By Sri Chiraan 2009/06/20
Moon indicates mind in astrology. Moon also indicates ability to attract near and dears. Moon indicates royal favours and cheers from subjects. Moon also indicates hasty decisions. Moon indicates able ruler and his heirs. Moon is the dynasty. Moon also indicates manes.
Abhimanyu was the incarnation of moon. Abhimanyu was Angad in his previous life in Ramayana. Arjun was Vali. He carried forward his runanubandha even in this life.
Due to extreme devotion Angad had in Rama, Abhimanyu became very dear to Krishna.
When mind is firmly fixed in the Lord Ram, then no evil can even enter your mind, or disturb your gait / goal and resolution. Although every type of evil is ever engaged in disturbing / moving the tranquil of the brain and mind. Such a mind when fixed in Rama becomes firm just like Angad put his step firmly on the ground taking the name of Lord Ram. None in the court of Ravan could even move it leave aside uproot it. All the demons [various sins, evil thoughts] tried their best to move Angad’s feet but without success.
A firm resolute mind is only possible when it is fixed unconditionally towards Ram. Your mind automatically purifies, and achieves the great feat. Even under hostile circumstances it fears not to convey the message of RAM.
Abhimanyu learnt great Vidya by Lord Krishna in the womb. Lord impregnates mind with multitudes of capacity. Abhimanyu was dear to all the Pandavas. Abhimanyu represents half knowledge .
With half knowledge one can never come out of delusion [padmavyuha] called life. Logic cannot help in gain victory over senses. Neither it helps solve mystery of life. When mind is not fully equipped it keeps revolving in padmavyuha.
When such a mind is not accompanied by [Bheema, Yudhisthir, Nakul, Sahadev], i.e.. perfect knowledge & devotion towards divine, Dharma [do’s and don’ts], good neeti and conduct.
Though it can successfully tackle problems of life but cannot overcome it. When such accompaniment fails due to interference owing to lust [Jayadrath], it is severally attacked by jealousy [Karna], ego [Ashvaththama], sense of dejection [Kripa], greed [Duryodhan], perverted knowledge [Dushyashan], and confusion [Shakuni] all aided by atheism [Drona].
Such an unprepared mind is afflicted severally by these, and there is no hope whatsoever about escape from such a situation. One gets lost into such delusion named chakravyuha. One ends up with his head hit by the mace of [Kushashtra], son of Dushyashan [perverted knowledge gives birth to delusive scriptures and beliefs].
Such Chakravyuha can only be successfully tackled by Arjun [shravan, manan, dhyana] directed by Lord Krishna in body, which is purified by the presence of Hanuman .
Always engage the mind in the practice of meditation of Lord, else one will get stuck in the chakravyuha of life, never to come out of it afflicted by shadvairy [six enemies of kama, krodha, lobh, mada, moha, matsarya]. Never leave the company of dharma, gyana, neeti and suvartan.
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