Showing posts with label fourth house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth house. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 April 2022

4th House - Antah Kapat

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/19 

If there is Rahu or Mars and Saturn in the fourth house one will be kapati [man of evil intentions].

When Pandava's were in exile, Duryodhana wanted to show his prosperity to them and wanted to make fun of them. So to show that he has performed better yagnya than Rajsooya of Yudhisthir, he opted for Paundrika yaag. Sent invitation to pandava's. Bheemasena sent away his emissary by saying there can be only one yagnya now, and that is Yudhdha yagnya. Duryodhana completed yaag, but is intention of showing wealth to others and pandava's did not materialise, as Pandava's did not attend. [Yagnya or other austerities done without pleasing Vishnu bhaktas don't give good results], unhappy Duryodhan and Karna went to the forest to tease the Pandavas under the pretext of Go samrakshana [yagnya ends with cattle grazing and feeding them]. Since Duryodhanas main intention was to insult Pandavas, Indra [lord of yagnyas] wanted to teach Duryodhana a lesson and save Pandava's from embarrassment. So he [Bramha] and other deities gave boon to one Gandharva Chitrasena as to be invincible for a day, and sent to instigate Duryodhan.
Duryodhana was taking a bath in the pond, guarded by his soldiers. Just when gandharva descended to the pond. Guards objected, gandharvas replied they were from heaven and were not obliged by the rule of a human king [chakravarti]. Duryodhana and guards became angry and waged a war.

Chitrasen with the boon soon overpowered Duryodhan. Karna fought with him, but as he was fighting with a jeal to insult Pandava's, [parshuram had cursed him, if he fought with jeal or competition he would lose], he lost and ran away.
Gandharva tied Duryodhan and dragged him towards heaven.
Kaurav ministers ran to Pandava camp and asked Bheemsena to help to save family prestige. Bheema refused, But Yudhisthira was in a day's deeksha, and hence asked Bheema to rescue Duryodhana.
Bheema and others went and fought with Chitrasena and released Duryodan.
Chitrasena told in front of all the gathering the evil intention of Duryodhan. Yudhisthir and other elders scolded him to discontinue his evil ways like a child.
Duryodhana totally ashamed returned to his camp, and undertook fast unto death [for he could not avenge Pandava's yet had to take their refuge].


Friday, 15 April 2022

4th House - Sukha Dukha Asha

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/17

  • The fourth, tenth and seventh bhava are sukha sthanas for a person in a horoscope.
  • These denote special happiness that strike humans. 
  • These places if placed well man will be happy.
  • Venus in fourth will give all kinds of wealth and enjoyments all through the life.
  • People with Venus in the 10th house are rarely found to be hard working, but surprisingly the whole world works for them, there is something special about a bhog graha in a karma sthana, that even he enjoys during work hours too. He exerts very little and yet achieves a lot. People are mad about these personalities and form a subject matter of gossip due to envy.
  • 4th house especially points to general happiness, Venus well placed in this house makes one a happy go lucky. He will be a ashavaadi. ["boss Umeed pe duniya kayam hai", this will be his mantra].
  • But Venus in the seventh house is not preferable, as this will not give conjugal bliss due to excessive demands of the person. He will have multiple partners and always unhappy about his marital status.
  • However Venus in 4th house gives abundant joys, friendships and a place of admire among relatives.
  • Moon in fourth house gives enjoyments with a woman in a unfinished house.
  • Mars in such position gives enjoyments in a stable of horse.
  • Venus and Mars makes one enjoy in a cow shed or buffalo shed.
  • Ketu will give a broken house.
  • Saturn will give a house made of iron.
  • Sun that of wood.
  • Mercury will give modern house.
  • Moon with Rahu makes one adjust to pleasures in a water pump room.
  • Affliction to fourth house will make one weep in his lifetime.
  • If fourth house is polluted then the person will fall prey to schemes by others.
  • If fourth lord is with malefics one will leave hopes and become pessimistic.
  • Fourth gives what is known as quality of life, standard of living.
  • Fourth in the rasi indicates external signs of happiness.
  • Forth in kalamsa gives internal happiness.
  • If fourth lord is badly placed in kalamsa then however happy his position would reflect, he will be straining his mind in terms of anger, jealousy, inner fear and sense of loss.
  • On the contrary when fourth lord is ill placed in rasi yet well placed in kalamsa, however unhappy a man seems to be, however unfortunate his position may seem to be, he would be in fact making merry all the time in solitude.

Pandavas lost father at a young age:

  • Their births were questioned
  • They grew in jungle
  • They suffered murder attempts every now and then all through youth
  • They were denied a place to live
  • They were insulted
  • They were exiled
  • They wandered from place to place
  • They had to marry in disguise
  • They had to live in a broken house
  • They had to live separately from wives time and again
  • They bore children in anonymity
  • Their children grew without their presence
  • They were always war stricken
  • They faced poverty
  • They faced tough enemies
  • They had to serve others as unknowns [identity]
  • Lost manliness
  • They were repeatedly spied, chased and troubled
  • They lost all the children before them
  • They had to kill their own relatives
  • When they got kingdom they had none to share it with, only one grandson of Arjun survived.
  • They reached swarga by walking entire Himalayas and shedding their bodies [death] during cumbersome journey.
  • All this when himself Lord was with them by their side.

Can all this be called misfortunes? Yet they never complained . Infact Kunti [Pandavas mother] goes onto say "Oh Krishna give us only miseries every now and then, for it will make us remember you all the time, and our miseries will definitely be destroyed by YOU".

Kauravas had everything in this world that a soul could wish for

  • Parents fully supportive
  • Royal birth
  • Royal upbringing
  • Royal Guards [Bheeshma Drona etc]
  • Royal friends [Karna shishupala etc]
  • Obedient advisor [Shakuni]
  • Kingdom at young age
  • Riches of others easily got
  • Mild and patient opponents
  • Many wives and no separations
  • All relatives supported them [everyone wanted to marry their daughters to these and not Pandavas or their sons]
  • Whole world leadership
  • All the world admired and obliged
  • Got everything he wished for [material wishes]
  • When in peak he shared his riches fame and wealth among kith and kin [100s in number]
  • Body immortal except thighs
  • Died in battlefield and went to swarga while gandharvas showered flowers on him and a special aircraft [viman] arrived to take him
  • He never acknowledged Krishna as Lord 

Can this be called fortunes? Yet he always complained, he was dissatisfied, he grew jealous day by day. He could never sleep. He spent most of time hitting the statue of Bheema as practice. He was preoccupied by schemes to trouble Pandavas and they always failed. He was extremely unhappy all through his life. Gandhari [mother of kauravas] cursed Krishna that his clan be wiped just as her sons had been wiped out .

On the contrary Pandavas were as happy as in Moksha and lead a contented life as they never had any desires and were only preoccupied with service to Lord Sri krishna.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

4th House - Maya Sabha

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/23 

If ninth lord is in kendra, and fourth lord and fourth house are exalted one will get very strange and beautiful Palace to dwell.

Mayasabha was built by Maya for Pandavas in Khandav forest, which then became Indraprastha. Maya Sabha was very mysterious beautiful palace. It had all kinds of surprises, and novelty to put into bewilderment visitors. It created illusions through architectural marvel.

Pandavas after completing Rajasooya yagnya were all seated on a throne in the darbar at Indraprastha. Yudhisthira was seated along with Krishna and his wives. And all others were seated and enjoying the moment which was no less than Narayana sabha with Bramha and others.

Duryodhana also wanted to join, so outside the hall he was looking for a door to enter. Door as such was present and was studded with Indraneel mani which emanated a brilliant light which had covered the door rendering it to be invisible due to thick light of Indraneel mani. just by the side of it was a wall of sphatik which was made to be see through. Thus all the proceedings in the hall was visible, and due to translucence it appeared as a door. Duryodhana tried to enter through it and smashed his face into the wall. Yudhisthira sent Sahadeva to personally escort him to sabha. Where he was seated for a few minutes, but unable to bear the grandeur of Pandavas, bitten by jealousy made his way out.

On his way he found a beautifully carved pond emanating jalaneel mani light and in the centre was a lotus made of celestial ruby, thus whole craft resembled a pond, Duryodhan lifted his clothes to avoid getting wet while stepping on to it, but could not find any water there. Just as he stepped further there was actually a pond which had rubies manis fitted at the bottom and covering entire water to give a reddish hue of floor and paints of flowers and designs from other emeralds and sapphire. This Duryodhana stepped and slipped into the pool.

Everyone in the sabha had a hearty laugh except Yudhisthira, who offered him new dry clothes brushing aside. Duryodhan went away angrily. There with Shakuni he expressed, that he was extremely sad at the opulence of Pandavas, if only he had strength and capability he would have snatched it there by force, but these Pandavas have defeated Indra himself, thus it is not possible to defeat them in war. But after today’s insult he felt his being alive as futile, so uncle Shakuni, I want to bring tears into the eyes of these Pandavas, especially Bheema, who is dear to both Krishna and Krushnaa [Draupadi], by snatching their wealth and opulence. Suggest some way so that I can get a reason to live.

Shakuni suggested a game of dice with, which he can deceitfully gain the Kingdom of Indraprastha. Thus the Kali was inspired to unfold the dirtiest plot of the time Dyut Krida in Mahabharath.


Monday, 11 April 2022

Ardhastama Sani and Story of Nala-Damayanthi

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/05

During Gochara when Saturn traverses Fourth house from natal moon, invariably man leaves his existent place of stay. Many a great kings had to face exile during this period. Rama went to forest in ardhastama. Pandavas went to vanavas when Saturn was in Aquarius. 

When in vanavas Yudhisthira meets Sage Bharadhwaj and relates to him his plight. Yudhisthira says  "oh sage look how unfortunate I am, I have lost all my wealth, Kingdom and belongings and am wandering in his dense forest. Perhaps no other person would have been as unfortunate as I am". For this sage Bharadhwaj says, Oh great King, Consider yourself as fortunate as you have the company of your wife and brothers even at this moment of calamity, to share with you your misfortunes. Pitiable is the plight of him who has no company of his near and dear in times of trouble. 

King Nala lost his kingdom in a game of dice to his brother, and left to the forest along with his beautiful wife Damayanthi. Damayanthi had a great shining goblet on the head near forehead inside her hair braids. King Nala spent a night in the jungle, along with his wife, who also set out with him. Nala in the morning saw his clothes fly away by wind, as a result of Saturn in the fourth. He thought his wife would go away to her father’s house, if he deserts her in the jungle. So he tears a part of saree of his wife to cover himself and deserts her goes away deep into the forest. Damayanthi with a torn saree, is caught by a hunter who tries to touch her, but because of her pativratya is burnt to ashes. Damayanthi wanders into the forest and reaches into a city, where  the queen of the city, takes her as a dasi. Damayanthi takes a promise from her that she would not be sent to entertain any males in her Kingdom. Nala tries to rescue a snake in a pit and is severely bitten by it. [So much for ardhastama, a  benign act is also rewarded with a poison]. Poison of the snake turns Nala into a dwarf, ugly man. Snake says he has done a favour on him by biting him and deforming him. There are difficult days ahead, it would be difficult for him to bear them as NALA. Nala became BAHUK in his crippled form. Snake guided him to go to Raja Rituparna of Ayodhya. Nala was expert in cooking, economics, horse racing, and reaching any places without obstacles. He could cook without igniting fire, without fetching water and aroma of the substance he touched increased many times. Walls don't offer resistance he could pass through them.

Rituparna was amazed at his abilities and kept him as his personal charioteer. Damayanthi’s Father was a king of VIDHARBHA, he knowing the fate of his daughter sent many brahmins to look for her in various countries. One of the purohits saw Damayanthi in the city and recognized her from her Goblet in the head. He took her back to Vidharbha. Then these brahmins also found out that there was a Bahuk, the dwarf in Ayodhya who could cook. Damayanthi suspecting Bahuk to be her husband, declares her second swayamvar, and send invitation  everywhere. Now invitation said the swayanvar was on the next day only. Ayodhya was the nearest country about 1000 km from Vidharbha. Only Nala could drive a chariot at 1000 km within a day in those days. So Bahuk upset at his wife’s decision, inspires Rituparna to attend Vidharbha Swayamvar. Rituparna agrees, but is afraid whether they can reach Vidarbha overnight, Bahuk assures.  On the way  Rituparna is amazed at Bahuk’s ability, he wants to learn the art, so he asks Bahuk, "can you tell me how many leaves are there on the tree below" ( their chariot is actually flying in the air at that speed). Now BAHUK says how can one count leaves on the tree. Rituparna says he has a amazing mathematical technique, he gives the number and it turns out to be exact. Rituparna agrees to teach this technique provided Bahuk teaches him his art.

Both reach Vidharbha but find no festivities, Rituparna immediately hides his intention, and accepts hospitality. Now in a outhouse damayanthi spies on BAHUK as to how he cooks and how obstacles vanish in his presence and how aromas of trees an flowers increase many folds . She recognises NALA, asks him why he had deserted her. He says he knew how powerful, intelligent she was, and was confident that she would take care of herself. With this Damayanthi and NALA pray shani and Kali inside him unable to bear the poison comes out and asks forgiveness and leaves away. Hari gives boon that whoever listens to this story is freed of miseries of kaliyuga. Both Nala Damayanthi regain the kingdom and live happily, Rituparna is proud that he had for a friend such a great KING.

Oh Yudhisthira, you at least have everyone by your side, look at NALA he even lost his own self, and was left with none to share his woes. So pray Lord Krishna for being so kind to You.

Saturn in fourth brings everyone to his ground self be it a king or common man . We are all puppets in the hands of planets.
