately because his heart was following only truth. He said – “I cannot accept what you have said to me. Although I should obey you as you are my mother. You abandoned me as soon as I was born. This was the greatest injury you did to my life and fame. Thus I was deprived of all the rights of Kshatriya. You have never thought about my good before this and you are telling me something for my good today? Who is not afraid of Arjun? And if I go to Paandav today, people will say that “I did so because of fright”. Just to fulfill my own desires how can I leave Duryodhan’s friendship? They always respect me, bow down to me and wait on me. I will surely fight with Paandav. However except Arjun, your other four sons will not be slain by me. I will fight only with Arjun. Whether he will be slain, or me, in both cases my life will be glorified and your five sons will always be alive.”

————————————————————–end of extract ———————————————————

Points to be noted in the above speech by Karna:

  • Karna knew he was going to be slained by ARJUN.
  • Karna had complete knowledge of the Planetary scenario at the Mahabharata WAR, he was great astrologer as he completely predicts the future about Bheem slaying Kauravs.
  • Karna was chanting Vedic mantra [Only higher caste chant Vedic mantra. Karna was not considered low born as depicted, soota is not low caste or untouchable].
  • One’s birth is not alone important in determining caste as much as his sanskara, Karna had sanskara as SOOTA, mark Karna’s words, and hence he remained a SOOTA all along, even if Duryodhan gave him Kingdom, even if he was born a Kshatriya. This was the point made in Vidyapradarshan BY BHEESHMA, when he objected to Arjun fighting Karna. That a Kshatriya should not fight with Soota at the competition .
  • Karna admits to Duryodhan’s Sovereignty to as recent as 13 years, and not from the day He was made the King - why?
  • Karna was made the King when Yudhisthir and Duryodhan were around 25 years of Age.
  • Then intermittently Pandavas suffered treason in Varnavat.
  • Then they were married in disguise.
  • When Pandavas went to Vanvas, Yudhisthir was 57 years old.
  • When they came back Yudhisthir was 70 years old.
  • So Karna should have told 50 years of sovereignty, why 13 years .
  • Because After Raajsooya Yagnya his Kingdom was snatched by BHEEMASEN and given back to him after his  acceptance of sovereignty  of Yudhisthir .
  • The kingdom of Yudhisthir was usurped in dice by Duryodhan, and hence 13 years of sovereignty.

Karna is persuaded by Lord, but to only fight Arjun he refuses Krishna’s Proposal [ Lord’s command is not so important for him than his prestige [ego] that he will be declared coward. Lord could have as well made him a hero had he accepted, NO faith!].

Karna is persuaded by Kunti and SOORYA. He admits he must obey them, but cannot for the desire of fighting Arjun. Karna does not grant what his MOTHER asks for, only for his good! [DAANVEER of no use to MOTHER ].


Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Nara Narayan and Karna

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/14

Karna was a demon by name Dambhodbhav in his previous birth. Dambodbhav did penance to Sun for many years. Pleased with his penance, Sun appeared before him and asked him to partake a boon. Dambodbhav asked for immortality. Sun said no one can become immortal, as all those who have taken birth should die, this the law of the nature set by NARAYANA, thus he can ask for something else.

Dambodbhav asked something that would be akin to immortality. He asked "oh Lord Sun kindly give me a 1000 KAvach – Kundal that should not break for at least 1000 years, and one who breaks it should die immediately". Sun grants him the boon. 

Dambodbhav smitten with pride created havoc in the world, and none could kill Dambodbhav, and none dared to fight as that would mean definite death. So when the world was besieged with the cruelty of Dambodbhav, sages and devatas went to Lord Narayana asked for the relief.

Lord Narayana took the form of two sages along with NARA. NARA-NARAYANA. The sages confronted the Demon, Narayana sat in meditation tapasya, for a 1000 years with mrit sanjeevani vidya, while nara would fight with Dambhodbhav. After 1000 years Nara would break the kavach and die, Narayana would bring him back to life and continue the fight. Nara would complete the tapasya for 1000 years as Narayana fought the battle and break another kavach, thus each would alternatively fight and practise tapasya and cut the kavach. This continued for 999 times in 1000000 years. The fight went on for 1000000 years, and when the last Kavach was left, Dambhodbhav fled the battle field and hid behind SUN in surya mandal, Sun gave him shelter. Nara Narayana demanded the demon to be handed over but SUN pleaded on behalf of him. Thus Nara cursed SUN to be born along with the demon and be killed.

For having given shelter to Demon and going against Narayana, Sun took the birth as KARNA along with suryavarman demon [ Dambhodbhav]. This time he was born with the 1000th kavach kundal naturally by the grace of previous boon by SUN.

Nara and NARAYANA were born again as Arjun and Krishna.

This kavach whoever breaks it would die and hence, had to be begged back by Indra. As demon would not give it, Karna had SUN also born in this birth as Amsa. With the quality of giving dana readily, SUN gave back the KAVACH he had been tricked to offer by DAMBHODBHAV, and created havoc in the world. Thus Indra tricked Dambhodbhav, and SUN rectified his mistake.

The presence of Dambhodbhav and Narkasur in the Karna made him undergo untold misery and misfortunes. But his previous tapasya and presence of SUN made him a hero as well. Apart from that due to immense devotion that Sugreeeva had done in Ramayana. Krishna himself manifested in KARNA to make him unparalleled due to Parshuram’s chariot and Bhargava astra. Whenever the whole Pandava ARMY trembled on account of KARNA, it was actually Krishna in him that made the balance in the WAR. At all such times, Karna won and became difficult to conquer like swayamvar of Jarasandha’s daughter, use of Bhargav astra, use of shakti, use of Bramhastra, riding Chariot of Parshuram etc.

As with Kavach on, had Arjun killed Karna, even Arjun would have lost his life, just like previous birth fight. Thus Kavach was taken away and returned to Suryaloka. Now Sun had to be released from runanubandha of Indra, on account of shelter to demon and also on account of killing VALI.

Thus he was killed unarmed to set right the score and make way for sun to go back to Surya Loka and NARA NARAYANA to return to NARAYANAASHRAMA in upper Badri .


Ekalavya - The Guru Drohi

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/07

Ninth lord if in mruduswabhava rasi or in aspect or association of Jupiter, the native will have Gurubhakti. If associated with malefics the native will go against Guru. 

Ninth lord in navasmsa if placed well, the navamsa lord if aspected by Jupiter, the person will be endowed with guru bhakti, if afflicted the person will offend his preceptors.

  • Ekalavya is known for the Guru bhakti in the popular history.
  • His story has been celebrated as cruelty on part of Guru Dronacharya.
  • Also Ekalavya has been portrayed as that of being a victim to the partiality of Acharya Drona, for his love towards Arjun.
  • Ekalavya is supposed to have learnt everything all by himself.
  • Ekalvya is portrayed as one from lower caste and untouchable.
  • Ekalavya is seen as another victim of Pandav favouritism, just like Karna.
  • Incidentally Ekalavya is brother-in law of Karna.

Contrary to the above popular belief let me give you the real facts to uncover the myth about EKALAVYA.

Before venturing into the character named Ekalavya, it is important to know the greatness of Acharya Drona.

Dronacharya was a man without desires, he used to live on shillonch vrutti [that which prohibits one to ask anything from anyone].

  • He was taught astra Vidya By Lord Parshurama [not different from Krishna].
  • He was very devoted to Lord and his Guru.
  • He was true to his profession of teaching and to his employers, and kept his words always.
  • Arjuna had promised to carry his mission [to conquer Drupad], and thus HE had promised Arjun to make him the greatest Archer.
  • Archery consists of plain skill of holding bow and relieving arrows + knowledge of astras [missiles].
  • Without knowledge of missiles plain archery is of limited use.
  • Astras involve usage of Vedic techniques. [These can be learnt only from Guru].

Drona was divine personality, his grace would make anyone a great. Now let us move to Ekalavya.

  • Ekalavya was not a lower caste, he was nishada prince [a son of nishad king].
  • Nishada is a caste sprung from the intermixing of Bramhins and Sudras[parasava + kshatra]. These are tribes that dwell in forests and are adept in various skills from hunting to boating. They form an important part of forest life and governance in general, as they are chieftains over which a kingdom stands.
  • Ekalavya and his father etc were in the service of Kashi raja.

Ekalavya went to Drona to learn Vidya Why?

  • Ekalavya had a inherent hate towards Lord Krishna.
  • Ekalavya was the incarnation of demon Manimanta.
  • He had gone into deep forest to learn astras from Pisachas. [Paisaach vidya and paisaach astras].
  • He had used them against Krishna, but could not succeed, thus he understood that he should acquire Deva astras.
  • Only Guru Drona could impart such Knowledge.
  • Thus he Approached Drona.

Why did Drona reject Ekalavya?

  • Drona knew he was inherently a hater of Lord Sri Krishna. [His Guru not different from Parashurama].
  • Entertaining him would be to go against his Guru.
  • Secondly By then Guru Drona was in the service of teaching Princes of Hastinapur.
  • School where Princes are taught, ordinary citizens are not allowed to learn by their side.
  • Only Royals and Brahmins in Royal service could enrol themselves in such schools.
  • This is the reason why even Karna was rejected.
  • Those were the days when Governance itself was based on a caste.
  • Hence an outcaste could not have dared to go to a Bramhin. [A Royal service men in the service of Monarch of the world] to teach him if it were against rules. So Ekalavya was not an outcaste. neither a low born because astra vidya could be taught to only higher caste warriors.

Disappointed Ekalavya went to the forest, prepared a IDOL of Dronacharya and started practising the archery.

  • This gave him profound mastery in archery.
  • This is not the greatness of Ekalavya, but greatness of Dronacharya himself, that even worshipping his idol too gave extraordinary brilliance in the vidya. If this was not so, then Ekalavya could have practised all by himself without the idol. But he knew the greatness of Drona, and thus resorted to this form of practise.
  • This shows extreme determination of Ekalvya to gain the vidya [determination to kill Krishna].
  • But all daitya [rakshasas, demons] are known to have done tapasya earlier, and gained boons from Shiva and others, this is just another example of Ekalavya doing tapasya to Dronacharya.

Dronacharya asked his right thumb

  • When in the forest, royal dog was stopped from barking by Ekalavya [without hurting the dog, Ekalavya had gagged the dog with the arrows].
  • This created a concern in the mind of Arjun and asked whether Drona was true to his words.
  • Drona to keep his words and to prevent Ekalavya from going against his guru [Lord] and principles, asked for his right Thumb as Gurudakshina.

Ekalavya cut off his thumb

  • Because, he knew refusing Gurudaksina would render his Vidya useless [just as Karna had suffered]. Thus it is better to give up the thumb rather than risking curse.
  • Dronacharya was divine from the fact that he restored The THUMB equivalent to Arjun in plain archery and less stiff when using astras .
  • This way Acharya Drona fulfilled his words and also kept his duty .

Later on the mount Raivat Dronacharya taught Astra Vidyas to Ekalavya. Equipped with the Astra Vidya. 

  • Ekalavya along with Paundraka Vaasudeva [another son of Vasudev from the diti] attacked Dwaraka in the night.
  • Krishna had gone to Kailash to beget a son.
  • Satyaki and Balaraam along with the army fought with the Ekalavya and Paundraka Vaasudeva their army with lamps.
  • Ekalavya and others extinguished all the lamps.
  • So Balaraam went to back to bring additional Lamps.
  • Satyaki kept at bay both Ekalvya and Paundraka.
  • Just then Krishna returned, he cut all the weapons of Ekalavya and Paundraka and destroyed their chariots.
  • Balaraam then happy at the return of Krishna, with full vigour raised his musal and attacked Ekalavya.
  • Ekalvya afraid of furious Balraam, started running away.
  • He ran and fell in the ocean.
  • Balaram stood near the banks, but Ekalavya fearing and assuming Balraam is chasing, swam 80 yojanas and reached an island. There he looked back and seeing Balraam at the banks relieved a sigh.
  • Then Ekalavya underwent tapasya to Shiva to get the boon of being defeat-less and ever victorious.
  • Shiva granted him the boon.
  • Now with much more pride and strength Ekalavya attacked Krishna again, and used all the astras given by Drona and Shiva. But Krishna cut all the astras and finally with his Sudarshan cut his head off .

Story of Ekalavya is the portrayal of greatness of Dronacharya, as how when in dilemma a man should act and yet uphold the Dharma, and duty towards society, king, Guru and pupils and finally towards GOD.

Guru bhakti is not in showing histrionics before GURU. Guru bhakti is in total surrender to teacher, obeying his every word, upholding his every value and treading the path shown by him. Ekalavya only showed histrionics and acted contrarily to his guru’s views, loyalties and culture and principles. This is GURU DROHA, thus  finally he achieved nothing and met with death at a young age at the hands of Lord SRIKRISHNA.


Monday, 18 April 2022

Rebirth - 2

By Sri Chiraan 2009/04/11

When twelfth lord, twelfth house and 22nd drekkana all are exalted and aspected by benefic only then the subject achieves moksha. In all other cases one has to take a rebirth. 

As Mahabharaha war was being fought fiercely, Arjun with his Gandeeva, [with Srikrishna as charioteer, Bheema by his side and Hanuman on the Flag] was moving at a blazing speed vanquishing his enemies. Arjuna for a moment felt proud about his achievements and said to himself, "oh what a great warrior I am ! There is none to defeat me, I am the best and look I am responsible for this win".

Immediately Hanuman on the flag cautioned Arjun of incoming astra and said, "hey! Pashu, watch out". Arjun immediately regained his self and realising he was carried away by pride apologised to Hanuman and insisted to explain, why Hanuman had chosen to address him as Pashu [Animal]. As Guru Hanuman does speak anything in vain  there must be something hidden in his  words.

Hanuman explained, "if anyone is given a chariot [invincible] from Indra, possess a divine Gandeeva and With Sri Krishna as guide and protector, and supervision from Hanuman the Vayu, is there anything special about such man being invincible. Yet Arjun you are attributing your success to your self. So conscious are you about the Lord’s presence and your dependency on him, yet you have acted independently! You have heard Geeta so carefully, yet you have forgotten its primary message. Thus you will be reborn as animal to fortify your knowledge about Bhagvadgeeta".

Thus when Bheem came to the earth again as Madhvacharya, Madhvacharya wrote many commentaries on Vyas sutras and Geeta, totalling 37 in number. In order to understand them, one requires immense intelligence and concentration. A bull has supreme concentration. Thus Arjun [Indra ] chose to become a bull to capture these teachings from Madhvacharya. Everyday this bull sent to carry all the granthas on its back and during pravachan, it recapitulated Geeta with complete concentration sitting opposite Acharya.

Once all the pupil curiously asked Acharya as to who would be lucky enough to write notes and commentaries on Acharya’s works. Everyone was nourishing a thought that he would be assigned the job. But Acharya pointed to the bull.

Years later bull died and was reborn as king of deccan in the Village of Mangalvedha, in maharashtra. The boy was named Dhondurai, by his father Raghunath. The boy was skill full in archery and horse riding. He had abundant riches and was married to two beautiful women at the age of 17, he had everything a person would long for in a material life.

Once when he was hunting by the banks of river sandhyavalli, he was thirsty and he rode along with his horse deep into the river and suddenly leaning down from the horse, he drank the water without getting down from the horse and riding it at high speed, cutting through the river waves and water pouring into his mouth as a result of ride against the river flow.

On the banks was seated the disciple of Madhvacharya, Sri Akshobhyateertha swamy. The swamy looking at the lad asked "were you an animal in your last birth that you are drinking water like an animal".

This sentence stunned the young boy, who at once shed his boyish nature and recaptured his past birth and he being Arjun the Sesha. His purpose of the birth to read and write the commentaries on Geeta and Sutras and gain better understanding of Principles taught by Sri Krishna, became clear to him. He decided to take sanyasa from the Swamiji then and there itself.

Raghunath the father came abusing towards the Swamiji and accused him of brainwashing his young son to take up sanyasa. Swamiji denied the allegation and allowed Raghunath to take his son back if he can. Father took back his son and took to task his daughter in laws for failing in their duties to attract his son towards the Material life.

So a lavish room was adorned with all pleasurable articles to woo the boy towards the charms of life, and wife was sent with all the decoration and bridal grandeur. But the wives instead found a 1000 hooded snake in the room rather than the 17 years boy, this terrified them and entire gathering along with the father witnessed the 1000 hooded Sesha [Arjun] seated on the cot, thus accepting the destiny, Raghunath brought the Boy back to Swamiji, and the boy was ordained to Sanyasa as Sri Jayateerth Swamy . This is the highest form of Vairagya displayed by Arjun [a rich family, kingdom, youth, two wives and plenty of wealth and enjoyments, renunciated in minutes for the love of study and sadhana].

The Acharya Jayateertha wrote the magnum opus "Nyaya Sudha" a commentary on the Anuvyakhyana of Shri Anandteertha [Madhvaharya]. Jayateertha wrote what he had listened to under the tutorship of Madhvacharya as bull. This book is commentary and thus he is also known as Teekaacharya.

It is said of Nyaya Sudha that "there can be only two meaningful purpose of life, one has to be either born as king of entire Jambudweepa and lead a pompous life, or one has to be intelligent enough to keep diving and surfing in the ocean of logic of Nyayasudha".


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Swargarohan - Fate after Death

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/26

  1. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Jupiter indicates journey to heaven [swarga] after death.
  2. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Moon or Venus indicates journey to land of manes [pitru loka] after death.
  3. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Mercury indicates journey to martya loka  after death.
  4. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Mars or Saturn indicates journey to hell [naraka and tiryank loka] after death.

After Sri Krishna left the earth, Arjun went to Dwaraka and completed last rites of the remains of Sri Krishna [left by leela by God for illusion]. While returning he escorted the wives of Sri Krishna [except rukmini satyabhama and shanmahishi, who had taken to sati]. On the way ordinary bandits from Abhir attacked Arjun. Arjun could not recollect any astras [he was 110 years old], nor could hit hard the arrows from Gandeev to stall the Abhirs. Abhirs abducted the women, and Arjun in a devastated state went to Hastinapur, and fell on the feet of Vedavyasa for soalce. Vedavyasa told he had all the glory with Gandeev only till Krishna was present on the earth, since HE has finished his avataar, it is indication for you all to leave this place and stop from bhubhar harana. Arjun taking the cue, established Parikshit and asked him to teach abhirs a lesson. Abducted wives of Sri Krishna [as advised by Dalbhya rishi, performed ashadha ekadashi vrata to purify themselves and jumped into river saraswati.

Anirudhha son Vajra was made king of Indraprastha and Kritavarma’s sons were given panchal and other countries. Thus establishing new order, Pandavas left for Himalayas. They reached gandhamadan in a days journey by their yogic powers, and then headed for Narayana Ashrama.

As they were reaching atop, first Draupadi fell [fell dead according to Yudhisthir, but technically left their bodies as they had no attachment to the body]. Then Nakul and Sahadev fell. Subsequently Arjun Fell. Bheema asked Yudhisthir the reason for the fall, Yudhisthir explained, because they had defects.

Draupadi liked Arjun much more then other five.

Arjun had pride of manlihood.

Nakul had pride of Beauty.

Sahadev had pride of  being just.

Bheema you always boasted as being superior most in strength and valour .

Thus Bheema also fell down. However a dog was quietly following the Dharmanandan. A chariot came to take Yudhisthira to Swarga. Yudhisthir refused to go to swarga alone and insisted on dog to be also accompanied. The sarathi argued that it is not possible, then Yudhisthir asked him to give up the idea of Swarga. Suddenly Dog assumed its original roop of Yama Dharma. Pleased with Yudhisthir, asked him to step in the chariot.

Yudhisthir went to Swarga there he saw Duryodhan in a swanky throne enjoying. Yudhisthir red with anger refused to be in one place with Duryodhana. He pleaded to be taken to his brother’s place. A sevak was assigned to take Yudhisthir into darkness and land of filth and foul smell, suddenly there were loud cries of Bheema, Arjun etc. as "oh brother save us from this dirty environment and sufferings, our presence, divine has reduced some pain for us" , Yudhisthir angry again at the justice of yama and Indra meted out to his brothers. He refused to go further and preferred staying there. Suddenly Indra appeared and all the darkness and filth disappeared, and a beautfiul swarga appeared with all the Pandavas with their original [mool rupas ] enjoying with their respective wives.

Surprised Yudhisthir asked what was that? Indra said it was actually a punishment meted out to Yudhisthir for going against the words of Lord Krishna [refusing to lie for Ashwatthama episode] he was given a illusion of naraka and temporary pain of suffering [illusion of brothers suffering narak darshan etc].

Infact other Pandavas were never at wrong so no hell or illusive hell either. Neither did they have any defects, Bheemasen was greatest in the strength among his contemporaries and was boast cing about . One can confidently speak a truth about one’s ability if its absolute truth ad one has knowledge about it. This can not be treated as pride, else Lord Krishna declaring himself as the superior most and beginin-gless endless etc. will become a defect and pride.

They all left their bodies out of their will as their karma had ended, and they had nothing to do with a human body .But Yudhisthir still had attachments to his body, and was not leaving it, and thus suffered still hatred towards Duryodhan although he was dead [he could not forgive him for his misdemeanours, and remembered him as a enemy who had given untold miseries]. Dead are dead and story should end there, but owing to human body, human elements of raga dwesha were remenant in Yudhisthir. Thus Yudhisthir ashamed, took a bath in holy ganga in swarga and regained his devata swaroopa. And enjoyed bliss of heaven.



Friday, 15 April 2022

4th House - Sukha Dukha Asha

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/17

  • The fourth, tenth and seventh bhava are sukha sthanas for a person in a horoscope.
  • These denote special happiness that strike humans. 
  • These places if placed well man will be happy.
  • Venus in fourth will give all kinds of wealth and enjoyments all through the life.
  • People with Venus in the 10th house are rarely found to be hard working, but surprisingly the whole world works for them, there is something special about a bhog graha in a karma sthana, that even he enjoys during work hours too. He exerts very little and yet achieves a lot. People are mad about these personalities and form a subject matter of gossip due to envy.
  • 4th house especially points to general happiness, Venus well placed in this house makes one a happy go lucky. He will be a ashavaadi. ["boss Umeed pe duniya kayam hai", this will be his mantra].
  • But Venus in the seventh house is not preferable, as this will not give conjugal bliss due to excessive demands of the person. He will have multiple partners and always unhappy about his marital status.
  • However Venus in 4th house gives abundant joys, friendships and a place of admire among relatives.
  • Moon in fourth house gives enjoyments with a woman in a unfinished house.
  • Mars in such position gives enjoyments in a stable of horse.
  • Venus and Mars makes one enjoy in a cow shed or buffalo shed.
  • Ketu will give a broken house.
  • Saturn will give a house made of iron.
  • Sun that of wood.
  • Mercury will give modern house.
  • Moon with Rahu makes one adjust to pleasures in a water pump room.
  • Affliction to fourth house will make one weep in his lifetime.
  • If fourth house is polluted then the person will fall prey to schemes by others.
  • If fourth lord is with malefics one will leave hopes and become pessimistic.
  • Fourth gives what is known as quality of life, standard of living.
  • Fourth in the rasi indicates external signs of happiness.
  • Forth in kalamsa gives internal happiness.
  • If fourth lord is badly placed in kalamsa then however happy his position would reflect, he will be straining his mind in terms of anger, jealousy, inner fear and sense of loss.
  • On the contrary when fourth lord is ill placed in rasi yet well placed in kalamsa, however unhappy a man seems to be, however unfortunate his position may seem to be, he would be in fact making merry all the time in solitude.

Pandavas lost father at a young age:

  • Their births were questioned
  • They grew in jungle
  • They suffered murder attempts every now and then all through youth
  • They were denied a place to live
  • They were insulted
  • They were exiled
  • They wandered from place to place
  • They had to marry in disguise
  • They had to live in a broken house
  • They had to live separately from wives time and again
  • They bore children in anonymity
  • Their children grew without their presence
  • They were always war stricken
  • They faced poverty
  • They faced tough enemies
  • They had to serve others as unknowns [identity]
  • Lost manliness
  • They were repeatedly spied, chased and troubled
  • They lost all the children before them
  • They had to kill their own relatives
  • When they got kingdom they had none to share it with, only one grandson of Arjun survived.
  • They reached swarga by walking entire Himalayas and shedding their bodies [death] during cumbersome journey.
  • All this when himself Lord was with them by their side.

Can all this be called misfortunes? Yet they never complained . Infact Kunti [Pandavas mother] goes onto say "Oh Krishna give us only miseries every now and then, for it will make us remember you all the time, and our miseries will definitely be destroyed by YOU".

Kauravas had everything in this world that a soul could wish for

  • Parents fully supportive
  • Royal birth
  • Royal upbringing
  • Royal Guards [Bheeshma Drona etc]
  • Royal friends [Karna shishupala etc]
  • Obedient advisor [Shakuni]
  • Kingdom at young age
  • Riches of others easily got
  • Mild and patient opponents
  • Many wives and no separations
  • All relatives supported them [everyone wanted to marry their daughters to these and not Pandavas or their sons]
  • Whole world leadership
  • All the world admired and obliged
  • Got everything he wished for [material wishes]
  • When in peak he shared his riches fame and wealth among kith and kin [100s in number]
  • Body immortal except thighs
  • Died in battlefield and went to swarga while gandharvas showered flowers on him and a special aircraft [viman] arrived to take him
  • He never acknowledged Krishna as Lord 

Can this be called fortunes? Yet he always complained, he was dissatisfied, he grew jealous day by day. He could never sleep. He spent most of time hitting the statue of Bheema as practice. He was preoccupied by schemes to trouble Pandavas and they always failed. He was extremely unhappy all through his life. Gandhari [mother of kauravas] cursed Krishna that his clan be wiped just as her sons had been wiped out .

On the contrary Pandavas were as happy as in Moksha and lead a contented life as they never had any desires and were only preoccupied with service to Lord Sri krishna.


Anadi Karma

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/09

  • Anadi means that which does not have beginning. 
  • We suffer or enjoy due to past karma.
  • That means we have done some karma earlier that we are reaping today.
  • So in the previous birth, what were we suffering or enjoying? our past karma again.
  • So if we go back each janma [birth], we will say it was all but past karma.
  • So are we not getting into infinite regress.
  • Where does this past karma begin.
  • Are there any initial conditions.
  • Who determines these initial conditions.
  • Were they same for each of us?
  • If they were same then why did we all not respond to it in similar way?
  • If at all we had responded similarly, wouldn’t we be all in a same equal position with equal happiness and unhappiness.
  • In that case we would be in a static world.
  • But this is not so! Not only are we seeing the diverse world and diverse people but also diverse karma.
  • So initial conditions were not the same.
  • Were some initial conditions favourable to some and disadvantageous to others.
  • Then whoever has set these initial conditions he cannot be an impartial entity.
  • Is God responsible for these initial conditions? No.
  • Because God is Impartial.
  • Then is there really something called beginning of karma? No.
  • Because then it would give infinite regress.
  • Then what is this beginning of Karma? In fact it is beginning-less karma.
  • It is known as ANADI KARMA.
  • It is our linga deha.
  • It comes natural, as a banana fruit comes with a skin, as grains come with a outer layer.
  • So does soul comes into this world with a natural linga deha, which sets pretexts to karma.
  • This linga deha [anadi karma] loosens its grip on the soul as the soul goes through the series of experiences good and bad .
  • As it loosens completely it becomes porous enough for the soul to see itself.
  • As soul sees more and more of its self, we call it has enlightened.
  • Finally when it has a dip in Viraja river that separates this universe from Vaikuntha
  • It attains Moksha.

Shri Krishna says in Bhagavadgeeta while explaining Jnyana Yoga, "I had taught this yoga of Nishkaam karma to Surya [Vivaswan], he in turn told it to his son Vivaswat Manu. Manu taught it to Ikshvaku and slowly it spread to many rajarshis and other rishis as parampara. Then it lost into ignominy. You are my devotee and childhood friend thus I will reveal this most secret dictum to you”.

Arjuna says "Recent is your birth in the time, Surya was born many lakhs of years ago, then how did you teach him this yoga?"

Krishna says "You and I have taken many births already. I remember all of them, you do not know those auspicious births. I am beginning less and endless. My body and self is without end and enters prakruti through my own will. All my avataras are beginning-less and permanent. I only appear with my will, whenever there is lapse in Dharma and adharma vridhdhi, to punish the sinner and to uplift the Sadhus and to protect and establish Dharma".


Thursday, 14 April 2022

7th House - Polygamy

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/07

  • If there are malefics in second house, seventh house and if seventh lord is debilitated or combust ,one will have three marriages. 
  • If seventh lord is exalted in kendra aspected or associated by 10 lord will give many wives.
  • 12 and 2 lord in third aspected by Jupiter will give many wives.
  • Navamsha lord of the planet, who is navamsha lord of the seventh lord in navamsha if exalted and associated with benefics in Rashi chakra will give 100 wives.
  • Lord of the rashi tenanted by second lord in rashi, if its lord in shastiamsha is exalted and itself in gopuramsa then one will marry 200 wives.
  • If a strong exchange of seventh and tenth lord and associated with strong second lord will give unlimited wives.

Moon was married to 27 daughters of Daksha Prajapati, Dharma married another 10 of his daughters, Kashyap married 13 daughters of the Prajapati. Kashyap spread the population all over the earth in a diversified forms and species.

Dashrath [Illustrious father of Shri Ram] had three wives. Vasudev [father of Sri Krishna] had 24 wives. Pandu [father of Panadavas had two wives]. Bheemsena had 28 wives. Arjun had 16 wives.

  • Sri Krishna had 16108 wives, he remained on the earth for 105 years.
  • Sri Krishna had 10 sons and 1 daughter from each of his wives.
  • This means he had 1 lakh 77 thousand one hundred and 88 children.
  • By logic [if he has spent one day each with one wife to impregnate them] he should spend at least 177188 days/nights just consummating his marriage.
  • He married 16100 wives when he was 23 years old. That means till he left earth, he had lived only 365*82=29930 days.
  • How can one beget 177188 children in 29930 days from 16108 unless one spends his day and night with 6 of his wives, this way his whole day and night would be spent only among his wives all the 100 years with an average of four hours to each.
  • But even this would give him a child of about 1 month old at the age of 105, but contrarily Sri Krishna had all the 177188 children quiet grown up by the time he was 60 years, this makes this feat even impossible.
  • Also Sri Krishna was known to have been very close to Pandavas, helping them across many places quiet far away from the Dwaraka, also HE did many other leelas in different parts and finally he is known to have spent full 18 days in Mahabharath war, that makes the count even less. [So the whole feat is humanly impossible]
  • So how was that possible.
  • Narada rishi had a similar doubt, so he decided to inspect the love life. He went to each of the palace where his each wife was staying, and there he found Krishna living happily merrily in the company of his wife. This surprisingly was same at every of the 16108 palaces, at the same time HE was also found with the Pandavas, exclusively he granted time for his friends and other yadavas. Wherever Narada went he saw Krishna.
  • Lord Krishna [Paramatma] is present in everyone’s heart and governs our action.
  • He is inside and outside this world [Vaasudev] supporting this universe/creation.
  • He is the one who has shown entire bramhanda in his mouth to Yashoda.
  • He is omnipotent all pervasive.
  • He is infinite with infinite roopas.
  • So this feat of having 10 lakh progeny [sons and grandsons] is just infinitesimal compared to what he does in controlling entire Universe. [Jagadoddhara]


177188, 31025