Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Monday, 1 August 2022

Sri Ramchandra Vishwaroopa - Triumph of Sri Rama Over Ravan

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/28

Dassehara marks the muhurta Vijaya in which Ravana was killed by Sriram. This muhurta Namely Vijaya is very auspicious and brings only success. No planetary position is to be studied to start any work /venture on this day. The venture [shubh karya] on this day is definitely successful. 

Normally Vishwaroopa word is associated with Srikrishna avatara only. But even in Ramaavatara lord has shown Vishwaroopa of different kind astonishing to the entire world of humans devatas and rakshasas.

After the death of Indrajit, Ravan sent his moola bala [the core army] to fight the vanar sena of SriRAMA.

What was moolbala?

Moolbala of Ravan was 36000 akshouhini in number. Each member of this army was as powerful as Ravan himself. These were unassailable by the boon of BRAMHA. These are huge in number Lanka had no space to keep it so Bramha had given another boon to hide hem in a cave.

36000 akshouhini is a huge number [Note: many people feel Ramayana war was  simple war with limited warriors! but this is not true, the magnitude of Ramayana war was multitude times more larger and difficult than Mahabharata war. Mahabharta war was fought among only 18 akshouhini soldiers. But imagine 36000 akshouhini soldiers attacking simultaneously]. In few minutes Srirama killed entire moolabala. HOW?

Army like a ocean of elephants with waves of chariots driven by horses like wild amphibians rushed towards a fire of volcano namely SRIRAM.

Like a flames of weapons surrounded by smoke of dust the army moved like the fire [sanvartak agni] during pralaya. Such army like a tornado swirled entire trees and vanar [monkeys] alike in its whirl. The entire kapi sena succumbed in this davagni.

Seeing their army being rooted, fallen and perishing, Sugriva Neel and Angad ran to protect it. But their efforts seemed like a twig struggling in the tsunami. The boon of Bramha to the army of Ravana was making it unstoppable and slowly overpowering the monkeys were proceeding towards the Lord Rama like a patang insect running towards the fire.

The army fought with Rama with shataghni, shakti, parigh shool, gada, khadga, tomar, pattish, bhindipala and arrows and astras.

This scene created various thoughts in the minds of people [according to the quality, nature of the soul, their thoughts varied wrt Sriram faced with 36000 X 108 crore army. It was one man versus 38880000 million soldiers].

Some thought how can one man fight with such a huge army?

While some others thought Perhaps Lord will win over this!

While knowledged thought Sriram will kill all these playfully.

According to the jeevas and their intrinsic nature, tamas souls doubted Ram’s ability. Rajas souls were confused as regards to Ram, and Satvik souls had complete faith in Ram. As Ram took his arrows onto his golden bow it brought happiness to suras and unhappiness to asuras.

In single instance Ram delivered infinite arrows, it hit some of the elephants in the head, some in the trunk and some in the legs and finished the army section by section even before it approached the Lord.

The soldiers on the Horses and chariots who never faced defeats earlier fell from their horses and chariots like the souls falling from swarga after the exhausting punya. Like terrific waves calming at the shores the waves of the soldiers emanating from the Ravana ‘s army silenced at the footsteps of RAMA. Just as the heavy rains settles the dust on the earth the infinite arrays of arrows from Ram settled the rows of soldiers with swords running towards him. THE HEADS OF  senapatis who could vanquish the Devatas in previous wars rolled due to the use of Javelins by Ram.

But the onlookers could never see Ram taking the arrow, pulling the string or releasing the arrows towards the army, they could only see the Ram in a static position. At times they could see various positions of Ram.

Note: here author of Mool Ramayana is explaining the existence of persistence of vision in humans. When killing crores of people the arrows have to be shot in multitudes and at a pace faster than the 1/10 th of a second. That means Ram was shooting arrows in less than the 1/10th of seconds and he was shooting thousands in seconds, as human eyes cannot distinguish any events taking place within 1/10 th of the second, the events of RAMA taking arrows and releasing it through his bow were not witnessed by the onlooker's, they could only see the army vanishing and dying but Rama was still to their eyes.

[For example when a wheel with spokes is rotated with speed , the spoke becomes invisible]

Suddenly SRIRAM took in a single moment 100, 1000, lakh, crore, kharva, mahaougha number of arrows and released them without missing the aim.

sa yougapadyen shatam sahasram laksham cha saakshad vilaksha eiva |

kotim cha kharvam  cha mahaugham munchannishonesha ripun jhaghaan ||

This shloka of Ramayana shows that there were more than mahougha i.e. 1000 crore soldiers which Rama killed in single attempt.

Then even if he could kill these soldiers with his single roopa, Lord to show his prowess showed Vishwaroopa. This was different than the vishwaroopa of Srikrishna avatara. Srikrishna showed in one single roopa showed entire universe, but here ShriRAm showed many infinite roopas at a single instance.

Rama suddenly multiplied in his roopa.

Rama on the earth, Rama in space far away Rama, near by Rama, Rama among the shatru sena. Rama among the monkeys, every where there was Rama. There was no space left where he could not be seen.

Ramah purastat partopi ramo ramah param dikshu vidikshu ramah |

ramairanatairiti vishvarupo nighnannaratin virraj ramah ||

Looking at anant Rama and looking at infinite qualities in each of the infinite Rama devatas were happy and remained in a meditative pose. Rooting the enemies Rama with lotus like eyes and bluish hue of Indraneelamani was prayed by the people gathered to witness this astonishing event.

Some Ram roopa were holding the arrows and bow, some were destroying enemies, some were observing the war themselves. This scene was very illusive to the three worlds [it was akin to Krishna seen simultaneously with all 16108 wives].

Some Rakshas who had opened mouth to eat monkeys, Rama had already shut them with arrows. Seeing the enemies perishing some Rama roopas were clapping and enjoying. Some were smiling. The presence of monkeys and their army was really of no use to Sri Ram to fight Ravan. This astonishing act of Rama established it.

As one lamp can lit the many lamps and all these lamps will alight alike, so did Rama emanate from one roopa to infinite vishwaroopa. They were all equal and Rama only and no different from him. As larger wick gave larger light and smaller wick made smaller light, so did the various roopas differed in size but yet they were all Rama, and were no different from Lord Rama the supreme. They were deathless, beautiful and complete with infinite qualities.

Rama also merged all the roopas into one again. Just as all the wicks when brought together merge as single large lamp. Thus Lord proved he was special and different from others.

Ravan after hearing the destruction of his moolabala, prepared himself for his death. He was totally devastated. He proceeded to war. Ravan hit by the arrows of Rama fell unconscious for 48 minutes. In the meanwhile agastya muni came near Rama and asked him to recite aditya hrudaya [Sriman Narayana as present in Surya] Aditya hrudaya is vyakhyana for dheya sada… dhyan shloka of Gayatri dhyana..

To show to the world that Aditya hrudaya is best shatru mardan mantra Rama recited it, and not that Rama could not kill Ravan without it. Rama himself is the light in the Sun.

Ravan got up and used various astras on Rama, Ram cut all the ten heads of Ravan. But they sprang back by the boon of Bramha. Earlier such a incident had never taken place, i.e. heads of Ravana had never been cut earlier by any devata or manav. So only to show that Bramha had given such a boon to Ravan, Rama made scope for such event. Finally when all the devatas prayed, SHRIRAM used Ram bana and RAVAN fell to this very special arrow greater than bramhstra. The mukhyaprana is the abhimani devata of Ram bana. Thus After killing RAVANA it went into the earth and then came back to the Ram. Thus Ram showed he uses only Vayu to punish the evil in this world.

Happy Dussehra! 


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Maranam - Elimination through incantation!

By Sri Chiraan 2009/08/29

What a Kshatriya achieves through the power of his arms and weapons, a Bramhin should achieve through the power of his learning and mantrashakti. 

When enemy physically tries to attack, and when there is no other option to save the self, then unwittingly Bramhin resorts to maran.

Saturn in house of mars [weak] aspected by mars and gulika [mars being in the navamsa of cancer or jupiter ] the person is killed by abhichara.

Bring the deepagni or dhoopagni of the enemy and begin the Abhichara. Maran karma should not usually accompany the sacrifice of kravya. With the neem oil dipped feather of crow or owl, homa should be performed by chanting continuously "enam daray, enam shoshay, enam maray", then going to the rear of the kunda, invoke a kritya and chant "yo me ch kantakam duraadduram va chantikeapi ch pibataddyamsruk", within 9 days enemy dies a miserable death.

A yantra with "swaha maray hum amuk hrim phat", if worn in neck on Tuesday kills enemies, if the following mantras "chandalini kamakhya vasini vandurge klim klim thah swaha" has been made siddhi.

If not used on appropriate enemies it kills the one who invokes.

Vishvamitra created a Rakshas [kritya] with his mantra shakti, and sent it to kill only surviving Son of Vashishtha Shaakti Rishi [father of Parashar muni]. Rakshas killed Shakti muni in absence of Vashishtha, when Shakti was in meditation.

When Parashar knew about this through his friends, he started a Vedic homa to remove entire Rakshas clan in the universe. Slowly all the rakshasas fell in the homa kunda one by one and the Homa went on for a year long. When all the Rakshasas were slowly getting extinguished, Rishi Pulastya and pulaha were deeply disturbed by the genocide of their clan. Pulastya went to rishi vashishtha to pacify his grandson.

Sage Vashishtha appeared before Parashar and addressed him thus "Oh grandson, regain your calm and put aside the hatred and anger in you. Hatred and anger does not suit a Bramhin. All the human beings on this earth reap their fruits by the virtue of their previous karma. No one kills the other by his own self will, its the purvajanma karma that kills the person. My son Shakti also died because of his purvajanma karma and not by the Rakshas. Rakshas was just an instrument. So set aside your anger on Rakshas jati and stop this yagnya. May good senses prevail on you and let Shanti [peace be set in into your heart]".

Taking the words of the Grandfather as an order, Parashar stops this yagnya giving relief to the Rishi Pulastya , Pulastya then says "Oh Paraashar, having stopped this yagnya at out behest and through the words of Vashishtha, we are all relieved and we give you a boon that may all the shastras be realized by you easily and may you be the Puran pravakta for the ages to come. Let every purana be your lore, let there be a siddhi to you for all the words of Vedas and Vedanmga, and let Lord be born to you as your Son, and be the light for the world through his wisdom. Let this all be known as the words of Parashar, as a result of which let the shastras be always alight in your heart as Lord dwell in heart as Gnyana, May he be visible to you in your heart".

Happy with the boons, Parashar stopped the yagnya leaving the remaining Rakshas to save their lineage. All these were recollected by Parashar when Maitreya put the question to Parashar about the beginning of Universe.


Thursday, 2 June 2022

Optimism - Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/21

  • One who has [shadbal poorna] Venus in the fourth house is ever optimistic and happy all through his life. 

Optimistic attitude is must in this world. One must be optimistic about one’s fate. One must be optimistic about Lord’s Grace onto us. One must be optimistic about achieving the desired through the efforts and grace of Lord and Guru even in the most challenging situation.

Taking even the most negative incident in one’s life as a an opportunity given by God to betterment is the highest form of Optimism. And yet again blessing those [who were responsible for such hardships] for having provided this opportunity, and being indebted to them is again an extreme Vairagya. [coupled with Optimism] 

Maharaja Parikshit exhibited these qualities when cursed by the Rishikumar Sringi to die within seven days. Maharaja did not go into a gloom or despondency at the fast approaching certain Death. But Instead called for a great gathering of the wise to advice him to achieve what a best can be achieved in seven days.

Shuka Muni Arrives there and King Asks Him whether is there anything that can be achieved great in Seven DAYS.. As He has a certain Death awaiting Him in seven days .

Shuka muni explains [Bhagavat Dweetiya Skanda Prathamo Adhyaya Shloka 13]

khatvango nama rajarshir

jnatveyattam ihayushah

muhurtat sarvam utsrijya

gatavan abhayam harim

There is one Solution for all the problems of the world that a man may face, that is the Knowing the Glories of Lord Srikrishna the Supreme .

[Note: When someone suggest say Chant These names, listen to Bhagavat etc, an immediate question arises of what use will it be? Then it has to be explained look such and such person had done so and he achieved this result. Immediately second question arises, will I reap similar results? Yes be optimistic and give it a try! This is what, a background, Shuka muni is creating for the Phalashruti of Bhagavat from above verses]

Bhagavat is the Full of Glories of Lord Krishna. But Parikshit wants to Know whether seven days are enough ?

Shuka says there was once a King called Khatvanga, when this rajarishi enquired devatas as to how much longevity was leftover, Devatas said only a muhurtha .

[Note: one muhurtha is two ghati. One ghati is 24 minutes and hence Muhurtha is 48 minutes.]

Khatvanga raja after ascertaining his life would end after 48 minutes, immediately withdrew his senses from all the material enjoyments of life. And attaining unattached mental state to all his belongings and being completely engrossed in the Glories of Lord achieved Moksha.

Shukamuni says ‘Oh King Parikshit if Moksha has been achieved in one muhurtha 48minutes by king Khatvanga, then by that measure you have complete seven days. Each day has 30 muhurtha and you have 210 muhurthas at your disposal.

In this world no one can guarantee whether he will get up alive next day morning to see the rising SUN and his family. [that means death can strike any moment, it is always uncertain] But Fortunate are You ‘Oh Parikshit that RISHI Sringi has cursed you to DIE after seven days. He has ensured that you would LIVE Definitely for next seven days. King Parikshit is indebted to RISHI kumar for having cursed him and the recourse [optimistic] that King took over next seven days of Listening to SRIMADBHAGAVATA MAHAPURANA, definitely gave him Moksha .


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Swargarohan - Fate after Death

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/26

  1. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Jupiter indicates journey to heaven [swarga] after death.
  2. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Moon or Venus indicates journey to land of manes [pitru loka] after death.
  3. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Mercury indicates journey to martya loka  after death.
  4. If eighth lord or decanate is in the sign of Mars or Saturn indicates journey to hell [naraka and tiryank loka] after death.

After Sri Krishna left the earth, Arjun went to Dwaraka and completed last rites of the remains of Sri Krishna [left by leela by God for illusion]. While returning he escorted the wives of Sri Krishna [except rukmini satyabhama and shanmahishi, who had taken to sati]. On the way ordinary bandits from Abhir attacked Arjun. Arjun could not recollect any astras [he was 110 years old], nor could hit hard the arrows from Gandeev to stall the Abhirs. Abhirs abducted the women, and Arjun in a devastated state went to Hastinapur, and fell on the feet of Vedavyasa for soalce. Vedavyasa told he had all the glory with Gandeev only till Krishna was present on the earth, since HE has finished his avataar, it is indication for you all to leave this place and stop from bhubhar harana. Arjun taking the cue, established Parikshit and asked him to teach abhirs a lesson. Abducted wives of Sri Krishna [as advised by Dalbhya rishi, performed ashadha ekadashi vrata to purify themselves and jumped into river saraswati.

Anirudhha son Vajra was made king of Indraprastha and Kritavarma’s sons were given panchal and other countries. Thus establishing new order, Pandavas left for Himalayas. They reached gandhamadan in a days journey by their yogic powers, and then headed for Narayana Ashrama.

As they were reaching atop, first Draupadi fell [fell dead according to Yudhisthir, but technically left their bodies as they had no attachment to the body]. Then Nakul and Sahadev fell. Subsequently Arjun Fell. Bheema asked Yudhisthir the reason for the fall, Yudhisthir explained, because they had defects.

Draupadi liked Arjun much more then other five.

Arjun had pride of manlihood.

Nakul had pride of Beauty.

Sahadev had pride of  being just.

Bheema you always boasted as being superior most in strength and valour .

Thus Bheema also fell down. However a dog was quietly following the Dharmanandan. A chariot came to take Yudhisthira to Swarga. Yudhisthir refused to go to swarga alone and insisted on dog to be also accompanied. The sarathi argued that it is not possible, then Yudhisthir asked him to give up the idea of Swarga. Suddenly Dog assumed its original roop of Yama Dharma. Pleased with Yudhisthir, asked him to step in the chariot.

Yudhisthir went to Swarga there he saw Duryodhan in a swanky throne enjoying. Yudhisthir red with anger refused to be in one place with Duryodhana. He pleaded to be taken to his brother’s place. A sevak was assigned to take Yudhisthir into darkness and land of filth and foul smell, suddenly there were loud cries of Bheema, Arjun etc. as "oh brother save us from this dirty environment and sufferings, our presence, divine has reduced some pain for us" , Yudhisthir angry again at the justice of yama and Indra meted out to his brothers. He refused to go further and preferred staying there. Suddenly Indra appeared and all the darkness and filth disappeared, and a beautfiul swarga appeared with all the Pandavas with their original [mool rupas ] enjoying with their respective wives.

Surprised Yudhisthir asked what was that? Indra said it was actually a punishment meted out to Yudhisthir for going against the words of Lord Krishna [refusing to lie for Ashwatthama episode] he was given a illusion of naraka and temporary pain of suffering [illusion of brothers suffering narak darshan etc].

Infact other Pandavas were never at wrong so no hell or illusive hell either. Neither did they have any defects, Bheemasen was greatest in the strength among his contemporaries and was boast cing about . One can confidently speak a truth about one’s ability if its absolute truth ad one has knowledge about it. This can not be treated as pride, else Lord Krishna declaring himself as the superior most and beginin-gless endless etc. will become a defect and pride.

They all left their bodies out of their will as their karma had ended, and they had nothing to do with a human body .But Yudhisthir still had attachments to his body, and was not leaving it, and thus suffered still hatred towards Duryodhan although he was dead [he could not forgive him for his misdemeanours, and remembered him as a enemy who had given untold miseries]. Dead are dead and story should end there, but owing to human body, human elements of raga dwesha were remenant in Yudhisthir. Thus Yudhisthir ashamed, took a bath in holy ganga in swarga and regained his devata swaroopa. And enjoyed bliss of heaven.



AyuhKshinam Ayuhvriddhi

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/01

When 8th and ninth lord in 12th then one will lose his longevity by the dishonouring the elders. Aspect of benefics on 8th house and its lord increases the longevity. Having good Ayur yogas also increases the strata of longevity. 12th sun for libra ascendant also confers longevity. 

One loses his longevity by:

  • disrespecting elders, fire, cow, idols
  • Eating in iron plates
  • Having hair cut on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesdays or amavasya, chaturdashi etc
  • Having haircut in the noon
  • Drinking curds in the night before sleep
  • Going to places where one is not respected
  • When elders make sasthtanga namaskar [bow]
  • Marrying woman elder in age
  • Having sex in the morning
  • Having  intercourse for an unusually longer time

Once there was a very learned bramhin by name Srinivasachar in 18th century. He was a great scholar in sanskrit and philososphy. He was very proud of his scholarly aptitude. It was also around same time, when bhakti movement had gained importance in south India and Das culture was on the rise. Das way of life was initiated by Purandardas [incarnation of Narada] in the south when Vijaynagar empire was at its peak, under the able guidance of Vyasateertha [Incarnation of Balhik], a pontiff in the line of Madhvacharya. Das culture mainly emphasised the delivery of Vedic Knowledge in local language [Kannada] through poems and melodious songs for the Lord Vittala. Thus common men and women were suddenly bestowed the nectar of geeta and puranas in the common man’s language then prevalent. Vijaydas [incarnation of sage Bhrigu] was also one such illustrious personality of those times. VijayDas was also maternal uncle to Srinivasachar.

Srinivasachar owing to the pride, he had cultivated, did not recognize the fact that philosophy could be delivered to common man in simple man’s language. The philosophy which could not be gauged by immense learning in Sanskrit, how could they be delivered in simple dismal languages.

True! Sanskrit is a complex language, its grammar is vast, its difficult to master it, perhaps takes many years for the same, then comes the grasp poetry in Sanskrit! Still difficult, upon that philosophy, its totally incomprehensible. Almost all the philosophic literature is available in archaic Sanskrit in poetry form, difficult to decode. It takes many years of study and mastery to exhibit command over such philosophic understandings. All such efforts would seem ridiculous, if somebody claims he understands philosophy although he does not understand Sanskrit. Amazing still will be the statement if one says he can express all the intricacies of the Vedas in common man’s language! Even if we were to accept this, How come the common man is going to understand them. Can such claim be accepted?

Srinivas Achar felt these Das culture guys were fooling people in the name of God, for common man and dancing around with bells in their anklets. He seriously doubted their credentials and claims of sainthood.

One day VijayDas came visiting to his place and even visited his house. Srinivasachar out of ego and pride did not respect the learned VijayDas, and did not even welcome him in his house. VijayDas went away smiling. But soon after this insult, Srinivasachar started losing out on health. Slowly his health deteriorated. He contracted Kushtha [skin disease], and slowly his moments became restricted.

Srinivas Achar now contemplated he is heading for Apamrutyu [his longevity has decreased]. He however could not comprehend the loss of longevity [Ayuhkshina]. So to gain longevity he prayed Lord Hanuman in the mountains near Panchamukhi on the banks of TungaBhadra river. After 42 days of Vayustuti Purascharan, he had  a dream, where Lord Hanuman directed him to pray Shri Raghavendra swamy in Mantralaya for further directions. [ Shri Raghavendra has been specially sent from heavens by God to grant the wishes of the humans, hence the direction ].

Srinivas achar spent next few days under austere conditions as penance towards Shri Raghavendra Swamy  at Mantralayam. The following night Shri Raghavendra swamy appeared and explained to him the reason for his loss of longevity. [Disrespect towards very learned VijayDas], so he asked him to seek his pardon and blessings.

Srinivas Achar went to VijayDas and sought pardon, and accepted the supremacy of poetry and dance in gaining lords’ Grace. VijayDas directed him to go to his disciple Shri GopalDas [incarnation of Ganapathy] to seek blessings and accept him as Guru. GopalDas was a very learned man, he kept the entire place clean of pebbles lest his disciple would be hurt [Srinivasachar was troubled by lack of moment and kushtha].

When SrinivasAchar came and bowed to GopalDas, he transferred his 40 years of longevity [through yoga] to a Roti of Jowar [Bhakri], and asked him to eat it to gain a 40 years. When one loses longevity owing to disrespect no austerities can actually increase it. Someone has to donate his longevity to make a person live more. [So never ever lose longevity, we would not find anyone to donate life]. Without life and longevity all the riches and fame are useless.

Despite donating 40 years, GopalDas lived for 80 years of age and gave to this world a wonderful science and technique of VishwopasanaHe rechristened Srinivasachar as JagannathDas [srinivasachar is incarnation of AHLAD brother of Prahlad, and hence had a very special relationship with Shri Raghavendra swamy, a incarnation of Prahlad]

JagannathDas gave a magnum opus “HARIKATHAMRUTASARA a treatise on the qualities of God Narayana in the common man’s language specially to be read by women and others ineligible for Vedas.



Arishta Bhanga - [Avoidance of Unfortunate Yoga]

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/27

There are many arishta yogas in Astrology. These bring misfortunes, or even death to the native and his prospects. But a single strong benefic in the kendra destroys all the evils. If malefic causing arishta yoga is hemmed between the benefics then the maleficence will cease and only benefic results will flow. 

Once Shri Raghavendra Swamy was on a pilgrimage towards south India. On his way he stopped along with his entourage at a village. A village is headed by the Desai. Desai accorded a welcome to the entire Swami’s disciple at his house, and requested for the MoolRama's pooja to be held in his house that day. The whole village and nearby people had gathered in his house.

[All the Swamiji’s carry some Idol of divine presence with them given their respective gurus. They must perform daily pooja in a detailed manner as prescribed to Sanyasi’s to this idol, and saligrama etc. The lapse in this routine causes the Sanyasi to lose his post and authority. Shri Raghavendra Swamy had Shri MoolRama idol with him. This Idol was handed down from Bramha to Sanatkumar to Durvasa, and others on to the earth. Even Lord Shri Rama prayed this Idol himself . Thus Shri MOOLRAMA idol and its pooja is held in high esteem even to this date].

Desai arranged for the prasad [grand lunch] to all the participants in his house. The whole atmosphere got festive as Shri Raghavendra swamiji performed pooja to Lord Rama. The atmosphere resembled that of Bramha’s abode resplendent with all the devatas as the pooja commenced [primarily because Devatas themselves come everyday to witness this grand pooja].

Delicious sweets were being prepared in the large kitchen. A vessel full of KHEER was also prepared. Desai had a son of eight years age. He merrily went into kitchen at the smell of sweets . Everyone was busy in the prayer hall attending to guests and witnessing pooja. Boy accidentally slipped into the vessel and died. The parents having noticed this went into untold grief. But laying aside the grief and their son in another room, they hid their emotions and also the news of their son’s death, lest it would put an end to the celebration in the house, and guests would return without partaking food.

Thus with a heavy heart they ordered the neighbour to carry on with the serving of food to the guests and completion of the ritual. Shri Raghavendra swamiji enquired about the hosts Desai, and his family, and their well being. But the relatives refused to divulge the details. Swamiji ordered to bring the family before him. The couple appeared with heavy heart. Swamiji also ordered their son to be brought out in the open.

The whole atmosphere was grief ridden as the body of the infant was brought before the Swamiji.  Shri Raghavendra swamiji sprinkled the holy teertha of shri Moolrama on the body of the boy and chanted the mantra . The boy’s life was restored. The boy got up as usual and went to his mother playfully unaware of the details. The entire family was moved to tears with gratitude towards the great saint. Everyone had a hearty meal all the while wondering the greatness of the MoolRama teertha and Swamiji’s mantra shakti and his merciful act.

Aapadi mouli paryatam gurunam akrutim smaret! ten vignaha pranashyanti sidhyanti cha manorathaha!!


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

When Death Nears!

 By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/19

  • Supreme God Pradyumna as present in the eye is present in Aditya.
  • Pradyumna present in the eye and Aniruddha in heart are one and the same.
  • Aniruddha in the heart and Pradyumna in Aditya are also one.
  • When these leave the body, some indications occur to the individual:
    1. The sun is seen like a moon
    2. Sun’s rays are not visible
    3. Sky looks red like manjishtha
    4. The bottom of the body [payu] opens up
    5. The head swells like a nest of crow and foul smell emanates
    6. This indicates death is nearing, one should perform deeds, that would be helpful in the other world. 
        1. Visible indications of nearing death are:
        2. One sees hole in the sun
        3. Sees his shadow broken into pieces
        4. Sees in the mirror one’s head upside down
        5. Pupil of the eye seems to fall off
        6. One does not see white patches when his eyes are pressed
        7. On pressing the ear ,one does not hear the sound of burning fire or arrival of chariot
        8. Seeing fire as blue as peacock neck
        9. Seeing lightning without clouds
        10. Unable to see a lightning among clouds
        11. Earth burning
        12. Suns rays among thick clouds
        13. One must realise death is nearing ,when in dreams viz
        1. Seeing a person with black teeth
        2. Being beaten by such a person
        3. Being beaten by boar
        4. Being attacked by monkey
        5. Being carried by storm
        6. Eating and vomiting gold
        7. Eating honey cake
        8. Eating stalks of lotus
        9. Holding a lotus on the head
        10. Riding a sleigh drawn by donkeys
        11. Taking a black cow and calf southwards wearing red garland
        12. These dreams are inauspicious 

        Offer homa with ratrisukta, eat homa sesha.
