Showing posts with label bhagavadgeeta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bhagavadgeeta. Show all posts

Friday, 15 April 2022

Anadi Karma

 By Sri Chiraan 2009/01/09

  • Anadi means that which does not have beginning. 
  • We suffer or enjoy due to past karma.
  • That means we have done some karma earlier that we are reaping today.
  • So in the previous birth, what were we suffering or enjoying? our past karma again.
  • So if we go back each janma [birth], we will say it was all but past karma.
  • So are we not getting into infinite regress.
  • Where does this past karma begin.
  • Are there any initial conditions.
  • Who determines these initial conditions.
  • Were they same for each of us?
  • If they were same then why did we all not respond to it in similar way?
  • If at all we had responded similarly, wouldn’t we be all in a same equal position with equal happiness and unhappiness.
  • In that case we would be in a static world.
  • But this is not so! Not only are we seeing the diverse world and diverse people but also diverse karma.
  • So initial conditions were not the same.
  • Were some initial conditions favourable to some and disadvantageous to others.
  • Then whoever has set these initial conditions he cannot be an impartial entity.
  • Is God responsible for these initial conditions? No.
  • Because God is Impartial.
  • Then is there really something called beginning of karma? No.
  • Because then it would give infinite regress.
  • Then what is this beginning of Karma? In fact it is beginning-less karma.
  • It is known as ANADI KARMA.
  • It is our linga deha.
  • It comes natural, as a banana fruit comes with a skin, as grains come with a outer layer.
  • So does soul comes into this world with a natural linga deha, which sets pretexts to karma.
  • This linga deha [anadi karma] loosens its grip on the soul as the soul goes through the series of experiences good and bad .
  • As it loosens completely it becomes porous enough for the soul to see itself.
  • As soul sees more and more of its self, we call it has enlightened.
  • Finally when it has a dip in Viraja river that separates this universe from Vaikuntha
  • It attains Moksha.

Shri Krishna says in Bhagavadgeeta while explaining Jnyana Yoga, "I had taught this yoga of Nishkaam karma to Surya [Vivaswan], he in turn told it to his son Vivaswat Manu. Manu taught it to Ikshvaku and slowly it spread to many rajarshis and other rishis as parampara. Then it lost into ignominy. You are my devotee and childhood friend thus I will reveal this most secret dictum to you”.

Arjuna says "Recent is your birth in the time, Surya was born many lakhs of years ago, then how did you teach him this yoga?"

Krishna says "You and I have taken many births already. I remember all of them, you do not know those auspicious births. I am beginning less and endless. My body and self is without end and enters prakruti through my own will. All my avataras are beginning-less and permanent. I only appear with my will, whenever there is lapse in Dharma and adharma vridhdhi, to punish the sinner and to uplift the Sadhus and to protect and establish Dharma".


Monday, 11 April 2022

Mahabharath, Astrology and loss of power of judgement

By Sri Chiraan 2008/11/04

Planets act in two ways on the humans. One is sthira jyotish, effects of planets at the time of birth. Second is chara jyotish, one that gives effect as the planets move in the heavens. While in movement when Saturn comes in fifth from the natal moon, man loses his power of judgement, however intelligent he may be. Example, when Pandavas were in exile, once two demons, [vichitrabahu, deerghashiras] one had his two hands emanating from the neck region instead of shoulders, another had unusually bigger head than the body. Now these two demons see Draupadi, a very beautiful women and plan to abduct her, So one demon disguises as a sadhu, and sits in the jungle and cries loudly. Pandavas approach him and ask for his problem and how they can help him. Sadhu says a demon has just taken away all his belongings and run away in the north direction. Arjuna senses someone in that direction and all of them run after the demon, leaving Draupadi behind by the side of Sadhu, entrusting her to him. Now After long chase Arjuna realises something is wrong, and Yudhistira hears cry’s of Draupadi. Arjuna climbs a tree and sees that Sadhu is carrying Draupadi on his shoulders and running away. Now Arjuna asks Yudhisthira to go after the Demon and HE himself runs back to Sadhu and Draupadi. Eventually Sadhu turns into a four handed Diety, Arjuna thinks he is  Vasudeva  stays stunned but the sadhu says he is gandharva and he has attained Moksha, and hence now he has four hands and leaves for Vaikuntha. Vichitra bahu is killed and everybody feels strange at their loss of power of judgement in leaving Draupadi unprotected . 

Arjuna deceives Balarama as Sadhu and elopes away with Subhadra. Balarama faces loss of power of judgement. Shalya was father in law of Nakula, he was very fond of good liquor. He comes to fight war of Mahabharatha from Pandavas side. But on his way he is given a great welcome, excellent hospitality, which he accepts thinking it being extended by Yudhisthira, But actually the entire arrangements were made by Suyodhana. He drinks liquor to his heart and later had to unwillingly fight on part of Kauravas as a token gesture of accepting hospitatlity. His unwillingness was completely displayed by his taunts on Karna as Shalya was forced to be Karna’s charioteer (sarathi) to fight Arjun. Here Shalya looses his power of Judgement.

Dronacharya knew his son was Chiranjeevi (one without death), yet when Yudhisthira says Ashwaththama is dead, he leaves his body to look for him in heavens. Loss of power of judgement by Dronacharya. After winning all the wars and establishing their rule on entire universe Nakula sends letter to Krishna to accept Dwarakas subordination to Hastinapur. A great mistake by Nakula towards Lord of entire creation who is subordinate to none. Loss of power of judgement by Nakula.

Yudhisthira (out of fear) refusing to conduct Rajasuya Yagnya till Jarasandha is killed. He thought none (Krishna, Arjuna, Bheema) could kill Jarasandha. Loss of power of judgement. Sahadeva scorns at Krishna for not saving them from disgrace, even though they were so dear to him. Loss of power of judgement.

Arjuna refuse to fight Mahabharatha WAR after having a look at the opponents, leaves Gandiva Bow and sits in his Chariot, disheartened. Krishna Gives Gitopadesha to remove his loss of power of Judgement.


Sunday, 10 April 2022

Astrology and importance of efforts

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/21 

Astrological charts shows the effects of past karma. What is past karma, the deeds we have done through mind, speech and actions in the past lives. Are we not doing anything in this life as karma? Does this mean whatever Pooja, prayers ,good deeds I am doing now are only for next life? why then astrologers suggest remedy ? remedy that we do now are they not karma,do they give effect in this life or next life?

Most of these questions we have answered in this article that karmas done in this life also contribute to the present and alters effects we reap now, but when things go wrong even after extreme efforts, we leave it to fate and become passive. Does shastras permit such kind of behaviour. is there any incident highlighting this conclusion.

We shall examine few incidence :

  1. Dharmashastra says whatever lost in the gamble or whatever given to a wife can be taken back ,and should not be considered as commitment. Hence when Yudhisthira lost his Kingdom in a gamble to kauravas. He could have claimed it back. Even Vidur suggests Dhritarashtra to return Kingdom on account of above shastra. Bheemasena asks his brother Yudhistira to attack Hastinapur after 12 months of vanvasa, here for the purpose of keeping dharma 12 months of vanvasa was enough to have undergone 12 years (there are many types of years in astrology, chandra, saura, btahaspatya, nakshatri, savanmana, pitrumana, devmana, bramhamana, varying in number of days in a year, for various occasions various years need to be considered). This is dharma [right conduct]. But Yudhistira refuses (a tendency for lack of efforts). Finally when vanvasa is over Duryodhana refuses to accept chandraman, because he follows saura mana solar year of 365days, and according to him 12+1 years was not yet over still few months left, thus war breaks out due to dispute.
  2. Hanuman was a great astrologer too. He knew Ravana was to be killed by Rama, so even if he was capable of killing Ravana, he spared him many times. Yet when Ravan was taking away Seeta Devi, both Hanuman and Sugreeva watch him take away, since Rama had not yet approached Sugreeva, he preferred inaction, But Hanuman flew immediately (here Ramayana would have been over even before Rama meets Sugreeva), so Sugreeva stops him as an order from the king, Hanuman was minister. 
  3. Bheemasena and Duryodhana both were special beings as they did not require formal education to get their respective knowledge. Hence both from the day 1 of the birth knew that they were rivals and wanted to kill each other. Bheemasena had he been eldest among Pandavas, would have killed Duryodhana the day he was born, such is his zeal to perform duty towards the Lord Krishna. Yudhistira being eldest stops time and again to stretch Mahabharath to point where it is fought when Arjuna was 68 years old. Duryodhan was 70 years of age at the time of war.
  4. Lord Krishna makes an effort for peace between Kauravas and Pandavas, (though HE knew there would be a war eventually according to the great prediction of VedVyasa, who had written Mahabharath even before Bheeshma was born). He made an effort by selecting a suitable muhurtha named “maitra” on a Dwadashi  day. He went to Hastinapur proposed peace but was rejected and insulted by Shakuni.

 (Can we imagine God himself making a vain effort!)

  1. When vastraharan of Draupadi Devi was taking place, Draupadi devi had her fists completely clenching her sari (a sign of doubt on God and extreme confidence on one’s own strength, so that if god does not come to help at least I can still hold on to the saree and avoid being stripped) as Dushyasana was pulling it. Draupadi Devi was praying for help to Krishna, who had not yet come. Slowly Draupadi Devi realised she would not be able to hold on to the clasp of saree for long and hence she leaves the clasp and raises both hands to completely depend on God for help. Here Krishna appears losing no time and supplies reams of saree such that her honour is saved and Dushyasan faints.

From above incidents we can conclude that, though astrology says (according to our past karma) we do not have luck to succeed immediately, we should not remain passive like Yudhistira and Sugreeva, but when it comes to duty we must immediately rush for it, irrespective of good days and bad days, irrespective of chances of success or failure according to Astrology (if there is no chance of success, we need not avoid a duty [avashya karma]) like Hanuman and Bheemasena. If there is really a destiny to negate our efforts then it would come in a Godly inspiration as in forms of Yudhistira as elder brother, or Sugreeva as a superior authority, and we are spared from the clutches of karma. If destiny is favourable we shall succeed.

Effort is an Effort, it should be made sincerely with all the might and force. Situation like good time and bad time should not downsize our efforts especially those which are our prime duty. Success and failures are subject to God’s will. What counts for a soul is only efforts. In Bhagavadgeeta Arjuna asks "Hey Krishna what use is killing all my brethren and preceptors and relatives and friends, all I would get is only a kingdom that would end with my death as well is this war really worth it", Krishna says to Arjuna, "hey Arjun even if you don’t fight, I would still get all these people killed and that too by your own hands, but you shall go to hell for not obeying me. And you shall face disgrace in history for your cowardice too. But if willingly you fight you would attain my grace."

A soul’s Karma is judged more on the basis of his efforts rather than outcome of his karma

Sri krishnarpana