Saturday, 9 April 2022

Effect of the debilitated planet – Yudhisthira

By Sri Chiraan 2008/10/08/

Yudhisthira had a combination of Raja Yoga enabling him to lord over entire 11 lokas. His kingdom /Lordship exceeded that of Indra. Having defeated both Indra and Shiva with the help of Bheemasena and Arjuna. It was during such invasion on swarga Arjuna confronted Urvasi and got cursed. Showing they had transworld interaction in the very human form. But despite such beautiful combination raja yoga (dharma karmadhipati in simhasanamsha), Yudhisthira was born in vrishchika rasi having moon debilitated. Even if one planet is debilitated ,  during its dasa and antardasa gives loss wealth, position, and danger of death. and such antardasa repeatedly come in once life. Look how Yudhisthira continuosly at frequent intervals in his life faced dangers of Death (laksha graha, ekchakrapuri, yaksha prasna ,chitrasena gandharva, vanavasa,virat nagar agyat vasa, arjuna’s wrath on Yudhisthira, karna letting him go alive, dyut krida twice, khandava dahan) .their last rites were performed by people of hastinapur thrice ,even while they were alive, He suffered poverty many times, born in jungle, went to ekchakrapuri lived in a broken house giving rent to a poor bramhin,during vanvasa  Sage Durvasa had come to ask food when everything in his house was empty, a day of poverty(even though he had akshaya patra he could not feed Durvasa, ofcourse Lord Krishna helped him out).when he did ashwamedha yagya after Mahabharata war he had no money to feed bramhins  so Krishna  again saved him  with treasure of Vali from Ramayana. left over wealth of King Bali beyond Meru. All this for a debilitated planet. The avastha described for debilitated planet is Rikta BY Muni Parashar, it does not leave even a great emperor of the 11 worlds.

But continuing from previous post, could all these have been avoided by the living apostle of Dharma of his times.  Answer is Yes , because these souls Yudhisthira, Nala ,Harishchandra, Laxmana, all these are above nine planets in terms of strength and calibre. They can very well command these planets to shower good fortune without break irrespective of their destiny. Then why did they have misfortune take over them. There are multiple reasons for these behaviour. We shall examine them one by one.

1. these were all divine beings descended from the heavens. They were not humans in any way. When super humans descend , they have ,a secret oath ,administered in the court of Lord Narayana that they would ,all the while ,resist from using their divine powers /abilities. Most of these births are to be born as aides to Lord to serve him on the earth . to delude demons into believing that they are just humans. Hence the pact is to remain as human as possible. One who fulfils this condition is given more marks i.e. more appreciation from Lord Krishna. But not all keep their promises. Some out of anger / ego and sometimes in disgust at the events around them , just remember their original form and regain their abilities and powers. but they lose out in the race . Just as we humans have a race in the life as to who will live an honest and serene life . but many of us fail in given circumstances to keep our honesty and serenity. we sin. These greats do not sin under any circumstances and that is why they are divine . But they are judged by the above criteria. (i shall give some examples of such behaviour in next posts.

2. BhagvadGeetha says to  remain unaltered (within chittha) in happiness and sorrow and unattached to the  material (events as well as to objects). These greats were param Bhagavata . hence they take things as they come without actually making effort to either avoid the events nor do they make special efforts in acquiring fame, wealth etc. Things come to them naturally and they enjoy them without being attached. For e.g. Bheemasena never used any astras even though he had siddhi of 9 crores astras. even if it meant immediate death when faced with agni astra. he did not counter them but made pieces of them with his own heat. Pandavas remained bramhacharya most of the times in their life even if they had most beautiful women as their wife. and many other wives. they were unattached to pleasures and pains of loss of kingdom.

3. Man has many types of karmas binding him a> Sanchita karma b> agami karma c> prarabdha karma. sanchita is one we have accumulated over many births. agami that we are definitely going to perform in our future births without our having any control. Prarabdha is that which we are presently enjoying or suffering. a part sanchita later becomes prarabdha. out of this prarabdha there is one more which is called anadi karma. that which covers the souls like a skin of banana.This is the grand plan of Lord . this is what no one can change. Most of the events that we have mentioned are of this nature. Though Lord is mercifull he showers benefits to even mitigate these . But at that stage a bhakta becomes nirlipta to ask for such favours. instead he chooses to bear the destiny leaving everything to Lord . –a Jeevanmukta. Yudhisthira and all such others and Pandavas were Jeevanmuktas.

I have given the above points to the best of my knowledge and learning it is not complete in itself , more learned may throw more light on it and whatever errors found be forgiven and taken as in  hansaKshirnyaya.



  1. vikas said: May 31, 2011 at 21:18

    guruji pranam
    respected guruji does debilitated planets acts according to the chart in which they are (for example if they are in rashi chart they effect self ,or if they are in navamansa they effect spouse) or they effect generally same for all charts(if it debiliated in navamansa and not debiliated in rashi)
    humble pranama

  2. Chiraan said: June 5, 2011 at 07:45

    debilitated planet in amshas kills a yoga , but effects are wrt to karkatva .

  3. gframesch said: November 10, 2009 at 06:02


  4. Chiraan said: November 10, 2009 at 15:35

    Died is not the correct word, Krishna is never born nor dies .

  5. Human said: September 5, 2009 at 07:41

    Pranam Chiraan Jee,

    I have asked the above question because in one of the above comment (which you have published) Bheeshma’s age was said to be 175 years. However you have said 120 years.

    Please clarify as it will help other readers as well.

    Note- I ask questions because I do feel that this Forum is Authentic. Thank you for sharing and spreading the correct knowledge.


  6. Chiraan said: September 5, 2009 at 15:09


  7. Human said: September 3, 2009 at 09:49

    Pranam Chiraan Jee,

    “Bheeshma was 120 years” old-

    With my limited knowledge, I am not able to calculate logically Bheeshma’s age=120 years at the time of war. Please justify his age.(as on the net some of the pages says he died at the age of 350 years, creating confusion)

    1) Bheeshma’s age when he felled (i.e.on the 10th day of war)on the arrows-?

    2) Bheeshma’s age (when Sun becomes uttarayana) when he died – ?

    I believe answers to the above two questions would automatically clear the confusion of Bheesma’s age and the number of days he spent on the bed of arrows.

    Please clarify.


  8. Human said: September 2, 2009 at 09:22

    Pranam Chiraan Jee,

    “Sri krishna was 68 years of age at the time of Mahabharatha war. Mahabharath war took place 5109 years ago. when mars saturn and rahu were in Rohini shakata.”
    If I go by this than–
    How old were Yudhisthir, Bheemasen, Arjun, Bheeshma and Balhika (the oldest warrior of Mahabharta) at the time of Mahabharta war?

    Please clarify.


  9. Chiraan said: September 2, 2009 at 12:27

    Yudhisthir was 70 years, Bheemsen was 69 Arjun was 68 years, Nakul sahadev were 67, Bheeshma was 120 years, Balhika was 214 years

  10. gaurav Aora said:August 10, 2009 at 22:46

    Wat abt debilated planet in dusthana house and cancellation of debiliation??

  11. Chiraan said: August 11, 2009 at 00:31

    Debilitation is dushthana makes that sthana as durbala and hence gives some relief . but as karakatva it is doubly affected and gives much misery . there is never anything called as cancellation , it is only our wishfull thinking .

  12. A H Rao said: November 11, 2009 at 01:35

    Respected Chiraan ji,

    Even though moon is in Scorpio but not in debiliated degree?

    If moon is in different house in D-9 is it not ‘neecha bhanga’ ?

    A H Rao

  13. Chiraan said: November 11, 2009 at 02:27

    IT IS

  14. Venkatram Rao K said:April 1, 2009 at 18:45

    Lord Sri Krishna was born on 19th July 3228 B.C.
    Moon and lagna – Vrishabha, Mars: 3rd house/ Karkataka – Venus and Rahu: 4th house/Simha – Sun and Jupiter: 5th house/Kanya – Mercury: 7th house/Vrishika – Saturn and 9th house/Makara – Ketu – *(1).

    He Lived 125 years 7 months (18th or 20th Feb 3102 B.C., Kaliyuga started – 2 days difference due to different Ayanamasas).

    Arjuna is 7 months junior to Sri Krishna. Bheema and Duryodha are 0ne year senior than Sri Krishna.

    Mahabharata War was in the year 3138 B.C.

    Sri Krishna is 89-90 Years old at the time of War and Bheeshma Pitamaha is around 175 years old – At the age of 25 Bheesma’s father was remarried and his cousin had Sons after a long Gap!!!

    Earlier days the people comonly lived more than 100 years. We also know that our Grand Fathers are physically stronger than us.

    1. Sri B.V. Raman, Notable Horoscopes, Page 1.

  15. chiraan said: January 9, 2009 at 21:00

    Sri krishna was 68 years of age at the time of Mahabharatha war. Mahabharath war took place 5109 years ago. when mars saturn and rahu were in Rohini shakata . This is known as rohini shakata bhedha in Indian astronomy , there were two elclipeses within 13 days . Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse in a gap of 13 days. This was primarily beause war started on shuddha trayodashi Margashirsha . This combination repeated after 36 years of he war.when all yadavas killed in each other in a drunken brawl.
    Krishna had venus moon in the taurus lagna with sun in leo mars in capricorn ,jupiter in cancer ,it was the year when bhadrapada masa was in august ,ie sun in leo ,now a days we have shravan masa in august . it was wednesday Rohini nakshatra.
    the software simulation cannot help in this regard to get back to the eclipse beacuse , in many of the events Krishna has manipulated[ordered planets to occupy certain positions to suit the pandavas, he also made planet jupiter to revolve 13 times its orbit ina single day for completing the vrata, software in all possibilty cannote simulate such untimely feats ]

    Udyog parva of Mahabharath gives many planetary combinations for the time before and after Mahabharath .Krishna’s horoscope is well known as it is discussed in jayanthi niranay of Shrikrishna astami celebrations.


  16. Usha said: November 3, 2011 at 20:15

    Guruvaryaa, you said here Mahabarata war started on trayodashi day, and we mark Margashirsha shuddha ekadasi as Gita Jayanti… does that mean war did not start immediately after Gita was explained? I am asking this because Arjuna says in the beginning of Giata, ‘Krishna, take me to the middle of the two armies assembled here and eager to fight…’

    Humble pranams.

  17. Chiraan said: November 3, 2011 at 23:20

    though fixed on trayodashi by krishnas maya war started two days earlier

  18. Krishna Kadiri said: March 21, 2012 at 16:12

    A non-astrological comment: Yudhishthira and other Pandavas do not have any karma, other than praarabdha karma. They, being devatas, get rid of sanchita and aagami karmas the moment they get aparoxa-jnaana. This is as mentioned in Gita – jnAnAgnidagdhakarmANaM tam AhuH paNDitaM budhAH. Also, please gita tatparya nirnaya of Sri Madhvacharya: naiva devapadaM prAptAH brahmadarshanavarjitAH

  19. chiraan said: March 21, 2012 at 19:03

    The horoscope of a person shows prarabdha karma only for all the persons and every person reaps prarabadha only

  20. Krishna Kadiri said: March 21, 2012 at 19:14

    True, but others ‘pick up’ aagaami and have sanchita, which can potentially become praarabdha in future births… whereas these devataamshas do not.

  21. Chiraan said: March 21, 2012 at 22:30

    owing to shapa of mandhata yama becomes shudra … now that is agaami or prarabdha …?

    angad had accumulated excess punya so his life is cut short in mahabharta as abhimanyu ..
    this cutting short is due to karma in ramayana .. which karma lepa is that … agaami or prarabdha ?
    so excess punya in ramayana hasnt it become potential prarabdha in mahabharata ?
