Showing posts with label omens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omens. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/02

Utpat are of three types: 

  • Divya
  • Antariksha
  • Bhauma

Differences in the discs of Sun, Planets or Stars are known as Divya.

Ulka [comets], nirghat [meteors], Vayu vikar [windstorms], Parivesha [solar /lunar dispersion], Gandharva nagar [UFO], Indradhanush [rainbow], are all Antariksha utpat

Movable things if they become immovable or immovable things become movable on earth then it is Bhauma Utpat .

Shanti will alleviate Bhauma utpat. Antariksha utpat reduces its effect when shanti is performed. Divya Utpat does not calm down even after Shanti. Gold, food and cow and Prithvi [land] when donated reduces some UTPAT ill effects .

Divya Utpat can also be pacified by 1 Crore homa. [Koti homa].

King finds results of Divya Utpat in his body, son, treasury, vehicles, city, queen, chief, priest and subjects .

Shivaling, Devata statue and temples or places of worship when they dislocate, cry, sweat, or fall, or make some strange noises then it foretells death or danger to the King and his Kingdom.

When during festival in temples, if the grand vehicles [yatra ratha] breakdown, wheel gets stuck or over-turns, then it foretells bad future for the inhabitants and King.

When Draupadi Vasraharan was attempted by Dushyashan, temporarily all the greats in the Kuru family were mentally stuck by inertia [they were all stabdha] by the evil force of Kali, and Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, Drona and Kripa except Vidur none opposed the act.

Vikarna [brother of Duryodhan opposed the act saying this is adharma. But this was not out of any devotion to Krishna, or attachment to Pandavas, or extreme faith in Dharma. Vikarna wanted to show that he knows some dharma well, and wanted to exhibit it without any conviction.

Thus even after he opposed, Bheemasen vowed to kill all the 100 brother s of Kauravas. Bheema is apostle of Dharma, he cannot err. Yet If Vikarna was right then Bheemsen should have vowed for 99 people, but he vowed to eliminate all the 100. Gandhari did ask this question to Bheemsen in the end. Bheem explains, Vikarna had only shown intent on his knowledge exhibition and no conviction. Yet he also was party to imprisoning scheme of Krishna and rendered him a Vishnu Drohi, and hence was entitled to be killed by Bheemsen.

After the Bheemsen vow, there were UTPAT everywhere visible in the skies and earth trembled, there were heavy cries from owls, yagnyashala of Kauravas moved to a distance, there as a vile storm and heavy rains. Dhrtarashtra's throne trembled, his crown fell down and horses vomited blood. Owls and vultures cried loudly. All the AYga mantap lit automatically by fire. the statue of Kuru greats wept profusely.

Dhritarashtra called for Vidura and asked him the results of this Utpat. Vidura said "if you don't act oh great king you will be destroyed along with your sons and children. Bheemsen is very angry, and Draupadi can any moment curse you, this will close gates of heaven to you. and imminent downfall awaits your family".

Dhritarashtra afraid of curse of Draupadi asks Vidura a way out to escape calamity.

He says "return the Kingdom and husbands freedom for Draupadi". Dhritarastra asked "what's wrong in gaining a kingdom by his son in gambling, how does that entitle Bheemsen to wage war ?".

Vidura says "oh King, listen to the Dharma carefully, that which is given to a woman by her husband, that which is taken away from a pious Bramhin, or widowed woman, or a crippled soldier, or that which is lost in a gamble, all this can be taken back by force and there is no loss of dharma in it".

Dhritarashtra then pacifies Draupadi and asks her to seek a boon. Kshtriya woman does not seek any boons from other than husband. Vidura says three can be taken from the husbands father. Since Pandu is not alive Dhhrtarashtra is akin to father, and her father in-law so she can ask three boons from him. Vidura urges Dhritarashtra to bestow freedom to Draupadi, her husbands and third return of Kingdom lost in gamble.

Dhritarashtra obliges and returns all that is lost in the gamble along with freedom from slavery to Pandavs. Bheemsen says what has been given in fear is not a dana or boon but a an extract by themselves. Thus they as kshatriys cannot be said to have gained freedom in bhiksha. As Dhritarashtra gave these out of fear.

But great is the Satvik nature of Draupadi, that even in extreme trouble she did not curse Kauravas, but relied on Krishna to safeguard her honour . This is true Bhagavat dharma.


Pravarshan - Rainfall

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/01

Pravashan is known by omens present at the rainfall on the following stars Purvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapad, Uttarashada, Purvashadha, Rohini. In these five stars when there is rainfall, then it is known as garbha. 

After 195 days it is known as prasava, where there will be massive rains or poor rains as per the omens on the day of Garbha.

If there is rainfall on these stars with more than required quantity in every season then there will be enough rains .

But if there are rains on Shatbhishaga, Ashlesha, Ardra ,Swati or Magha, as garbha then if these are lit with omens like utpat [divya antariksha or bhaum] there will not be rains for as many days in the rainy season for as many days the omens exist during garbha.

Five factors to be observed for a rain are Vayu, Jal, Vidyut, Megh, Shabda. If garbha contains all the five factors, then there will be ample rains in the season.

When all the five are present then there will be rains for 100 yojans, if only four omens at garbha then rains will be for 50 yojan, three omens will give 25 yojan, two will give 12.5 yojan only one omen will give 5 yojan distributed rains.

If garbh is in margashirsh then there will be less rains.

Jyeshta shukla ashtami to four days are normally suitable for garbha, if it rains on swati star then there will no rains in shravan amasa.

If it rains on vishakha then there will be no rains in bhadrapada, anuradha will not give rains in ashvayuj and jyeshta rain will make it rainless in kartik.

Where there is good law and order and where Bramhins are always engaged in homa havan and yagnyas, and are agnihotris there will always be plenty of rains.

Today most parts of India are facing extreme power shortage. Here are unscheduled power cuts even in cities like Bangalore, Delhi etc. This seems to be caused by shortage in water level in reservoirs in dams.

Electricity department has openly made an appeal to the people to understand that this is due to shortage of rainfall. If it does not rain in coming weeks, the unscheduled cuts will be normalised, and additional cuts will be imposed apart from regular 5 hour cuts in city like Bangalore. Tariff may increase by Rs 3.

And it is all due to no Rains. Strange how the rationalists have suddenly started believing in the rain Gods. In the era when it was fashionable to build dams, depending on rains was superstition. Every river had dams obstructing its flow thinking that will give electricity forever. Wise cried, the river is not just a water flowing it is ecosystem. If ecosystem is disturbed then environment is affected. People laughed, they thought it is old fashioned to oppose dams.

There were films in those days where waiting for rains for agriculture was shown as sign of backwardness and unscientific. The arrogance of science was on the basis of its discovery of electricity. This arrogance led to abuse of rivers, rivers dried everywhere in every part of India.

Today same custodians of electricity are looking skywards [like poor farmer of parallel cinema art film] for rains.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

When Death Nears!

 By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/19

  • Supreme God Pradyumna as present in the eye is present in Aditya.
  • Pradyumna present in the eye and Aniruddha in heart are one and the same.
  • Aniruddha in the heart and Pradyumna in Aditya are also one.
  • When these leave the body, some indications occur to the individual:
    1. The sun is seen like a moon
    2. Sun’s rays are not visible
    3. Sky looks red like manjishtha
    4. The bottom of the body [payu] opens up
    5. The head swells like a nest of crow and foul smell emanates
    6. This indicates death is nearing, one should perform deeds, that would be helpful in the other world. 
        1. Visible indications of nearing death are:
        2. One sees hole in the sun
        3. Sees his shadow broken into pieces
        4. Sees in the mirror one’s head upside down
        5. Pupil of the eye seems to fall off
        6. One does not see white patches when his eyes are pressed
        7. On pressing the ear ,one does not hear the sound of burning fire or arrival of chariot
        8. Seeing fire as blue as peacock neck
        9. Seeing lightning without clouds
        10. Unable to see a lightning among clouds
        11. Earth burning
        12. Suns rays among thick clouds
        13. One must realise death is nearing ,when in dreams viz
        1. Seeing a person with black teeth
        2. Being beaten by such a person
        3. Being beaten by boar
        4. Being attacked by monkey
        5. Being carried by storm
        6. Eating and vomiting gold
        7. Eating honey cake
        8. Eating stalks of lotus
        9. Holding a lotus on the head
        10. Riding a sleigh drawn by donkeys
        11. Taking a black cow and calf southwards wearing red garland
        12. These dreams are inauspicious 

        Offer homa with ratrisukta, eat homa sesha.
