Showing posts with label bheem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bheem. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 September 2022

18th Day - Lord Krishna resents Yudhishthir

By Sri Chiraan 2009/10/08

A malefic in the third and kendras makes one put heavy efforts to accomplish the task

Similarly many malefic in tenth shows one has to make Mahaprayatna 

After the death of Karna, Shalya, and Shakuni, Duryodhan was very unhappy. Kritavarma, Ashvaththama and Kripacharya were repeatedly troubled by Bheem and Arjun finally they fled to nearby Forests .

Dhritarashtra sent Sanjay to know the welfare of Duryodhan, Satyaki captures Sanjay. Vedvyasa urges to set free Sanjay. Duryodhan angered runs towards the battlefield all alone. He defeats Sahadev and Nakul. With his arrows he hits Arjun hard and Arjun falls unconscious. Then Bheemsen runs after him and destroys his chariot.

Duryodhan mounts a elephant and attacks Satyaki  Satyaki fall unconscious. Duryodhan taking a pras weapon attacks Yudisthir. Nakul and sahadev, all hit sit on the chariot motionless. Bheemsen kills the elephant and cuts out Pras. Then Duryodhan mounts a horse as the horse is killed by BHEEMSEN. Duryodhan flees the battlefield and enters Dwaipayan sarovar with his gada.

There in the Dwaipayan pond, he undertakes jalsthambhan. Duryodhan undertakes the japa of mantra given to him by Durvasa muni. This japa if continued for 7 days would bring back from death entire army of the kauravas and they would never die again in battlefield.

Out of 11 akshouhini sena 6 were killed by BHEEM and 5 by Arjun, whatever was left was killed  by Dhristadhyumna, Gatotkach and Abhimany  Satyaki. Other pandavas.  Seven akshouhini of Pandavas, three was killed by Ashwaththama, rest by Bheeshma Drona Karna kritavarma each less than the former.

Pandavas happy about victory went to Dwaipayan sarovar, there Ashwaththama seeing them along with Krishna ran away.

Krishna ordered Yudhisthir to use harsh language against Duryodhan.

Yudhisthir said come out for a fight, Duryodhan replied, "You enjoy the Kingdom", Yudhisthir said "Duryodhan you had said not even a size of needle head would be given to Pandavas, now after taking bali of Bheeshma Drona, talking this does not make sense, we cannot enjoy the kingdom without killing you, I don't think so you are a Kuru born for you are denying war".

Aggravated Duryodhan rose from the water and came to the shore. He said "Yudhisthir, you all are with kavach and armoury and weapons, I have none. Still I will fight with you all single handedly”

Yudhisthir said "you  will be provided weapons and kavach, and you can choose anyone of us to fight and if you kill anyone of us, rest of us will go to the forest and if you die we will all together rule".

Duryodhan "Arjun and Sahadev and Nakul and yourself are all too meek to fight with me, only Bheem is fit for me. I choose the gada".

Bheemsen takes a gada 1 and half times more heavier than Duryodhan’s gada and fight begins.

Krishna resents Yudhisthir, says your giving choice to Duryodhan to fight was wrong. If Duryodhan had chosen Arjun, or any other four other than Bheem all these efforts up till now would have gone waste.

Because the other four are no match for him. Bheem would kill him 'somehow'.

Duryodhan  if he holds mace [gada] none in the three worlds not even Indra and all deities put together can defeat him . This is because he is very 'nipuna'.

Krishna shows utter displeasure towards Yudhisthir.

Many doubts arise with these words of Krishna towards Duryodhan. Also to be noted is Duryodhan praises Bheema before fight begins as someone worth fighting. Better than Arjun.

This incident also Shows Krishna rating Bheema higher than Arjun .

Now the doubts ?

Duryodhan is nipun , does that mean Bheem is not nipun or not as nipun as Duryodhan ?

Secondly Krishna says Bheem would kill Duryodhan ‘somehow’? Somehow means , does Bheem have to struggle to kill him. Or is Bheem not as strong as Duryodhan etc etc.

The answer to this should be contemplated against the background that, Bheem is the strongest has been declared by Krishna and Duryodhan himself in virat prasang also. Krishna while Jarasandha episode declares him to be strongest. Also Krishna says Bheem you have many times  more qualities than what you actually think you have.

Vedayasa says there is none equal to Bheemsen in both the armies in terms of strength and knowledge as well.

So it cannot be dismissed that these words of Krishna meant anything less wrtr BHEEM.

The word 'nipuna' in terms of Duryodhan is to indicate that, Duryodhan was mahaprayatna shali. Both Duryodhan and Bheem had learnt from Balaram. So only Duryodhan could have been 'nipun' owing to this training  from Balaram.

'Nipuna' was due to extreme efforts he was putting in practising gada yudha to kill Bheemsen. This mahaprayatna was a plus factor in his favour [excessive efforts and practise cannot be discounted it is a potent factor].

Also Duryodhan had a mantrashakti. These factors weighed heavily against Arjun and other four to counter Duryodhan.

Bheemsen was he not mahaprayatnashali. Was Bheem not putting maximum efforts in his endeavour. No because killing Duryodhan was not a very difficult task for Bheemsen. Putting extra extreme efforts on fairly simple tasks is not the quality of Uttam Purush, great personalities.

Bheemsen would kill somehow does not mean with little possibility.

What is meant by it, Bheem had vowed to break the thighs of Duryodhan. Hitting below the navel is adharm in gadyudh.

Now carrying out the Pratignya is more important dharma failure of which will give more adharma vartan [failure to stick to dharma] if Duryodhan is killed by hitting above the waist, then pratignya will be broken. If he kills by hitting the thigh, then pratignya is upheld but gadayudh niyam will be broken. So without getting into situation of breaking some rule, Duryodhan cannot be killed, so the word somehow is used by the Lord Krishna.


Friday, 3 June 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/02

Mercury with mandi or gulika aspected by Mars in badhak sthana will make one suffer from abhichara dosha.

Enemies resort to abhichara when they cannot harm a person through wits and schemes. Abhichara acts only through purva janma yoga. When a person is having a good phase of time abhichara does not affect him but affects in due course when bad times strike.

It will not be an exaggeration if a statement is made to the effect that 90% of the people in the world are affected by abhichara.

Sometimes a very good family with happy ties and bonds suddenly fall prey to internal mishaps and severe enmities. Brothers suddenly stop talking to each other. Two families eager to tie knots to their siblings stop conversing and worst become severe enemies. Two most loving couples fall prey to misunderstandings and stay apart for long time.

Though in all such cases there is longing for reunion but when they come across face to face a moment of rashness destroys their peace attempts unknowingly they drift away from and lament later.

All these times all these people keep sighing If only …….

These are all definite signs of abhichara being applied onto the people by enemies. Vidweshan is powerful form of abhichara which brings two people at war. Then maran is applied to kill all the parties involved. This is tamas vidya and should not be adhered to even in extreme danger.

Vidweshan can be cast, when teeth of elephant and lion powdered and mixed with butter if applied onto two people they will become enemies forever.

Homa between two houses with malati flowers can cause vidweshan. However vidweshan mantra should be made sidhdha with two falcons in each hand.

Enemies are constantly in effort to separate good friends, brothers and lovers. etc. To avoid these one must always protect self from sudarshan mantra and Hanuman kavach .

When Yudhisthir put on gamble bait his brothers, Duryodhan exclaimed to Bheema, "hey Bheem and Arjun, deplore your elder brother, who has treated you like objects and I shall grant you the freedom"

Bheem says, even now Yudhisthir is very dear and respectable to us. He has every right onto all of us and whole of Indraprastha. Nothing wrong in putting us on bait as son is the property of the father, elder brother is akin to father, to obey is our duty. We do not seek freedom you, as an order from Yudhisthir will be enough to release him from your clutches as I send you to the clutches of Yama".

The attempt by Duryodhan to create Vidweshan through mantras given by Durvasa and Shukracharya did not have any effect on Bheemsen. As Bheemsen was reciting Manyusukta. Even while killing Duryodhan Bheemsen recited Vrushabh sukta as Duryodhan was chanting 3 crores of mantras all at once onto Bheemsena. This goes on to show that one must always protect oneself from enemies.

In Ramayana Agastya muni asks Lord Shri Rama as to how he manages to keep his siblings so dear to him, how come there never has been a squabble between them and why when enemies in this world are always attempting to dismantle a family harmony, what is a secret to his happy family. Shri Rama says Kshama is the only mantra for keeping the family intact, one must always forgive severest of severest mistakes of brother and he will ever remain loving to them all. Else a small angry rift will make enemies take advantage and sow seeds of enmity among brothers. That is the reason why Rama did not kill Vali at the first instance giving a chance to the siblings to come to terms as brothers are naturally born of same blood and hence sibling fraternity can arouse any moment. One must never fight with younger brothers and treat them like one’s own son.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Ninth House - Bhikshashanam

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/13 

When ninth lord is debilitated and 10th lord and 3rd lord are weak, the subject will go begging for the food. 

Vedvyasa took all the Pandava's to Ekchakra nagar to a bramhin, and told him that these were his disciples and He should give them shelter. bramhin agreed as per the Lord’s words. Pandavas and Kunti devi were living in the house of bramhins. Pandava's were engaged in study of Vedas and lived by Bhiksha.

Kshatriyas should not ask Bhiksha. Bhima was param Bhagavata and hence would never go against Dharma, but here there was no option but to beg. How to save themselves from defaulting Dharma?

Just then a potters house got caught fire from all the sides. Bheemasen, standing a few feet's away from the house amidst fire, kicked hard in the ground. By the force of his kick, the house on the other side emerged out of the ground, along with the earth beneath it. Bheemasena lifted entire house by his hands, and put it out of fire on to the other side.

Indebted potter created a earthen vessel as big as the village itself and  gifted it to Yudhisthira. Now Bheemasena taking the earthen vessel just roared into the air, panicked by his roar, villagers gave away Bhiksha into the vessel even without their asking for it. This was akin to Kings giving their wealth as a tax to Indraprastha for the fear of losing kingdom and acceptance of Pandava supremacy.

But Yudhisthira said, this type of roar and eating vessel full of meals would alert Duryodhana, and his friends about their whereabouts, and thus requested Bheema to stay away from Bhikshashan, and eat whatever they would bring for him. Bheema was happy to save his dharma.

One day the bramhin and his family were bereaving and loud cry’s were heard. Bheema asked Kunti to find out the reason for the distress of their host. He could have gone himself, but woman in the family would get uncomfortable at the sight of another man, thus he sent his mother.

Kunti standing by the wall heard their conversation before asking them.

The bramhin said, "oh my wife, I had already told to leave this place, you were not ready look, now its time for embracing death. I shall go from my family and embrace death". 

Wife said "oh my lord, let me go into the mouth of death, for I would attain good lokas for having saved you".

Daughter said "a daughter is of no use, why not let me go to the den of Bakasur ?"

Father said "Shruti [Vedas] say a daughter is the one who graces the dynasties of both father and husband by her deeds and good virtue, a son only uplifts one family. Birth of a daughter is more auspicious, sending you will only put me further into naraka, so as worthy son of my lineage let me take on death".

The child in the family tottered, and with a small twig in the hand said "oh father, I will kill Bakasur with this twig let me go".

Taking these words of child as good omen [Bheemasena her child would break Bakasura as easily as a twig], Kunti entered to ask bramhin for their plight.

Bramhin said "there is a demon named Bakasur in the vicinity, who demands a cart full of food, milk, animal, birds and a human as bali. Every thirteen years a family has to send a human from their family to satisfy the demon . Its now their turn". Kunti said "she has five sons and would send one of her sons". Bramhin says "it will be a sin to take someone else’s life to save oneself". Kunti assured that her son has a VIDYA which cannot be confronted by devatas and demons and hence she is not afraid.

Kunti came back and told Bheema about the Bakasura. Bakasura was a demon and maternal uncle of Ravana. By the fear of RAMABANA of Lord Rama had hidden in the caves. After Ramayana, he came out and was not defeated by Bharath, Jarasndha, Narakasura etc. and was freely creating havoc. Now Bheemasena killing him would have an opportunity to please Lord.

Yudhisthira and others came back from Bhiksha and seeing Bheema in a very happy mood asked Kunti "Ma, why is Bheema so happy?", Kunti said "he is going tomorrow to Bakasura’s den". Yudhisthir panicked said "what a bad decision, we are all living by the hope of Bheema, owing to his strength and protection, we are dreaming of gaining back our kingdom, now Bakasura is living giant from Tretayuga, how will we live without Bheema?"

Kunti said, "let there not be a doubt about Bheema' s strength, even as a child he powered the entire mountain range Shatashrunga. NO [MAI KA LAAL] among devatas and demons can kill him as he is very VAYU himself ". 

Thus next day Bheemasen set out with the cart full of food and milk. He thought to finish the meals even before demon touches it and makes it impure. As demon saw him eating his food, he became angry and uprooted a tree to hit the Bheema. Bheema stopping the tree with his left hand, drank all the milk and then did ACHAMAAN. [This implies that food should be eaten in  a pure manner untouched by others, and achamaan should be done after meals].

Bakasura threw a mountain on the Bheema, it broke to pieces, after long battle, Bheema set his foot on one foot of Bakasura, and he held the other feet with his palms and slit him through middle like a sugarcane. Thus Bakasura was killed. He brought the dead body to the village gate and left it. People afraid of the giant body ran here and there in fear. After bramhin assured them about his death, villagers became happy and agreed to pay the cart full of meals to Bheema from then. But Bheema asked them to offer it Lord Narsimha in the village temple.

Thus from there Pandava's went to Draupadi swayamvar.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

5th House - Mantra Siddhi

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/25

  • Fifth house indicates Mantras earned by the Native
  • Fifth lord in swanavamsha unaspected by malefics in mriduamsha gives mantra siddhi
  • Jupiter in own navamsha in gopuramsha gives mantra siddhi
  • Two malefics in trikona from Karakamsha gives Mantra siddhi
  • If these combinations are aspected by benefics, mantras will be used for benefit of mankind
  • if aspected by malefic ,they will be used to destroy or terrorise people.
  • Mars when associated with mantra conferring planet gives killing power. [Maran vidya praveen]
  • Mercury thus associated gives ability to carry out black magic
  • Rahu gives expertise in energising chemicals through mantras
  • Ketu employs kshudra articles in rituals 

Mantra means one that is secret

  • Mantra also means secret advise
  • Mantra is also a consultation
  • Mantra is one that nourishes the mind
  • Mantra is one which cleanses the mind
  • Mantra gives the desired 
  • Mantra which is recited without knowing the chandas, rishi, devata and nyasa, reduces longevity
  • Mantra recited without gurupadesha, brings hell to the native after losing all wealth.
  • Mantra siddhi is obtained when Guru gives upadesha with complete satisfaction to a disciple on a eclipse day through abhisheka of mangal dravyas by the river side or agni or in a secret place .
  • Mantra without proper nyasa restrains itself 
  • Mantra when dissipated into body is self destructive
  • Mantra which are locked, if recited even for a crore times does not give results
  • Mantra which have been themselves cursed, does not give results to the native even if it is recited million times
  • Mantra which are cursed have to be processed with shapvimochan kriya to obtain results.
  • Shapvimochan kriya is another mantra that had to precede it before activating
  • Without its knowledge no mantra gives result
  • Mantra recited without giving rishi tarpana, reduces wealth of the native 
  • Mantra reciting without knowing dhyana shloka of the devata brings insanity
  • Mantra recited with anger destroys the near and dear of the natives
  • Mantras recited with impurities of body and mind [dehashuddhi] brings misfortunes like theft to the native
  • Mantras recited sitting on a plain ground, near ocean etc brings downfall of the self.
  • Mantras recited without performing homa to the deity brings diseases
  • Most popular mantras are locked
  • All veda mantras are [tirroddhan]covered, by heavy sheath which blocks its radiance. It has to be superlit [uddipan] to obtain results.
  • These have been carried out by Devatas, since in Kaliyuga people easily given to anger and greed [by nature], thus use of mantras have been deffered in kaliyuga. [They do not give results].
  • Yet some secret mantras have been extraordinarily lit by Shri Krishna to give results in Kaliyuga.
  • Only these mantras give results.

Continuous chanting increases Taposiddhi.

After Pandavas lost Dyut, Duryodhan and brothers, teases them a lot, asks his servants to snatch their clothes. Attempts to disrobe Draupadi. He asks her to leave Pandavas and live with him in his house, orders her to be forcefully taken to his house. Bheemasena readies to attack them, Dhrutarashtra sees all kinds of Apshakun in Homashala, asks  Vidura, what are the results of this Apshakun. Vidura says your sons are going to die very soon by the siddhi of Draupadi. He asks for remedy , Vidura says give her boons. Drutarashtra asks her to take boons, Draupadi asks for release of her husbands from slavery.

Dyut was played a second time for Vanavas.

All Pandavas look downwards during the entire proceedings. WHY?

Not because they were ashamed, but because their anger in eyes would have burnt the Kauravas. The anger in the eyes of tapasvi is always mixed with his Taposiddhi. This can kill  the perpetrator of Sin towards these. EXCEPT BHEEMA, all others did not have capacity to separate anger from siddhi. Thus all kept their gage downwards. Dhoumyacharya [Purohit of Kuru vansha] recited Pretasukta denoting death to KAURAVAS.

Note: Duryodhana had siddhi of 3 thousand Kshudra mantras which he never used [lest their power would reduce], preserved them to use at a time on Bheemasena to kill HIM. Thus Krishna specially advised other four Pandavas to stay away from him [None of them could have killed him]. Bheemasena had siddhi of 9 crore mantras. On the last day Duryodhana hid inside the river in the middle in the water by jalasthamaban siddhi. There he was performing a very rare secret sadhana, which  if completed would have brought back to life all the soldiers dead in the war again. He could have started Mahabharath all over again.

Thus his plans were foiled by Krishna, who instigated him to stop his sadhana and come up to fight. Sadhana stopped in middle brings definite disaster. Yudhisthira offered him a choice to choose between 5 of them to fight and win back kingdom [A folly for which he was taken severely to task by Krishna] Krishna induces Duryodhnans’ mind to choose Bheema only through his maya. Bheemasena killed Suyodhan and thrust his head into the ground under his heels. Balarama objected to such killing, devatas welcomed Suyodhana to Swarga for dying in battlefield and washing feet of Durvasa [the only punya performed]. Bheema the greatest ended the evil with his might single handedly reciting Vrushabha sukta and offering it as a service to Sri Krishna.
