Monday, 18 April 2022


By Sri Chiraan 2009/04/06

The two uses of Astrology is 1. Ayushcha and 2. Lokyatra. One is determining longevity and discerning the life events. The men with lower longevity cannot enjoy the yogas of the horoscope, and fruits of dasha antardasha. In aliyuga it is very difficult to determine these with less intellect. However Deha and Jeeva sphutas make these very easy to understand. Jeeva determines longevity and Deha gives the life events. 

Lagna is Deha and eighth is Jeeva;

Malefics occupying 3 6 11 will give long life. If jeeva and deha are strong then long life is indicated, one is strong the other weak medium life is indicated and if both are weak then person die soon.

  • If lagna lord is strong and exalted, the person will have name fame, wealth and overcome his enemies.
  • If in mooltrikona he will have plenty of clothes ornaments and happiness.
  • If in own house friendly house, he will live happily  with money, wife children, and relations overcoming difficulties.
  • If in inimical signs there will be sickness, troubles from kings and thieves, fear from fire and calamities to wife children and friends.
  • If in debilitation the person lives in foreign lands being driven by poverty, loss of position etc.
  • If in combustion or in association with gulika or malefic planets, the person lives maimed in unknown place through incantations of enemies or orders of rulers or he will be executed.
  • If lagna is in urdhodaya rasi long life is predicted.
  • The longevity is predicted  from lagna, it is Pindayu, from SUN it is Amsa Ayu and from Moon it is naisargik ayu.
  • Longevity is also predicted from ashtakvarka.
  • longevity is also predicted from Saturn.
  • Thus there are many ways of calculating longevity each giving different life span.
  • Which applies to a particular horoscope is always a challenge to Astrologer.


Once Three great astrologers [who never failed in their predictions] from Kerala came to Raghavendra Swamy matt. Shri Raghavendra swamiji handed over a horoscope to each of them, and asked them to calculate the longevity. After hours of calculation, the three Astrologers determined that

  • The owner of horoscope would live for 70 years
  • The other declared a 300 years
  • Third one declared 700 years 

The sabha was surprised and eager to know whose horoscope that was. Raghavendra swamiji said the horoscope was his own. But what about the three different ages. Were the astrologers wrong in calculation. The astrologers came they cannot go wrong. But how can one man have three longevities.

This puzzled even astrologers, then great learned Shri Raghavendra Swamiji declared all the astrologers were correct, he would live with a mortal body for 70 years, after which he will take sajeeva samadhi and continue to live in samadhi Vrundavan of Mantralayam for 700 years, and his books and teachings will be effectively preached till 300 years. The people and scholars gathered appreciated the astrologers, and praised Shri Raghavendra swamy for his intense knowledge of jyotishya as well. The scholars were felicitated by the Mutt and swamiji with gold and cash and certificates citation etc.

Many years later, while teaching a bunch of students in an open ground, some airborne vehicle past by in the space, Swamiji at once stood up and raised his thumb in questioning mode, and then raising two waved it thrice. After some time he sat down. The students curious asked about his strange gestures in space.

Swamiji explained, the person in the aerial vehicle were celestial beings, they were enquiring how many days he would still stay on the earth in mortal body. He had replied by waving two fingers thrice indicating two years, two month, and two days.

Thus tears rolled down the disciples eyes as Swamiji had indicated his departure from worldly affairs. Their association was coming to an end.

Then one day he sought to cut a stone specially in the midst of forest to ready his Vrundavan mantle. Why this particular stone only? Then Swamiji replied this the stone on which Shri Ramchandra Prabhu had sat while moving towards Kishkindha. Thus it was very sacred stone and he wanted to take jeeva samadhi into this stone.

Then he chose to inspect his seat at a particular spot, saying this was the place where he had performed the Yagnya to achieve Indra’s abode in his previous birth as Prahlad.

Thus Mantralayam is the place where Prahlad had performed yagnya, and Shri Raghavendra swamy has sat here in asampragyat Samadhi alive inside the Vrundavan made of the stone touched by Shri Ramchandra. What a holy place for the devotees to get their wishes fulfilled .

Its been 340 years since Shri Raghavendra swamiji entered Vrundavan at Mantralayam. He will continue to bless the devotees for another 360 years. Let us all take the blessings of the great teacher and fulfil our desires in this and other world.

||Shri Gururajo vijayate ||


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