Showing posts with label curse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curse. Show all posts

Friday, 6 May 2022

Linga Lakshan

By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/07

  • The person with small ling [penis] will be rich  
  • Large ling will make one poor
  • Bent towards Left will give financial troubles and troubles from children
  • Bent towards right will have fortunate child
  • Bent downwards will give poverty
  • Visible nerves on the ling will give less children
  • Knotty ling will make one happy
  • Soft ling will give death due to diabetes
  • One testicles [anda] will give death by drowning
  • Uneven ‘and’ will make one run after females [lecher/flirt]
  • Even ‘and’ will become a leader
  • Stressed upwards ‘and’ will reduce longevity
  • And elongated long ‘and’ will make one live 100 years
  • If ‘mani’ [under/lower skin edge of penis] [lingagra] is red in colour man will be wealthy 
  • If mani is white and dirty [faded] man will lose his wealth
  • If while urinating there is noise then man will enjoy happiness
  • If there is no noise then one will become poor in later life
  • If urine falls clockwise in two three or four streams respectively then one becomes a king
  • Those who urinate in a dispersed manner face poverty
  • Only single stream urination will make one very beautiful but without children
  • Drop by drop urination will make one very learned
  • If there are bubbles while urination person is potent
  • Those whose ‘mani’ are raised ,even and viscous they will enjoy women wealth and precious stones in abundance
  • If centre of Mani is cut and small depressed They will give birth to only females
  • Those whose mani centre is raised will own many animals
  • If mani is absent they will be wealthy
  • Those whose semen smells like flowers become King
  • Those whose semen smells like honey will have many children
  • Very less semen will give female offsprings
  • Those whose semen smells like meat will enjoy many women and are addicted to sex
  • Those whose semen smells like alcohol will perform yagnya
  • Astringent smelling semen will give poverty
  • Those who finish satisfying copulation in a whisk live longer
  • Delayed ejaculation will give less life span
  • Six packs [natural] on stomach will make one learned
  • Four packs will make one enjoy many woman
  • Two packs will die by weapons
  • Eight packs will make one own a diary
  • No packs but stomach like that of lion will make one king
  • Uneven packs [two four six] will not give above result but man will have illicit relationships aka incest
  • Even packs or lines will make one turn away from other woman and be attached to only wife

Once on the banks of river Sarswati, all the rishis had gathered to perform satra yaga. The saptarishis were presiding. Just then rishis Narad came by and asked, all the humans are engaged in doing yaga japa etc, but who is actually receiving them in heavens, have they ever inspected this. Is it not right to inspect and find whether the Deities are capable/worthy of receiving these offerings and giving them fruits.

If it is truth then who is the supreme deity that receives these offerings and should be prayed to.

Kashyap then deputed Bhrigu muni to inspect and sent him to heavens. Sage Bhrigu went to Maharloka, and Shiva was busy with Parvati in ekanta and did not bother to welcome Bhrigu . Bhrigu cursed him that henceforth none should worship Shiva in his idol form but instead Shiva be worshipped in his LINGA form. Also he cursed one who partakes offerings to Linga lose his punya.

Then Bhrigu proceeded to Bramha and here too Bramha ignored him [Both Shiva and Bramha ignored on purpose to declare the supremacy of Vishnu, and it was not a disrespect to Muni or defect in their characteristics of getting engrossed in respective wife].

Bhrigu cursed Bramha that he be not worshipped at all on earth and let there be no temples in his name. Owing to this curse there are no Bramha temples in the world. Except at Pushkar which was constructed at the early stages of creation .

Then Bhrigu went to Vishnu, seeing Vishnu in Yoga nidra, he kicked him in the chest. Lord pacified Bhrigu by pressing his feet, this angered [mock anger] Laxmi. She left Shwetadweepa and settled in Kolahpur. Lord came down looking for her, ended up marrying Padmavati and then stood as TIRUPATI BALAJI.


Wednesday, 27 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/07/02

Utpat are of three types: 

  • Divya
  • Antariksha
  • Bhauma

Differences in the discs of Sun, Planets or Stars are known as Divya.

Ulka [comets], nirghat [meteors], Vayu vikar [windstorms], Parivesha [solar /lunar dispersion], Gandharva nagar [UFO], Indradhanush [rainbow], are all Antariksha utpat

Movable things if they become immovable or immovable things become movable on earth then it is Bhauma Utpat .

Shanti will alleviate Bhauma utpat. Antariksha utpat reduces its effect when shanti is performed. Divya Utpat does not calm down even after Shanti. Gold, food and cow and Prithvi [land] when donated reduces some UTPAT ill effects .

Divya Utpat can also be pacified by 1 Crore homa. [Koti homa].

King finds results of Divya Utpat in his body, son, treasury, vehicles, city, queen, chief, priest and subjects .

Shivaling, Devata statue and temples or places of worship when they dislocate, cry, sweat, or fall, or make some strange noises then it foretells death or danger to the King and his Kingdom.

When during festival in temples, if the grand vehicles [yatra ratha] breakdown, wheel gets stuck or over-turns, then it foretells bad future for the inhabitants and King.

When Draupadi Vasraharan was attempted by Dushyashan, temporarily all the greats in the Kuru family were mentally stuck by inertia [they were all stabdha] by the evil force of Kali, and Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, Drona and Kripa except Vidur none opposed the act.

Vikarna [brother of Duryodhan opposed the act saying this is adharma. But this was not out of any devotion to Krishna, or attachment to Pandavas, or extreme faith in Dharma. Vikarna wanted to show that he knows some dharma well, and wanted to exhibit it without any conviction.

Thus even after he opposed, Bheemasen vowed to kill all the 100 brother s of Kauravas. Bheema is apostle of Dharma, he cannot err. Yet If Vikarna was right then Bheemsen should have vowed for 99 people, but he vowed to eliminate all the 100. Gandhari did ask this question to Bheemsen in the end. Bheem explains, Vikarna had only shown intent on his knowledge exhibition and no conviction. Yet he also was party to imprisoning scheme of Krishna and rendered him a Vishnu Drohi, and hence was entitled to be killed by Bheemsen.

After the Bheemsen vow, there were UTPAT everywhere visible in the skies and earth trembled, there were heavy cries from owls, yagnyashala of Kauravas moved to a distance, there as a vile storm and heavy rains. Dhrtarashtra's throne trembled, his crown fell down and horses vomited blood. Owls and vultures cried loudly. All the AYga mantap lit automatically by fire. the statue of Kuru greats wept profusely.

Dhritarashtra called for Vidura and asked him the results of this Utpat. Vidura said "if you don't act oh great king you will be destroyed along with your sons and children. Bheemsen is very angry, and Draupadi can any moment curse you, this will close gates of heaven to you. and imminent downfall awaits your family".

Dhritarashtra afraid of curse of Draupadi asks Vidura a way out to escape calamity.

He says "return the Kingdom and husbands freedom for Draupadi". Dhritarastra asked "what's wrong in gaining a kingdom by his son in gambling, how does that entitle Bheemsen to wage war ?".

Vidura says "oh King, listen to the Dharma carefully, that which is given to a woman by her husband, that which is taken away from a pious Bramhin, or widowed woman, or a crippled soldier, or that which is lost in a gamble, all this can be taken back by force and there is no loss of dharma in it".

Dhritarashtra then pacifies Draupadi and asks her to seek a boon. Kshtriya woman does not seek any boons from other than husband. Vidura says three can be taken from the husbands father. Since Pandu is not alive Dhhrtarashtra is akin to father, and her father in-law so she can ask three boons from him. Vidura urges Dhritarashtra to bestow freedom to Draupadi, her husbands and third return of Kingdom lost in gamble.

Dhritarashtra obliges and returns all that is lost in the gamble along with freedom from slavery to Pandavs. Bheemsen says what has been given in fear is not a dana or boon but a an extract by themselves. Thus they as kshatriys cannot be said to have gained freedom in bhiksha. As Dhritarashtra gave these out of fear.

But great is the Satvik nature of Draupadi, that even in extreme trouble she did not curse Kauravas, but relied on Krishna to safeguard her honour . This is true Bhagavat dharma.


Saturday, 16 April 2022

Curse - An Astrological Perspective

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/16

Many a times we get such horoscopes where everything is fine, excellent positioning of planets, a good dasha, a good gochara, yet the person will be lamenting with problems. The source of problems unknown. All sorts of remedy towards the planet yield no results.

Such people usually  [if] know a few combinations of astrology, do point out, sir I have such and such yoga, but I have not yet got any such results. What is the reason for these sufferings?

Curse is the only answer for such cases. Careful observation leads to presence of curses in the horoscope, which does not allow the subject to enjoy any pleasures in the life. Old timers in astrology with experience proclaim that curse if present in a horoscope does not give fruits of normal yoga unless it is alleviated .

Curses are combination of planets irrespective of lagna sometimes operative on a horoscope. in fact every horoscopic combination indicates somke ind of  latent curse. Some take off early, some late in life, or few births away.

Till these curses are obsolved the subject does not gain fruits of his good karma. Just as if yogakaraka graha operates its dasha only after longevity is exhausted, no effect of raj yoga etc. can be seen [i.e. if raj yoga is present, but dasha giving this yoga is operation in 70’s, but the person dies before 60, then such yoga is fruitless.] similarly a curse ridden horoscope is useless in terms of giving the good results.

Curses are found in the horoscope by the placement of badhaka graha and its relation with sixth eighth and twelfth. The placement of badhaka in a inimical condition usually indicates curses.

What are curses?

A curse is a inimical thought of a helpless man/woman in condition of torment or annoyance. A curse can also be a order for fall from a powerful. A curse is a punishment from the heavens to the guilty when done with complete consciousness. A curse is a mitigation of excess favours one has to receive By GOD. [Like Gautam case]

In all curse has to be identified and then several remedies must be taken to mitigate them and receive the proper yogas fruits. Curse can only be mitigated by sincere apologies and prayaschita.

Sometimes curse conjoin a dynasty, especially ruling class when they falter they undergo curses from masses, and this can be seen in the way, coming generation suffer.

Such curses can only be removed by expert and empowered Yogis.



By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/16

If the Atmakaraka is in Scorpio navamsa, one will be troubled by snakes. If 8th lord is in sarpa drekkana or 22nd drekkana is sarpa drekkana then one will be troubled by snakes.

Once Bheemasena went to the forest for hunting. There in the forest, a python [ajagar] attacked Bheema and caught him in its grip. Bheemasena did not make any attempt to release himself. Bheemasena also did not attack it back. He stood still. Because of Bheema’s hard body, python was under distress while strangling, [if you grip a hard substance and press it hard, your hands pain]. Bheema was stronger and his body was tough, tougher than diamond, iron casts, and indra’s vajrayudha. Then Snake [python] asked few questions to Bheemasena, if answered it offered to leave him. Bheemasena did not offer to answer him. [One must not use Vidya to earn money or benefits, this applies to Bramhins, so also to Kshatriyas. One must not be vidyopajeevi]. Slowly Python started losing grip and tiring, its body started to pain and wither. The snake started losing strength. Bheemasena was in deep meditation of Narayana. That was his natural characteristic, and he was not meditating to get rid of snake. 

Who was the python? Why did Bheema not kill it?

Once when Indra had killed a demon named Vratrasura, the sin of Bramhahatya chased him [Vratrasura was Bramhin]. Fearing Bramhahatya he hid in a lotus stalk on the earth. The kingdom of Swarga was kingless, thus devatas decided to replace Indra with another worthy person. After long thought and discussion, it was decided the son of king AYU, Nahusha, who had done many yagnyas was worthy of sitting on the Indra’s throne. Thus a human king was selected to preside over the three worlds. Thus to enable him to rule over three worlds, they bestowed him with the boon that he would get all the punya and tapasya shakti of the one whom he sees. Thus Nahusha became the King of the three worlds .

Nahusha grew in strength day by day by acquiring the punya of everyone he saw. Thus he became arrogant with excess punya and lost his balance. He then demanded union with Shachi [the wife of earlier Indra] as he was Indra for all purpose now, he thought he was entitled to gain Shachi as well. All the sages grew anxious at the evil thought of Nahusha, but they could not stop him from doing sin as they were all powerless. Their power to curse him was no more as their punya and shakti would be his as he sees them.

Shachi was very scared, but there was none she could turn to. Indra had given her one advice before leaving the Swarga to be used in such situations. As Nahusha sent his emissary to her palace that he would arrive for her, she said she would accept only if he comes in a Palaki, which is carried by Agastya and other prominent Rishis. [She knew rishis would save her].

Nahusha ordered Agastya and others to carry him on their shoulders to Shachi’s palace. Sage Brigu was always present in the Jata [hairlocks ] of Agastya. Now while carrying Agastya initiated a discussion with Nahusha whether Vedas are pramana [valid statements ].

Intention was, if Nahusha says yes, then parastree sanga [cohabitating other woman] is prohibited in Vedas, then why was he doing such ghastly thing? If Nahusha persists then he will be entitled to curse!!!

But Nahusha was quick to grasp this intention and thus said, "he did not consider Vedas as Valid", Agastya persisted with argument of proving Vedas as valid, angered Nahusha kicked the jata of Agastya. Now Bhrigu was in the jata of Agastya, and he was not yet seen by the Nahusha and his powers were intact, thus cursed him "that he become python". [Those who copulate with friend’s wife's or wife's of elders become python in the next birth].

Nahusha prayed Bramha for relief, thus Bramha said when he will be effect-less against a human stronger than him, and if he does not budge to his grip and neither answers him, then all the punya gathered by him from rishis will be transferred to him, and he will be released from his curse.

Yudhisthira seeing apashakuna everywhere, enquired about Bheema, and started to look for him. There they found huge trees fallen in a arranged manner in the forest, it confirmed Bheema might have gone in that direction. [When Bheema runs, his mere touch of thighs towards forest trees fell them]. There Yudhisthira saw Bheema in the grip of struggling python. Yudhisthira asked python as what was his intention, it asked him few question, Yudhisthira answered them for Bheema, and Nahusha appeared in celestial form went away to Swarga.


Purpose of Remedy

By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/08

Most of us are always puzzled at the uncertainty that life exhibits! In such scenario we are perturbed at the thought of losing the things dear to us. We have a desire to acquire things that are not with us. Sometimes we succeed in acquiring the desired, and sometimes we fail to protect the loss of precious possession. Sometimes there is fear of loss, we feel threatened at the prospect of loss of money, fame and life. This brings in grief, the thoughts itself are disheartening and person is agitated. Those who are undergoing strenuous conditions in life, hope for better days to come. They live on hope. Everyone consults an astrologer for betterment! 

What can an astrologer do?

Astrologer can only predict. Predict what is destined in the horoscope. He is not the master of the destiny that horoscope reflects. What is the purpose of consultation? Sometimes it brings solace to the aggrieved. Sometimes an astrologer says, he is forewarning! Forewarning why? Is the astrologer a custodian of chronology of the world? Or can he regulate the chronology? The answer to both of these is no! Then what is the purpose of prediction?

When we read the above notes, we can see only indefiniteness, ambiguity in everything that is around us. For a successful life these very uncertainties should vanish. When you have a clear understanding of what you have to do and what you should not, when you have descended on earth, we say life is successful!

How to remove uncertainty? An astrologer helps in giving you a clear purpose of your life, and life events that a person is going to face. As per the nature of the individual, these events bear different impact on the person. Some improve upon their knowledge and understanding, some wither away in the pursuit of pleasure.

When faced with bad times, understanding of the cause of bad events gives rise to repentance towards the evil we have done. If this feeling arises in an individual, then remedies suggested by the Astrologers to nullify the evil works wonders and life progresses. But if individual feels remedies are a way out, for a past karma and can just get away from it by dana, homa, yagnya etc. Then thousands of such remedies, will never ever solve any problems. Sometimes remedies are prescribed to certain individuals whose events are unavoidable, remedies are performed and yet events takes place! Was remedy ineffective? If it was totally unavoidable event, then why did remedies were prescribed.

Remedies never go unanswered!!!!! Remedies work for different people in different people in different ways. For stronger characters, it gives strength to face the events. It gives a calmness of mind to digest events in all eventuality good or bad.

For advanced souls it helps in detachment of karma with its karma phala. For very determined soul it achieves the objective of the purpose of remedy irrespective of the outcome of Karma as destined. i.e.. Though Karma shows up in an un-avoiding manner, the end result does not affect the individual. Example: When Shachi devi, Parvati, Shaymala devi, Usha devi, were cursed by Bramha for being born as humans and married away to other than their husbands i.e. Indra , Rudra, Yama And Aswini devatas. They performed remedies of 1000 years of tapasya to appease Bharati Devi [wife of Vayu]. To protect them from losing their PATIVRATYA. [Being married to other than their husbands on earth would still tantamount to loss of pativratya]. But all these are blessed by Bharathi devi to protect their pativratya and yet the Bramha’s shapa [curse ] also was carried out. Thus was born Draupadi, Draupadi is the most PATIVRATA stree ever born and had yet had five husbands.

Had there been no remedy on part of these women then, they would be born as women on earth, but owing to their devata nature they would be extremely beautiful. In general these women are so chaste that they would marry only if their husbands would also be born on the earth else none else. But as Bramha had cursed them to lose their association with husband, the chances are Rakshasas can also take them away, this would mean loss of pativratya. To avoid this they did tapasya together in a single body of INDRASENA. Thus their remedies were answered, and Draupadi born out of Fire directly as a adult, was married to all the five Pandavas.

Krishna says "Ahalya, Draupadi, Tara, Tara, Mandodari Panchkanya smare nityam, panchpataka vinashayti" Note the word PanchKANYA, these are all the women who have some kind of blemish associated with them, yet their names when taken removes even those sins which God never forgives. That means these are special women and very auspicious. And the word Kanya is very interesting Lord uses the word kanya even though these are marries woman. This points to a new concept of Nitya Kanyatva.

Thus remedies work for those events also which are unavoidable. And all avoidable events definitely vanish with remedies. Like that in case of Chandrahasa, in case of Markandeya Dhruva etc.

So one must always undertake remedies with sincerity and devotion to obtain solace from graha and graha chara.
