Showing posts with label hanuman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hanuman. Show all posts

Monday, 1 August 2022

Sri Ramchandra Vishwaroopa - Triumph of Sri Rama Over Ravan

By Sri Chiraan 2009/09/28

Dassehara marks the muhurta Vijaya in which Ravana was killed by Sriram. This muhurta Namely Vijaya is very auspicious and brings only success. No planetary position is to be studied to start any work /venture on this day. The venture [shubh karya] on this day is definitely successful. 

Normally Vishwaroopa word is associated with Srikrishna avatara only. But even in Ramaavatara lord has shown Vishwaroopa of different kind astonishing to the entire world of humans devatas and rakshasas.

After the death of Indrajit, Ravan sent his moola bala [the core army] to fight the vanar sena of SriRAMA.

What was moolbala?

Moolbala of Ravan was 36000 akshouhini in number. Each member of this army was as powerful as Ravan himself. These were unassailable by the boon of BRAMHA. These are huge in number Lanka had no space to keep it so Bramha had given another boon to hide hem in a cave.

36000 akshouhini is a huge number [Note: many people feel Ramayana war was  simple war with limited warriors! but this is not true, the magnitude of Ramayana war was multitude times more larger and difficult than Mahabharata war. Mahabharta war was fought among only 18 akshouhini soldiers. But imagine 36000 akshouhini soldiers attacking simultaneously]. In few minutes Srirama killed entire moolabala. HOW?

Army like a ocean of elephants with waves of chariots driven by horses like wild amphibians rushed towards a fire of volcano namely SRIRAM.

Like a flames of weapons surrounded by smoke of dust the army moved like the fire [sanvartak agni] during pralaya. Such army like a tornado swirled entire trees and vanar [monkeys] alike in its whirl. The entire kapi sena succumbed in this davagni.

Seeing their army being rooted, fallen and perishing, Sugriva Neel and Angad ran to protect it. But their efforts seemed like a twig struggling in the tsunami. The boon of Bramha to the army of Ravana was making it unstoppable and slowly overpowering the monkeys were proceeding towards the Lord Rama like a patang insect running towards the fire.

The army fought with Rama with shataghni, shakti, parigh shool, gada, khadga, tomar, pattish, bhindipala and arrows and astras.

This scene created various thoughts in the minds of people [according to the quality, nature of the soul, their thoughts varied wrt Sriram faced with 36000 X 108 crore army. It was one man versus 38880000 million soldiers].

Some thought how can one man fight with such a huge army?

While some others thought Perhaps Lord will win over this!

While knowledged thought Sriram will kill all these playfully.

According to the jeevas and their intrinsic nature, tamas souls doubted Ram’s ability. Rajas souls were confused as regards to Ram, and Satvik souls had complete faith in Ram. As Ram took his arrows onto his golden bow it brought happiness to suras and unhappiness to asuras.

In single instance Ram delivered infinite arrows, it hit some of the elephants in the head, some in the trunk and some in the legs and finished the army section by section even before it approached the Lord.

The soldiers on the Horses and chariots who never faced defeats earlier fell from their horses and chariots like the souls falling from swarga after the exhausting punya. Like terrific waves calming at the shores the waves of the soldiers emanating from the Ravana ‘s army silenced at the footsteps of RAMA. Just as the heavy rains settles the dust on the earth the infinite arrays of arrows from Ram settled the rows of soldiers with swords running towards him. THE HEADS OF  senapatis who could vanquish the Devatas in previous wars rolled due to the use of Javelins by Ram.

But the onlookers could never see Ram taking the arrow, pulling the string or releasing the arrows towards the army, they could only see the Ram in a static position. At times they could see various positions of Ram.

Note: here author of Mool Ramayana is explaining the existence of persistence of vision in humans. When killing crores of people the arrows have to be shot in multitudes and at a pace faster than the 1/10 th of a second. That means Ram was shooting arrows in less than the 1/10th of seconds and he was shooting thousands in seconds, as human eyes cannot distinguish any events taking place within 1/10 th of the second, the events of RAMA taking arrows and releasing it through his bow were not witnessed by the onlooker's, they could only see the army vanishing and dying but Rama was still to their eyes.

[For example when a wheel with spokes is rotated with speed , the spoke becomes invisible]

Suddenly SRIRAM took in a single moment 100, 1000, lakh, crore, kharva, mahaougha number of arrows and released them without missing the aim.

sa yougapadyen shatam sahasram laksham cha saakshad vilaksha eiva |

kotim cha kharvam  cha mahaugham munchannishonesha ripun jhaghaan ||

This shloka of Ramayana shows that there were more than mahougha i.e. 1000 crore soldiers which Rama killed in single attempt.

Then even if he could kill these soldiers with his single roopa, Lord to show his prowess showed Vishwaroopa. This was different than the vishwaroopa of Srikrishna avatara. Srikrishna showed in one single roopa showed entire universe, but here ShriRAm showed many infinite roopas at a single instance.

Rama suddenly multiplied in his roopa.

Rama on the earth, Rama in space far away Rama, near by Rama, Rama among the shatru sena. Rama among the monkeys, every where there was Rama. There was no space left where he could not be seen.

Ramah purastat partopi ramo ramah param dikshu vidikshu ramah |

ramairanatairiti vishvarupo nighnannaratin virraj ramah ||

Looking at anant Rama and looking at infinite qualities in each of the infinite Rama devatas were happy and remained in a meditative pose. Rooting the enemies Rama with lotus like eyes and bluish hue of Indraneelamani was prayed by the people gathered to witness this astonishing event.

Some Ram roopa were holding the arrows and bow, some were destroying enemies, some were observing the war themselves. This scene was very illusive to the three worlds [it was akin to Krishna seen simultaneously with all 16108 wives].

Some Rakshas who had opened mouth to eat monkeys, Rama had already shut them with arrows. Seeing the enemies perishing some Rama roopas were clapping and enjoying. Some were smiling. The presence of monkeys and their army was really of no use to Sri Ram to fight Ravan. This astonishing act of Rama established it.

As one lamp can lit the many lamps and all these lamps will alight alike, so did Rama emanate from one roopa to infinite vishwaroopa. They were all equal and Rama only and no different from him. As larger wick gave larger light and smaller wick made smaller light, so did the various roopas differed in size but yet they were all Rama, and were no different from Lord Rama the supreme. They were deathless, beautiful and complete with infinite qualities.

Rama also merged all the roopas into one again. Just as all the wicks when brought together merge as single large lamp. Thus Lord proved he was special and different from others.

Ravan after hearing the destruction of his moolabala, prepared himself for his death. He was totally devastated. He proceeded to war. Ravan hit by the arrows of Rama fell unconscious for 48 minutes. In the meanwhile agastya muni came near Rama and asked him to recite aditya hrudaya [Sriman Narayana as present in Surya] Aditya hrudaya is vyakhyana for dheya sada… dhyan shloka of Gayatri dhyana..

To show to the world that Aditya hrudaya is best shatru mardan mantra Rama recited it, and not that Rama could not kill Ravan without it. Rama himself is the light in the Sun.

Ravan got up and used various astras on Rama, Ram cut all the ten heads of Ravan. But they sprang back by the boon of Bramha. Earlier such a incident had never taken place, i.e. heads of Ravana had never been cut earlier by any devata or manav. So only to show that Bramha had given such a boon to Ravan, Rama made scope for such event. Finally when all the devatas prayed, SHRIRAM used Ram bana and RAVAN fell to this very special arrow greater than bramhstra. The mukhyaprana is the abhimani devata of Ram bana. Thus After killing RAVANA it went into the earth and then came back to the Ram. Thus Ram showed he uses only Vayu to punish the evil in this world.

Happy Dussehra! 


Saturday, 16 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/02/04

Abhramam Bhangarahitam Ajadam Vimalam sada! Anandteerthamatulam Bhaje tapatrayapaham!!

  • Madhvacharya is the incarnation of LORD HANUMAN.[MukhyaPrana].
  • What is the purpose of this Avatar? 
    Eternally evil and good [tamasic jeevas and satvik jeevas] are at loggerheads. Tamasic jeevas continue their dwesha sadhana, birth after births, and satvik souls progress in Bhakti sadhana birth after births.
  • Round 1:
  • Tamasic souls initially in the SATYA yuga, due to yuga prabhava, also tend to do good and accumulate lot of punya. In the tretayuga these acquire merits to get good births, but as dharma is on three legs, there is scope for some mischief and adharma within limits. So most of the tamasic souls resort to adharma in an inhibited manner. This is not liked by God. Tamasic souls as long as they are inhibited, they are not entitled to being killed. Only uninhibited sinning entitles one to killing. Thus God and [Mukhyaprana] enact a plan, they send their own man [devotee] Ravana to go berserk with uninhibited crimes. All the tamasic souls [given their nature to sin] align and group themselves under Ravana. Declare him as their King, inspired by his uninhibited prowess. Now Lord and Hanuman [this is first Avatar] came down as Vanar and finished entire rakshasa clan gathered under Ravana in one single go.
  • Round 2:
    All the Rakshasas gather and decide, why are they always defeated by Lord Vishnu and killed. Now if only Lord Vishnu does not interfere, then its purely Rakshasas and Devatas. Devatas are very emotional people, so if we are all born as their relatives then there will be no stopping for us and we can freely sin. [So think Rakshasas and take birth as brothers uncle and relatives of Devatas] all are born as Kshatriyas. Krishna did not fight, Bheemasena [ second Avatar] and Arjuna killed all the relatives [with the effect of Bhagavadgeeta by Krishna] without mamatva [me and mine].
    This strategy of Rakshasas failed. Krishna and Bheema won again in Dwaparayuga.

  • Round 3:
    Rakshasas gathered at the Meru top and discussed, why does Lord favour Devatas and good people? Because these people pray him through the teachings of Vedas and Puranas.
    What if these are misled from the path of God. [Lord will automatically stop his grace towards these good people as they faulter].
    So what is the way to faulter good people from righteousness? Just misinterpret the meaning of Vedas and Puranas. Just let it be shown that they actually mean nothing, they are all false [mithya] etc. Such misinterpretation is only possible and believable if it comes from the mouth of Sanyasi's, learned Bramhins, and other influential people. So all the Rakshasas took birth in Kaliyuga as Bramhins and religious teachers, and established many philosophies and misinterpreted Vedas, Puranas, and other shastras to suit the ways of sinning. Kaliyug as it were, the tendency of sinning is natural, as dharma is only on one single leg. Also Gautam rishi had cursed all the Bramhins and learned to lose their learnings in the beginning of the Kaliyuga. Aiding all these, many ways of reaching God concept gained popularity, and people at large got deluded from the actual path of Sanatan dharma, and many alternate ways of life emerged. This lead to fall of yagnya, dharma, karma and other Vedic ways of life.
  • Everywhere a new teacher gave sermons on a new interpretation to Vedas. The world was pushed into Chaos.
  • Slowly people lost faith in the dharma and became atheists by the onslaught of charvaak and other materialistic philosophies. Slowly absence of God [Nirishwar waada], also gained strength. When world was reeling under this situation, all the devatas requested Lord Vishnu to re-establish the real meaning of Vedas. Lord has no Avatar in Kaliyuga, thus Mukhyaprana came down as Madhvacharya [Moolaguru Jagadguru third avatar] to dispel the misinterpretation of Vedas, and establish the correct Dharma and ways of reaching GOD.
  • This is known as Tattvavada.
  • He showed the lapses and lacuna in all the 21 prevalent interpretations of Vedas and established Madhva Sidhdhanta through profound pramanas [proofs].
  • And thus even in the third round of Vaagyudhdha [war of words] Devatas emerged victorious.
    The satvik found the right path to Moksha.
  • Na Madhava samo Devo, Na Madhva samo Guru
    !! Acharya Srimadacharya Santu me Janma Janma ni!!
  • There is no God equal to or Greater than Madhav and no teacher like Madhva! Let Acharya Srimadaanandateertha be my guru in this birth and birth after birth.

Today is Madhva Navami. By the grace of Shri  SarvagnyaAcharya  I have completed 100 posts. I hope readers are benefiting from these writings. Let us all take blessings of the great Guru to achieve Grace of Lord Narayana.


Sunday, 10 April 2022

Astrology and importance of efforts

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/21 

Astrological charts shows the effects of past karma. What is past karma, the deeds we have done through mind, speech and actions in the past lives. Are we not doing anything in this life as karma? Does this mean whatever Pooja, prayers ,good deeds I am doing now are only for next life? why then astrologers suggest remedy ? remedy that we do now are they not karma,do they give effect in this life or next life?

Most of these questions we have answered in this article that karmas done in this life also contribute to the present and alters effects we reap now, but when things go wrong even after extreme efforts, we leave it to fate and become passive. Does shastras permit such kind of behaviour. is there any incident highlighting this conclusion.

We shall examine few incidence :

  1. Dharmashastra says whatever lost in the gamble or whatever given to a wife can be taken back ,and should not be considered as commitment. Hence when Yudhisthira lost his Kingdom in a gamble to kauravas. He could have claimed it back. Even Vidur suggests Dhritarashtra to return Kingdom on account of above shastra. Bheemasena asks his brother Yudhistira to attack Hastinapur after 12 months of vanvasa, here for the purpose of keeping dharma 12 months of vanvasa was enough to have undergone 12 years (there are many types of years in astrology, chandra, saura, btahaspatya, nakshatri, savanmana, pitrumana, devmana, bramhamana, varying in number of days in a year, for various occasions various years need to be considered). This is dharma [right conduct]. But Yudhistira refuses (a tendency for lack of efforts). Finally when vanvasa is over Duryodhana refuses to accept chandraman, because he follows saura mana solar year of 365days, and according to him 12+1 years was not yet over still few months left, thus war breaks out due to dispute.
  2. Hanuman was a great astrologer too. He knew Ravana was to be killed by Rama, so even if he was capable of killing Ravana, he spared him many times. Yet when Ravan was taking away Seeta Devi, both Hanuman and Sugreeva watch him take away, since Rama had not yet approached Sugreeva, he preferred inaction, But Hanuman flew immediately (here Ramayana would have been over even before Rama meets Sugreeva), so Sugreeva stops him as an order from the king, Hanuman was minister. 
  3. Bheemasena and Duryodhana both were special beings as they did not require formal education to get their respective knowledge. Hence both from the day 1 of the birth knew that they were rivals and wanted to kill each other. Bheemasena had he been eldest among Pandavas, would have killed Duryodhana the day he was born, such is his zeal to perform duty towards the Lord Krishna. Yudhistira being eldest stops time and again to stretch Mahabharath to point where it is fought when Arjuna was 68 years old. Duryodhan was 70 years of age at the time of war.
  4. Lord Krishna makes an effort for peace between Kauravas and Pandavas, (though HE knew there would be a war eventually according to the great prediction of VedVyasa, who had written Mahabharath even before Bheeshma was born). He made an effort by selecting a suitable muhurtha named “maitra” on a Dwadashi  day. He went to Hastinapur proposed peace but was rejected and insulted by Shakuni.

 (Can we imagine God himself making a vain effort!)

  1. When vastraharan of Draupadi Devi was taking place, Draupadi devi had her fists completely clenching her sari (a sign of doubt on God and extreme confidence on one’s own strength, so that if god does not come to help at least I can still hold on to the saree and avoid being stripped) as Dushyasana was pulling it. Draupadi Devi was praying for help to Krishna, who had not yet come. Slowly Draupadi Devi realised she would not be able to hold on to the clasp of saree for long and hence she leaves the clasp and raises both hands to completely depend on God for help. Here Krishna appears losing no time and supplies reams of saree such that her honour is saved and Dushyasan faints.

From above incidents we can conclude that, though astrology says (according to our past karma) we do not have luck to succeed immediately, we should not remain passive like Yudhistira and Sugreeva, but when it comes to duty we must immediately rush for it, irrespective of good days and bad days, irrespective of chances of success or failure according to Astrology (if there is no chance of success, we need not avoid a duty [avashya karma]) like Hanuman and Bheemasena. If there is really a destiny to negate our efforts then it would come in a Godly inspiration as in forms of Yudhistira as elder brother, or Sugreeva as a superior authority, and we are spared from the clutches of karma. If destiny is favourable we shall succeed.

Effort is an Effort, it should be made sincerely with all the might and force. Situation like good time and bad time should not downsize our efforts especially those which are our prime duty. Success and failures are subject to God’s will. What counts for a soul is only efforts. In Bhagavadgeeta Arjuna asks "Hey Krishna what use is killing all my brethren and preceptors and relatives and friends, all I would get is only a kingdom that would end with my death as well is this war really worth it", Krishna says to Arjuna, "hey Arjun even if you don’t fight, I would still get all these people killed and that too by your own hands, but you shall go to hell for not obeying me. And you shall face disgrace in history for your cowardice too. But if willingly you fight you would attain my grace."

A soul’s Karma is judged more on the basis of his efforts rather than outcome of his karma

Sri krishnarpana 

Rama, Astrology and Hanuman

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/20

Hanuman was born in Poorvabhadra nakshatra, Meena Rasi, moon sign Pisces. Since this sign is 9th in an angle (kona) to cancer, this shows natural compatibility with Ram. His thoughts matched that of Rama, his actions were acceptable and in accordance with Rama’s plan. Hanuman born in cancer ascendant with Jupiter in ascendant in simhasanamsa, Saturn in devalokamsa, and mars in paravatamsa, indicates limitless longevity, he is still living in Kimpurush Khanda of Bhuloka. Lord Ram dedicated his Roopa to Hanuman to exclusively worship.

Person born in cancer ascendant with Jupiter and moon there, with Venus and mercury in angles enjoy limitless longevity amitaayu. All people with extraordinary longevity are born,when cancer rises and few brilliant combinations. Other ascendants invariably kills man.

Hanuman never faced any death like situation in his entire avatara, even bramhastra also only bound him (that he permitted it). His tail was set afire, did agni (fire) cause him any heat and burn? No. Hanuman was hotter than fire, how ? Lanka was a fire poof city, ordinary fire could not burn it, then Hanuman burnt Lanka. Was it with fire in his tail (no chanc), He burnt it with heat (tejas) emanating from his body. He  killed 85 crore rakshas in ashoka vatika in just an hour. Later he killed 1/3 of the Ravanas’ army. What an assault! Single handily.

When Indrajit used Nagapasha astra, whole of the vanar sena (monkey army) died. Laxmana fell unconscious, Rama too became immovable, closed his eyes, sumanta (brahaspati), jambavanta (immortal) was also immobilized  but were breathing.

Here interesting dialogue takes place between brahaspati and dharma (jambavanta). Brahaspati says "oh elder one, all of us were fooled by this mortal Rama, we all thought he was God and followed HIM to this war, Indrajit has finished the entire army, look Rama is also lying dead. You were wise and elder to all of us, how could you mislead us all into this  misfortune, lying and waiting for death in the battlefield. I say there is no GOD, else how come these Asuras have triumphed today, we supposedly fighting for Dharma (righteousness) have failed miserably."

(Brahaspati is author of the great nyaya shastra ( Logic), which essentially undermines presence of GOD. His comments reflect this atheist conclusion)

Jambavan (represents Dharma) replies "oh learned priest, you are mistaken, my experience cannot betray me, Lord Rama is indeed God, here he might be enacting  some leela. (playful act), just look around and see if anyone is alive."

Brahaspati says "All are dead except Hanuman who seem to be intact",  Jambavan says "then we are all are intact just take shelter in Hanuman, have faith in him, we will be out of troubles."

When these were engaged in fruitless discussion, Hanuman spared no time in flying to Himalayas to bring sanjeevani. Himalayas are two, one beyond Kashmir, uttaranchal, and another bordering BharatKhanda and Kimpurush khanda. Hanuman looks for herbs since they are not visible (these herbs make themselves visible to the needy). Even when God’s army needed these herbs showed arrogance, hence Hanuman uprooted entire mountain,

Now a mountain means an entire ecosystem. There are tribes living on a mountain, animals, trees many inhabitants with their houses, children and flora and fauna. Uprooting it would mean bringing an earthquake like situation, creating chaos and danger to this ecosystem. These living beings on this mountain would be left devastated, uprooting would leave a big hole there on the earth. Did Hanuman disturb this creatures on the mountain?

No, Hanuman executed a lateral blow to the Mountain such that it slided on to his fist without even disturbing a smallest pebble stone on the mountain, the cut left no hole but a clean level playground. Hanuman flew towards Lanka, mountain had four herbs, Sashailikarni, Savrittikarni, Savarnikarni, and Sanjeevani. These herbs acted just by their smell alone, application of herbs was not necessary.

In a war many weapons and missiles are used, some pierce body and break bone and cuts and wounds and some die. If some one injured is treated, his bones may be set, his cuts may be stitched, but still he would look horrible, disfigured and would perhaps prefer death than this ugliness, His mental wounds would never be pacified. So much for a WAR.

These herbs automatically removes pieces of missiles from the body (sashailikarni), sets the bones stronger (savrittikarni), stitches the wounds and brings back normal skin colour and hue (savarnikarni) and if somebody’s dead it brings them back to life (sanjeevani). Hanuman brings all of these (entire army) back to life. Laxmana is also cured. Brahaspati and Jambavan recover. Hanuman does not go back to Himalaya to keep the mountain. He tosses the mountain playfully with his left hand, such that it sits back at its original place more intact than before without disturbing anyone

All this happened in a just three NIMISHA. Nimisha is a time taken by a person to wink his eyelids, even before one could wink thrice, whole army was upright and more charged and waiting to finish Indrajit. What a feat by Hanuman! A mans’ accomplishments earns appreciation only when we know how difficult the task was, how remote was a possibility of the solution, and how perfectly it was executed and how easily it was achieved, speaks volumes of the intelligence, valour, capacity, strength and knowledge of Hanuman.

After this Hanuman garlands Lord Rama with both hands and takes almost 1 1/2 hour to complete this task. (This for him was more serious and important task requiring his greater attention).

Philosophic interpretation of the above incident:   There are times in this world when evil takes over reigns, everything is smashed, even GOD appears to be silent, people with usual and ordinary intellect declare non existence of truth. All can get smashed, but knowledge and Dharma still survives. (jambavan) Hanuman. (devotion, unattachment, divine teachings) always remain intact. We face many such situation in life when there is only gloom and no hopes, God does not seem to help us, we think of HIM as otherwise. There seems to be no solution to our problems. Solution if one exists, it is highly remote (like himalayas) and sometimes unthinkable (like sanjeevani miraculous  does not appear), but instead of arguing about our misfortunes and debating on presence of GOD (like Brahaspati), if we stick to devotion and think of Hanuman (like jambavan), however impossible our state may be, however impossible the recovery may be, he is going to get it for us in just three winks, even before you finish your worship, your sanjeevani is there to rejuvenate you. In this world when we are attacked with evil designs, misfortunes, our state of mind is beyond repair, even if we seek some worldly remedies our state is still disfigured like a wounded soldier in the war.

But think of Hanuman, all your problems are solved. This incident Rama has enacted only to highlight Hanuman. Thinking of God present elsewhere doesn’t help people. Thinking of God as present in Hanuman brings invincible results .

Such is the greatness of Hanuman Jai Hanuman .    
