Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Ascendant - Qualities of Individual

By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/26

Ascendant is the sign rising in the east, at the time of birth. Ascendant determines the qualities of an individual. 

  • When aspected by benefics one will have beauty and happiness of the body
  • When tenanted by benefics ,one will have bodily beauty
  • When moon is conjunct benefics , one will be beautiful
  • When moon is aspected by benefics , one will be beautiful
  • When in good bhavas, one will be righteous
  • Jupiter or venus in kendras will make one righteous

Pandu wanted a son who would justly rule the world. Thus he asked Kunti to pray Dharmaraj [Yama] to bestow a son by his grace who would be Just and righteous. Thus Yudhisthira was born.

Again at the end of the year Pandu thought, it will just be not enough to be good and righteous, one requires strength to save oneself from the enemies, thus he asked Kunti to pray the most powerful in the universe to bestow son. Lord is most powerful, after him Lord vayu is most powerful, thus Kunti prayed Vayu to bestow her a strong son. Bheema was born, as she was holding him [child] on the peak of a mountain [shatshrunga], the child slipped, mother was in a state of shock, but Lo! as the child fell on the mountain, it broke it pieces [such was the strength of Bheema, even as a child], now it rightly justified its shatashrunga [mountain with hundred peaks owing to cracks].

Pandu again contemplated, when enemy attacks, Bheema may save him from external aggression, on an expedition, other enemies might attack the land, hence there has to be one more strong warrior son to save the land during such times. Now Vayu was the most powerful, he has already been approached, Kunti cannot call him again [as per the boon of Durvasa], after Vayu, Garuda shesha and Rudra are powerful, Garuda does not take birth on earth [as principle], Shesha and Rudra are very hot tempered personalities, thus it would not be wise to have such sons. So next in line is INDRA, so Kunti prays Indra to bestow a son, thus Arjuna is born.

Pandu now wished to have more sons, but this time a handsome one, with bodily felicity. Kunti refused, just as previous requests were justified for the sake of kingdom, this one was purely personal and did not justify the niyog process of obtaining a son. So Pandu insisted on giving the devavashikarana mantra to Madri, Kunti gave upadesha to Madri with a condition that she could use it only once [because if she had more sons than her, then they may engage in mutual fight]. Madri wanted two sons and hence thought to call Ashwini twins to get two sons in one stroke. Thus Nakul and Sahadev were born. They were extremely beautiful.

Bheema and Arjuna were also beautiful [handsome] but their bodies were extremely hard and well toned. Probably people consider only tender bodies to be handsome and beautiful in the world. Beauty is of two types 1. inner beauty of qualities, beauty of mind [suniti] and external beauty of features.

Nakul was very handsome [beauty of body] and Sahadeva was extremely noble  with expertise in neetishastra [beauty of mind].

  • All women like people who are noble. [Sahadev]
  • Women like people who have good features more than noble persons. [Nakul]
  • Women like truthful people more than men with beauty. [Yudhisthira]
  • Women like dynamic,brilliant successful people more than truthful men [Arjuna]
  • Women like well built, intelligent saviour men more than anything else in this world [Bheemasena].

Thus Bheema was most liked by Both Krushnaa [Draupadi] and Krishna [Lord Vishnu].


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