Saturday, 16 April 2022

Curse - An Astrological Perspective

By Sri Chiraan 2009/03/16

Many a times we get such horoscopes where everything is fine, excellent positioning of planets, a good dasha, a good gochara, yet the person will be lamenting with problems. The source of problems unknown. All sorts of remedy towards the planet yield no results.

Such people usually  [if] know a few combinations of astrology, do point out, sir I have such and such yoga, but I have not yet got any such results. What is the reason for these sufferings?

Curse is the only answer for such cases. Careful observation leads to presence of curses in the horoscope, which does not allow the subject to enjoy any pleasures in the life. Old timers in astrology with experience proclaim that curse if present in a horoscope does not give fruits of normal yoga unless it is alleviated .

Curses are combination of planets irrespective of lagna sometimes operative on a horoscope. in fact every horoscopic combination indicates somke ind of  latent curse. Some take off early, some late in life, or few births away.

Till these curses are obsolved the subject does not gain fruits of his good karma. Just as if yogakaraka graha operates its dasha only after longevity is exhausted, no effect of raj yoga etc. can be seen [i.e. if raj yoga is present, but dasha giving this yoga is operation in 70’s, but the person dies before 60, then such yoga is fruitless.] similarly a curse ridden horoscope is useless in terms of giving the good results.

Curses are found in the horoscope by the placement of badhaka graha and its relation with sixth eighth and twelfth. The placement of badhaka in a inimical condition usually indicates curses.

What are curses?

A curse is a inimical thought of a helpless man/woman in condition of torment or annoyance. A curse can also be a order for fall from a powerful. A curse is a punishment from the heavens to the guilty when done with complete consciousness. A curse is a mitigation of excess favours one has to receive By GOD. [Like Gautam case]

In all curse has to be identified and then several remedies must be taken to mitigate them and receive the proper yogas fruits. Curse can only be mitigated by sincere apologies and prayaschita.

Sometimes curse conjoin a dynasty, especially ruling class when they falter they undergo curses from masses, and this can be seen in the way, coming generation suffer.

Such curses can only be removed by expert and empowered Yogis.


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