By Sri Chiraan 2008/12/21
Bheema was the greatest Pandava. He was the main hero of Mahabharath. Bheema was extremely intelligent, knowledge and foremost in Dharma and most dearest to Krishna [more than Arjuna]. Yudhisthira was eldest among Pandavas. He had a fetish for worldly Dharma only.
Yudhisthira while in exile [Vanavasa] in forest, had almost become a recluse and withdrawn personality. He had more or less given up the desire to get back his Kingdom, and planned to spend rest of his life in the forest. Bheema knew this was against Kshatriya Dharma. He sent Draupadi to inspire Yudhisthira to gear up for a war against Kauravas, in case they refuse to return their Kingdom [which was eventual given the nature of Kauravas].
Draupadi said "Oh King, it is not a Dharma to let the criminals go free, for they should be punished and this is the duty of a King."
Dharmaraj said "Man suffers by the will of the GOD, Kauravas have not insulted on their own without the will of the LORD, lest it is not right to keep a revengeful attitude towards them. Forgiveness is the best quality needed, moreover a war with Kauravas means killing Bheeshma and guru Drona, Kripa etc which is completely adharma and full of Sin. Please do not inspire me towards such heinous act, there is nothing wrong living rest of the life as hermits here. Be in your limits as wife and woman."
Seeing Yudhisthira adamant and melancholic, Bheema the wisest added "Oh king, listen to my words carefully
- It is right both good and the bad are under the control of the GOD
- But it is also true that a soul has to make efforts
- It is the efforts according to which a fruits are given by the Lord
- Know this efforts to be also under the control of this LORD
- One must make efforts [prayatna] to please God
- Efforts should be in accordance with the law laid down by the God
- Kshatriya should punish those who are against the laid down Law
- Those who steal others property, wife, kingdom, and wealth
- Those who kill people for the sake of wealth
- Those who trouble other innocents without any purpose
- All these are known as atatayis
- There is no sin in killing these atatayis
- Even if one surrenders, if he has committed those heinous crimes, he must still be killed
- However this time he must be killed through one’s servants and not by self [king]
- Kauravas are atatayis, there is no sin in killing them through war
- Whatever is lost by giving to a woman [while being taken away by her beauty], in a gambling, and whatever given out of fear can always be taken back. There is no sin in it.
- So make efforts towards war, without your permission we cannot wage war
- One gets fruits due to action
- Action is dependent on
- Yogyata [Capacity]
- Anadi Poorva Karma [past merits, horoscope]
- Prayatna [efforts]
Listening to this discourse Yudhisthira finally agrees to wage a war, and thanks his brother to have got him into the right path.
Likewise Bheema is the Vayu present as breath in all of us, inspiring us to do the right karma, efforts is the only way with which we can show gratitude to this Jeevottama [the greatest among the souls].
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