Showing posts with label moksha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moksha. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Optimism - Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/21

  • One who has [shadbal poorna] Venus in the fourth house is ever optimistic and happy all through his life. 

Optimistic attitude is must in this world. One must be optimistic about one’s fate. One must be optimistic about Lord’s Grace onto us. One must be optimistic about achieving the desired through the efforts and grace of Lord and Guru even in the most challenging situation.

Taking even the most negative incident in one’s life as a an opportunity given by God to betterment is the highest form of Optimism. And yet again blessing those [who were responsible for such hardships] for having provided this opportunity, and being indebted to them is again an extreme Vairagya. [coupled with Optimism] 

Maharaja Parikshit exhibited these qualities when cursed by the Rishikumar Sringi to die within seven days. Maharaja did not go into a gloom or despondency at the fast approaching certain Death. But Instead called for a great gathering of the wise to advice him to achieve what a best can be achieved in seven days.

Shuka Muni Arrives there and King Asks Him whether is there anything that can be achieved great in Seven DAYS.. As He has a certain Death awaiting Him in seven days .

Shuka muni explains [Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda Prathamo Adhyaya Shloka 13]

khatvango nama rajarshir

jnatveyattam ihayushah

muhurtat sarvam utsrijya

gatavan abhayam harim

There is one Solution for all the problems of the world that a man may face, that is the Knowing the Glories of Lord Srikrishna the Supreme .

[Note: When someone suggest say Chant These names, listen to Bhagavat etc, an immediate question arises of what use will it be? Then it has to be explained look such and such person had done so and he achieved this result. Immediately second question arises, will I reap similar results? Yes be optimistic and give it a try! This is what, a background, Shuka muni is creating for the Phalashruti of Bhagavat from above verses]

Bhagavat is the Full of Glories of Lord Krishna. But Parikshit wants to Know whether seven days are enough ?

Shuka says there was once a King called Khatvanga, when this rajarishi enquired devatas as to how much longevity was leftover, Devatas said only a muhurtha .

[Note: one muhurtha is two ghati. One ghati is 24 minutes and hence Muhurtha is 48 minutes.]

Khatvanga raja after ascertaining his life would end after 48 minutes, immediately withdrew his senses from all the material enjoyments of life. And attaining unattached mental state to all his belongings and being completely engrossed in the Glories of Lord achieved Moksha.

Shukamuni says ‘Oh King Parikshit if Moksha has been achieved in one muhurtha 48minutes by king Khatvanga, then by that measure you have complete seven days. Each day has 30 muhurtha and you have 210 muhurthas at your disposal.

In this world no one can guarantee whether he will get up alive next day morning to see the rising SUN and his family. [that means death can strike any moment, it is always uncertain] But Fortunate are You ‘Oh Parikshit that RISHI Sringi has cursed you to DIE after seven days. He has ensured that you would LIVE Definitely for next seven days. King Parikshit is indebted to RISHI kumar for having cursed him and the recourse [optimistic] that King took over next seven days of Listening to SRIMADBHAGAVATA MAHAPURANA, definitely gave him Moksha .


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Importance of Kama - Bheemasena’s View

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/23

  • 1, 5, 9th house represent Dharma 
  • 2, 6, 10 represent Artha
  • 3, 7, 11 represent Kama
  • 4, 8, 12 represent Moksha 

Once after the Mahabharath war was over, in a sabha Yudhisthira asked Vidura, and his Pandav brothers, which was more important among

  1. Dharma
  2. Artha
  3. Kama
  4. Moksha

Vidura replied man’s after life is dependent on Dharma and all others do not follow him, thus Dharma is the most important among chaturvidh purushartha.

Arjun’s verdict was Artha is most important as it guides the Dharma to be undertaken. Artha is of two types 1. Daivaartha and 2. Manushyaartha. Gyana [knowledge siddhis obtained are daiva artha] and money and other articles of enjoyments are manush artha. Since obtaining vidya and other things precedes the dharma and its carriage, Artha is more important than Dharma.

Nakul Sahadev agreed with Arjun.

Bheemasena said Kama is most important. Because one has to desire to get anything. If one does not desire, then nothing can be achieved. Even purushartha word is laden with desire, purush and artha [that which is desired], Lord Narayana is most desired goal for life. He is the desire and the desired. Lord as desire in the humans, desires himself. Thus such desires lead to better lives and moksha.

There are three types of Kama: 

1. Uttam Kama, one that leads to Dharma and Artha. Dharma and Artha that are not mutually opposing, like gain of knowledge from a renunciate teacher who does not desire anything against his teachings. Thus dharma of learning under the teacher is obtained and Artha of knowledge is obtained.

2. Madhyama Kama, one which has sanctioned Dharma and unsanctioned Kama or vice versa. Like performing of Vishwajit yaga, where dharma is obtained but loss of vidya is possible, or other yagas where much money had to be spent to obtain swarga etc. Here there is Artha haani but dharm sadhana, thus this Kama is Madhyam

Also day to day business of men, where there is gain of wealth, but loss of dharma can be categorised under Madhyama Kama.

3.Adhama Kama, one which does neither facilitate the Dharma or give any real Artha, like parastree sanga, it leads to loss of life longevity, wealth, and also amounts to sin. Thus such kama of desiring others wealth, women, and possessions leads to destruction of dharma as well as Artha. These should be avoided.

Only those wealth, women, and possessions should be entertained that are conducive for Dharma and Artha leading to Moksha.

Yudhisthira declared Moksha is supreme Purushartha to be desired by all the humans.
