Showing posts with label Bheemasena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bheemasena. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Importance of Kama - Bheemasena’s View

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/23

  • 1, 5, 9th house represent Dharma 
  • 2, 6, 10 represent Artha
  • 3, 7, 11 represent Kama
  • 4, 8, 12 represent Moksha 

Once after the Mahabharath war was over, in a sabha Yudhisthira asked Vidura, and his Pandav brothers, which was more important among

  1. Dharma
  2. Artha
  3. Kama
  4. Moksha

Vidura replied man’s after life is dependent on Dharma and all others do not follow him, thus Dharma is the most important among chaturvidh purushartha.

Arjun’s verdict was Artha is most important as it guides the Dharma to be undertaken. Artha is of two types 1. Daivaartha and 2. Manushyaartha. Gyana [knowledge siddhis obtained are daiva artha] and money and other articles of enjoyments are manush artha. Since obtaining vidya and other things precedes the dharma and its carriage, Artha is more important than Dharma.

Nakul Sahadev agreed with Arjun.

Bheemasena said Kama is most important. Because one has to desire to get anything. If one does not desire, then nothing can be achieved. Even purushartha word is laden with desire, purush and artha [that which is desired], Lord Narayana is most desired goal for life. He is the desire and the desired. Lord as desire in the humans, desires himself. Thus such desires lead to better lives and moksha.

There are three types of Kama: 

1. Uttam Kama, one that leads to Dharma and Artha. Dharma and Artha that are not mutually opposing, like gain of knowledge from a renunciate teacher who does not desire anything against his teachings. Thus dharma of learning under the teacher is obtained and Artha of knowledge is obtained.

2. Madhyama Kama, one which has sanctioned Dharma and unsanctioned Kama or vice versa. Like performing of Vishwajit yaga, where dharma is obtained but loss of vidya is possible, or other yagas where much money had to be spent to obtain swarga etc. Here there is Artha haani but dharm sadhana, thus this Kama is Madhyam

Also day to day business of men, where there is gain of wealth, but loss of dharma can be categorised under Madhyama Kama.

3.Adhama Kama, one which does neither facilitate the Dharma or give any real Artha, like parastree sanga, it leads to loss of life longevity, wealth, and also amounts to sin. Thus such kama of desiring others wealth, women, and possessions leads to destruction of dharma as well as Artha. These should be avoided.

Only those wealth, women, and possessions should be entertained that are conducive for Dharma and Artha leading to Moksha.

Yudhisthira declared Moksha is supreme Purushartha to be desired by all the humans.



By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/16

If the Atmakaraka is in Scorpio navamsa, one will be troubled by snakes. If 8th lord is in sarpa drekkana or 22nd drekkana is sarpa drekkana then one will be troubled by snakes.

Once Bheemasena went to the forest for hunting. There in the forest, a python [ajagar] attacked Bheema and caught him in its grip. Bheemasena did not make any attempt to release himself. Bheemasena also did not attack it back. He stood still. Because of Bheema’s hard body, python was under distress while strangling, [if you grip a hard substance and press it hard, your hands pain]. Bheema was stronger and his body was tough, tougher than diamond, iron casts, and indra’s vajrayudha. Then Snake [python] asked few questions to Bheemasena, if answered it offered to leave him. Bheemasena did not offer to answer him. [One must not use Vidya to earn money or benefits, this applies to Bramhins, so also to Kshatriyas. One must not be vidyopajeevi]. Slowly Python started losing grip and tiring, its body started to pain and wither. The snake started losing strength. Bheemasena was in deep meditation of Narayana. That was his natural characteristic, and he was not meditating to get rid of snake. 

Who was the python? Why did Bheema not kill it?

Once when Indra had killed a demon named Vratrasura, the sin of Bramhahatya chased him [Vratrasura was Bramhin]. Fearing Bramhahatya he hid in a lotus stalk on the earth. The kingdom of Swarga was kingless, thus devatas decided to replace Indra with another worthy person. After long thought and discussion, it was decided the son of king AYU, Nahusha, who had done many yagnyas was worthy of sitting on the Indra’s throne. Thus a human king was selected to preside over the three worlds. Thus to enable him to rule over three worlds, they bestowed him with the boon that he would get all the punya and tapasya shakti of the one whom he sees. Thus Nahusha became the King of the three worlds .

Nahusha grew in strength day by day by acquiring the punya of everyone he saw. Thus he became arrogant with excess punya and lost his balance. He then demanded union with Shachi [the wife of earlier Indra] as he was Indra for all purpose now, he thought he was entitled to gain Shachi as well. All the sages grew anxious at the evil thought of Nahusha, but they could not stop him from doing sin as they were all powerless. Their power to curse him was no more as their punya and shakti would be his as he sees them.

Shachi was very scared, but there was none she could turn to. Indra had given her one advice before leaving the Swarga to be used in such situations. As Nahusha sent his emissary to her palace that he would arrive for her, she said she would accept only if he comes in a Palaki, which is carried by Agastya and other prominent Rishis. [She knew rishis would save her].

Nahusha ordered Agastya and others to carry him on their shoulders to Shachi’s palace. Sage Brigu was always present in the Jata [hairlocks ] of Agastya. Now while carrying Agastya initiated a discussion with Nahusha whether Vedas are pramana [valid statements ].

Intention was, if Nahusha says yes, then parastree sanga [cohabitating other woman] is prohibited in Vedas, then why was he doing such ghastly thing? If Nahusha persists then he will be entitled to curse!!!

But Nahusha was quick to grasp this intention and thus said, "he did not consider Vedas as Valid", Agastya persisted with argument of proving Vedas as valid, angered Nahusha kicked the jata of Agastya. Now Bhrigu was in the jata of Agastya, and he was not yet seen by the Nahusha and his powers were intact, thus cursed him "that he become python". [Those who copulate with friend’s wife's or wife's of elders become python in the next birth].

Nahusha prayed Bramha for relief, thus Bramha said when he will be effect-less against a human stronger than him, and if he does not budge to his grip and neither answers him, then all the punya gathered by him from rishis will be transferred to him, and he will be released from his curse.

Yudhisthira seeing apashakuna everywhere, enquired about Bheema, and started to look for him. There they found huge trees fallen in a arranged manner in the forest, it confirmed Bheema might have gone in that direction. [When Bheema runs, his mere touch of thighs towards forest trees fell them]. There Yudhisthira saw Bheema in the grip of struggling python. Yudhisthira asked python as what was his intention, it asked him few question, Yudhisthira answered them for Bheema, and Nahusha appeared in celestial form went away to Swarga.


Ninth House - Bhikshashanam

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/13 

When ninth lord is debilitated and 10th lord and 3rd lord are weak, the subject will go begging for the food. 

Vedvyasa took all the Pandava's to Ekchakra nagar to a bramhin, and told him that these were his disciples and He should give them shelter. bramhin agreed as per the Lord’s words. Pandavas and Kunti devi were living in the house of bramhins. Pandava's were engaged in study of Vedas and lived by Bhiksha.

Kshatriyas should not ask Bhiksha. Bhima was param Bhagavata and hence would never go against Dharma, but here there was no option but to beg. How to save themselves from defaulting Dharma?

Just then a potters house got caught fire from all the sides. Bheemasen, standing a few feet's away from the house amidst fire, kicked hard in the ground. By the force of his kick, the house on the other side emerged out of the ground, along with the earth beneath it. Bheemasena lifted entire house by his hands, and put it out of fire on to the other side.

Indebted potter created a earthen vessel as big as the village itself and  gifted it to Yudhisthira. Now Bheemasena taking the earthen vessel just roared into the air, panicked by his roar, villagers gave away Bhiksha into the vessel even without their asking for it. This was akin to Kings giving their wealth as a tax to Indraprastha for the fear of losing kingdom and acceptance of Pandava supremacy.

But Yudhisthira said, this type of roar and eating vessel full of meals would alert Duryodhana, and his friends about their whereabouts, and thus requested Bheema to stay away from Bhikshashan, and eat whatever they would bring for him. Bheema was happy to save his dharma.

One day the bramhin and his family were bereaving and loud cry’s were heard. Bheema asked Kunti to find out the reason for the distress of their host. He could have gone himself, but woman in the family would get uncomfortable at the sight of another man, thus he sent his mother.

Kunti standing by the wall heard their conversation before asking them.

The bramhin said, "oh my wife, I had already told to leave this place, you were not ready look, now its time for embracing death. I shall go from my family and embrace death". 

Wife said "oh my lord, let me go into the mouth of death, for I would attain good lokas for having saved you".

Daughter said "a daughter is of no use, why not let me go to the den of Bakasur ?"

Father said "Shruti [Vedas] say a daughter is the one who graces the dynasties of both father and husband by her deeds and good virtue, a son only uplifts one family. Birth of a daughter is more auspicious, sending you will only put me further into naraka, so as worthy son of my lineage let me take on death".

The child in the family tottered, and with a small twig in the hand said "oh father, I will kill Bakasur with this twig let me go".

Taking these words of child as good omen [Bheemasena her child would break Bakasura as easily as a twig], Kunti entered to ask bramhin for their plight.

Bramhin said "there is a demon named Bakasur in the vicinity, who demands a cart full of food, milk, animal, birds and a human as bali. Every thirteen years a family has to send a human from their family to satisfy the demon . Its now their turn". Kunti said "she has five sons and would send one of her sons". Bramhin says "it will be a sin to take someone else’s life to save oneself". Kunti assured that her son has a VIDYA which cannot be confronted by devatas and demons and hence she is not afraid.

Kunti came back and told Bheema about the Bakasura. Bakasura was a demon and maternal uncle of Ravana. By the fear of RAMABANA of Lord Rama had hidden in the caves. After Ramayana, he came out and was not defeated by Bharath, Jarasndha, Narakasura etc. and was freely creating havoc. Now Bheemasena killing him would have an opportunity to please Lord.

Yudhisthira and others came back from Bhiksha and seeing Bheema in a very happy mood asked Kunti "Ma, why is Bheema so happy?", Kunti said "he is going tomorrow to Bakasura’s den". Yudhisthir panicked said "what a bad decision, we are all living by the hope of Bheema, owing to his strength and protection, we are dreaming of gaining back our kingdom, now Bakasura is living giant from Tretayuga, how will we live without Bheema?"

Kunti said, "let there not be a doubt about Bheema' s strength, even as a child he powered the entire mountain range Shatashrunga. NO [MAI KA LAAL] among devatas and demons can kill him as he is very VAYU himself ". 

Thus next day Bheemasen set out with the cart full of food and milk. He thought to finish the meals even before demon touches it and makes it impure. As demon saw him eating his food, he became angry and uprooted a tree to hit the Bheema. Bheema stopping the tree with his left hand, drank all the milk and then did ACHAMAAN. [This implies that food should be eaten in  a pure manner untouched by others, and achamaan should be done after meals].

Bakasura threw a mountain on the Bheema, it broke to pieces, after long battle, Bheema set his foot on one foot of Bakasura, and he held the other feet with his palms and slit him through middle like a sugarcane. Thus Bakasura was killed. He brought the dead body to the village gate and left it. People afraid of the giant body ran here and there in fear. After bramhin assured them about his death, villagers became happy and agreed to pay the cart full of meals to Bheema from then. But Bheema asked them to offer it Lord Narsimha in the village temple.

Thus from there Pandava's went to Draupadi swayamvar.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

3rd House - Valour

By Shri Chiraan 2008/12/28

  • 3rd house is known as vikram sthana
  • If third lord or Sun is very strong, one will be valorous [parakram yoga]
  • If third lord is exalted, aspected by benefics in kendra, native is brave [dheer yoga]
  • if mars is in soumya navamsha in a benefc rasi [ dhairya yoga]
  • If navamsha lord of the third lord, if placed in a good house in navamsha, that navamsha lord in which it is placed is in own navamsha ,then native will be expert in war [ yuddha pravin yoga]
  • If third lord is in 12th aspected or associated with  malefics, one will run away from the war field
  • If Mars is in krur shashtiamsa, one will have mental block in the battlefield

Valour is about not running away from the battlefield during war.

Except Bheema every warrior makes a retreat in the Mahabharath.

  1. When Bheeshma attacks, satyaki, dhrustdhyumana, etc make a retreat.
  2. When Abhimanyu attacks Kripacharya, Dronacharya all run away.
  3. All the four pandavas avoid Bhagadatta sitting on his divine elephant Suprateek [son of airavat] till he exhausts Vaishnavastra.
  4. When Ashwatthama attacks Yudhisthira, Nakula and Sahadeva make a retreat and finally Yudhisthira asks Ashwatthama, though being a Bramhin, it is not right on his part to trouble good Kshatriya like him [Yudhisthira], thus Ashwaththama leaves him.
  5. After Ashwatthama uses Narayan astra, all run away from the battlefield, except pandavas. Except Bheema rest all accept its superiority, thus seeing Arjuna alive even after this, Ashwaththama decides to stop fighting, [but is inspired by Vedavyasa to carry on].
  6. Karna’s Bhargava astra makes everyone in Pandavas side run away from the battlefield [Bhargava astra does not trouble those who run away from it] Bheemasena takes on the astra, astra collides on Bheemsena, nothing happens to HIM.
  7. Karna runs away from battlefield 22 times while fighting with Bheema.
  8. Duryuodhana runs away each day after Ghatotkach attacks him. Every time he is attacked by Ghatotkach, he faints and thus is saved from death.
  9. When Bheemasena catches Dushyasana by his throat and raises him in the air, he roars "if any one is a man here, if anyone thinks he is braver, valorous than me, then come and save this evil Dushyasana", no one comes to save him. Bheema tears his heart and drinks his blood dancing in the battlefield holding Dushyasan [who is still alive ] in air, this scene creates a panic in the warfield. Karna vomits and faints. Duryodhana tries to run away but faints with fear. Unable to bear the fearsome [most] aspect of Bheemasena, soldiers, warriors and animals run away from the battlefield, whole battlefield is empty for 48minutes with not a single person daring to resume the fight, trembling in fear. With Bheema dancing and roaring like a wild lion [Narasimha].
  10. When Ashwaththama kills upapandavas and uses Bramhastra on Parikshita in womb of Uttara [wife of Abhimanyu]. Bheemasena plucks his mani in the head and he runs away into forest [Ashwathhama will be back as Vyasa in the next dwapara yuga].

Thus such was the valor of Bheemasena, none in both sides in Mahabharath could equal him in strength, valour and knowledge.
