Showing posts with label ninth house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ninth house. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/28

Ninth lord exalted in the kendra aspected by Jupiter, man acquires everything in his life by luck and grace of the Guru. 

Once there was a simple, poor, average Bramhin. [Not very brilliant or charismatic]. But he had immense faith and devotion in Shri Raghavendra Swamiji. He was serving Swamiji with single minded reverence. After many years of worship and service, he decided to visit his native place and his parents. To take the leave of the Guru he waited patiently at the gates of the abode of his Holiness Shri Raghavendra Swamiji. Swamiji had just finished his daily chores was out from the toilet, and was washing the hands with the soil in the garden.

The disciple wished the guru, and insisted on giving him some momento to carry home from the Guruji. Guru picked up the mrittika [soil] from the earth and gave him. He happily [and piously] tied it into his angavastra [mufler cloth], and set out for the village. All the while thoughts criss-crossed his mind, that he had served the teacher for so long, Swamiji was known to change people’s life, but nothing actually did happen in his case. Perhaps [he thought to himself ], I was not very bright student and thus did not deserve any special attention. Or may be I had not impressed him by my service. Well just accepting the fate, the lad set out towards the goal.

Night fell on; thus he had to take shelter in the nearby village. It so happened he slept in the verandah of a noted rich noble family of the village. Now this family had history of miscarriages and birth of dead child from many years. There was no male issued to the lady of the house except for a grown up daughter. For past ten years every child born was dying under mysterious conditions. Today also the lady was about to give the birth.

In the midnight a huge Rakshas appeared at the door of the noble man. But this day Rakshasa was not able to enter the house, as a fire was emanating from the doorstep. It so happened that our hero [disciple] was sleeping with the angavastra, [the one which contained the soil from the Swamiji] under his head near the doorstep in the verandah. Rakshasa woke him up, somehow the lad was not afraid a bit at the sight of a gigantic huge demon. Instead sleepily he rebooked him, Rakshas said, his prey was about to take birth and he was unable to enter the house. What was it he was carrying in the mufler. Feeling insecure the disciple hid his mufler and shyed away from the demon. Not to part with it as it was a momento of the Swamiji. A tussle arose between the two, angered disciple hit the demon with the mufler. Demon died on the spot.

Day broke out, and people were surprised to see the huge demon dead at the doorstep of the noblemen, and inside the lady had delivered a baby boy, ha;e and healthy. Now understanding the mystery behind their misfortune, they thanked the Bramhin.

Thinking the disciple to be very blessed personality and also being indebted to him, the noble chief offered his daughter to him, and also his half wealth. He called upon his parents and with a great pomp and show, married the couples off, gifting them all the amenities of house utensils, ornaments, clothes, and chieftainship of village as livelihood, and many more gifts. The couple and family lived happily by the grace of Shri Raghavendra swamiji. So much for a average man’s selfless service.

Pujyaya Raghavendraya Satyadharma ratayacha !Bhajatam kalpavrukshaya namatam kamdhenave!!


Mantropadesha - Guruanugraha

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/26

When there are benefics in 3rd and 9th house and Ninth lord is in gopuramsa, one will have upadesha of secret mantra and blessings of a Guru. 

In 17th century there was a Bramhin boy by name Venkanna. He had no parents and was living in his uncle’s house. Though being a Bramhin he did not have opportunity to study the shastras. Also his guardians were not interested in spending on boy’s education. They had set upon him the task of grazing cattle. The boy was very sad but had resigned to his fate.

One day a Great seer by name Shri Raghavendra Swamy [peethadhipati of Madhvacharya’s Mool samsthan, and author’s ishta guru, beacon light of Madhva school of Vedanta, Kalpavruksha to many devotees in the country] came to the village. Everyone rushed to take the blessings of the seer. Shri Raghavendra was known to grant all the wishes of his devotee. He was known for his magnanimity, merciful and quick to grant boons.

Venkanna too went to the Acharya and after a sashtanga namaskaar, and expressing his desire to study, gazed at the guru for some heartening words. But his holiness called the boy and uttered a upadesha in his ears, and guided the boy to “remember him in the time of distress and chant the mantra”.

Venkanna keeping faith in the Guru went about grazing cattle as usual. Many days passed by, the boy had grown adult but yet was uneducated. One day Nawab of Adoni was passing by on a war trail. His troops were tired and reluctant. A terrible battle was anticipated. Just then a messenger came by with a written message in Sanskrit. Unfortunately none in the camp were educated. All the troops were unable to decode the message. Nawab happened to see the Bramhin boy grazing cattle in the ground nearby .

Now it was foregone conclusion that Bramhins were adept at Sanskrit. Thus he ordered the boy to be brought before him. As the soldiers presented the Venkanna before the Nawab. Nawab requested him to read out the message for him. Venkanna as illiterate he was, pleaded he did not know to read and write. This angered Nawab, he excalimed "Bamman ka bachcha aur padhna nahi ata, Bewakoof banata hai". He threatened to kill him if he does not read out the message.

Venkanna closed his eyes remembered Guru Shri Raghavendra and chanted the mantra to save himself. Alas !!!!

He instantly became the scholar of seven languages, he decoded the message that there was no need to go for war, as friendly neighbourhood had intercepted the army, and enemies had retreated looking at the friendly armies encircling from all sides. In fact the attack was planned thinking that Nawab was deprived of friends, but as he amassed strength from neighbourhood they dropped their plan. At the same time Nawab was also blessed with a son. [All this was translated into pharsi for the nawab by Venkanna].

Nawab was overwhelmed, seeing the good omen in the Bramhin, he made him his Diwaan. Venkanna’s life changed in a moment, not only was his desire of studying fulfilled, but also he achieved the notable post to serve his people and the GURU.

Venkanna having witnessed Guruanugraha in his life, continued with faith and worship in MoolRama of Shri Raghavendra swami.

Many years later Swamiji came to Adoni, Venkanna was overwhelmed and decided to give royal welcome to the Guru. He took permission from Nawab, and as a routine expressed the mystique that is Guru Raghavendra. He obliged, but at the same time decided to test the Swamiji .

Diwaan was anxious and nervous at the prospect of possible insult that would come Guru’s way. But there was no solution to his dilemma. He remembered Guru and chanted the mantra. Something in him assured that everything would be alight.

Next day Swamiji was accorded Royal welcome. Nawab himself came to pay his respect, but Nawab had a plate full of non-veg covered, and presented it to the Swamiji to accept it to be offered to Lord Ram that he prays. Swamy Raghavendra took water from his kamandalu and sprinkled it on the plate to purify it as ritual before offering to the Lord Rama.

Lo!!!! when plate was uncovered it was full of fruits and flowers !!!!!!!!

Nawab was taken aback, he was quiet ashamed and at the same time was afraid that if Swamiji is outraged, then he may very well turn his kingdom into null. Petrified he offered to donate land and riches to the Saint. He offered many well nurtured lands with plantation and agricultures and mines. But Shri Raghavendra swami refused to take them, but as a token gift he requested him to donate the barren lands of Manchala village. Nawab donated it along with lots of riches and arrangements to establish the mutt there at Manchala.

This is the modern Mantralaya on the banks of Tungabhadra river in Adoni taluk, Kurnool District Andhra  pradesh. Swamiji took jeeva asampragyat samadhi in this place is still present in the Brundavan at Mantralayam blessing his devotees .

Mukopi yat prasadena mukund shayanayate! RajRajayate rikto Raghavendram Tamashraye!!


Ninth House - Bhikshashanam

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/13 

When ninth lord is debilitated and 10th lord and 3rd lord are weak, the subject will go begging for the food. 

Vedvyasa took all the Pandava's to Ekchakra nagar to a bramhin, and told him that these were his disciples and He should give them shelter. bramhin agreed as per the Lord’s words. Pandavas and Kunti devi were living in the house of bramhins. Pandava's were engaged in study of Vedas and lived by Bhiksha.

Kshatriyas should not ask Bhiksha. Bhima was param Bhagavata and hence would never go against Dharma, but here there was no option but to beg. How to save themselves from defaulting Dharma?

Just then a potters house got caught fire from all the sides. Bheemasen, standing a few feet's away from the house amidst fire, kicked hard in the ground. By the force of his kick, the house on the other side emerged out of the ground, along with the earth beneath it. Bheemasena lifted entire house by his hands, and put it out of fire on to the other side.

Indebted potter created a earthen vessel as big as the village itself and  gifted it to Yudhisthira. Now Bheemasena taking the earthen vessel just roared into the air, panicked by his roar, villagers gave away Bhiksha into the vessel even without their asking for it. This was akin to Kings giving their wealth as a tax to Indraprastha for the fear of losing kingdom and acceptance of Pandava supremacy.

But Yudhisthira said, this type of roar and eating vessel full of meals would alert Duryodhana, and his friends about their whereabouts, and thus requested Bheema to stay away from Bhikshashan, and eat whatever they would bring for him. Bheema was happy to save his dharma.

One day the bramhin and his family were bereaving and loud cry’s were heard. Bheema asked Kunti to find out the reason for the distress of their host. He could have gone himself, but woman in the family would get uncomfortable at the sight of another man, thus he sent his mother.

Kunti standing by the wall heard their conversation before asking them.

The bramhin said, "oh my wife, I had already told to leave this place, you were not ready look, now its time for embracing death. I shall go from my family and embrace death". 

Wife said "oh my lord, let me go into the mouth of death, for I would attain good lokas for having saved you".

Daughter said "a daughter is of no use, why not let me go to the den of Bakasur ?"

Father said "Shruti [Vedas] say a daughter is the one who graces the dynasties of both father and husband by her deeds and good virtue, a son only uplifts one family. Birth of a daughter is more auspicious, sending you will only put me further into naraka, so as worthy son of my lineage let me take on death".

The child in the family tottered, and with a small twig in the hand said "oh father, I will kill Bakasur with this twig let me go".

Taking these words of child as good omen [Bheemasena her child would break Bakasura as easily as a twig], Kunti entered to ask bramhin for their plight.

Bramhin said "there is a demon named Bakasur in the vicinity, who demands a cart full of food, milk, animal, birds and a human as bali. Every thirteen years a family has to send a human from their family to satisfy the demon . Its now their turn". Kunti said "she has five sons and would send one of her sons". Bramhin says "it will be a sin to take someone else’s life to save oneself". Kunti assured that her son has a VIDYA which cannot be confronted by devatas and demons and hence she is not afraid.

Kunti came back and told Bheema about the Bakasura. Bakasura was a demon and maternal uncle of Ravana. By the fear of RAMABANA of Lord Rama had hidden in the caves. After Ramayana, he came out and was not defeated by Bharath, Jarasndha, Narakasura etc. and was freely creating havoc. Now Bheemasena killing him would have an opportunity to please Lord.

Yudhisthira and others came back from Bhiksha and seeing Bheema in a very happy mood asked Kunti "Ma, why is Bheema so happy?", Kunti said "he is going tomorrow to Bakasura’s den". Yudhisthir panicked said "what a bad decision, we are all living by the hope of Bheema, owing to his strength and protection, we are dreaming of gaining back our kingdom, now Bakasura is living giant from Tretayuga, how will we live without Bheema?"

Kunti said, "let there not be a doubt about Bheema' s strength, even as a child he powered the entire mountain range Shatashrunga. NO [MAI KA LAAL] among devatas and demons can kill him as he is very VAYU himself ". 

Thus next day Bheemasen set out with the cart full of food and milk. He thought to finish the meals even before demon touches it and makes it impure. As demon saw him eating his food, he became angry and uprooted a tree to hit the Bheema. Bheema stopping the tree with his left hand, drank all the milk and then did ACHAMAAN. [This implies that food should be eaten in  a pure manner untouched by others, and achamaan should be done after meals].

Bakasura threw a mountain on the Bheema, it broke to pieces, after long battle, Bheema set his foot on one foot of Bakasura, and he held the other feet with his palms and slit him through middle like a sugarcane. Thus Bakasura was killed. He brought the dead body to the village gate and left it. People afraid of the giant body ran here and there in fear. After bramhin assured them about his death, villagers became happy and agreed to pay the cart full of meals to Bheema from then. But Bheema asked them to offer it Lord Narsimha in the village temple.

Thus from there Pandava's went to Draupadi swayamvar.
