Showing posts with label draupadi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label draupadi. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/02

Utpat are of three types: 

  • Divya
  • Antariksha
  • Bhauma

Differences in the discs of Sun, Planets or Stars are known as Divya.

Ulka [comets], nirghat [meteors], Vayu vikar [windstorms], Parivesha [solar /lunar dispersion], Gandharva nagar [UFO], Indradhanush [rainbow], are all Antariksha utpat

Movable things if they become immovable or immovable things become movable on earth then it is Bhauma Utpat .

Shanti will alleviate Bhauma utpat. Antariksha utpat reduces its effect when shanti is performed. Divya Utpat does not calm down even after Shanti. Gold, food and cow and Prithvi [land] when donated reduces some UTPAT ill effects .

Divya Utpat can also be pacified by 1 Crore homa. [Koti homa].

King finds results of Divya Utpat in his body, son, treasury, vehicles, city, queen, chief, priest and subjects .

Shivaling, Devata statue and temples or places of worship when they dislocate, cry, sweat, or fall, or make some strange noises then it foretells death or danger to the King and his Kingdom.

When during festival in temples, if the grand vehicles [yatra ratha] breakdown, wheel gets stuck or over-turns, then it foretells bad future for the inhabitants and King.

When Draupadi Vasraharan was attempted by Dushyashan, temporarily all the greats in the Kuru family were mentally stuck by inertia [they were all stabdha] by the evil force of Kali, and Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, Drona and Kripa except Vidur none opposed the act.

Vikarna [brother of Duryodhan opposed the act saying this is adharma. But this was not out of any devotion to Krishna, or attachment to Pandavas, or extreme faith in Dharma. Vikarna wanted to show that he knows some dharma well, and wanted to exhibit it without any conviction.

Thus even after he opposed, Bheemasen vowed to kill all the 100 brother s of Kauravas. Bheema is apostle of Dharma, he cannot err. Yet If Vikarna was right then Bheemsen should have vowed for 99 people, but he vowed to eliminate all the 100. Gandhari did ask this question to Bheemsen in the end. Bheem explains, Vikarna had only shown intent on his knowledge exhibition and no conviction. Yet he also was party to imprisoning scheme of Krishna and rendered him a Vishnu Drohi, and hence was entitled to be killed by Bheemsen.

After the Bheemsen vow, there were UTPAT everywhere visible in the skies and earth trembled, there were heavy cries from owls, yagnyashala of Kauravas moved to a distance, there as a vile storm and heavy rains. Dhrtarashtra's throne trembled, his crown fell down and horses vomited blood. Owls and vultures cried loudly. All the AYga mantap lit automatically by fire. the statue of Kuru greats wept profusely.

Dhritarashtra called for Vidura and asked him the results of this Utpat. Vidura said "if you don't act oh great king you will be destroyed along with your sons and children. Bheemsen is very angry, and Draupadi can any moment curse you, this will close gates of heaven to you. and imminent downfall awaits your family".

Dhritarashtra afraid of curse of Draupadi asks Vidura a way out to escape calamity.

He says "return the Kingdom and husbands freedom for Draupadi". Dhritarastra asked "what's wrong in gaining a kingdom by his son in gambling, how does that entitle Bheemsen to wage war ?".

Vidura says "oh King, listen to the Dharma carefully, that which is given to a woman by her husband, that which is taken away from a pious Bramhin, or widowed woman, or a crippled soldier, or that which is lost in a gamble, all this can be taken back by force and there is no loss of dharma in it".

Dhritarashtra then pacifies Draupadi and asks her to seek a boon. Kshtriya woman does not seek any boons from other than husband. Vidura says three can be taken from the husbands father. Since Pandu is not alive Dhhrtarashtra is akin to father, and her father in-law so she can ask three boons from him. Vidura urges Dhritarashtra to bestow freedom to Draupadi, her husbands and third return of Kingdom lost in gamble.

Dhritarashtra obliges and returns all that is lost in the gamble along with freedom from slavery to Pandavs. Bheemsen says what has been given in fear is not a dana or boon but a an extract by themselves. Thus they as kshatriys cannot be said to have gained freedom in bhiksha. As Dhritarashtra gave these out of fear.

But great is the Satvik nature of Draupadi, that even in extreme trouble she did not curse Kauravas, but relied on Krishna to safeguard her honour . This is true Bhagavat dharma.


Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Summary of Debate on Arjun vs Karna - 1

By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/04

Surya | Chiraan
Hariprasad, Amit, Nilambar
Sonu, Nilesh

Chiraan invites Surya to a debate on:

Whether is Karna is Superior to Arjun? 
Was Karna Evil?
Chiraan starts the debate with invitation to decide which is authentic translation of MAHABHARATA! Surya refuses to be drawn into debate on what is authentic, and what is unauthentic? He also refuses to be drawn into deciding what is evil?

Chiraan concludes that authentic translations should not contain anomalies, and should remain faithful to the original Sanskrit Mahabharat by Vyasa, and translation should conform to traditions of India.

Chiraan offers Surya to raise questions!

Surya opens debate with the birth of Karna:

1. Had Kunti not abandoned Karna at birth, Karna would have been taught by Drona .Would not have attracted curses.
2. He would have occupied the throne.
3. He would not have been abused racially.
4. He would have married Draupadi.
5. Duryodhan would not have waged war.
So Kunti is irresponsible mother and the main reason for the debacle of Karna.

Chiraan argues:

1. Kunti is solely responsible for betterment of Karna. She is one woman who never had sex in her Life. Karna was not born out of premarital sex, but as a boon from Durvasa through SUN, who himself incarnated through her womb. Both Karna and Sun were uninvited guests to her house, she was all but six years of age. When she was not in a position of raising the child, she ensured him better upbringing:
a. By giving him Kavach Kundal [physical protection].
b. Protection of Father [Sun always spoke to Karna in distress].
c. Enough money / diamonds to ensure RADHA raises him.

Surya argues: Had she confessed to Pandu about her son, he would have agreed to make him King.

Chiraan: Even if she had agreed, Karna would not become King as he is not son of Pandu.

Kunti having given him up saved him from being called KANIN, and people of Hastinapur would not accept a KANIN to be a King, as was evident when Duryodhan raised doubts over Yudhisthir none objected until Vedavyasa came, and told that they were born in presence of PANDU.
Since he was not suspected as KANIN, Karna got best education from Parshuram [GOD] himself better than Arjun.
He got best astras and weapons than ARJUN.
He got better education is known from the fact that he exhibited all that Arjun exhibited during tournament.
Karna could not have become KING.
Duryodhan made him a king against the rule of land.

Surya: when his archery was exhibited why was he not eligible to become a king. Why did Bheema abuse him.

Chiraan: A suta is not kshatriya, he is charioteer but a higher caste. A suta cannot become King. only kshatriyas become King, a caste is determined not by birth but by sanskar [rites] that are performed. Karna had rites of SUTA so he remained a suta. A suta cannot challenge a Prince, so unequal warfare was stopped between Karna and Arjun.

Surya Drona rejected Karna on grounds of caste? Injustice.

Chiraan: Drona did not reject Karna on basis of Caste, but he rejected him because the he was teaching only princes of Hastinapur.

Surya: Parshuram would have rejected Karna had he told he was Kshatriya or suta, so he lied to him as Bramhin and got education ! He was smarter.

Chiraan: God is all knowing, he knew Karna was Kshatriya and hence he taught him, but since he lied, he was cursed. Had he told he was suta he would have got education as suta is higher caste and given education in gurukul.
But Karna wanted to excel in astra vidya more than other kshatriyas, hence he lied as Bramhins had more astra vidya than kshatriya. Proof Ashwaththama showed more proficiency in tournament than Karna and Arjun.

Surya : What’s wrong in zeal ?

Chiraan: Teacher never teaches looking at zeal of the student, but at the capacity of the student, zeal is not virtue!

So it was good fortune of Karna he had better education than Arjun, and God gave him so, and not because Karna tricked him, else that would raise doubts over all knowing quality of GOD, which is clearly unacceptable.

Surya: Karna would have married Draupadi, as he would not have been rejected by Draupadi as suta, and he would have hit the fish in swayamvar.

Chiraan: Karna failed in Swayamvar, he could not string the bow leave aside hitting the mark.
Surya has been all along debating upon relying on Kisari Mohan Ganguly Translation of Mahabharata.
But the same translation shows in one passage Karna as being rejected by Draupadi, just as he strung the bow and was ready to hit the mark. In the very next passage Ganguly writes Karna along with Shalya failed in stringing the bow.
This constitutes anomaly and renders the translation as unauthentic.

Surya: The verse where People failed to string the bow are: Radha’s son, Vakra and Shalya, here Radha’s son is another son of RADHA [Karna’s brother and not Karna].

Chiraan: Was this Radha’s son not suta, then how Draupadi did not object to this one participating .

Surya says Draupadi had a double standard.

Chiraan: If Ganguly’s version is translation, then in original Sanskrit it is written as “KARNA’ and “SHALYA” as failed to string and not Radha’s son. Ganguly has tampered the text by translating KARNA as Radha’s son .

Surya accuses Chiraan of being like mullahs and evangelist, who resort to Arabic or Hebrew when cornered.

Chiraan: Whether Hebrew or Arabic or Sanskrit, a word Karna would mean Karna only.

Chiraan gives alternate translation from Russian library and ISCKON writings. This version of ADI parva Mahabharata says Karna did not string the bow, and failed in Swayamvar and there was no abuse from Draupadi.

C.Rajgopalachary renowned Sanskrit scholar says Karna did not string the bow but failed by hairs breadth.
Swaminathan in his book also says Karna failed. This book is read in universities.
Swamy Vivekananda expresses Karna was not rejected by Draupadi.

Surya says, these are all abridged versions and drawn from internet dustbin, and cannot be taken as authentic. Ganguly is authentic because it is approved by Wikepedia.
Chiraan shows Wikepedia is not authentic as anyone can change contents.

Jury Amit agrees Radha’s son is Karna only. But raises a doubt if Karna could string VIJAY a bow given by Parshuram then how could he not string relatively lesser bow. So common sense suggests Karna strung the bow.

Chiraan: Though Vijay is superior bow, it is a boon from Parshuram and Karna could lift it with boon. So could Arjun lift Gandeev because of boon, so also Drupad’s bow was presented with a rider only Arjun could string. Moreover Gandeev and Vijay were celestial bows did not require stringing as they were auto strung.

Surya says: Karna stringing is there in authentic RC DUTT translation, why it cannot be deemed that Chiraan is fabricating incidents, rather than Ganguly who is acclaimed by scholars?

Jury Hariprasad says, R C Dutt has also fabricated as, instead of Radha’s son, he has written Shishupal, if Ganguly is authentic then it becomes Radha’s son as failed, and RC DUTT says Shishupala. How come two authentic translation give different translation of same verse.
It shows anomaly. He gives verdict as Karna did not abuse and did not string the bow and failed in swayamvar.

Chiraan says:
The whole of Mahabharat is recited by SUTA, the son of Lomaharshan. The very first verse in Mahabharata starts with Saunaka asking Oh Son of Suta, please recite Mahabharata.
Suta is born to Bramhin mother and Kshatriya Father. If both parents are higher caste, how s the child relegated to be abused caste. Then how come Saunaka rishi and other Bramhin rishis are learning from SUTA the great epic of Mahabharta.

The Ganguly text translates the first verse as SAUTI say's instead of Suta uvacha.

The first verse itself has anomaly. So Suta is not a racial abuse, and pseudo sympathy for Karna as being abused as SUTA does not stand logically as he never was abused.

He clearly failed in Swayamvar. If Draupadi were not interested in him, then he would not have been invited, twice DRUPAD and Dhristadhyumn mention his name as invitee to the swayamvar. If he was unwelcome his name would have been struck or never mentioned. After mentioning his name, Drupad and Dhristadhyumn makes a vow that whoever strikes will get Draupadi. So Draupadi could not have gone against the words of Father and Brother as she was epitome of virtue.
So Karna clearly failed in Swayamvar and thus HE was inferior to ARJUN.

Neutral Jury Nilambar upholds the view of Chiraan. Observers Sonu and Nilesh also feel the arguments by Surya are insufficient to Prove Karna succeeded in Swayamvar.


Superiority of Arjun vis-a-vis Karna - A Debate

By Sri Chiraan 2009/05/17

Karna failed in Swayamvar. He failed to even string the bow. 

Surya, counters Radha’s son is not KARNA but brother of Karna.
“And that bow which Rukma, Sunitha, Vakra, Radha’s son, Duryodhana, Salya, and many other kings accomplished in the science and practice of arms, could not even with great exertion, string”.

Views of Prof Pandurangi –
HOD Sanskrit  Bangalore University Rashtrapati awardee , MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA Tirupati Sanskrit University
“First Shishupala tried and failed. Then, Jarasandha, Shalya tried and failed. In the case of Karna a ticklish point is raised. According to North India recession of Mahabharatha Draupadi remarked that “Naham Variyam Sutham” I do not like to marry a charioteer. On the other hand when Arjuna asks Dhristadyumna whether a Brahmana can participate in the svayamwara contest, Dhristadyumna replies that “Brahmano Vatha Rajanyo Vaishyo va shudra aeva va?” Whetehr one is Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra if he can wield the bow and hit the mark, I shall give my sister. From this it is clear that Karna lost the chance by his incapacity bit not on the ground of his caste. The North Indian version seems to be interpolation.
…………..end of extract ……………….

C Rajagopalachary view 
Sisupala, Jarasandha, Salya, and Duryodhana were among these unsuccessful aspirants. When Karna came forward, all the assemblage expected that he would be successful but he failed by just a hair’s breadth and the string slid back flashing and the mighty bow jumped out of his hands like a thing of life.

Vivekananda View
Now, there came kings and princes from different parts of India, all anxious to win the hand of the princess, and one after another they tried their skill, and every one of them failed to hit the mark. When all those princes failed in hitting the mark, then the son of King Drupada rose up in the midst of the court and said: “The Kshatriya, the king caste has failed; now the contest is open to the other castes. Let a Brahmana, even a Shudra, take part in it; whosoever hits the mark, marries Draupadi” Among the Brahmanas were seated the five Pandava brothers. Arjuna, the third brother, was the hero of the bow. He lifted the bow in his hand, strung it without any effort, and drawing it, sent the arrow right through the wheel and hit the eye of the fish. 
Then there was great jubilation. Draupadi, the princess, approached Arjuna and threw the beautiful garland of flowers over his head.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Purpose of Remedy

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/08

Most of us are always puzzled at the uncertainty that life exhibits! In such scenario we are perturbed at the thought of losing the things dear to us. We have a desire to acquire things that are not with us. Sometimes we succeed in acquiring the desired, and sometimes we fail to protect the loss of precious possession. Sometimes there is fear of loss, we feel threatened at the prospect of loss of money, fame and life. This brings in grief, the thoughts itself are disheartening and person is agitated. Those who are undergoing strenuous conditions in life, hope for better days to come. They live on hope. Everyone consults an astrologer for betterment! 

What can an astrologer do?

Astrologer can only predict. Predict what is destined in the horoscope. He is not the master of the destiny that horoscope reflects. What is the purpose of consultation? Sometimes it brings solace to the aggrieved. Sometimes an astrologer says, he is forewarning! Forewarning why? Is the astrologer a custodian of chronology of the world? Or can he regulate the chronology? The answer to both of these is no! Then what is the purpose of prediction?

When we read the above notes, we can see only indefiniteness, ambiguity in everything that is around us. For a successful life these very uncertainties should vanish. When you have a clear understanding of what you have to do and what you should not, when you have descended on earth, we say life is successful!

How to remove uncertainty? An astrologer helps in giving you a clear purpose of your life, and life events that a person is going to face. As per the nature of the individual, these events bear different impact on the person. Some improve upon their knowledge and understanding, some wither away in the pursuit of pleasure.

When faced with bad times, understanding of the cause of bad events gives rise to repentance towards the evil we have done. If this feeling arises in an individual, then remedies suggested by the Astrologers to nullify the evil works wonders and life progresses. But if individual feels remedies are a way out, for a past karma and can just get away from it by dana, homa, yagnya etc. Then thousands of such remedies, will never ever solve any problems. Sometimes remedies are prescribed to certain individuals whose events are unavoidable, remedies are performed and yet events takes place! Was remedy ineffective? If it was totally unavoidable event, then why did remedies were prescribed.

Remedies never go unanswered!!!!! Remedies work for different people in different people in different ways. For stronger characters, it gives strength to face the events. It gives a calmness of mind to digest events in all eventuality good or bad.

For advanced souls it helps in detachment of karma with its karma phala. For very determined soul it achieves the objective of the purpose of remedy irrespective of the outcome of Karma as destined. i.e.. Though Karma shows up in an un-avoiding manner, the end result does not affect the individual. Example: When Shachi devi, Parvati, Shaymala devi, Usha devi, were cursed by Bramha for being born as humans and married away to other than their husbands i.e. Indra , Rudra, Yama And Aswini devatas. They performed remedies of 1000 years of tapasya to appease Bharati Devi [wife of Vayu]. To protect them from losing their PATIVRATYA. [Being married to other than their husbands on earth would still tantamount to loss of pativratya]. But all these are blessed by Bharathi devi to protect their pativratya and yet the Bramha’s shapa [curse ] also was carried out. Thus was born Draupadi, Draupadi is the most PATIVRATA stree ever born and had yet had five husbands.

Had there been no remedy on part of these women then, they would be born as women on earth, but owing to their devata nature they would be extremely beautiful. In general these women are so chaste that they would marry only if their husbands would also be born on the earth else none else. But as Bramha had cursed them to lose their association with husband, the chances are Rakshasas can also take them away, this would mean loss of pativratya. To avoid this they did tapasya together in a single body of INDRASENA. Thus their remedies were answered, and Draupadi born out of Fire directly as a adult, was married to all the five Pandavas.

Krishna says "Ahalya, Draupadi, Tara, Tara, Mandodari Panchkanya smare nityam, panchpataka vinashayti" Note the word PanchKANYA, these are all the women who have some kind of blemish associated with them, yet their names when taken removes even those sins which God never forgives. That means these are special women and very auspicious. And the word Kanya is very interesting Lord uses the word kanya even though these are marries woman. This points to a new concept of Nitya Kanyatva.

Thus remedies work for those events also which are unavoidable. And all avoidable events definitely vanish with remedies. Like that in case of Chandrahasa, in case of Markandeya Dhruva etc.

So one must always undertake remedies with sincerity and devotion to obtain solace from graha and graha chara.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Ascendant - Qualities of Individual

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/26

Ascendant is the sign rising in the east, at the time of birth. Ascendant determines the qualities of an individual. 

  • When aspected by benefics one will have beauty and happiness of the body
  • When tenanted by benefics ,one will have bodily beauty
  • When moon is conjunct benefics , one will be beautiful
  • When moon is aspected by benefics , one will be beautiful
  • When in good bhavas, one will be righteous
  • Jupiter or venus in kendras will make one righteous

Pandu wanted a son who would justly rule the world. Thus he asked Kunti to pray Dharmaraj [Yama] to bestow a son by his grace who would be Just and righteous. Thus Yudhisthira was born.

Again at the end of the year Pandu thought, it will just be not enough to be good and righteous, one requires strength to save oneself from the enemies, thus he asked Kunti to pray the most powerful in the universe to bestow son. Lord is most powerful, after him Lord vayu is most powerful, thus Kunti prayed Vayu to bestow her a strong son. Bheema was born, as she was holding him [child] on the peak of a mountain [shatshrunga], the child slipped, mother was in a state of shock, but Lo! as the child fell on the mountain, it broke it pieces [such was the strength of Bheema, even as a child], now it rightly justified its shatashrunga [mountain with hundred peaks owing to cracks].

Pandu again contemplated, when enemy attacks, Bheema may save him from external aggression, on an expedition, other enemies might attack the land, hence there has to be one more strong warrior son to save the land during such times. Now Vayu was the most powerful, he has already been approached, Kunti cannot call him again [as per the boon of Durvasa], after Vayu, Garuda shesha and Rudra are powerful, Garuda does not take birth on earth [as principle], Shesha and Rudra are very hot tempered personalities, thus it would not be wise to have such sons. So next in line is INDRA, so Kunti prays Indra to bestow a son, thus Arjuna is born.

Pandu now wished to have more sons, but this time a handsome one, with bodily felicity. Kunti refused, just as previous requests were justified for the sake of kingdom, this one was purely personal and did not justify the niyog process of obtaining a son. So Pandu insisted on giving the devavashikarana mantra to Madri, Kunti gave upadesha to Madri with a condition that she could use it only once [because if she had more sons than her, then they may engage in mutual fight]. Madri wanted two sons and hence thought to call Ashwini twins to get two sons in one stroke. Thus Nakul and Sahadev were born. They were extremely beautiful.

Bheema and Arjuna were also beautiful [handsome] but their bodies were extremely hard and well toned. Probably people consider only tender bodies to be handsome and beautiful in the world. Beauty is of two types 1. inner beauty of qualities, beauty of mind [suniti] and external beauty of features.

Nakul was very handsome [beauty of body] and Sahadeva was extremely noble  with expertise in neetishastra [beauty of mind].

  • All women like people who are noble. [Sahadev]
  • Women like people who have good features more than noble persons. [Nakul]
  • Women like truthful people more than men with beauty. [Yudhisthira]
  • Women like dynamic,brilliant successful people more than truthful men [Arjuna]
  • Women like well built, intelligent saviour men more than anything else in this world [Bheemasena].

Thus Bheema was most liked by Both Krushnaa [Draupadi] and Krishna [Lord Vishnu].


Efforts: Bheema and Yudhisthira - A dialogue

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/21

Bheema was the greatest Pandava. He was the main hero of Mahabharath. Bheema was extremely intelligent, knowledge and foremost in Dharma and most dearest to Krishna [more than Arjuna]. Yudhisthira was eldest among Pandavas. He had a fetish for worldly Dharma only.

Yudhisthira while in exile [Vanavasa] in forest, had almost become a recluse and withdrawn personality. He had more or less given up the desire to get back his Kingdom, and planned to spend rest of his life in the forest. Bheema knew this was against Kshatriya Dharma. He sent Draupadi to inspire Yudhisthira to gear up for a war against Kauravas, in case they refuse to return their Kingdom [which was eventual given the nature of Kauravas].

Draupadi said "Oh King, it is not a Dharma to let the criminals go free, for they should be punished and this is the duty of a King."

Dharmaraj said "Man suffers by the will of the GOD, Kauravas have not insulted on their own without the will of the LORD, lest it is not right to keep a revengeful attitude towards them. Forgiveness is the best quality needed, moreover a war with Kauravas means killing Bheeshma and guru Drona, Kripa etc which is completely adharma and full of Sin. Please do not inspire me towards such heinous act, there is nothing wrong living rest of the life as hermits here. Be in your limits as wife and woman."

Seeing Yudhisthira adamant and melancholic, Bheema the wisest added "Oh king, listen to my words carefully

  • It is right both good and the bad are under the control of the GOD
  • But it is also true that a soul has to make efforts  
  • It is the efforts according to which a fruits are given by the Lord
  • Know this efforts to be also under the control of this LORD
  • One must make efforts [prayatna] to please God
  • Efforts should be in accordance with the law laid down by the God
  • Kshatriya should punish those who are against the laid down Law
  • Those who steal others property, wife, kingdom, and wealth
  • Those who kill people for the sake of wealth
  • Those who trouble other innocents without any purpose
  • All these are known as atatayis
  • There is no sin in killing these atatayis
  • Even if one surrenders, if he has committed those heinous crimes, he must still be killed
  • However this time he must be killed through one’s servants and not by self [king]
  • Kauravas are atatayis, there is no sin in killing them through war
  • Whatever is lost by giving to a woman [while being taken away by her beauty], in a gambling, and whatever given out of fear can always be taken back. There is no sin in it.
  • So make efforts towards war, without your permission we cannot wage war
  • One gets fruits due to action
  • Action is dependent on
  • Yogyata [Capacity]
  • Anadi Poorva Karma [past merits, horoscope]
  • Prayatna [efforts]
  • Yogyata is determined by the will power [Hatha]
  • Poorva janma karma is in accordance with the Yogyata
  • Prayatna follows the Poorva karma
  • All the three are under the control of God
  • But we must always do karma with prayatna
  • Prayatna should be full and sincere, as per the shastra
  • When there is complete proof of a action in accordance with all the three pramanas
  • Efforts should be made towards the object as laid in shastra
  • When one of the pramanas conflicts the stronger pramana should be adhered to, but efforts should still be made irrespective of consequences. It is only the efforts that qualifies the action to a fruit [phala."

  • Listening to this discourse Yudhisthira finally agrees to wage a war, and thanks his brother to have got him into the right path.

    Likewise Bheema is the Vayu present as breath in all of us, inspiring us to do the right karma, efforts is the only way with which we can show gratitude to this Jeevottama [the greatest among the souls].


    Sunday, 10 April 2022

    Shri Krishna, Astrology and HIS 16108 wives

    By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/22

    Shri Krishna was born in rohini nakshatra  with a moon sign Taurus. People born in this star are inimical to maternal uncles. Kamsa was maternal uncle of Shri Krishna whom Shri Krishna killed to relieve earth of a vile demon. Krishna was born when Taurus was rising with moon and Venus in it. seventh lord mars exalted in Capricorn (9th house), Saturn exalted in libra (6th house) since 10th was in sixth Krishna never had a kingdom of his ( all though entire universe is his kingdom shown by exalted 10th house). Sun was in Leo the 4th house. exaltation of seventh lord along with its depositor with Venus in own house, and aspect of moon on seventh makes one have innumerable wives. Lord Krishna had 16108 wives. Aspect of moon and venus on seventh house also makes one have affairs.  Krishna gave sexual pleasure to a kubja. He had rasaleela with gopika stree and Radha in gokula although he was only ten years old then.(kishoreavastha). Lord exists in everyone, it is he only who primarily enjoys in a human body and gives enjoyment to the soul too. He existed even in husbands of the gopika stree(s). there was nothing he did not know about their bodies as their husband, or there was nothing extra/new that they could offer to Krishna in the absence of their husbands. Hence Krishna did not have any allegations on him on account of these affairs. Look at the aspect of exalted Jupiter from third house on seventh. Aspect or association of jupiter with seventh house gives rise to shuchi yoga i.e.. one who is  extremely clean with respect to sexual conduct. He does not indulge in Vyabichara or illicit sex. Also this yoga gives one a pious and obedient wife Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Neela, Mitravinda, lakshana, Kalindi, Bhadra devi, and 16100 kanyas released from the prison of Jarasandha, 16108 wives.

    Shri Krishna married  Neeladevi in a swayamvara, that was more difficult than Draupadi swayamvar. In Draupadi swayamvar a warrior was supposed to pierce the eye of the fish fixed on rotating disc by aiming at the reflection of the disc in the water kept in a bowl below the disc.Arjuna successfully claimed Draupadi.

    But in Neela swayamvar, the fish was on the upper side of the rotating disc. The mirror in which the reflection need be seen was fixed below  the disc to the ground. There was a hole in the disc. The warrior had to watch the fish on the ceiling mirror once, hit his arrow through the hole observing it in the below mirror, it should get broken by another arrow hit through the hole and then when the broken arrow is in its trail  downwards, it should pierce the fish. Only Krishna could accomplish this feat rest all fail. Showing superiority of Krishna.

    to be continued……………………….

    Shri Krishnarpanamastu

    Astrology and importance of efforts

    By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/21 

    Astrological charts shows the effects of past karma. What is past karma, the deeds we have done through mind, speech and actions in the past lives. Are we not doing anything in this life as karma? Does this mean whatever Pooja, prayers ,good deeds I am doing now are only for next life? why then astrologers suggest remedy ? remedy that we do now are they not karma,do they give effect in this life or next life?

    Most of these questions we have answered in this article that karmas done in this life also contribute to the present and alters effects we reap now, but when things go wrong even after extreme efforts, we leave it to fate and become passive. Does shastras permit such kind of behaviour. is there any incident highlighting this conclusion.

    We shall examine few incidence :

    1. Dharmashastra says whatever lost in the gamble or whatever given to a wife can be taken back ,and should not be considered as commitment. Hence when Yudhisthira lost his Kingdom in a gamble to kauravas. He could have claimed it back. Even Vidur suggests Dhritarashtra to return Kingdom on account of above shastra. Bheemasena asks his brother Yudhistira to attack Hastinapur after 12 months of vanvasa, here for the purpose of keeping dharma 12 months of vanvasa was enough to have undergone 12 years (there are many types of years in astrology, chandra, saura, btahaspatya, nakshatri, savanmana, pitrumana, devmana, bramhamana, varying in number of days in a year, for various occasions various years need to be considered). This is dharma [right conduct]. But Yudhistira refuses (a tendency for lack of efforts). Finally when vanvasa is over Duryodhana refuses to accept chandraman, because he follows saura mana solar year of 365days, and according to him 12+1 years was not yet over still few months left, thus war breaks out due to dispute.
    2. Hanuman was a great astrologer too. He knew Ravana was to be killed by Rama, so even if he was capable of killing Ravana, he spared him many times. Yet when Ravan was taking away Seeta Devi, both Hanuman and Sugreeva watch him take away, since Rama had not yet approached Sugreeva, he preferred inaction, But Hanuman flew immediately (here Ramayana would have been over even before Rama meets Sugreeva), so Sugreeva stops him as an order from the king, Hanuman was minister. 
    3. Bheemasena and Duryodhana both were special beings as they did not require formal education to get their respective knowledge. Hence both from the day 1 of the birth knew that they were rivals and wanted to kill each other. Bheemasena had he been eldest among Pandavas, would have killed Duryodhana the day he was born, such is his zeal to perform duty towards the Lord Krishna. Yudhistira being eldest stops time and again to stretch Mahabharath to point where it is fought when Arjuna was 68 years old. Duryodhan was 70 years of age at the time of war.
    4. Lord Krishna makes an effort for peace between Kauravas and Pandavas, (though HE knew there would be a war eventually according to the great prediction of VedVyasa, who had written Mahabharath even before Bheeshma was born). He made an effort by selecting a suitable muhurtha named “maitra” on a Dwadashi  day. He went to Hastinapur proposed peace but was rejected and insulted by Shakuni.

     (Can we imagine God himself making a vain effort!)

    1. When vastraharan of Draupadi Devi was taking place, Draupadi devi had her fists completely clenching her sari (a sign of doubt on God and extreme confidence on one’s own strength, so that if god does not come to help at least I can still hold on to the saree and avoid being stripped) as Dushyasana was pulling it. Draupadi Devi was praying for help to Krishna, who had not yet come. Slowly Draupadi Devi realised she would not be able to hold on to the clasp of saree for long and hence she leaves the clasp and raises both hands to completely depend on God for help. Here Krishna appears losing no time and supplies reams of saree such that her honour is saved and Dushyasan faints.

    From above incidents we can conclude that, though astrology says (according to our past karma) we do not have luck to succeed immediately, we should not remain passive like Yudhistira and Sugreeva, but when it comes to duty we must immediately rush for it, irrespective of good days and bad days, irrespective of chances of success or failure according to Astrology (if there is no chance of success, we need not avoid a duty [avashya karma]) like Hanuman and Bheemasena. If there is really a destiny to negate our efforts then it would come in a Godly inspiration as in forms of Yudhistira as elder brother, or Sugreeva as a superior authority, and we are spared from the clutches of karma. If destiny is favourable we shall succeed.

    Effort is an Effort, it should be made sincerely with all the might and force. Situation like good time and bad time should not downsize our efforts especially those which are our prime duty. Success and failures are subject to God’s will. What counts for a soul is only efforts. In Bhagavadgeeta Arjuna asks "Hey Krishna what use is killing all my brethren and preceptors and relatives and friends, all I would get is only a kingdom that would end with my death as well is this war really worth it", Krishna says to Arjuna, "hey Arjun even if you don’t fight, I would still get all these people killed and that too by your own hands, but you shall go to hell for not obeying me. And you shall face disgrace in history for your cowardice too. But if willingly you fight you would attain my grace."

    A soul’s Karma is judged more on the basis of his efforts rather than outcome of his karma

    Sri krishnarpana